The Fighter

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The Fighter Page 10

by Elin Peer

  “I didn’t know you had a security system.”

  Tapping his temple, he nodded. “We policemen can never be too careful. We deal with some pretty bad scum on occasion.” Taking another step into the bedroom, Leo sunk down on the bed on the opposite side. “Why did you come here?”

  “Because I wanted to see you.”

  His eyes darted around the room as if checking whether something was missing. “I saw your drone outside.”

  “It’s not my drone, it’s one of my father’s. He just lets me use it.”

  Leo’s eyes fell to my bare shoulder before he rubbed his face. “I thought you were mad at me after today, but you don’t look mad.”

  “Why would I be mad?” My smile was meant to cover up how nervous I was.

  “Because I confiscated your research.”

  “I get why you did it and I kind of like that you’re so strong and protective.”

  I expected Leo to call me out on my bluff, but he was intoxicated and broke into a boyish smile that almost sucked the air out of me.

  “You do?” At that moment he was beautiful and radiant as he sat close enough for me to reach out and touch. The thought made me pull my hands back in my lap.

  “Uh-huh.” I couldn’t help smiling back at him. “You should smile more often, Leo.”

  “I used to, but then Commander Magni gave me the toughest position in the country and I’ve been fucking tense ever since.”

  I tilted my head. “If you don’t like being an inspector, then why do it?”

  He pulled off his jacket and threw it on the floor. “I don’t mind being an inspector. But being the protector of a gorgeous young woman who insists on coming to work and putting herself in danger every day is bloody exhausting.”

  My palm flew to my chest. “Are you talking about me?”


  “You think I’m gorgeous?”

  Leo lowered his brow. “That’s not the point. The point is that you shouldn’t…” He trailed off and just watched me.

  “I shouldn’t what?”

  “Why do you show up to fight training wearing tight clothes that show off your beautiful curves? Or those shorts you wear to show us all your long golden-brown legs.” He used his hand to signal how short my shorts had been.

  “They weren’t that short.”

  “Fuck yeah they were. You can’t wear hot pants or tight outfits like that. You have no idea how it affects all us men.” He hiccupped. “I mean the other men.”

  “But not you?”

  “Na-huh. Not me.”

  Tilting my head to the other side, I smiled at him. “Liar.”

  “Okay. Maybe it affects me a little bit.” Squinting his eyes, Leo underlined his admission by showing a bit of distance between his thumb and index finger while smiling again.

  The same feeling of satisfaction that I’d felt when I found my shirt in his nightstand now warmed me from the inside out. Curiosity about how it would feel to let him touch me convinced me that it was time to get out of his bedroom. Getting up, I walked to the door. “You’re probably tired. I should go.”

  “Hey, what happened to your pants?”

  Looking down at my torn pants, I felt my face turn hot. “Ehm, they tore.”


  I rubbed my nose and thought about some clever answer, but Leo’s closeness and the curiosity that always got me in trouble whispered about this moment’s being a great opportunity to try out some of the things I had only fantasized about.

  “What happened, Raven?” Leo leaned closer. “Are you bleeding?”

  “It’s nothing. I just tore my pants when I climbed your fence. I got a scratch, but I’ll survive.”

  Leo’s mouth opened as if he wanted to say something, but then he shook his head and reached out his hand toward the tear in my pants. “Do you want me to clean your wound?”

  From the back of my mind, the not-to-be-trusted Raven pushed forward and spoke on my behalf. “Would you?”

  But internally my head was a war zone between the sensible part of me and my troublemaker.

  No, you should be leaving now. You got what you came for, and Leo touching you isn’t part of the plan. Just get out!

  But the troublemaker inside me tempted, Come on, wouldn’t it be fun to play a little? Leo would never hurt a woman and you always found him attractive. Don’t pretend you haven’t been curious about men for years, and how often does a chance like this come along? Have a little fun?

  No, don’t do it!

  Ah, come on, you know how you can’t resist the chance to try new things for the first time.

  Raven, be sensible. You are going to get yourself into trouble – you always do.

  “You sure that you want me to clean your wound?”

  Leo’s question brought me back from the war zone in my head.

  “No,” I said while at the same time taking a step closer and almost standing between his legs. “I mean, yes.”

  Leo who was still sitting on the bed leaned his head back and met my eyes. His hands hovering on the side of my thighs without touching. “Which is it? Yes or no?”

  “Yes, I would like you to clean my wound.”

  This time his Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed hard again. “Alright, but if I touch you…”

  Already knowing what he was going to say, I cut him off. “Don’t worry, Leo. I won’t tell Magni or my dad.”

  “I’m only going to clean your wound.”


  In a slow movement, he nodded his head before taking a deep breath and touching my leg. I stood completely still, suppressing the warnings in my head and enjoying the thrill of seeing Leo separate the torn edges of the textile and assess the scratch on my inner thigh. “You’re still bleeding a little.”

  “Am I?”

  “Yes.” He pushed me back a little to create space for him to get up from the bed and move to his bathroom. “Why were you climbing my fence anyway?”

  “Because you didn’t answer the door and I thought you might have gone to bed.”

  A moment later, Leo stood in the doorway with a first-aid kit in his hand. “And what was so urgent that you couldn’t tell me tomorrow?”

  “Oh, like I just said, you know…” I bit my lip. “Just that I wasn’t mad at you…” I avoided his eyes and flushed red, hoping he would buy my obvious lie.

  Walking back to the bed, Leo kept his eyes on me. “Try again. You don’t break into a man’s house without a good reason. Did you snoop through my drawers?” His eyes fell briefly on the nightstand where my tank top was hidden.

  “No, of course not.”

  “Hmm, admit it, Raven, you were looking for your research?”

  “Why would I come here for that? You have it at the station, don’t you?” I gave him a sincere look.

  Leo pointed to the bed. “Sit down and let me look at your leg.”

  I watched him kneel down in front of me and use both his hands to tear my pants open even more.

  “Ehm, Raven, I hate to ask you this, but would you mind spreading your legs a little for me?” Leo gave me another charming smile and again my insides did a somersault. A strong urge to reach out and touch him spread like wildfire inside me.

  Don’t do it, my sensible voice warned and made me lean back on my elbows to create distance and keep myself from touching him.

  “Like this?” I spread my legs and held my breath a little when he nodded.

  “I’m just going to lift your leg so I can see it better with the light.” With a hand under my knee, Leo raised my thigh up and began cleaning the wound with his other hand.

  “I can hold my leg up so you can use both hands.”

  “Thank you, it’s a bit difficult with the fabric getting in the way.”

  “Do you want me to take off my pants?”

  His eyes widened, but then he regained his composure and cleared his throat. “Ehm, sure… maybe that would make it easier to see the wound.”

spoke to my sense of adventure that I’d never been in a situation like this, and from the way Leo touched me with gentle hands, I felt in control. With a small smile, I looked into his brown eyes and raised my hips up from the bed. “Pull.”

  He hesitated only for a second before he hooked his fingers into the waistline of my soft pants and peeled them off me.

  “How did that feel?” I giggled a little. “It’s the first time you’ve undressed a woman, isn’t it?”

  Leo’s ears and neck were red, and he dried his forehead like he was sweating.

  “You look hot, Leo. Why don’t you lose that thick sweater? This might take a while.”

  “Yeah, it feels like a fucking sauna in here.”

  I laughed, feeling giddy because of the strong reaction I was getting from him. “You’re just flustered because you’ve never had a woman in your bed before, aren’t you?”

  He laughed back. “I’m gonna wake up soon and discover it was just a dream.”

  “Oh, so you think you’re dreaming this?”

  “I must be.” His hands returned to my thigh and he pushed my leg to the side a little. “It makes complete sense that I would create a scenario like this in my head, with you being vulnerable and needing my help. Soon, I’ll wake up in a bar realizing that I passed out from drinking or some shit.”

  “Yeah, I think you’re right. But if this is all just a creation of your imagination, then I have to wonder why I’m the only one in your bed. Why not two women – or four for that matter?”

  “Jeezis, Raven.”

  I giggled again. “Oh, come on. I know you are kind of boring, but I took you for a man with confidence. You don’t think you could handle more than one woman?”

  “Not if they are your kind. You count for four women at least, what with your ability to break my neck if I don’t satisfy you.”

  A deep roar of laughter erupted from me.

  Leo was laughing too. “It’s not funny. We both know that you would taunt me for a lifetime if I disappointed you in bed, and you’d probably tell everyone at the station too.”

  My white panties stood in contrast to my caramel-colored skin, and I looked down to see my hand on my belly, which was bumping up and down with laughter. “You can’t blame me for what happens in your dream, though. If you don’t satisfy me it would be because you doubt yourself, and some psychologist would get a trip out of that for sure.”

  Cleaning the wound took much longer than necessary but when Leo pulled back and told me he was done, I wasn’t ready for this playful interaction to end.

  “I think you did okay, Leo, but honestly, your care-giving needs that little extra touch.”

  “What touch? I cleaned it and covered the wound. There’s nothing more I can do.”

  “Kya always had a secret weapon when I was young.” I let my finger trail from my belly button over my panties and down my thigh to the wound. “She would kiss it to make it feel better.”

  Leo’s breathing got heavier and his tone deeper. “Hmm, and would you like me to kiss you?”

  I nodded and tapped my finger on my thigh. “Right here.”

  Leo’s hands slid up my shins to my knees as he leaned forward and kissed my right thigh. It felt so intimate and the way he squeezed my knees made my body buzz with excitement. Pulling back, he watched me with hunger. “Anywhere else you need me to kiss you?”

  “When I climbed your fence, I might have stretched a muscle.”

  “Oh yeah? Where?”

  I bit my lower lip and used my index finger to point to a place higher up on my inner thigh.

  His Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat again as he moved forward again and kissed my inner thigh. I heard him inhale deeply close to my core, like he was taking in the scent of woman, and then his tongue touched my sensitive skin near the edge of my panties. It tickled and made me tense up and gasp out loud.

  Leo stiffened like he had done something wrong, so I weaved my hands into his hair to signal I was okay.

  Emboldened by my touching him, Leo’s hands moved up my thighs again and he pressed his face against my panties with a low growl that vibrated against my clit. “You have no idea how much I want to rip these off.”

  “Then why don’t you? This is your dream, Leo.”

  Lifting his head, he locked eyes with me. “Don’t fuck with me, Raven.”

  My voice was bubbly from amusement. “You sure about that?”

  Leo was studying me like he was trying to read me. “You know what I mean.”

  “Yes, you just said it loud and clear.” I sat up and reached for the pants that he’d tossed on the bed. “You don’t want me to fuck with you, so I guess I’d better go now.”

  Leo’s fingers bored into my hips. “No one in this world drives me as insane as you do.”

  “We all have a gift, I guess, but since this is your dream, I find it bizarre that you would refuse to have sex with me. Makes me wonder if you’re not into women after all.”

  Leo, who had been kneeling on the floor, moved fast and with two hands under my armpits he moved me further back on the bed and crawled on top of me. “If this is my dream then I’m taking you tonight.”

  “Taking me where?” My eyes were sparkling with humor, but I didn’t get a chance to say anything more before he silenced me with a long kiss.

  It was like being knocked out in a fight. Suddenly, the conflicting voices in my head went quiet. My mind was always popping with ideas and questions but not while Leo kissed me. It was like the touch of his lips against my lips sucked out every thought process from my brain and left a vacuum of blissful quiet inside me.

  I’d never kissed anyone like this, and for someone who had longed to be accepted ever since my mom neglected me as a child, I couldn’t get enough. Leo wanted me. His strong hands on my body, his heavy breathing, and his demanding kisses made me feel almost desperate for more. “Say that you want me.”

  “Oh, you have no fucking idea how bad I want you.”

  My hands were in his hair, and I wrapped my legs around him, holding him close. “I want you too.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yes.” It was the most urgent thirst that I’d ever felt and nothing about this was funny to me any longer. My playful messing around out of curiosity had been replaced with an all-consuming need to have Leo. I was tearing at his clothes and biting his shoulder and neck to satisfy this new and strange hunger that burned inside me.

  “Fuck, I knew you’d be a wildcat. Slow down, babe.”

  But I couldn’t slow down and with a sense of desperation I pushed his pants down and moaned in his ear. “Show me how much you want me.”

  Leo broke out of the hold I had on him and pushed my legs off him as he pulled back on his haunches to rip my panties apart. “You think you can handle it if I show you?”


  With a firm grip on my hips, he lowered his head between my legs and used his elbows to keep my thighs apart. “Careful what you wish for. I’ve got more than fifteen years’ pent-up sexual appetite to take out on you.” His words were followed by a playful smile.

  “You talk too much; how about you show me instead?”

  Leo’s charming grin made my insides melt and I felt a tingling sensation in my stomach when he nibbled on my inner thigh and licked all the way up to the most sensitive part of my body. In fascination, I watched as Leo devoured me with a ferocious appetite. “Oh… that’s… wow…” It was impossible to keep my body still with the amazing sensations of his tongue licking me. There were no male sex-bots in the Northlands and because I’d lived here since I was eleven, my contact with sex toys had been limited.

  The sounds of Leo sucking on my clit and the sight of how wet his face was when he looked up at me made me cover my eyes. This was my boss, and I would never be able to look at him again without knowing what extreme pleasure he could give me.

  “Look at me, Raven.”

  I moved my hand and smiled back at him and didn’t protest when he l
owered his head and suckled on my clit again. “It’s so good, Leo… so amazing.”

  He kept at it and when I almost couldn’t take anymore and began arching my back, he kept me in place and pushed me all the way to a screaming orgasm with his fingers and tongue.

  “Yes… Yes… Yes… Leo…” I moaned and panted, unable to control my breathing or my need to scream out my joy at this amazing gift he was giving me.

  While blissful happiness had me on a cloud, Leo moved his kisses up across my belly button, to my breasts, where he let his tongue play with my nipples. “You have the most gorgeous tits,” he muttered low and positioned himself with his knees on either side of my waist. I opened my eyes to see him push my breasts together and slide his erection between them.

  “You like that?” I asked him and lifted my hand to his ripped six-pack. “You like playing with my body?”

  Leo’s pupils were dilated, making his eyes appear almost black. He licked his lips and gave me a hoarse “Fuck yes.”

  My hands were roaming over his strong chest, shoulders, and biceps while he kept pressing my breasts together and playing with my nipples. “What do you want, Raven?”

  I wasn’t sure what to answer. This was all new and exciting to me and being twenty-two, I had fantasized about sex since I first got my hands on a romance novel at the age of thirteen.

  “What do you want?” he repeated but when I still didn’t answer, he took over.

  “Open your mouth.” He moved higher on my body, his knees now on each side of my shoulders as he lowered himself against my lips. With the way he had licked me, I had no reservations in giving back.

  “That’s right. Open up wide. Ahh, yes, your mouth is so warm.” Leo began pushing his hips back and forth but with his size he reached my throat and pushed against my uvula, making me gag a few times.

  He stopped and caressed my face. “Relax and breathe through your nose.”

  Giving a small nod, I used my nostrils to inhale and exhale and ignored that my eyes were watering. Leo had his eyes fixed on my mouth, making sounds of deep pleasure. The raw desire in his eyes filled a void inside me.

  “Relax, beautiful. Just take me in your mouth and use that delicious tongue of yours for what it was meant.”


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