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Heart Broke (Broken Home Book 1)

Page 8

by Angela Stevens

  I hold up my phone. “She says, she misses me.”

  “Oh. Wow. That’s great,” my mother nods, shielding her eyes. Teddy, of course, is happy to help her, his arms wrapped around her from the back to help cover her face.

  I’d like to tell that Prank to get his hands off my mother but I can’t right now because my Franny misses me and I figure I’d better go see my sweet lips. I dig through the clothes in my laundry basket, pulling out a clean pair of black jeans. I go to my closet where there is one, clean, button-up, slate-gray, long-sleeve shirt. My emergency shirt that my mother bought me for church—if she should ever get the day off. Though until tonight, I’ve chosen not to wear it because it makes me look like a rich Prick.

  Sliding my arms into the arm holes, I’m surprised at how comfortable the shirt is. The fabric feels lighter than I thought it would and despite the form-fitting style, there seems to be plenty of give, which I’ll need to climb up that big oak.

  And that’s exactly what I’m about to do.

  Pulling up in my Thunderbird down the road so her parents don’t freak, I jog up the sidewalk towards Franny’s house and stealthily make my way across the lawn. From the base of the big oak, I look up and study the branches I will use to get to Franny’s window.

  Her light is on. She has no idea I’ve come, but if she gives me any shit about showing up so late on a school night, I’ll have to spank her. It’s completely her fault for flashing me her pretty ass and telling me she misses me. Although I can’t blame her completely. It’s not entirely her fault she’s so pretty, or her father did such a terrible job of teaching her to stay away from Pranks, especially the most irresistible Prank of all—me.

  Chapter 10


  I am so done with stupid homework!

  My book slams shut and I drop it back on my desk. At the moment, I am resentful that they have kept me from spending any time with Rick. Not that we could have done much or gone anywhere, really. Daddy still wants me in the house before he is home from work until I can prove to him that I’m going to be more responsible. I should be grateful this time it was just being grounded. In all honesty, I thought I was in for the biggest thrashing of my life.

  I pick up my phone and find Rick still hasn’t answered my last text. Was it too much telling him I missed him? On impulse, I begin texting him again but I don’t want him to think I’m whiney and needy so I delete it and toss my phone back on the bed. Instead, I pick up the shoebox of invitations I have been writing for my eighteenth birthday party. Daddy has insisted I invite all his friends’ kids because he wants their Daddies to see the big marquee he’s having erected in the back yard.

  He has gone all out, bought me this gorgeous sequined dress, and is having the whole thing catered. Bambi and Krystal have been helping me plan it for months but after Lance’s party the other night, I’m beginning to get cold feet. I pull out a group of invites and wonder why the heck these kids are even on my list, then I remember why—because they are Daddy approved.

  I shove the pile of envelopes into my backpack ready to take to school tomorrow and sigh. Honestly, I wish Daddy made me cancel it instead of grounding me. For some reason, I no longer feel excited about turning eighteen, though it will bring me one step closer to my goal of getting out of this place.

  Something clinks against my window and I wander over, throwing it open. “Rick!” I squeal and then clamp my hand over my mouth in case Daddy hears.

  Rick grins at me and cups his hands around his mouth so he can stage-whisper, “I’m coming up.”

  The next minute, he is scaling the oak tree and I wonder how he can make it look so easy. His arms flex as he hauls himself from branch to branch and the bulge in his biceps make me realize he is strong from all the work he does. When he reaches the limb that is level with my room, he puts out his arms and balances along it like an acrobat.

  He leans across the gap between the tree and the house, placing his hands on my windowsill as he supports himself. “Come here, Franny,” he commands and I obey.

  Rick winks at me. “Do that thing for me, baby.”

  I play dumb and fold my arms in front of my chest. “What thing?” But he reaches out and cups the back of my head, tugging me toward him.

  “You know exactly what thing, don’t be a tease, Franny.”

  He pouts and I just about melt into a puddle. If I thought his dimple was cute, Rick’s pout is hot! So, I lace my fingers around his neck and capture those big beautiful blue eyes with mine and slowly stick out my tongue so it glides along my bottom lip.

  “Fuck, Franny.” His mouth is on mine and his tongue is so far down my throat that I can barely breathe. “God that never gets old,” he says and he is panting, his eyes dilating, his skin flushing.

  “You are such a prick tease, sweet lips.”

  I giggle. “But you told me to do it.”

  He gives me a lopsided grin and butterflies flutter in my stomach.

  “So, you like it when I tell you what to do?”

  Oh, I do, I want to yell but my voice is strangled in my throat and instead it comes out as a breathy, “yes.”

  Now he has this wicked gleam in his eye and he tugs my hand, “Then come out here with me.”

  “I-I can’t.”

  He tugs again. “Don’t disappoint me, baby. You have me all fired up and I need to hold you.”

  I look back at my door to my room and can’t believe I’m contemplating doing this. If Daddy catches me…

  But I’m over at my bed shoving the pillow under the covers and arranging the comforter so it looks like I’m sleeping. Two minutes after I flip off the light, Rick is holding my hand and we sidestep along the oak branch together.

  My heart is beating loudly in my chest as we race across the grass and through the hedge at the bottom of the yard. “This way.” I tug his hand and he follows me down the leafy lane and I skip across the street and into the park. Secluded from my house, we hold hands and wander over to the slide.

  He sits at the bottom and pulls me on to his lap. My legs straggle him and his arms wrap around my waist. “Mmm, been thinking about being with you all night, sweet lips.”

  His voice is a low sexy drawl and his fingers run up and down my spine making me shiver.

  Rick’s fingers move to the knot and he uses it to tug me closer. “You didn’t change your clothes.”

  I blush as I realize I’m still wearing my unflattering school uniform. “That’s because I never expected to see you tonight.”

  His hand runs up my bare thigh and he is grinning. “That’s okay, I kind-a like it.”


  “Mhm. Very sexy. Aaaand it makes you very… accessible.” His hand slips under the hem and his fingers inch higher and higher. There is no way I can stop his exploration because at this moment those blue eyes and that dimple are hypnotizing me.

  “You know, I have been thinking about your ass all night long.” His mouth is on my neck and I’m squirming in his lap as my skin alternates between the pleasure and pain he generates while sucking and nipping at my throat. “That was very naughty of you, showing me that sweet round ass when you knew I couldn’t do anything but look.”

  As I wriggle, there is a hardness pressing against the crotch of my panties and I can’t think straight. It’s hot and huge and I’m wondering if all men’s junk feels this big. A strangled mewl slips out of my throat when his hands reach my ass cheeks. Rick responds with a groan as he rubs and squeezes my butt and the vibration from that guttural sound shoots through me straight to my core.

  But a few minutes later, his fingers are out from under my skirt and I don’t know whether to feel relief or disappointment. Before I can protest, he’s tugging at my blouse, undoing the knot at the front and then burrowing under the fabric.

  Strong fingers explore my ribs and sweep across my stomach and my brain is totally addled. All I can think about is how yummy he smells and…

  Oh. My. God. I freeze becaus
e his hand is on my breast and a finger pushes one of my bra straps down my arm. “Rick,” I close my eyes and my head lols back as the sensations his fingers rouse in me become too much.

  “I got you, baby. You like this?”

  I’m terrified and excited, and I want him to stop but I also want him to carry on.

  “Look at me, baby.”

  When I open my eyes, he reaches for my buttons, his fingers hovering as he seeks permission. “I want to see you, sweet lips.”

  I can’t speak, but I nod and am immediately filled with self-doubt. Will he like what he sees? How will I match up to other girls? I’ve always felt a little self-conscious about my small chest and now I’m panicking he’ll be turned off.

  A feral noise erupts from his throat and when I glance down, my shirt is spread wide and he is staring at my bra. His fingers slide the cups underneath my breasts and I’m bare to him.

  “Fuck,” the word comes out like a rush of wind and the heat from his breath causes another involuntary shiver across my skin. “Fuck.” He repeats, and his eyes shift to mine. Then his hands are kneading me and his lips are on my mouth. “Fucking so damn perfect,” he finally says as he pulls away from me, breathing hard.

  Both physically and emotionally I’m a mess. My skirt is shoved up leaving my thighs and the crotch of my now wet panties, exposed. My blouse is half way down my arms and my breasts are being caressed by the breeze. No matter how I try to focus or how loudly my conscious yells at me to slow things down, my thoughts are scattered and my libido is screaming for more.

  Rick’s fingers run through my knotted hair and he is muttering, “So fucking beautiful.” But then he sighs and shakes his head. “It’s late, I should put you back together.”

  Him dressing me is more erotic than when he removed my clothes because the smoldering expression on his face as he fastens the buttons and pulls down my skirt, tells me he is battling between desire and restraint. After he reties my blouse at the front, he puts his mouth to my ear. “You’re fucking killing me, baby.”

  When he stands, my legs are still wrapped around his waist and I’m disappointed he’s put a stop to our play but also relieved. As much as I so desperately want to go further, the park feels to exposed and public.

  Rick lowers me to the ground and his hand’s cup my face. “When are you eighteen?”

  “Two weeks.” I frown at his question.

  “Fuck.” He grabs my hand. “Then we’ll wait two more weeks before I fuck you.”

  I dig my heels into the grass and tug him back to me. “B-but I don’t want to wait, w-we can do it now.”

  He glances at me sideways, a grin appearing. “I’m not fucking you until your eighteen, Franny, no matter how many times you beg.”

  My cheeks grow hot and my belly is doing back flips as between my legs an ache which I instinctively know only he can take care of, blooms. He wraps his arm around my neck and that bulge in his trousers is pressing so close to the heat between my legs. His breath hits behind my ear and I’m a quivering wreck when he whispers. “But keep begging, Franny, it fucking turns me on when you beg.”

  I have no idea how I make it back up the tree to my room as my legs are like jelly and my brain can only think about the delicious things I want him to do to me. As I stretch to scale the gap onto the windowsill I glance down between my legs and he is standing underneath me, staring at my panties. Rick closes his eyes and shakes his head.

  When I’m back in my room, I look for him below but he has vanished. I search the shadows wondering where he went and then he is in front of me, demanding another kiss. When we part, he turns serious and grabs my shoulders. “Be my girl, Franny? Promise me.”

  “W-what about Daddy?”

  “Fuck, Daddy. Come on, sweet lips. I want you to be mine.”

  This is madness, there can never be a future for us. He is a Downtown Prank and I’m from Uptown. Our worlds are different, our futures too. In the fall, I go to college and him…? I don’t even know where he is headed or if he even has any plans. But he is looking at me in a way I can’t resist and my whole body is thrumming at the memory of his touch. Even though I know it is impossible, I want this boy, need to be with him.

  “Franny?” His voice is barely a whisper and my cocky Prank looks vulnerable for a split second, before he shoves his hands in his pockets and winks at me. “Are you gonna leave me hanging after that?” He jabs his thumb in the general direction of the park and my cheeks burn hot at the memory.

  “Okay, Rick, I’ll be your girl.”

  He punches the air and leaps down from the tree, landing on his feet without even using the branches. Startled, I lean out the window to see if he is okay but he is jumping in the air, his fist pumping some more. Rick turns to me and blows me a kiss. “Tomorrow, sweet lips. I’m gonna pick you up from school. Tomorrow.”

  Chapter 11


  Two weeks later…

  I’m staring at it again—the one strip of pictures I have of us, of me and Franny, together. I can’t afford a smartphone, so I don’t have the luxury of scrolling through a bazillion photos like most people. All I have is this strip of four little images, which Franny and I took together in a photo booth. It costs me seven dollars, which is pricier than most fast-food dinner combo meals but I’d gladly pay that seven dollars again. Even if I’d have to give up another meal, I’d most definitely pay for these pictures again.

  The photo-booth session lasted less than a minute, but it was the best minute of my life. I suspect by the way, Franny is making cock eyes in one picture, then laughing vicariously in another, and finally smiling with my lips pressed firm into her cheeks that she most likely enjoyed every second in that booth as well.

  I press the strip to my chest, which is aching. I miss her so much.

  Looking over to the clock, I see it’s near midnight and I want to text her but I shouldn’t. She needs rest as she says she has another exam tomorrow.

  I don’t know how she does it. For nearly two weeks, she’s been managing time spent in classes, keeping up with her homework, participating in after-school clubs, and still making time to sneak out of the house to be with me. And she does all of that under the pressure of her freaking father.

  She’s amazing.

  My stomach grumbles and I’m nowhere near tired, so I get up, sliding my picture into my back pocket and head downstairs. Zane is humming away and I see he is swirling a butter knife in a near-empty jar of peanut butter.

  I snatch the plastic bag that should contain some bread but there is only a single slice of the butt end left. “What the hell, man? Ma just bought this jar and loaf yesterday.”

  “Don’t blame me,” Zane is digging his tongue between his teeth to clean the peanut butter away. “Jimmy the kid from next door was over again.”

  I snatch the butter knife away and dig into the jar, scraping. My stomach growls, complaining.

  “So, what’s been going on with you, lover boy?” Zane leans back against the refrigerator and I wonder why we even keep an ice box. I’m sure the price we pay to the electric company to keep the inside cool is unnecessary since there’s rarely ever any food in there. The second Ma fills it up, it all gets eaten in less than a day. “You still seeing lip-lick?”

  “Yeah,” I lick the butter knife.

  “You fuck her yet?”

  I give Zane a wicked glare. I’m not talking to him about my love life.

  “Holy shit!” he scoffs. “You haven’t. Damn, no wonder you’ve been locked up in your room whenever you’re home. I’d be playing with my schlong all the time too if my chick was holding out on me.”

  “Shut up, Zane!” I throw the butter knife as if it were a dagger into the sink, making Zane flinch and then laugh.

  “Ah, c’mon, Rick. We all know you’re into this girl. I just hope she’s not jerking your chain. Rich chicks like that can have a reputation for playing with Pranks just to piss off their Prick dads and boyfriends and shit. Are you sure she�
�s not—”

  “She’s not like that! Okay?” I slam the empty peanut bar jar against the countertop before I whack it across the kitchen and it lands in the sink.

  “Okay. Sheesh.” Zane cocks his head, crossing his arms over his chest, trying to play cool. “So, what’s she like? Your girlfriend?”

  I know what Zane is doing. He’s trying to get me to spill the details. In truth, I don’t want to hide the details. The thought of Franny gets me so excited, I want to share every tiny, little detail that I can and I can’t stop the smile emerging as I mumble, “She’s amazing.”

  Zane grins back and chuckles. “Oh, fuck. You got it bad, lover boy.”

  My cheeks warm. “Mmm. Yeah.” I nod. “I do.”

  “So, how come you don’t bring her around here?”

  “I don’t know.” Should I bring her around? I would like for her to meet my Ma.

  “I’m surprised you haven’t slept with her yet.”

  “She’s seventeen.”

  “So.” Zane twitches and frowns. “You’re eighteen.”

  “I don’t know,” I sigh. “I just really want to do right by this girl, you know?” I make eye contact with him and he looks confused even though I’m the one scratching my head. “Franny lives is this fancy house. She goes to a fancy school and I can’t even take her to a fancy restaurant—which she deserves.”

  “Why not?”

  “I don’t have the money.”

  “Aren’t you making extra cash off those Pricks at that school?”

  I shake my head. “No. I’ve just been doing maintenance. I haven’t even made any contacts and...” I look around. “Don’t tell Teddy, but I don’t want him to know since he hooked me up with that job. But I don’t know what would happen if Franny ever found me hustling her friends.”

  “Chicks are so much trouble. This is why you need to learn to love ‘em and lose ‘em.” Zane raises his brows. “Like me.” I’m shaking my head at him when he lights up, leaning against the refrigerator. “Hey! If you need some cash, I heard about a job in Midway delivering auto parts. They’re looking for someone knowledgeable and its part time. Nights. I heard the pay is good—cash on delivery.”


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