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Where Did the Love Go

Page 9

by Elbie Dee

  Changing the conversation, we approached the subject on why he was interested in me. He said he always had a thing for younger women. His ex-wife was fifteen years younger than he was, before she left him for a younger man. After the divorce, he sworn to himself that he would never get involved with a younger woman.

  What is it about me then? I messaged after the fourth drink in.

  James: Your smile. Your confidence. And your admiration for me.

  It felt good to know that someone appreciated me again. Although we weren’t dating and had just began to speak, I felt like I could settle with the man. Charming, gorgeous, and an uplifting human being were only a few good qualities to name about him. From what I could tell, there was much more to him and I wanted to find out.

  I wish you could come over.

  I sent the text and leaned back on the couch once my fourth drink was empty. Trying to force my eyes to stay opened was straining the muscles in my eyelids. Deciding to rest my eyes until I heard another text message notification as my phone rested beside me, I closed my eyes. Apparently, from the sound I heard next, I had knocked the fuck out.

  Bang! Bang! Bang!

  Squinting my eyes opened, I realized the daylight turned to night time once the loud sound woke me up. I shot up from the couch but paused once my head began to spin. From what it felt like, I was still tipsy from the alcohol.

  Bang! Bang! Ba-

  “Chris?” I opened the door before he got a chance to knock again. “What are you doing here?”

  “I need Bayleigh,” he stated, with a nervous look on his face.

  “Is everything alright?” I slurred.

  “I need Bayleigh,” he repeated in the same tone.

  “Gosh! If you insist,” I sarcastically said, before backing up from the door and holding my arm toward the living room.

  After he realized I was welcoming him in, he stepped a foot inside before allowing his body to follow. Oddly, he had his hands kept inside of the same cargo shorts he wore earlier in the day. The normal man in him would keep his hands to his side as if he were standing at attention.

  “Where is she?” he asked anxiously as his eyes roamed around my place.

  “Follow me,” I said, and staggered a few feet before I was able to maintain my balance.

  We walked past the kitchen and down the long hall with him following a few feet behind me. Once I got to her room, I tugged on the door handle and opened the door. From the doorway, it didn’t look like she was in her bed anymore. Since the room was dark, I proceeded into the room until I reached the side of the bed.

  I’m sorry Neakah! I tried to remain strong, but I can’t. I miss the streets; I’m going crazy without drugs and I won’t ever be the person I used to be. Thank you for your help, but I won’t be needing any more of it. I hope one day, I am strong enough to be able to become my old self again. Love, Bayleigh.

  “What the fuck!” I yelled after I read the note Bayleigh left on the bed before leaving. “How the fuck did she even sneak out without me hearing the alarm?”

  “I’m going to find her!” Chris screamed after he punched his fists on top of the bed. Not gonna lie, his anger began to make my pussy wet for a young guy again.

  “But first,” I whispered before laying on the bed on my backside and inching my jeans from my waistline. “How about you get this pussy one more time.”

  “That was one fuckin’ time!” he said before backing up and rushing out of the house.

  “Daddy will come to me again,” I chuckled, before I dropped my jeans to the floor while keeping my position.

  After my finger snuck into the elastic of my thong, I thought about the way Chris handled my pussy at a party one time. Bayleigh wasn’t aware, but that white boy did something to my Asian pussy that made me want more of him. One day, I was going to feel his dick sliding in and out of my hole.

  “Uhhh!” I loudly moaned.

  The love went somewhere

  But where did it go?

  Who would have known?

  Neakah would scoop so low.

  She was your best friend

  And you fucked her first love?

  What kind of low bitch are you?


  He wasn’t your pussy doctor yet,

  So you desired to substitute his touch?


  Chris, where’s Bayleigh?

  Tell me you found her.

  Tell me you brought her back in…

  …And hurt her again.

  Did she find out about the shit you did?

  Or were you dismissed once more?

  Drug life.

  She chose it based from your need to bite

  From another bitch’s apple pie.

  Where did your love ever lie!


  The sneaky ass CNA.

  You brought the worst side out of Ocho

  With the game you played.

  Why’d you have to go there?

  You couldn’t have been “working on you”

  One sniff of him

  And your mind blew.

  And so did your chances.


  He’ll never give into you.

  Bayleigh and Chris.

  Ocho and Zaiya.

  Horrid is what you can call each of these relationships.

  But it doesn’t last long.

  One last whiff of one another and poof!

  That’s all.

  The love went somewhere

  But where did it go?

  As the Author, I can’t tell you everything.

  The only thing I’ll say is that there is a switch in couples.

  And there’s one left solo.

  How will the twist and turns,

  Turn up in the spin-offs?

  Which characters are you rooting for?

  Who do you think will end up with one another?

  And last but not least,

  Will self-control be admired from any of these characters?

  Stay tuned...




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