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Bloodwood Academy Shifter: Semester Two (Bloodwood Year One Book 2)

Page 3

by Rae Foxx

  Instead of laying down, he grabbed my knees and placed them to the side of the couch, spreading me open even further after removing my panties. The damp cool of the Keep whispered over the displayed apex of my sex and I shivered. Saxon chuckled.

  “Now comes the fun part,” he whispered. His cold hands ran down my calves to my ankles, which he pressed against the side of the couch and into hard metal bands that snapped around them like shackles.

  “What was that?” I asked, sitting up. He stood, his muscular frame leaning as he towered over me, his chest sliding over my spread legs.

  “Those are to keep you where I want you,” Saxon whispered as his hands continued over my body, gliding or whispering over my abdomen, around my breasts, to my shoulders, and down my arms. The further up my arms his fingers moved, the closer he came to my lips, to my neck. His fangs were fully exposed.

  “Do you want to be mine?” Saxon asked, his nose trailing over my neck. He planted his lips against my jaw, the touch a burning cold. I shivered. “Do you want to be right where I want you?”

  “Yes,” I gasped, knowing that I did, no matter how terrifying the fact that I couldn't move was making me.

  “Good,” Saxon whispered, his hands rough against my arm as he pressed my wrists against the sides of the couch and into the bands that instantly snapped together to lock me in place.

  I made a sound that was half fear, half pleasure. As I re-balanced my weight trying to get away from the cold bands only to find that I was captured.

  Held against the couch. Caught underneath the vampire who smiled as he ripped my bra and panties from my soaked and wanting body in one quick motion.

  “You smell so good, Ivy,” Saxon said, running his nose down my neck and over my bare breasts where his tongue darted out to capture my nipple for a moment. I moaned and he continued down, his hands running down my sides, down my legs, as he inhaled the scent of my stomach.

  The scent of my sex.

  “My rose,” he murmured, burying his face between my legs, his cold tongue darting out to flick at my clit. I gasped at the contact, a thrill of pleasure shooting up my spine. My body convulsed as he nipped at the tiny nub of aroused flesh, my back attempting to arch, my hips working to press into him, but I couldn’t move. Judging by the pricks of cold metal that was all up and down my legs and arms, he had bound me by more than my ankles and wrists. A split second of panic captured my breath.

  “Saxon,” I moaned, shifting as the pleasure began to overtake me.

  He said nothing, just ran his hands over my hips, his palms smothering my breasts as his teeth nipped at my clitoris again.

  “Saxon,” I didn’t know what I was asking for or what I wanted, but he understood anyway. His tongue pressed into the tightness of my lust, lapping at my opening, devouring me as his teeth rubbed against my clit, as they slid over it.

  Moaning, I fought against the restraints, pleasure wracking every muscle into a twisted form of bliss. Bliss that grew with his tongue caressing my walls, with his teeth nipping against my clit.

  I knew what he was going to do a second before he did it. Not enough time to say, to do, anything. Tensing, his tongue plunged into my pussy, his teeth lifting before they clamped back down, those two fangs burrowing into the tender flesh on either side of my clit.

  The pressure of his tongue, of his fangs in my pussy, of his teeth clamping my clit against myself--it was all a wave of heat, of erotic desire that tangled in my spine. I writhed, pulling against the binds, unable to move as I screamed with a feral sound I had never made before. Even my wolf was screaming with the carnal passion that was taking over everything.

  Saxon moaned out his own pleasure, the vibrating hum of his tongue inside of me, sending me writhing further. I screamed, I panted, I howled as I fought involuntarily or instinctively, as Saxon fed from me.

  His tongue pulsed inside of me, the tip running along my walls as all of the fire and salacious hunger pulsed. Saxon reached up, gripping and squeezing my breasts as he held me down, as he pressed against my pussy. I came.

  I came harder than I ever had before.

  Screaming and panting, I shook my head, toes curling as he continued to feed from me, each pull of blood through my pussy making me come again and again.

  Until he finally released me. I could have collapsed right then, slept in the sweet layer of sweat that covered me, feeling my own cum dripping from me.

  But then I heard the zipper.

  “Saxon,” I gasped, nearly breathless as the world spun. I didn’t even have the energy to fight the restraints. My body was sagging in a blissed-out calm.

  “I have never had you alone, my rose,” Saxon said, pulling the long length of him out as he shed his pants. “I have never made love to you. There is nothing I love more than sliding inside of a pussy already tight with orgasm. I want to slide inside of you, my rose. I want to make you come again. And again.”

  I wanted to tell him I couldn’t. That if I came again I was liable to catch his whole Keep on fire, but the sight of his cock stopped me.

  The thick rod was pulsing with need, his own cum already dripping.

  I could only moan in response as he pressed the head of his cock against me, my pussy already throbbing for him, opening for him as my legs shook.

  “Gods, baby,” Saxon moaned as he started to slide inside of me, my hips and belly pulsing with hot and cold as he speared into me, into a tunnel so tight I could feel every bulge and vein of that delicious dick. “You’re so tight. I could cum right here. I could fill you with little more than a thrust.”

  He pressed into me then, slamming his groin against my own. I made a sound that was halfway between a scream and a moan, my body sliding over the slick back of the couch as he pounded his cock into me.



  With every thrust I sighed, my powerful vampire, grunting as he moved faster and faster, before slamming into me so hard I was sure he had bottomed out, the head of his cock bulging through my stomach as he twitched.

  As he came.

  Laying here, I could feel the cold ribbons of cum fill me.

  He heaved one last time before he collapsed over me, his cock still burrowed deep inside.

  “Next time,” Saxon whispered, running his hand over my hair, “I’ll show you how we use the chair in the bathroom.”

  I couldn’t help it. I shivered thinking of that latticework metal that I hadn’t understood before and wanting to understand it now, wanting him to fill me, to fuck me, again.

  Before I could ask, the door swung open. Howl and Finn rushed in, their panicked questions fading to shock with what they saw.

  “Where the fuck have you been?” I asked in a huff. I wasn’t pissed as much as concerned. Who knew that lengths Nicky would go to?

  Howl shrugged. “Detained. By the bitch herself.”

  Saxon chuckled as he slid off me, not even bothering with the restraints as he stepped back. The bottom of the chair faced the door, leaving my spread bare and dripping pussy on display for the two men who entered.

  I tried to shift, to close my legs, to look at them, but I couldn’t move. Saxon’s hand on my head only added to the restraints, his cock glistening with the last of his erection only inches from my face. I could reach out and lick it if I wanted.

  “Is this what you called us down here for?” Finn asked breathlessly, taking two quick steps forward. I couldn’t see him, but I could sure hear the want in his voice.

  “No,” Saxon said, his fingers now running along the side of my face, turning my head toward him, toward his growing, twitching, member.

  “Ivy is fine. Although we do have an issue to address.” Saxon moved my head more, turning so that his cock was pointing at me. “She needed to get her mind off things for a minute.”

  I couldn’t help it. I reached out and licked him. He shivered, thrusting his dick toward my lips.

  “I suppose it is up to her if we address the problem at hand,” Saxon continu
ed, the head of his cock passing my lips now. “Or if we continue with this game.”

  He pulled away, giving me a chance to breathe, to answer.

  Fucking Nicky and her power trip could wait. There was only one thing I wanted right then.

  Well, three things.

  “Please,” I gasped to the other two, the mixture of hot and cold against my swollen sex only making me more desperate. “Fuck me.”

  Chapter 4

  I was curled on Saxon’s lap, Finn on one side, Howl on the other. We sat still covered in blankets, listening to the fire crackle, as everyone caught their breath. Each of my guys was pressed against me, hands caressing my hair, my arms.

  I couldn’t tell which hand belonged to who, except for Saxon because of his frigid fingers. I didn’t care. With every one of them touching me, I was in bliss.

  For a moment, I was comfortable, calm. Safe.

  Whoever thought I would feel safe in a vampire’s Keep? No one, because that was crazy talk. Yet, there I was.

  Wishing this moment could last forever.

  “So, I guess we need to figure out what to do with Ms. Ampste and her dictatorship over the school,” Saxon said, his voice rumbling in his chest.

  It took me a second to remember that Ampste was Nicky’s last name and that she had kicked me out of my room and my life.

  Damn it all. My perfect moment of bliss was completely gone. Thanks, Saxon.

  “Easy--you just let me stay here?” I asked, nuzzling into Saxon more and trying to bring back all of that bubbling bliss.

  “Why would you need to stay here?” Finn asked, taking away any chance of ignoring what was going on.

  I sighed and shifted on Saxon’s lap, his hand running down the long tangles of my hair as he gave me a look that I was sure was supposed to be comforting. It was tying my stomach up in knots more, which was pissing me off.

  I didn’t need to be coddled.

  My wolf was growling. I was fuming. I lifted my chin and let it all out. Ripped off the band aid so to say.

  “Because Nicky rescinded my scholarships and effectively kicked me out of school.”

  The reaction was immediate.

  All three boys stood up. I slid off Saxon’s lap to the floor in a heap. Only Finn noticed. He tried to catch me but missed. They were too busy fuming and scowling. Even Saxon, who already knew part of the story, was outraged.

  “What is Nicky still doing here?” Finn raged. I rolled my eyes, climbing back onto the couch and folding my legs.

  “That’s exactly what I want to know, but she was with the gorilla boys. No dungeon for her. I, however, am officially homeless.”

  “Explain,” Howl’s voice was all wolf, his eyes glowing as he crossed his arms over his heaving chest.

  With a sigh, I went through the story, even the part about Scarlet. There were growls from Howl. Finn’s anger surged in sparks that at one point caught one of the couches on fire. Even Saxon threw his hands up in frustration.

  “So that’s it. I have no interest in going back to the trailer park but I can’t pay for this school. So, I will gladly hide in the forest or stay here in Saxon’s Keep as your sex slave.” My stomach leaped and Saxon’s smile spread.

  I would have regretted saying it if it didn’t thrill me so much.

  At least I knew what all the ropes and chains were for.

  “While I would love, we would all love, that,” Saxon said, adding on that last part with a look from Howl, “That is not necessary. You can stay here regardless. The pleasure I give you will be an added bonus.”

  Holy fucking vampire balls. I think everything from nipple to knee caught fire.

  “Hold on,” Finn said with an uncharacteristic boom. “Why would she stay here? She should stay with all of us.”

  “Yes, I am sure my dad would like the houseguests, especially with the match coming up,” Howl grumbled, arms flexing over his chest as he shifted his weight and slightly stepped away.

  “Yeah, that’s not going to happen,” I grumbled, the rock in my gut coming back. “I can’t afford school. So, it’s either hidden sex companion or nothing at all. If I’m not in school, I’m not a member of the pack. I’ve got no clue what I am going to do.”

  That was it. The culmination of all the shit that had gone down in the last few hours.

  And for the first time in a long time, I did what any self-respecting nearly twenty-year-old wolf shifter would do.

  I threw my head in my hands and cried. Well, more like howled.

  That was awkward.

  “Hey,” Howl stroked my cheek, pulling my attention from my pity party. “You mean, what are we going to do? There is a “we” now. And we, your mates, will help you figure this out. If you want to stay here, we will find a way. If you want to leave this place, and we wouldn’t blame you if you did, we will follow you. We would follow you anywhere.”

  God, he was so handsome when he was all mate devoted. I went from crying to swooning so fast my eyes were as dry as the Sahara.

  “The money for your tuition will not be an issue between the three of us and you can stay here with me,” Saxon said, sliding back onto the couch with me. Howl’s brow furrowed. “You can stay with me, as well, if you would like. All of us. Perhaps until other arrangements can be made.”

  “What other arrangements?” That sounded way too ominous for the way they were smiling.

  “I agree with Saxon,” Finn whispered, “This place is the safest for you, at least for now. Best rest assured I will be moving in as well.”

  “What other arrangements?” I couldn’t find it in me to be excited that I was going to get to live with two, possibly three, of my mates.

  Something was brewing. I knew if only because three paranormal powerhouses don’t smile like that over tea parties.

  “There is another place you can stay, another home you can inherit, so to speak,” Howl spoke like I was supposed to understand him. I gave him a look, the narrowed stare and my wolf’s growl enough for him to give in. Instead, his grin stretched.

  “You have been challenged by the Alpha of the pack. If you lose, you will be booted from the pack,” Howl began. He was dragging it on for effect, no idea why. I already knew this stuff. “But if you win--”

  “I have to rip his head off,” I interrupted with an irritated sigh. “You already told me this.”

  “Well yes,” Finn cut in, scooting close enough that his bare knee was pressed against my ass. “But you also inherit the pack.”

  “And the house,” Saxon provided, looking too hungry for talking about a house.

  “And all the funds that go along with it,” Howl provided.

  Now it was my turn to smile.

  “So, when I beat Pater,” I stood and faced the fire, the crackling flames never looking so beautiful. “School is no longer a problem.”

  “A lot of things are no longer a problem,” Howl mumbled. I would have to take that as confirmation he was okay with me killing his dad.

  Killing his dad.

  That rock in my gut became a boulder.

  Chapter 5

  Call me crazy, but I didn’t think that agreeing to take out Pater would lead to quite so much training.

  I mean, my wolf and I had bad-assed through the fight with Selene. While we hadn’t been quite as successful with Anatoly, I had been dealing with a broken paw, which was probably a trick Pater had taught him. I had no reason to think Pater wasn’t going to try something similar.

  Bastard played dirty.

  Training it was, which had turned out to be much more fun than I thought possible. Mostly it involved rolling around on the ground with my guys, which led to other kinds of rolling around on the ground.

  Dressed in my gym shorts and tank, you could see every single bruise that lined my legs and arms. Some of them from last night's training session.

  Some of them from last night’s other kind of training session. I was pretty sure the bruise bracelets I had were from the shackles that both Fin
n and Saxon had enjoyed using.

  I liked those ones most of all.

  Love bracelets.

  Flicking the rings of darkened flesh with my forefinger, I stepped into the gym half expecting Nicky to be standing there telling me to get the fuck out.

  It was the last class on a Friday. She told me I had until Monday before tuition was due, but I wouldn’t put anything passed her.

  Instead of Nicky, Howl was standing in the corner, arms crossed over his chest as he leaned against the wall, staring at the door like some kind of stalker. Well, if he was a stalker, sign me up!

  He smirked when I walked through the door, pushing off the wall and strutting over to me like the sex god he was. If I wasn’t so gob smacked by the way his hips swayed when he walked, I might have been all sorts of swoony over the fact that my mate was waiting for me.

  ‘Sway those hips, baby,’ I growled with a bit of a purr, smile stretching when he complied.

  “Of course, now you hear me,” I snapped when he was within earshot, all of the hip swaying slowing.

  “We really need to teach you how to tap into the mate’s line.” Howl wound his arm around me, leading me toward the rest of the class. His fingers dug under my shirt, my wolf growling contentedly at the contact.

  ‘I seem to be having no problem now,’ I said, grateful when he smiled and made it clear I wasn’t talking to myself.

  ‘It’s easier when we are right next to each other, seeing each other. Touching each other.’ His finger flicked under the waist of my gym shorts and I shivered, Selene was staring at me with what looked like yellow snake eyes.

  Great. Selene still existed.

  ‘Don’t be jealous…’

  “Jealous?” I was nearly laughing. “I have nothing to be jealous of seeing as I have my mate. Oh, and I’m not a writhing horny toad bitch.” As I said that last part that as few people turned, and Selene’s eyes narrowed in what I was sure was a coming threat.


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