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Love Sex Music

Page 19

by Michelle A. Valentine

Carlos shoves himself up to his feet, keeping his eyes locked on Laz. He adjusts the white shirt he’s wearing and nods in my direction. “She’s my girl and will be until I say otherwise.”

  “Go to hell,” I yell from behind Laz.

  The muscles in Laz’s back tense beneath the fitted gray T-shirt he’s wearing. “Drea, call the cops. We need to get this piece of shit out of here.”

  That strikes a chord with Carlos because without warning he lunges at Laz, but Laz is so fast he catches Carlos with a hard blow to the face. Carlos falls to the floor, and Laz jumps on top of him.

  I seize the opportunity and grab my phone off the nightstand next to the bed. My fingers fly over the key pad, and I call 911.

  The moment the operator comes on the line, I rapidly explain the situation. The voice on the line reminds me to stay calm, but it’s difficult to do considering Laz and Carlos are rolling around on the ground.

  Carlos flips Laz onto his back with a hard thud and somehow manages to wrap his hands around Laz’s throat. I drop the phone, and my instincts take over. I jump onto Carlos’s back, and I attempt to pull him off Laz. The momentary distraction allows Laz to roll and slam his arm down on Carlos’ forearms, freeing himself from his grip.

  Laz jumps up and again tugs me behind me. “You okay?” he questions over his shoulder.

  “Yeah, I’m okay.”

  Carlos hops to his feet and reaches under the bottom of his pant leg in one swift movement and pulls a knife from a sheath strapped to his leg.

  I gasp and twist my hands into the fabric of his shirt and pull Laz with me as I take a step back. “Oh, my God.”

  A cruel smile spreads across Carlos’s face. Clearly, he takes delight in other’s fear. He glances down at the knife in his hand and then back at Laz. “Is she worth dying for?”

  “Yes,” Laz answers clearly and without hesitation.

  Carlos lifts his chin and runs his hands across the top of his buzz scalp. “I’m glad you feel that way because I’m willing to kill to have her.”

  My heart races one hundred miles an hour, and my legs urge me to run and drag Laz along with me.

  “Get your ass over here, Drea, and I’ll let your boyfriend go,” Carlos orders.

  I stand there motionless. For a moment, I’m tempted to go to Carlos and sacrifice myself in order to save Laz, but I know that’s only asking for more trouble because Laz won’t allow Carlos to walk out of here scot-free with me.

  “Drea!” Carlos roars. “Don’t make me tell you again.”

  I flinch, and I’m reminded of how tumultuous our relationship was when we were together. I did everything Carlos said, and when I didn’t, he got violent, much like a spoiled child throwing a tantrum. I was on the receiving end of his rage too many times to count. Finally, when I’d had enough, I broke things off with him. Thank God he’s been in jail since that night. Who knows what kind of hell he would’ve put me through had he not been caught for robbery.

  “Drea!” Carlos attempts to look around Laz to make eye contact with me, but Laz shifts and blocks his view.

  “You don’t get to look at her, you piece of shit,” Laz growls. “When it comes to Drea, she’s off-limits to you.”

  “Says who?” Carlos points the knife at Laz. “You?”

  Laz rolls his shoulders back. “That’s right. The only way to her is through me.”

  He shrugs, and his face morphs into an expression of pure darkness. “Okay.”

  A blood-curdling roar comes from Carlos as he rushes directly at Laz. Laz shoves me to the side and effectively out of the way. I stumble, tripping over my own two feet and falling to the ground, while I watch in horror as Carlos tackles Laz to the bed. The two men wrestle around. Light ricochets off the steel blade of the knife, causing me to panic. My first instinct is to jump on Carlos again, but the way they’re rolling around, I’m not sure it wouldn’t do more harm than good.

  Red and blue flashing lights bounce around the room, so I hop to my feet and sprint out of the bedroom to flag the police down for help.

  I throw my hands wildly in the air once I’m outside. “Help! He’s in there!”

  Two cops shove open their car doors and rush past me into the pool house.

  I turn to follow them back inside, desperate to get back to Laz, but two strong arms wrap around my waist. “No, Drea. Whatever’s going on in there, you don’t need to go back in there.”

  Cam and Candace are at my side in the driveway, both of them doing their best to keep me from rushing back into the pool house.

  I struggle against Cam’s hold. “I have to get in there. I have to know he’s okay.”

  Candace grabs each side of my face in attempt to calm me down. “What happened?”

  Tears pour from my eyes. “Carlos…he broke in and attacked me. If it weren’t Laz…”

  Shock flashes over Candace’s face. “When did he get out?”

  I shake my head. “I don’t know. I had a run-in with him a couple weeks ago when I went to Dad’s apartment.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  I shrug. “I didn’t want you to worry. I didn’t figure he’d be able to find me here.”

  The thought of how bad things could’ve been if it weren’t for Laz saving me hits me hard, but also knowing Laz could be hurt because of me hurts even more. “I have to get in there, Candace. Carlos had a knife. I have to know Laz is okay.”

  I try to move out of Cam’s hold, but he tightens his grip. “Let the cops handle it,” he orders as two more police officers rush past us and into the house.

  A cop rushes back outside and yells at the EMTs who are just getting out of the ambulance. “Move your asses. We have a victim with a stab wound!”

  “No!” My entire body begins to shake. “Please,” I beg as sobs rip from my throat.

  I fall to the ground hard against the asphalt, and my sister wraps her arms around my shoulders and pulls me tight against her. The medics rush past me and tears fall from my eyes as I wail.

  God, please let Laz be all right.

  Moments later, the medical team comes back out, pushing a stretcher with someone lying on it.

  “Laz!” I scream his name and shove myself up from the ground to get to Laz’s side.

  An oxygen mask covers his mouth and nose, and the side of his shirt is soaked with blood. Panic floods me.

  I run beside the gurney as the EMTs push forward toward the back of the ambulance. “I’m so sorry, Laz.”

  His brow furrows, and he reaches up and pulls off the mask. “You have nothing to apologize for. I’ll always protect you with my life.” He reaches up and touches my cheek. “I love you.”

  I wrap my fingers around his and hold it against my face. “I love you, too.”

  “Ma’am, we’re going to need you to step back,” the shorter of the two medics orders.

  “I’m coming with him,” I say.

  The man shakes his head. “With all due respect, Miss, we need you to be fully dressed and remain here to speak with police. His wounds appear superficial, so he should be just fine. Meet us at the hospital.”

  Relief floods me, and I take a step back. “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  Laz nods. “Okay. Make sure they arrest his ass.”

  I wrap my arms around myself as I stand there barefoot and wearing nothing but Laz’s T-shirt. The medics hoist Laz into the back of the ambulance and then shut him inside.

  “Fuck you, cop. I’m not going back to prison.” Carlos’s threats grab my attention. I turn to see two police officers walking him out in handcuffs.

  “That’s exactly where you’re heading—this time for a long time,” the tall, beefy cop retorts as opens the door and orders Carlos to take a seat in the back of the patrol car.

  “Excuse me, Miss.” A different cop approaches me. “I need to take a statement from you and get some photos for evidence. Can you tell me what happened here?”

  I nod and then launch into the play-by-play of everything that�
��s happened.

  After Candace had helped me get dressed, Cam drove the three of us over to the hospital. We make it to the ER, but the staff refuses to allow all three of us back at once.

  “You go first,” Cam says to me. “I know he’ll want to see your face instead of my ugly mug.”

  Candace turns to him. “Why would you call yourself ugly?”

  He shrugs. “Are you arguing that I’m not?”

  She rolls her eyes. “You know you’re not.”

  Cam’s grin widens. “I knew you secretly had the hots for me.”

  My sister does her best to fight the smile that’s threatening to fill her face, but finally, she gives in and shrugs. “I’m a sucker for persistence and determination.”

  Without an invitation, Cam wraps his arms around her waist and plants his lips on hers. The moment Candace giggles, I smile and decide to give them their space and go check on Laz.

  Once the receptionist buzzes me in, I make my way down the sterile-looking hallway and into the hopping ER. I walk past a few curtains before I spot Laz, lying in a hospital bed with IVs hooked to him. He’s shirtless with a blanket draped over his chest.

  His eyes brighten a bit when he spots me, and when he tries to sit up, he grimaces.

  I rush to him and grab his hand. “Are you okay?”

  He laces his fingers through mine. “I’ll be fine. The knife grazed my side—nothing twenty-eight stitches won’t heal.”

  “Does it hurt?” I ask.

  “Like a son of a bitch,” he replies honestly.

  A nurse wearing navy scrubs with her brown hair pulled into a high ponytail walks over to the opposite side of Laz’s bed and checks the little machines attached to the IV poles. “You sure you don’t want something for pain? Part of that cut was pretty deep.”

  Laz shakes his head. “No pain medication for me.”

  The nurse shrugs. “Okay, then. I’ll let the doctor know. As soon as these IV bags empty, we’ll work on getting you discharged.”

  The moment we’re alone again, I ask, “You don’t want medications? If you’re hurting—”

  “It’s not worth the risk. I won’t jeopardize my recovery in any way.” He lifts our intertwined fingers to his lips and kisses the tips of my fingers. “I have far too much to lose if I fall off the wagon now.”

  I stare into his blue eyes, and I pray he knows I feel the same way about him. “I love you … so much.”

  He touches the side of my face with the hand that has the IV in it. “I would do anything for you, Drea. I will always protect you.”

  “I know you will,” I declare.

  “From now on, no more secrets. I have to confess one more thing to you.”

  “Okay…” I try to prepare myself for anything.

  “After we had that first run-in with Carlos at your dad’s place, I asked my private investigator to check him out. When he was doing his surveillance two days ago, he caught Carlos on video robbing a gas station, and he turned that evidence into the authorities. They’ve been looking for Carlos to question him about the robbery since then. That coupled with the fact he just tried to rape you and kill me, I don’t think he’ll see the light of day for a long time considering his past rap sheet.”

  I stare at him in disbelief, which causes him to frown. “How pissed at me are you because I didn’t tell you before now?”

  “I’m not,” I admit. “In fact, I’m shocked at just how damn smart you are. I could kiss you right now for getting him out of my life again and for helping me protect my son.”

  Laz smiles. “I’ll never turn down a kiss, just saying.”

  I lean in and plant a careful kiss on his lips. This man is full of surprises. Every time I think I couldn’t fit more love for him inside my heart, he finds a way to expand the space and plant more roots. I’m madly in love with this perfect, beautiful man.




  It’s been two days since Carlos attacked us, and I can honestly say the entire incident seems to have only brought Drea and me closer together. She’s been a constant at my side, tending to my every need, even putting sex off-limits until my wound heals no matter how hard my dick gets when she’s around.

  “You sure you’re okay?” she asks again as we climb the steps of my family home. “This isn’t exactly a short flight of stairs.”

  I reach down and take her hand in mine, loving the idea that she worries about me. “I’m good.”

  When we make it to the top, I lead her down the hallway to Pop’s quarters. My knuckles rap on the door two times before I push it open. My father’s sitting in his lift chair in front of the TV just as he always does during this time of the day. I tug on Drea’s hand, leading her into the room with me. It’s time I officially introduce the two most important people in my life to one another. “Hey, Pop. I’ve got someone I want you to meet.”

  Pop’s green eyes wander over to us, and I know if he could, he would tell me to come on in and have a seat before he launched into a million questions.

  I hate that this disease has taken his voice from him. I miss the sound of it.

  I throw my arms around Drea's shoulders and pull her tight against my good side. “Pop, this is Drea. She's the leader of my new group, The Vixens, and my girlfriend.”

  That earns me a look from Drea. I guess even though I’ve admitted my love to her, I’ve never officially called her my girlfriend before. A smile takes over her beautiful face, clearly pleased with my introduction. She might as well get used to it because that's what she is.

  Drea’s attention quickly shifts from me to my father. “It’s very nice to meet you, Mr. Rawlings.”

  Pop goes right to work typing furiously on his machine. “You too. Have Seat.”

  I pull her over to the couch next to where Pop is sitting, and Pop shuts his television off so that his full attention is directed at us.

  “You have a great voice. I listen to tapes and videos,” Pop tells her. “Laz made right choice making you lead.”

  That final statement earns a smile from both Drea and myself. Pop’s approval means a lot to me. Other than my own, Pop’s ear is the only one I trust when it comes to music. His statement also means he’s confirming my choice, and he sees her talent. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t have said that. Pop’s not one to bullshit anyone. He’s blunt and always has been, so I know he means what he says.

  I cradle Drea’s hand in my lap. “I’m glad you approve, Pop. It means a lot coming from you.”

  Pop’s eyes flash down to our interlocked fingers. “She worth all the trouble?”

  My gaze flits down to Drea’s, and I would redo the little bit of hell we’ve gone through in the past few days ten times over if it meant being with her and keeping her safe. I love this woman with all that I am or could ever wish to be. She means everything to me, so I nod but keep my eyes locked on Drea when I answer Pop. “She’s worth every ounce of trouble this world could possibly throw at me. I love her.”

  Drea nibbles on her bottom lip as her smile widens.

  “You feel same?” Pop asks, directing the question at Drea.

  “Absolutely,” she answers without hesitation and then turns her focus toward Pop. “Laz has taught me so much —not just with music, but also my life. He makes me feel better about myself and encourages me every day to keep pushing to get better. He’s shown me I deserve happiness.”

  One corner of Pop’s mouth turns up into a slight smile. It takes a lot to pull that facial expression out of him these days because it requires a lot of effort on his part to get his muscles to cooperate. “Good. Happy for you both.”

  Relief washes over me, and for the first time in a very long time, I feel at peace with myself and the choices I’ve made.

  Maybe I’m not meant to fuck up my entire life, after all, because it sure as hell feels like I’ve finally gotten something right.


  Mystery Box


��Where are we?” I stare at a small brick building with a bright, colorful blue and pink sign out front, and even though I asked as if I didn't have a clue where we are, I know this place well. I haven't been here in almost four years, and I never had any intention of returning.

  “Don't be upset,” Laz says. “I don't want you to feel pressured as if I'm making you do something you don't want to do, but you discuss it so much, and I know this is something deep down that you really want. Now with Carlos out of the picture for good, it might be time to end your pain when it comes to knowing if you did the right thing for your son. ”

  “Laz, I don't. I ...” I stumble over the words, not knowing what it is I really want to say.

  He's right. This place has haunted my dreams since the day I handed my son over to his adoptive parents, but I never thought I would see this place again. It hurts too much to even think about going in there. I don't want to open that can of worms even though my heart burns to know more about my son.

  Tears well up in my eyes, and I do my best to fight them back and pretend I'm not losing my mind right now even though I am.

  Laz reaches over and cradles my face against the palm of his hand. “Hey, it's going to be all right. You can do this. You need to do this—not only for yourself but also for him. Whether you want to face up to it or not, one day he's going to be curious about you. When that day comes, don’t you want him to know that you've kept track of him his whole life and was just waiting for the moment when he was ready to meet you? You don't want to be a stranger to his life. You should know what's going on. It will help make that conversation between the two of you less awkward. And who knows, Drea, one day the two of you can have a beautiful relationship—one that you weren't ready for when you were sixteen, but now that you're older you are.”

  I stare at him as my tears continue to fall. “I can't face what I've done. He'll hate me. That day will never come when he wants to meet me.”

  “Don't say that,” he says while staring in my eyes. “There's something I've never told you—it's about my birth mother. When I turned sixteen, I went to meet her. I wanted to meet the woman who had brought me into this world.”


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