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Royally Protected (Protector's Promise Book 2)

Page 7

by Holly Jaymes

  “It satisfies me more than making films. I would rather spend my time fighting for equal pay in the workplace than deliver lines,” I said with a smirk, and it was a cue for the others to grin, and they all did.

  “Oh, that is a relief to hear. We weren’t sure how we were going to accommodate a Hollywood actress in the family or at least one with a full-fledged career still,” Moira said and looked at her nephew. Bas seemed to have relaxed now, but he wasn’t fully appreciative of his aunt’s comments yet.

  “What else can you tell us about you, dear?” Moira asked me, and I was glad I’d prepared for this all afternoon. I was always prepared. It was one of the perks of having grown up in the limelight, being continuously interviewed.

  “I could tell you about the films I’ve been in, but that would be a bore. Do you have any burning questions about Hollywood?” I asked her, and there was this glowing look that entered Moira’s eyes now.

  “I’ve always wondered about that Clint Eastwood,” she said, and I heard Louisa try to stifle a giggle.

  “Yes, I know him well. What would you like to know about him?” I said, and I knew the rest of the evening was going to go just fine.

  Dinner was served in the dining room that was lavishly set up for the occasion, and we all retired for one last aperitif for the night at a respectable hour of ten.

  Moira refused to leave my side for the rest of the evening, giving a minimal opportunity to the others to interact with me. I knew Louisa wanted to talk to me too and when I had a chance to speak with her. I said I hoped we would have the opportunity to get to know each other better soon.

  Alfred and James were both gentlemanly and reserved, but I knew they’d warmed to me too, much against their wishes. Maybe it was because I was nothing like them and I hadn’t bothered too much with the rules and the etiquette. Of course, things could have gone drastically, but they hadn’t. Bas’ family wasn’t as bad as he had painted them to be.

  He just didn’t know how to deal with them.

  Once it was time to wind up, the men all stood up to escort the ladies out of the room and retire for the night.

  Bas gave me his arm, and this was the first time in the whole evening since we parted that we were going to be alone together again. We said our goodnights to everyone else, and soon enough, he was leading me down the hallway to my room.

  We were out of earshot, and Bas spoke to me like he’d been holding himself back all night.

  “Just wow!” he exclaimed, and I looked up at him. I was on a high too. I was impressed with myself for the mark I had left on members of the British royal family. It felt good to have pleased them in my own small way. My smile was wide.

  “I knew you were going to be good, but I had no idea you were going to be this perfect! They loved you!” he exclaimed, and we stopped in front of my door. Thankfully his staff was leaving us alone now, we were not being watched. We turned to each other, and Bas was looking deep into my eyes.

  I had to keep reminding myself it was all an act, it was all just fantasy.

  “They really are lovely people, they’re just like everyone else if given a chance to come out of their shell,” I said, and I realized how close we were standing to each other.

  “Nobody ever speaks of my family that way,” Bas said, and I turned the knob on the door and slowly swung it open.

  I didn’t know if he was going to follow me in, but I didn’t tell him to leave either. I just stepped into my room, backing in, with my eyes still locked on him. I knew we were both on an adrenaline rush. I wanted to know what he was going to do with it.

  Bas and I went tumbling back into my room, and he kicked the door shut with his feet. His hands were on my hips, my arms were around his neck. I could feel my desire for him bubbling up. My nipples were hard, I was wet between my legs and then finally, our lips met.

  He was excited and charged by the success of the night.

  He lifted me up in his arms, and I threw my legs around his waist. As we kissed, wildly at first, he slowly carried me to the wall next to the door, pressing me deeply to it.

  Then his mouth was traveling down my neck. I weaved my fingers in his hair, my eyes rolled back in my head. This felt amazing. I didn’t think tonight was going to go so well. Suddenly, I felt invincible! I was so happy that I was able to please him.

  He had me pinned to the wall, his mouth was on my neck, licking and tasting and nibbling at my warm skin.

  He squeezed my breasts with one hand and then it quickly traveled down to his pants. He fumbled with his belt, throwing down his pants, while he kissed me again, leaning far into me.

  I could feel the heat of his erect cock. He was hard and strong and big for me. I was ready for him. He shoved my dress up my thighs, his hands feeling the smoothness of my legs right up to my panties. He pulled that down to my knees, and I moaned, rolling my head from side to side, waiting in breathless anticipation for the feel of his big cock sliding into me any moment now.

  “Ava,” he said my name with force, snapping me out of the daze I was in. I blinked, focusing my eyes on his handsome face again.

  “Do you have any idea how amazing you are?” he asked in a heady whisper, so soft that I wasn’t even sure if he’d actually said those words. We were both still for a moment as we stared into each other’s eyes. There was nothing I wanted more than him right now.

  His hands were on my hips and then slowly traveled down to my butt so he could keep me propped up against the wall. He squeezed my butt, and I liked it. I tightened the grip of my legs around his waist now. My panties around my knees stretched, and I knew they were going to tear. Nothing mattered.

  My dress was hiked up. My pussy was exposed to him, just like his cock was to me. Then he moved closer, and he thrust. His cock parted my soft, moist pussy folds, and he entered me smoothly, slowly. Just one inch at a time first before he was deep inside me. He waited there for a moment like he was thinking, and then he started to pump.

  I moaned lightly, but he moved a hand up to cover my mouth as he pumped. I could feel the strength of his body as he hammered himself inside me. His cock was big and strong, filling me to the brim. I knew I would come very soon. I had never felt this desired before, like him, a Prince, I couldn’t control himself! In and out, his cock filled me. We were both panting, and he put his hand on my shoulder near my neck and pumped harder, making me moan louder. I couldn't take how good this felt, and I was on the edge. He moved his strong hand to my hair and gently pulled. He knew I loved it and when I groaned he kept holding my hair as he pumped and kissed me. Then he moved his hand from my hair to my breast, and he squeezed. I noticed his tattoo as I grasped onto his arm. He looked at me in the eyes, kissed me until we both exploded together looking into each other's eyes. Bas grunted as he came and I moaned and buried my face in his shoulder. His cologne filled my senses as my orgasm took over me. I could feel him shooting deep inside me. I had never felt this complete before.

  Within moments of my orgasm, I felt like I was sinking again. Like I would collapse.

  Bas was strong. He lifted me up in his arms, wrapping me to his body and he carried me to the bed and gently laid me down.

  Even though I was still riding the high of my ecstasy, I knew what was going to happen next. Bas was going to put on his pants again, and then he would leave. Within minutes, I was going to be all alone in this room again. Already, I could feel my heart starting to crack.

  But Bas was tucking me in.

  “Just lay here for a bit before you take your clothes off,” he said in a low gruff voice. Before I could respond, he collapsed down on the bed too, rolling over to the other side and throwing one arm over me protectively.

  Initially, I had no idea what was going to happen, so I didn’t move. This was definitely not what I was expecting. I was expecting him to look for the first opportunity to just leave.

  Instead, he was snuggling up to me, and his eyes were shutting.

  “I’m just so tired. I don’t think
I’ve slept a wink in the past ten days,” he murmured like these were just thoughts in his head.

  All I could do was just stare at him, amazed. His arm was around me. His head was leaning towards me, and now his eyes were fluttering closed. I couldn’t take my eyes off him. I couldn’t believe this was actually happening!

  I was tired too, but I was going to force myself to stay awake for as long as I could, just to continue experiencing this. I was never going to forget this feeling of warmth and feeling safe in somebody’s arms.

  I had never felt this before, and it was beautiful.

  Chapter 18


  I woke up early the next morning. I slept very well. I stretched my arms out, yawning and smiling when I found Ava fast asleep beside me. I knew we had been snuggling all night. Our legs were still tangled together under the thin sheets. I could feel the warmth of her body against mine.

  I wanted to lean in and kiss her, but I didn’t want to wake her up. Things were way too complicated between us already. I wasn’t entirely sure yet how last night was going to affect our relationship or the arrangement.

  So far, we had successfully managed to get past the awkwardness of sex and execute the meeting with my family flawlessly. In fact, Ava was more than perfect. It was like she was made for this role, to be the wife of a Prince. She would be the ideal young member of the British Royal family who was modern and forward thinking.

  I could see it now already, and this was something clearly my family was going to see too. People were going to love her. She was diverse, well respected, had a huge fan base, was poised, fashionable and beautiful. She was going to do good work and stand up for great causes. She was born for this role!

  And yet, this was all an act.

  I slipped out of bed. My clothes were all crumpled. I hadn’t even bothered changing out of them last night. I pulled on my trousers though, which were lying on the floor and I gave Ava one last look before I left the room.

  No matter how perfect all this seemed and perhaps was, I couldn’t let myself forget that this was all fake. She hadn’t agreed to the real deal. It wasn’t like we were actually dating or engaged. I was not the man she was destined to marry.

  She had her whole life and a flourishing career ahead of her, and I was not a part of that plan. Who, in their right mind, especially someone as vivacious and talented such as Ava, would want to get stuck being involved with my family? Ava should not be bound by rules, and that was all my family was about, and I had suffered through it all my life.

  Besides, it wasn’t like she had actually fallen in love with me. It was an act. She was a brilliant actress. All these things I was feeling as only temporary and spur of the moment.

  I returned to my room, had a chance to quickly step in the shower and freshen up before word was sent to me that my father wanted to see me. I knew they were set to leave in a few hours, so clearly he had something to say to me about Ava. I hoped it was all good news.

  Changed into fresh clothes and clean shaven again, I went over to his room where father was taking his tea. Aunt Moira was with him, sampling some of the cakes which Siera had no doubt made especially for her.

  “Do sit down, dear,” she said, and I sat down across from them. Langdon, father’s butler stepped forward to pour me some tea, and I accepted it from him. Langdon was well versed in how much sugar and milk every member of the family took.

  “Is Ava well?” my aunt asked, and she had that grin on her face like she knew. She had enough spies around the place to have been informed that I spent the night in Ava’s room.

  I didn’t bother answering that tricky question and father interrupted us anyway.

  “We have decided, son, that she would make a perfect addition to the family. She has our approval.”

  “A fine choice, if I may say so myself, dear,” Moira added while I took a happy sip of my tea. This was great news! It meant they were going to get off my back for some time at least. Just a few weeks, maybe even a few months, and then hopefully they’ll forget about me if I kept my head down. Ava wouldn’t have to do anything.

  “I’m glad to hear it,” I said, smiling at the two of them.

  “Good! This means we can make it all official. Moira has been discussing which of the family rings you should present to her for the engagement and then we should set up the official photo shoot for the announcement.”

  My brows crinkled at that.

  “Wait, you want to make a public announcement right away?”

  “Of course!” Moira exclaimed. “What else is the point of this exercise, dear? Our people should hear about and witness what a good boy you are, what a fine choice you have made for a wife, instead of that…that woman!”

  I looked at my father who was nodding his head.

  “Indeed. We must capitalize on this, son. Ava is experienced in these matters. She would know how to handle it, and we’ve already set the ball rolling. Our team seems to believe it would be helpful if the rumor mills start turning. It would divert attention from the scandal on to happier, more pleasant news.”

  This couldn’t be happening! I wasn’t prepared for this and Ava was most definitely not ready for this either. We thought we were going to have the luxury of privacy through this entire act.

  I was shaking my head.

  “I need to speak to her first and make sure she’s comfortable with this. It will lead to a lot of attention on her,” I tried, and aunt smiled.

  “Surely, she knew exactly what she was getting into when she decided to let you court her, dear. And now she’s met the family. She made an effort to please us. Trust me, dear, this is what she wants,” Moira said, and father nodded his head in agreement.

  Things were starting to get out of control, and I was beginning to realize how this might not have been a well-thought-out plan after all.

  Chapter 19


  By the time I woke up, Bas was gone, but I knew he had been asleep next to me all night. I ran my hand over the still-warm spot beside me where he had been sleeping. I leaned in towards his pillow and breathed in his scent. He still lingered in my room.

  I woke up with a smile on my face, remembering how magical and perfect last night had been. Everything about the previous night was something out of a dream. But as I straightened myself and sat up in bed, that smile was vanishing from my face. I knew it had all quite literally been a dream. None of that was real.

  My time spent with his family had been an act, and I did the job well.

  And today his family was going to be gone. Bas would return to England soon, and I would return to LA to my apartment, to my usual life. We might never even see each other again. What need would there be for it? All he really required from me was to help him buy some time with his family so they wouldn’t force him into marrying someone else.

  Now that was done. I was sure that his family approved of our fake union.

  I could feel the sadness rising in my chest as I got out of bed. I spent the night in the dress from dinner which was all crumpled up now, just like my hair. In the bathroom, I stared at myself in the mirror. My makeup was smudged and running, my hair and dress were a mess. I turned on the shower, but I didn’t step in for quite some time.

  I was glad Bas had left already. There would be no use in him seeing me like this, not that I needed to make an impression on him any longer.

  I stayed in the shower longer than necessary, washing every trace of last night off my skin or at least trying to. I knew I would never be able to get Bas scrubbed off me. I was always going to carry a piece of him with me, everywhere I went. Not only had he given me an experience of a lifetime, but he himself was special. He was a man who amazed me. I wished I had the courage to let him know that he was more than just royalty, more than just a famous British face.

  I dabbed my hair dry and changed into an old cotton dress out of the shower. I wasn’t sure when the royal family was going to leave, but surely Bas would want me to say goodb
ye. I planned to call his room and find out a time, so I could get ready for the farewells.

  When I stepped out of the bathroom, my phone was ringing.

  It was dad calling again, and I almost didn’t pick up. I had enough things to be upset about right now, but I answered the call anyway. I made up my mind, I was going to tell him he could go to Hell with his scripts and his contacts in the studio. I was not going back to Hollywood!

  “Hi dad,” I said chirpily. I wasn’t going to let him bring me down today. Bas had given me the confidence I needed.

  “Ava! My sweet girl. My sweet, sweet girl. I knew you could do it and you finally did!”

  Dad was even more chirpy than me. In fact, I hadn’t heard him this pleased on the phone since the time I got the part in The Singing Woods!

  I had my hairbrush in one hand and sat down on the edge of the bed.

  “What are you talking about, dad?”

  “Oh come on, honey! You knew I would find out about this soon, didn’t you? Besides, I’m hearing a lot of buzz around it. They’re going to try and do a whole photoshoot with you and the Prince!”

  I jumped up from the bed again.

  “The Prince? Dad, what have you heard? What is going on?”

  “Only the truth, honey, that you’ve made your daddy proud once again. I knew you had it in you! Not only have you found yourself a future husband, but you’ve found yourself a Prince!”

  Dad was thrilled. He couldn’t contain his excitement while my world seemed to be spinning under my feet. This wasn’t supposed to happen so fast. This wasn’t supposed to happen at all. Bas said he was going to try and contain this information for as long as he could and it hadn’t even been twenty-four hours and my dad already knew. Who else knew?

  “I can’t wait to meet him, Ava. Should we go to London? Maybe we’ll get to meet the Queen. This is going to make you so famous, honey!” Dad couldn’t stop gushing on the phone while my stomach churned. I felt like I was going to be sick.


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