Tamer- King of Dinosaurs 5

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Tamer- King of Dinosaurs 5 Page 24

by Michael-Scott Earle

  Then we returned home for the second time that morning.

  It was about lunch time when we got back, and I saw that the team working on the stegos had fashioned the first trunk. The design was actually much simpler than I had expected, but as Trel walked me around Mike D, she explained what her logic was.

  “Bamboo is naturally strong, but that strength comes from flexibility. When cut in half, the material will want to flex outward, but it will resist flexing the other direction. The plates on these ‘stego’ dinosaurs make for a great support structure, so I figured that I could use it as a brace. You can see that we placed each half sawed piece of bamboo with the green outer part pushing up against the plates. It will be able to take a lot of inward pressure, but I used whole pieces for the back and front parts so they would be stronger. The joints are secured with cordage made from sinew, but the interlocking method I used to connect them should withstand a lot of pressure. The sinew wrap is just there for safety. The bottom is also lined with bamboo so that your friends won’t be uncomfortable when you pile all the rocks in.”

  “It looks great, Trel,” I said after we had circled Mike D. It looked like the stego was carrying a small bamboo trash dumpster on his back, and I guessed I’d be able to load him up with at least twenty times more rocks than what I had during the first trip. If anything, I’d probably have to worry more about putting too much weight on him instead of running out of storage room for the rocks.

  “There are other applications as well,” she said as excitement leaked into her voice. “I can make the walls a bit higher, and it will serve as a defensive platform if we ever have to fight. Once we figure out how to make copper, we might work toward bronze and steel. Imagine having armor plates on all the magnificent creatures you control. You will be unstoppable.”

  “I’m surprised you are thinking about fighting,” I said.

  “Meh,” Trel scoffed, and then she shrugged her slender shoulders. “I have been thinking about this other tribe, and your words about protecting Galmine. You are right in that I might have to defend her, but I should also be using my genius to ensure we have the technology that defeats our enemies before they can even get close to us. I am glad you are letting me focus on the lookout station in the tree, it will be our most important project now that we have clean water.”

  “I figured you thought that way,” I said, “but right now the most important project is getting more of these trunks made for the other two stegos. How much more time do you need?”

  “If you let my team and I skip Sheela’s training, a couple hours,” Trel said with a smirk.

  “So then three hours if I include the training,” I laughed. “You aren’t going to get out of it that easily.”

  “Ugghhh,” Trel sighed and then winked. “I at least tried.”

  “She’s ready for us,” I said as I turned back to gesture to where Sheela was handing out spears for our pre-lunch exercise. We all headed over to the training area, and then Sheela spent another hour reinforcing her previous two lessons before we all took a break for lunch.

  By the time Trel, Kacerie, and the rest of the team finished with the stego-trunks, the sun was halfway to setting. I thought about delaying the trip until tomorrow, so I could have all day, but when I did the math, I realized that Liahpa and I would end up spending four nights out in the wilderness if I left now or tomorrow, but leaving now would mean that I would have more daylight to make my way back, and it could be really important if my stegos were heavily loaded.

  Liahpa and I packed a bunch of spears, axes, and the antler pick I had found from the camp by the river. I almost forgot the Cricket Bat of Doom, but Sheela remembered and passed it up to me as we both mounted on Tom’s back. I decided to leave Nicole and Katie here to guard the gate along with the balaurs, but I figured that the troodons were better for sneaky ninja missions, and I might need their help during my journey.

  Galmine gave us some smoked fish wrapped in leaves, and Kacerie gave us two big jugs filled with filtered water. Everyone else told Liahpa and me they would miss us, and I exchanged long kisses with Trel, Sheela, Galmine, and Kacerie before climbing up on Tom’s back.

  Then Liahpa and I rode out of our budding fortress and back into the wilds of Dinosaurland.

  Chapter 14

  Liahpa and I didn’t speak for the first hour of our trip. It wasn’t really until we’d made it down into the jungle one valley over to our west, and had ensured that Grumpy was caught up with us, that she even turned to me.

  “Thanks for taking me,” she said after I had slowed down Tom’s trot a bit so that I could hear her speak over the wind.

  “Happy to,” I said as my eyes drifted up to Bruce circling us overhead.

  “About yesterday…” Her voice trailed off, and I glanced back down to find her red eyes fixed on my lips.

  “Yeah?” I asked.

  “You kissed me,” she stated.

  “Yes, I did.”

  “Why?” she asked as her eyes flickered back up to mine.

  I thought about telling her it was because I knew she wanted me to kiss her, but the path of questions she seemed to be beginning to meander down made me think that she hadn’t quite admitted it to herself what had passed between us.

  “Did you like it?” I asked, even though her reaction had made it clear to me that she had.

  “That wasn’t my question,” Liahpa hissed. “I asked why you did it.”

  “But the answer to if you liked it or not is the answer to the question you just asked,” I said with a shrug.

  “How do you figure?”

  “Did you like it when I kissed you?” I asked again.

  Liahpa turned away from me, and I saw her chest move as she let out a long breath. Finally, she turned back to me and inhaled.

  “Yes.” Her voice was a whisper, and it wasn’t loud enough for me to hear over our traveling speed, but I read her lips and understood the word she meant.

  “That was why I kissed you,” I said.

  “But how did you know that I would like it?” she asked as her red eyes narrowed.

  “We’ve been dancing around each other ever since you asked to play with my penis,” I said with a shrug. “This is the natural evolution of our relationship.”

  She didn’t say anything for a few minutes, and I went back to focusing on the dinosaur’s travel route. Then she finally turned back to me, and I slowed everyone down a bit so that she could speak.

  “What is the next step of our relationship evolution?” she asked, and I could almost see her shoulders trembling when she spoke.

  “I can’t imagine this is the first time you’ve been in a relationship before,” I said. “You are beautiful, and one of the most famous Lift Ball players on your world. You must have had plenty of girlfriends. What happened after you kissed one?”

  “We became lovers,” Liahpa said, and her eyes bored into mine.

  “And there is your answer,” I said as I winked at her.

  “What if that isn’t what I want?” she growled.

  “We aren’t going to do anything you don’t want to do,” I laughed. “In case you haven’t noticed, you’re strong enough to break me in half.”

  “Ahh, that wasn’t-- ahhhh!” She covered her face with her hands and let out a moan. “I didn’t mean to make it sound like I thought you would force yourself on me. I know you would never do that. I just don’t know if I’m prepared for this.”

  “That’s fine,” I said. “You let me know when you are ready.”

  “Okay,” she said, and then she gave my lips one last lingering look before she turned forward.

  The sun was touching the ocean by the time we reached the beach, so I steered our caravan in through the jungle back to where the cave fort was. Once we made it down to the grassy spot where the rope bridge end was connected, I realized that it was going to be a bit of a pain to wrap around the “C” shape on the narrow ledge and camp inside the dark cave. The spot at the back of the fiel
d where we had once fought the Burners and the T-rexes was actually easy to defend, so Liahpa and I just built our fire there and agreed to sleep out under the open stars with the other dinos in a perimeter guard. We ate the fish that Galmine had cooked us, drank some water, and then rolled out our sleeping mats just as the first stars began to twinkle in the sky.

  “I almost never saw stars in the city where I lived,” I commented as we lay on our mats and stared into the sky. “Too many city lights.”

  “It was like that most of the places where I lived too. It’s funny, but whenever you speak about your world, it reminds me of mine, only with men. We and our worlds aren’t so different besides that.” She rolled over on her side and raised her head on her arm so she could look at me.

  “No,” I said as I turned my head away from the stars and met her ruby red eyes. “We aren’t very different, and now we are here on this world together.”

  We stared at each other for a few more moments that seemed to stretch on for an eternity.

  Then she finally spoke, but it was just a whisper that seemed to tremble across the camp fire as if it was borne on moth wings.

  “I’m ready, but I don’t know how to start.”

  I sat up on my mat and then slowly stood before walking around the fire. Liahpa was still laying on her side, and her eyes opened wide with fear as I knelt beside her.

  “Lay on your back,” I whispered, and she followed my instructions as I gently touched her muscular legs with my fingers. She hissed when she felt me caress her skin, but a few moments later I could see her toned muscles relax.

  “Spread your legs,” I whispered, and she slowly pulled her thighs apart so that I could see the crotch of her black suit. The garment fit as tight as a second skin around her, but I was able to kneel in between her legs and pull it aside a few inches with my finger before rolling my tongue over her vagina.

  Liahpa gasped as soon as she felt me tug at her suit, and then she gasped again when my mouth touched her.

  Then her gasps turned into moans as I continued to eat her out.

  A few minutes into it, she gently pushed my head away, pulled down the straps of her suit, and lifted up her hips. I helped her pull the black superhero suit off her hips, and then I resumed licking her. She climaxed much quicker than I thought she would have, and her fingers dug into my hair and scalp right at the apex of her pleasure.

  Then Liahpa stared at me with frightened eyes as I began to take off my pants.

  “You can play with it first,” I said as I lay on the mat next to her. “Then, when you are ready, you can straddle me and slide it inside of you. Take your time.”

  “Okay,” she whispered as her eyes locked onto my erection.

  She stared at it for half a minute, while the campfire crackled next to us and the stars twinkled overhead, then she hesitantly reached out with her fingers and wrapped them around me.

  Her movements were just as inquisitive as when we were back on the shore of the river, and Liahpa was soon sitting more upright so she could stare at my penis while she stroked it. Her stimulation was making me feel a bit lightheaded, so I closed my eyes and let myself relax.

  “Tell me again, what is this liquid coming out at the top?” she whispered as I felt her finger slide across my tip, and I opened my eyes to watch her.

  “Ahh, pre-cum,” I gasped. “It comes out when I’m really aroused.

  “Is your sperm in it?” she asked as she put her finger in her mouth to taste it.

  “I think some,” I said, “but most of it will come out when I ejaculate.”

  “Inside of me?” she whispered as she turned her eyes back to my face. They glowed with almost the same intensity as that of the campfire, and her breaths were coming out in aggravated pants.

  “That’s the idea,” I said. “You can also lick and suck on it, then it will go in your mouth.”

  “I don’t know if I can do that,” she said as she turned back to look at my penis.

  “Whatever you want,” I said. “I don’t have a problem licking or sucking on you. I like it.”

  “Uhhh,” she sighed. “That is a fair point, you just did it to me. Alright, here it goes. If my friends from home could see me now…” Liahpa’s voice trailed off, and then she moved her torso against my hip so that her mouth was closer to my penis.

  Then her lips wrapped around me.

  I closed my eyes and felt my mind begin to leave my body and drift up amongst the stars and smoke of the campfire. Liahpa’s moans seemed to indicate she enjoyed giving me oral, but a few minutes after she started, she pulled her mouth off of me with a loud wet smack, and then she lifted her leg and pivoted so that she was straddling my hips.

  Her hair fell onto my face, and I pulled it out of the way so that I could watch her watch herself guide my penis in between her labia.

  Then she lowered herself onto me, and we both gasped from the pleasure.

  For about half a minute, neither one of us moved. Had this been any of my other lovers, I would have grabbed their hips to control our tempo, but I somehow knew that Liahpa had to be the one to set the pace.

  So I waited, and soon she let out a long exhale and slowly began to raise and lower herself on top of me.

  Liahpa’s hands were resting on my chest, but her face was still turned away down toward her hips so that she could watch my penis slide in and out of her. I didn’t really mind her lack of attention since it was obvious from her gasps and moans that she was enjoying herself. Then she hissed out a squeal of ecstacy, pushed herself down on me urgently, and curled up against my chest as her whole body spasmed. It was an intense orgasm, and for a second I thought she would accidently tremble off me, so I reached my hands up to force her hips into mine. My movement seemed to be an additional catalyst to her powerful climax, and she began to scream as her body violently shook.

  Finally her twisting, writhing ecstacy seemed to go away, and she lay against my chest huffing for air. She was still trembling though, so I lightly stroked the bare silver skin on her back to help relax her.

  “Are you okay?” I whispered when I felt wetness on my chest.

  “Yes,” she moaned.

  “Are you sure? Kinda feels like you are crying.”

  “I am, but only because it felt really great. Thank you, Victor.”

  “You don’t need to thank me,” I said as I pulled back her hair from her face. Tears ran down her cheeks, and her red eyes were glazed over as if she had just woken up from a wonderful dream.

  “Do I just slide up off of you?” she asked as she wiped a tear from her eye.


  “Huh?” She repeated, and then her face looked confused for half a moment.

  “Do you want to stop?” I asked.

  “Isn’t it over?”

  “Oh,” I laughed. “It’s not over. We don’t stop after you climax. We are going to keep going until you have a few more, and I orgasm.”

  “Really?” she asked. “I didn’t realize that--”

  “Didn’t you have multiple orgasms with your other lovers?” I asked

  “Yes, but they were all women,” Liahpa laughed, and the movement squeezed my penis wonderfully. “I didn’t know you could keep going. I ahhh… did you already?”

  “Oh, no,” I said. “You are just really wet.”

  “What will it feel like?” she asked softly. “Ugh, I feel dumb for asking.”

  “I’m not sure,” I whispered as I pulled the hair away from her face.

  “But it will fill me and go into my… uhhh, my womb?”

  “Yeah,” I said, but I sensed her hesitation so I continued talking. “That’s the idea. You should tell me what it feels like afterwards.”

  “Yessss,” she purred, and then I pulled her mouth down to mine so we could kiss again.

  Then I showed her just what a man could do with his penis for the next hour.

  We finally finished with me on top of Liapah with her toned legs and arms wrapped around my hips and s
houlders. Her mouth hung open, her chest heaving from deep breaths, and her eyes were opened wide with pleasure.

  “It… was… amazing,” she hissed between breaths.

  “Yeah,” I exhaled. “It really was.”

  “The sex too,” she agreed as she shook her head, “but I’m talking about your sperm. I can feel it warm inside of me. I really like it. You wanted me to tell you.”

  “Glad you like it,” I said.

  “No, I love it,” she replied as her body trembled with another short orgasm that made both of us gasp.

  When I tried to seperate from her, she didn’t let me go, so we kissed until our mouths were tired and then fell asleep wrapped up in each other’s passionate embrace. We woke up in the same position when the sun first peeked over the side of the canyon walls, and then we made love another time before cooking some fish that Bruce had caught for us.

  Then we continued up the coast toward the marsh where the river started.

  That leg of the trip was uneventful. We didn’t see more than a handful of flying dinosaurs pass overhead and swoop into the ocean for their breakfast.

  “I want to try to avoid that marsh up ahead if we can,” I said as soon as we saw the first parts of it on the horizon. “On the way back, the stegos will be too heavy to risk swimming across any of the parts, and I’m worried about the predators that might be hunting there.”

  “Is there a route through these mountains?” she asked as she pointed at the valleys to our right.

  “That’s what Gee told me she thought,” I said as I angled the group of dinosaurs in that direction. “The forest there looks thick, so we might not be able to fit Tom through in some parts.”

  “I have a solution for that,” Liahpa said as she patted on the soul ring axe.

  “You read my mind,” I said, and we leaned into each other for a kiss that was interrupted by an angry diesel engine sound. It was Gumpy, and the giant purussaurus was walking beside Tom across the beach.

  “Guess he’s gonna take the shortcut with us,” I laughed, but then the dino-croc looked up at me, moaned with annoyance, and continued walking.


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