The forest did end up being too thick in parts, but the problem was solved by either Liahpa cutting down a tree in our way, Tom pushing one out of our way, or a combination of Liahpa cutting up the roots so Tom had an easier time muscling through.
The going was slower than I expected, and I still wasn’t quite sure that our north-east route through the forest south of the marsh was going to work, but then we reached the slope of the hill, and I saw a canyon that I guessed would be a pass through. The narrow passage was barely wide enough for Tom to fit through, and there were a few tense moments when I thought we were stuck, but then Liahpa was able to shave some rocky sidewalls with her axe, and then Tom slipped through.
The next valley was the last massive savannah that I recognized as the place before we ran into the marsh the first time we had passed. Our progress across the grass was slowed a bit by Grumpy, since he couldn’t really walk that fast, but I was fine to slow down so that he stayed with us, and we ended up getting back to the river around the time the sun was beginning to start its descent into the west.
We continued a few more valleys upriver, and then we hit the difficult switch back spot that I was worried about. The sun was close to setting at that point, so we left the big dinos below us and walked the steep pathway with the troodons while we talked about how we could get everyone up the side.
The main issue was really the second switchback from the bottom. The turn was a bit too sharp, and the angle steeper than it needed to be. I guessed that I could probably get the stegos up with some careful maneuvering and commands for them to power up the slope, but Tom was just too big, and he accelerated too slow. The only solution seemed to be one where we dug out the back end of the corner and maybe laid a few wooden logs across the first part of the slope so that Tom could have some makeshift stairs.
“That will take us most of the day tomorrow to do,” Liahpa commented after we had walked through the trouble area half a dozen times and then looked for oak trees to cut down.
“I don’t think there is another solution,” I said with a shrug.
“We could leave Tom here,” she said with a joking smile, and Tom huffed and stomped one of his feet.
“It was a joke!” Liahpa laughed and then patted the big trike’s flank. Tom huffed again, but then he moved his massive head around so that she could reach up under his chin.
We made camp at the base of the switchbacks that night, but this time we built a quick pup tent style hut with branches from oak trees that Liahpa easily lopped off. Having someone else around to help me do the initial build on the hut made everything a lot easier, and we were able to get the small shelter built along with a cooking fire for fish before we lost all the sunlight for the day.
When the night came, Liahpa and I spent most of it making love.
The next day wasn’t quite as challenging as we had thought. I was able to get Mike D to move backward up the slope so that his tail was positioned against the landing of the too tight switchback. Once he was in place, I ordered him to begin carefully to swish his tail back against the wall rocks, and trees there, and it helped clear a bit of the space without causing any boulders to fall down on us from above. Then I had the stego pivot around and he twisted his tail against the steeper part of the path. This actually solved a bit of our slope problem, but I still saw a spot that we would have to dig out and try to put down a log.
After we got Mike D back down below, Liahpa and I cut down an oak and carried it up the switchback so that we could set it in the trench the stego had cut out. The silver skinned woman had to trim a few parts of the trunk with her axe while I dug out some dirt with the antler pick, and we pounded forearm thick posts of oak into the far edges of the post to keep it from rolling down the hill. As soon as the posts were deep enough, Liahpa cut off the top part with her axe so they were flush with the step we had just installed, and then we walked the section a few times just to make sure we weren’t forgetting anything.
Then I ordered Tom to lumber up the slope.
The big trike looked like an elephant trying to balance on a concrete parking space stop, and I had to remind myself to breathe when he made it to the first switchback. This one wasn’t as tight as the first, but it still seemed impossibly close for the big three horned dinosaur, and I had to make him put his front feet on the cliff wall and almost stand up straight to get him aligned correctly. He did it though, and then I had him slowly walk up the slope to the one we had just fixed.
“I’ll watch him from the bottom,” Liahpa said as she jumped down the side of the cliff and floated down thirty or so feet to the slope where Tom had just walked.
The trike got to the switchback, took one look at it, snorted, and then looked up at me with an expression that spoke volumes about his opinion of my request. I just laughed, shrugged at the big trike, and then put my hands up to my mouth so I could shout down to him.
“You can stay here if you want. We’ll be back in two days.”
Tom snorted as he shook his head, and then he pushed his bulk up on to the switchback like an elephant trying to balance on a three-legged bar stool.
“You got this, buddy,” I hissed as the trike twisted his neck up so he could turn without getting his horns stuck. It took me commanding him to wiggle back and forth and side to side with a few small movements before he could actually get his head around, but he eventually got it, and then he was able to climb up onto the step that Liahpa and I had just secured into the slope.
The step really helped, and Tom was easily able to climb up it and then ascend the rest of the slope. Two easier switchbacks later, and he was standing on the top of the cliff next to me, and the stegos began to make their way up.
Mike D, MCA, and Ad-Rock weren’t as big as Tom, and they were a bit surer of their steps, so they made the climb without any issue. Grumpy also didn’t have any problems making it up the switchbacks, but he rumbled and grumped with every step. The troodons came last up with Liahpa, and then we mounted up and continued on our way. The whole ordeal ended up taking us until midday, but we made it to the malachite wall just as the sun was starting to set.
Liahpa and I set up camp again, ate some more fish, and then fucked like horny rabbits during the springtime. Her hunger for me seemed more intense than even Trel’s and the silver-skinned woman woke me up three times during the night to ask me if I could make love to her again. I eagerly indulged her every time, but even with the numerous bouts, I woke up in the morning to find her riding me.
“Sorry,” she gasped when she saw that I was awake. “You were hard and I couldn’t help myself.”
“That’s okay,” I laughed as I grabbed onto her arms and pulled her into a kiss.
When we were done with our morning lovemaking session, we ate a quick breakfast and went to work on the malachite wall. The antler pick I had taken from the asshole's camp worked much better than I would have expected, and Liahpa and I took turns hacking at the wall, gathering up the green rock in baskets, hauling them to the stegos, and then dumping them in the storage containers.
As soon as we filled Mike D’s up halfway, I ordered him to walk around as I watched his feet move. He must have had a few thousand pounds of the rock in the bamboo tub on his back, but his steps didn’t seem more labored than usual.
“He doesn’t seem to mind the weight, but I think that’s about as much as we should put in there,” I said. “It’s a long walk back home, and I’d rather we make it with a little less, than exhaust them and have to wait an extra day.”
“Good plan,” Liahpa said. “Should I unload him now so he doesn’t have to carry the burden until we are ready to leave?”
I looked at the sun and realized that we had made excellent progress. I had expected that it would take us all day to cut out the stone and get it loaded on the stegos, but the sun wasn’t very high in the sky, and I guessed it was probably around ten in the morning.
“I wanted to load him up to make sure he could handle the weight, but I think
we can get them all loaded up and then start the journey back,” I said. “We’ll have to hurry a bit. How you feeling?”
“Like I can go all day and all night,” Liahpa purred as her eyes roamed over my chest.
“Then let’s get the other two loaded up as soon as we can and get a few valleys back towards ho--”
A distant roar sounded from up river, and I turned to where Bruce was standing behind us. The pteranodon knew what I wanted, and he hopped up into the air with an affirmative honk and went to go see what was making the noise.
“Should we go?” Liahpa asked.
“Naw, it sounded far away. Let’s stick to the plan.”
We went back to the wall, and I started hacking at it with my pick. The malachite was really easy to peel away, but the three hours of intense work I had done so far was starting to tire out my arms. It was probably a good thing that I wasn't going to fill each bamboo tub up to the brim with the malachite since I doubted that I’d be able to lift my arms after I did three of the half fills.
Bruce returned a few minutes later and let out a honk that let me know everything was okay, and I told Liahpa that we were safe to keep working. We skipped lunch, but took breaks to drink water from our jug and stretch our arms.
By the time we finished loading up the last stego, my hands, arms, back, and legs were almost numb with exhaustion, but I was feeling rather proud of my fitness level. Liahpa still looked fresh, and she had done most of the actual heavy lifting of the baskets up onto the stegos, but I had cut most of the stone from the wall, and poured at least a hundred heavy baskets of green rock into the tub. It was the kind of activity I never would have dreamed I could do before I got spit down on Dinosaurland, but I was loving the thick veiny muscles that were appearing on my biceps.
“We’ve got a few hours left,” I said as I glanced at the sun. “How are you feeling?”
“Like I’m ready for what we do before we go to bed,” she laughed as she leaned into my chest. I wrapped my arm around her narrow waist and kissed her for a few moments, and then we mounted up on Tom and began our return trip down the river.
I kept our speed low and my eyes on the stegos as we walked into the next valley. Mike D, MCA, and Ad-Rock didn’t seem to care at all about the weight, but I knew that the hardest part was going to be going down the switchbacks and then fitting through the narrow canyon that would let us bypass the marsh. I wasn’t going to feel safe until we were back inside of our fort.
But that was how life was in Dinosaurland.
We made it back to the dreaded switchbacks just as the sun began to touch the sides of the valley cliffs, and I turned back around to check on the stegos. They were moving along just fine, but I decided to hold off on the descent until everyone had rested.
Liahpa and I set up the camp again, and Bruce descended from the sky with what looked like a cross between a stingray and a saw-toothed shark impaled on his beak. The creature was a good four feet long, and probably weighed a hundred pounds, but the big pteranodon flexed his neck and dumped in on the ground right next to our fire before he let out a proud honk.
“Good job, Bruce!” I said as I rubbed his neck. “This looks like a fine meal.”
“It will be hard to cook something this large,” Liahpa said as she slammed her axe into the creature’s head and ended its thrashing.
Bruce let out another honk, and I smiled at him before turning back to Liahpa.
“That’s for the four of us to share. We’ll cut some off for us to cook, give Bruce a big piece, and then Grumpy can have the rest.
The big purussaurus let out a disgruntled rumble, but then Bruce honked at him, and Grumpy made what I could have sworn sounded like a rough laughing sound.
We cut a few large chunks of meat off the big fish, threw them on a cooking stone near the fire, gave Bruce a serving about twice the size of ours, and then tossed the rest to Grumpy. Both of the dinos gobbled their food down quickly, but Liahpa and I had to wait ten or so minutes for ours to cook.
“I never thought it would be like this,” she said after we had eaten our meal and lay beside each other next to the fire listening to the sound of the river, crickets, and wind.
“Hummm?” I asked as I fought to keep my eyes open.
“With a man,” she said as she wiggled her ass against me so that we were spooning. “I had plenty of women lovers, but this is different.”
“How so?” I asked. “Well, besides the whole penis thing.”
“Yeah,” she laughed. “There is that, but I mean something else that I can’t quite put my finger on. I am strong, but I feel safe with you. Is it confidence?”
“I don’t think any of my friends back on my homeworld would say I was confident,” I chuckled.
“You aren’t that Victor anymore,” Liahpa said. “I can call you kind, thoughtful, cunning, and intelligent, but most of all you are confident. Even when we make love, you touch me in a way that women never have. You pull me into you, or you push me away so you can then get deeper into me with your next thrust. I’m so used to being in control, so making love with you makes me feel different emotionally. It isn’t just your penis. It’s the way you kiss me, make love to me, and touch me afterwards. Does that make sense?”
“I’m not sure,” I said. “I know you’ve never been around a man, but we are also different species from different worlds. I’m just trying to satisfy you.”
“Oh, you do that,” she laughed as she pushed her ass into my crotch more. “Can you do it some more right now? I know you are tired, but I feel like I need you all the time.”
“Of course,” I said, and then I gave her what she needed until the fire began to die out.
The next morning we pushed down the switchbacks on the cliff wall.
As usual, I let Tom go first, so an accident wouldn’t cause him to land on anyone below. The second to last turn proved tricky again, but I figured out a solution that would have never worked if I didn’t have absolute control over him.
The issue with the spot was that I had to make the dinos pivot so they could face the direction they would be traveling. Going uphill was challenging because Tom had to lift up his horns to get his head past the cliff face, but going down might have been even worse, since the big trike’s tail wasn’t flexible enough to move.
So I just made him slide down the next slope in reverse.
I could tell that he didn’t like it, but it made the turn so much easier because he just had to shift his rear over to the next slope while his front legs stayed on the turn part. The problem was that Tom couldn’t see behind him, but since I could, I just gave him the commands on where to put his feet until he had backed down into the next switchback turn. Then I just had him shift his front legs over, and he was easy able to walk out onto the ground next to the river.
“Cunning,” Liahpa said. “I bet you would have been a phenomenal Lift Ball coach.”
“Thanks,” I said as I ordered the stegos to all move down.
Their steps were a lot more careful than Tom’s were, and I sensed that the weight that they each bore was really causing their weaker front legs distress, so after the first switchback, I made them all go down backwards so that their stronger rear legs took the majority of the weight. It really made the journey down a lot easier, and I realized there was probably a lot of other actions that I could have my dinosaurs do that I hadn’t thought of.
Grumpy had once again riden down the waterfall, and the giant crocodile met us on the shore of the river after we got down. We continued on our westward journey, and I sighed with relief when I realized the hardest part was probably over. My stegos looked great, we had at least six thousand pounds of malachite. I didn’t know exactly how much copper that would give us, but I figured that it would be enough to make a bunch of water jugs, the filtration pipes, and a water trough that my dinos could drink from.
And if we ran out, I could always come back to get more.
“We should be able to get back to the cav
e before nightfall,” I said as I gestured to the sun. “The stegos are moving a bit slower, but we already cut down the trees in the forest valley by the ocean, so that part should be easy to get through.”
“I want to go back, but I also don’t,” Liahpa said as she grinned at me.
“I can understand that,” I laughed.
“At least Trel can stop complaining about how much of an idiot I am for hating you,” the red-eyed woman laughed. “She’s a bit of a hypocrite sometimes, since I don’t think anyone hates men more than she does.”
“Trel is a bit of a puzzle,” I agreed.
“I do like her though,” Liahpa said quickly. “I like everyone in our tribe a bunch. Even though it’s only been a few weeks, I feel like I am closer to all of you than my own Lift Ball team--” her words stopped as her mouth opened, and then she blinked a few times.
“You okay?” I asked as I spun around to where her eyes were looking. I didn’t see anything in the forest, but the troodons seemed to sense my distress, and they turned their heads to look at where I was.
“Oh, no,” Liahpa sighed as she rubbed her palm over her beautiful face. “I just realized that it’s only been a few weeks, but my life has had a complete turn over. Here I am, alone with a man, and I love that man, and I want him to put his penis inside of me. I want him to ejaculate inside of me. I like the way his sperm feels! It’s just…” She sighed again and then pinched the bridge of her nose as she closed her eyes. “It’s insane. I was terrified of you when we first met, but now I feel like all I can think about is the next time we can have sex. It is almost like I’m in puberty again.”
“I understand,” I said as I wrapped my arm around her waist. I half expected her to pull away from me, since she was talking about how crazy our relationship was, but she surprised me by leaning into my shoulder.
“I knew you would,” she laughed. “That’s another quality I like about you, Victor.”
I held her as we continued to ride, and then we finally reached the last valley before the marsh. We turned south to move across the plains, and the golden light from the dropping sun made the grass seem as if it was actually a sea of copper. It was absolutely beautiful, and Liahpa leaned her head against my shoulder as she took a deep breath.
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