The Heart Remembers: Blood Valley Investigations: Book Two (The Omega Auction Chronicles 16)

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The Heart Remembers: Blood Valley Investigations: Book Two (The Omega Auction Chronicles 16) Page 1

by Kian Rhodes

  Blood Valley Investigations:

  Book Two

  The Heart Remembers

  Written by Kian Rhodes

  Nom de Plume Publications

  PO Box 31506

  Aurora, CO 80041

  ISBN-13: 978-1-945854-69-9

  All content including, but not limited to, characters and situations are the intellectual property of the author and may not be used in any way without prior written approval.

  Copyright © 2018 All Rights Reserved


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six




  "Is everyone here?"

  Ralph Coraine, my immediate supervisor and the director of the Council of Packs Security Division, raised a brow when I took control of the meeting instead of waiting for him to call it to order.

  I glanced around the table, taking notice of the large number of investigators present. If I'd thought the Alpha Zoo case that we had closed a few weeks back had garnered a large following, it had been small potatoes compared to this turnout. In addition to the usual attendees, the department heads from Crimes Against Omegas, Missing Beings, and Omega Services were all present and accounted for. Hell, someone had even brought Charles Kier, a well-known attorney who advocated on behalf of Omega Destiny International, a social justice group known for helping abandoned and neglected Omegas obtain their freedom. Whether or not his presence would be a good thing remained to be seen.

  "If there is no objection, I am going to start with a brief history of the case."

  No one objected.

  "Omega Doe was the victim of an apparent kidnapping last month. Two days later, the Blue Ridge Alpha was accosted while searching for him and held against his will at a forced fight club that has been referred to as the Alpha Zoo."

  Several voices murmured their acknowledgment of the case.

  "Those of you who are familiar with the case will recall that the Alpha was able to break free and was instrumental in providing us with the intel that was later used to infiltrate the criminal organization and bring it down."

  Another murmur of agreement.

  "Omega Doe was then dropped off at the COPSD main office by unseen and unknown perpetrator or perpetrators where he claimed to have no memory of the kidnapping or, in fact, any idea at all of who he was."

  Carol, the Crimes Against Omegas department head raised her hand and waited for me to nod in her direction. "Why do you say claims? It sounds as if you doubt him?"

  "Truthfully, Carol, there is some question about the validity of the claim." I watched her eyes narrow as I took a drink of water. "The Omega in question had a history of eratic behavior prior to the incident."

  "I see." Carol's lips screwed into a frown as she flipped through the papers in front of her and jabbed her slender finger down on a neatly printed line. "I thought that a member of the Blue Ridge pack – an elder, I believe? - had already admitted to orchestrating the kidnapping." I nodded and she continued. "Did that pack elder implicate this Omega in the crime?"

  "No," Colby answered for me. "He didn't."

  "I see," Carol said again, her nose wrinkling as she flipped through another couple of pages in her notebook. Damn but that woman took thorough notes. "And it says here that Omega Doe was injured when he was recovered?"

  "Well, not technically," I said with a sigh. "There was evidence that he had suffered a recent trauma or injury, but his body was healed enough that the doctors couldn't determine how the injuries occurred and, of course, the Omega denies that he knows."

  "But wasn't he formally diagnosed with memory loss?"

  "Yes," Colby acknowledged, passing a stack of papers around the table. "The tentative diagnoses is a dissociative fugue."

  "Can you give us a brief rundown on what, exactly, that means?" Charles Kier asked, his pen poised over his paper.

  "Of course." I flipped my own notebook open and scanned the lines until I found the information. "In this case, Omega Doe claims to not know who or what he is." When a questioning murmur ran around the table, I explained, "He believes himself to be human and seems to be unaware of the existence of Alphas, Omegas, or shifters of any kind."

  "When you say he is unaware of Alphas.." Carol trailed off.

  "All of his Omega conditioning seems to be gone," Colby confirmed. "Even the Alpha voice has no hold over him."

  "No Omega could fake that." Carol shook her head in annoyance and looked to Ralph at the head of the table. "Director, on behalf of Omega Doe, my department wishes to file a formal complaint against Agent Borrero for his unfounded accusations against the victim in this case. We further urge that Omega Doe is cleared of suspicion until such time that the security division can provide actual evidence that he participated in any wrongdoing."

  Always the professional, Ralph nodded. "You'll have to file your complaint through official channels, Carol, but I agree that Omega Doe should be treated the same as any other victim would be as we investigate the case – innocent until proven guilty."

  Chapter One


  “Harley? What are you doing with that?”

  I hesitated and looked over my shoulder when I heard the name I’d been given in a voice that was slowly becoming familiar. My guardian, Zade, was standing in the open doorway.

  Looking back to the mirror, I studied the unfamiliar face staring back at me. Releasing my grip on a length of thick curls, I slowly lowered the rusty hacksaw blade that I was gripping in my other hand. I stared in horrified fascination at the nearly scalped man gazing back at me from the mirror.

  “I don’t know, sir.”

  “Okay,” Zade’s voice was calm and soothing. “Why don’t you come with me?”

  “Yes, sir.” I placed the saw blade in his outstretched hand and obediently followed him from the bathroom, sitting on the sofa that he motioned me to.

  “I’ll be right back. Wait here, please.”

  I nodded, biting the inside of my cheek as I tried to remember how I’d ended up in the bathroom lopping off my hair.

  Whispered voices flew back and forth in a room to the right of where I’d been left, but they were low enough that I couldn’t make out the words. After several moments, the voices stopped and Z
ade came to sit in the chair across from me.

  “Harley, where did you get the saw blade?”

  I could feel my brows knitting into a frown and all I could do was shrug. “I don’t remember, sir.”

  “Okay.” Zade studied me, his face etched with concern. Then he sighed. “Levi is calling the doctor.”

  I nodded again and went back to chewing my lip. A visit from the doctor was par for the course when my memory lapses got worse, but there was something about the man that made me very uncomfortable. The last time Dr. Miango had strongly advised medicating me, but Zade had agreed not to when I asked. Something told me that I wasn't going to get that lucky again.

  “It’s going to be okay, Harley,” Zade said gently. “We’ll figure it out. In the meantime, you need to stay in the house with Levi."

  "Yes, sir." I had to swallow a sigh. After all, I didn't remember anything leading up to butchering my hair, so I didn't even know if we'd already had this conversation.


  A choked gasp caught my attention, telling me that Zade and I were no longer alone. Zade's husband, Levi, stood in the doorway, his blue eyes sad. He inhaled deeply and then forced a smile.

  "Hey, Harley." He held a hand out to me. "Why don't you come with me and we'll see what I can do to help finish your haircut?"

  "Yes, sir." I rose and walked over to take his hand, my eyes trained on the floor.

  "Oh, Harley," Levi said softly, leading me into the kitchen and seating me like I was a child. "You don't need to call me sir. I'm Levi, remember?" He ran gentle fingers through the length of hair that I had been holding when Zade interrupted me. "Um, we're going to have to cut this pretty short," he said slowly, "unless you want to try something a little edgier?"

  "Whatever you think is best, sir. I mean, Levi." After all, I didn't even recognize the person in the mirror, what difference would it make to me what he looked like?

  Levi moved around me in a circle, his head tilting as he studied me. Finally, he stepped back and nodded his head, raising the hand holding the scissors. "Okay. I think I have an idea."

  I sat perfectly still as Levi snipped and clipped, catching the occasional curl from the corner of my eye as it dropped to the kitchen floor.

  "You have such pretty hair," he mused, still snipping away. "It's a shame most of it will be gone."

  "It'll grow back," I reminded him, catching a lock in my fingers as it fell toward my toes. It was a pretty color, I agreed silently. A red so dark that it looked black until the light reflected off it. Still, I thought with an inward shrug, I wouldn't miss it.

  "Of course it will," Levi agreed quickly. He made one final circuit around my chair with a snip here and there before laying the scissors on the counter and pronouncing the job done. "Why don't you come into the bathroom and see what you think?"

  While we'd been in the kitchen, the bathroom had been cleaned up. The hair I had hacked off earlier was nowhere to be seen when Levi gently pushed me in front of the mirror and turned on the light.

  The curls that had bobbed down past my shoulders were gone. On the right side of my head – the side I had started with – there had been nothing Levi could do except even-out the hair I had cropped close to my head. On the top he had layered it so that it started out short at my right temple and then gradually increased in length over the top of my head and down to just below my left ear.

  It was edgy.


  But it didn't matter because I still didn't recognize the man in the mirror.


  pter Two


  "Are you okay back there, Harley?"

  I was staring out the window at the moonlit countryside zipping past when Zade's voice from the front of the truck pulled me back from my woolgathering.

  "Yes, sir."

  We were on our way to a town I'd never heard of to meet with a doctor. Zade had told me was a specialist, but he hadn't specified in what. Truthfully, though, the only thing that mattered to me was that Zade had again stood behind me when I told Dr. Miango that I didn't want to take the anti-psychosis medication he tried to push on me.

  Anyway, the town was called Wolfsrudel and Levi had told me that it was a few hours away from the small village with the quaint wood-carved sign that read Blue Ridge. After we left, Zade had mentioned that we would also be meeting with the investigators who were trying to figure out what had happened to me. That made me sigh. They had visited me at Zade and Levi's house several times already and they always asked the same questions, questions that I still didn't have answers to.

  The doctor that Zade and Levi took me to when we arrived in Wolfsrudel could have easily been a country doctor from an old-time story. He had gray hair, kind, pale blue eyes, a gentle smile, and, best of all, a calm, non-threatening demeanor.

  "How are you, Harley?" he greeted me with a soft smile. "It's good to see you up and about."

  My confusion must have shown on my face, because he continued. "You likely don't remember me. I was the doctor in charge of your case when you woke up."


  "No," I said hesitantly, "I'm sorry, sir, but I don't have any memories of that day."

  "No problem," the doctor breezed with another soft smile. "And call me Doc. Everyone does." He waited for me to nod and then continued. "Zade tells me that you're still having some problems with your short-term memory."

  "Yes, Doc," I confirmed. "I..he found me cutting off my hair this morning, but I don't remember doing it." I paused and felt my lip begin to tremble. "I really don't want to have to take any drugs. Please."

  Doc's bushy brow rose and he nodded slowly. "That would never be my starting point, son. Let's start with a few cognitive tests and move on from there, okay?"

  My entire body sagged in relief and I nodded, feeling my head bobble like a broken doll's. "Thank you!"

  Doc smiled, but his eyes were thoughtful as he turned to Zade. "This isn't going to be a one-day fix, you know."

  Zade blew out a breath and nodded. "I know. We're bunking out at Blood Valley while we look for short-term rental options."

  "Smart man." Doc turned back to me. "Now, let's go have a seat and try our hand at a word association exercise," he suggested, taking my elbow and leading me to a small table by the window. "After all, no time like the present!"

  Before my appointment ended, Doc took my vital signs and made a few notes in the chart. Then he told Zade to be sure I got a good amount of sleep and he'd see me the next night.

  "Why do you work nights?" I asked when the thought suddenly popped into my head. "I mean, doctors don't usually, do they?"

  My guardian, his husband, and Doc all exchanged a look that spoke volumes, but I didn't understand it. Doc turned back to me with another of his gentle smiles. "This is a very large hospital and we staff it twenty-four hours a day." He patted my shoulder gently. "This was the only appointment available around the same time as your meeting with the Council."

  With that, Zade and Levi ushered me out the door and into the waiting truck for the short ride to the brick one-story building where I knew the detectives would be waiting for me.

  Zade stopped to exchange words with a man in the lobby while Levi ushered me into the large room and nudged me toward the three chairs that had obviously been left vacant for us. The rest of the chairs at the oval table were all filled.

  The lead detective, a large man named Rafael Borrero, was whispering to the man next to him, their body language all but screaming that they were involved. It wasn't until Zade walked to his seat – frowning as the man from the lobby followed him and leaned against the wall behind us – that Detective Borrero began to speak to the group.

  Chapter Three


  When I arrived at the Council of Packs Security Division office, Rafael had been adamant that I would only be allowed to sit in on the meeting regarding Harley's case if Zade allowed it. After all, newly bonded to
another Omega or not, the lucky bastard was still Harley's legal guardian.

  I argued my case as calmly as possible and, finally, the younger Alpha just shook his head.

  "Fine. Whatever." Zade glared at me. "But you do not talk to him until after we talk, understand? There's some shit you're gonna need to know to keep from making things worse."

  Naturally, I agreed immediately. After spending the better part of two years chasing down every clue that might lead me to my Omega, there was no chance I was backing down that easily.

  "Absolutely," I said, quickly stepping aside so Zade could continue on his way. There were no more seats at the table, so I leaned against the wall, thankful that the shape of the room meant I could draw in Harley's scent without anyone noticing.

  "If you skim the handouts in front of you," Rafael began, "you'll see that we haven't made as much progress as we would have liked in the time since Harley was restored to the Blue Ridge…to his home."

  My brow quirked up when Rafael stumbled over his words. He'd clearly been about to say restored to his pack when he stopped and reworked his sentence. A few seats away, Colby, Rafael's Omega and a COPSD Strategy Specialist must have seen my surprise, because he snagged a piece of paper from a stack on the table and twitched it in my direction. I leaned over and grabbed it with an appreciative smile, but once I read through the first paragraph, my heart stuttered and sank into my stomach.

  "Subject continues to suffer from amnesia and dissociative fugue, both of which are presumed to have resulted from a currently unknown trauma. He believes that he is human," I read silently to myself, trying to hide a wince. "He has no knowledge of shifters and appears to have blocked all Omega conditioning."

  Did that really mean what it sounded like?

  That Harley didn't know shifters existed – much less that he was one – and wasn't responding to Alphas at all?

  Looking over, I saw Colby watching me and he nodded, confirming what I had just read.

  How the hell was I supposed to convince the love of my life to come back to me without him knowing what I was?


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