The Heart Remembers: Blood Valley Investigations: Book Two (The Omega Auction Chronicles 16)

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The Heart Remembers: Blood Valley Investigations: Book Two (The Omega Auction Chronicles 16) Page 2

by Kian Rhodes

  I shoved that thought to the back of my brain, forcing myself to focus on the conversations taking place in front of me.

  Other than the well-established fact that Harley had been kidnapped and held against his will, the COPSD agents didn't seem to know all that much. They were still operating on the assumption that the perpetrators had been associated with a forced alpha fighting ring that they called the Alpha Zoo, but they hadn't narrowed it down to a location or even identified people of interest, much less arrested anyone.

  When Rafael Borrero finished his case recap, a human at the table whose name card identified her as an agent of the Crimes Against Omegas division of the Council of Packs pulled out a list of questions. Everyone turned to look expectantly at Harley.

  He sighed but answered each question as she asked it.

  No, he hadn't remembered anything else.

  No, he was sure he didn't know where he'd been taken.

  No, he didn't know who had grabbed him.

  No, he didn't know what had been done to him while he was gone.

  After several minutes, Harley's distress began to alter his scent and my wolf started clawing at my gut in response. I was fighting a losing battle to keep from speaking up when Zade raised a restraining hand toward the woman.

  "I'm sorry, Carol, but I think this is enough." He shot a quick glance at Harley. "He hasn't remembered anything new and he is exhausted. If anything comes back to him, I'll call you."

  The woman huffed but nodded, flipping her notebook closed with a faint thud and folding her hands together on the cover. "Very well."

  I followed Zade and the two Omegas out to the parking lot where he helped them into a crew-cab truck. He closed the door carefully and walked toward me, shaking his head.

  "This isn't a good time, Scott."

  "I got that," I agreed. "But I might be able to help."

  Zade quirked a brow at me and I laughed.

  "Seriously. At least hear me out." I leaned back against my van. "He has a kind of amnesia, right?" When Zade nodded, I raised a brow of my own. "It's common knowledge that beings suffering from amnesia can get their memory back from being triggered, right?"

  Zade nodded. "Doc said that works in a lot of cases."

  "I've known him longer than anyone else here," I pointed out. "If what you've said about your relationship with him is true, I know him better – more intimately, anyway – also." I inhaled slowly, trying not to sound overly eager. "Let me help."

  Silence stretched between us for several minutes as Zade considered my words. Finally, he sighed and rubbed his hand over his face. "Let me think on it," he said.

  "I know you don't really know me," I pressed carefully, "but I would never hurt him."

  "There's that," Zade admitted. "But there's more. Stuff you don't know." He glanced over at the truck where the two Omegas waited and seemed to come to a decision. "The Blood Valley Pack is putting us up for a couple of days. Head on out tomorrow night and we'll talk."

  I nodded, smart enough not to force the issue when he was being reasonable. When the truck pulled out of the lot, I followed behind and then pulled off into a grove of trees at the edge of the Blood Valley territory. Climbing into the back of my mobile home, I booted up my laptop and headed for my favorite search engine. After all, I was familiar enough with amnesia, but I'd never even heard of Harley's other problem. Typing in dissociative fugue, I scanned the results in horror. Whatever had happened while Harley was gone, it had to have been a nightmare.


  I was still sitting with the laptop, pouring over everything I could find online that might tell me how I could help my Omega, when the morning sun began to peer in through the windshield and splinter out through the back of the van, triggering a wide yawn.

  I glanced at the neatly made bunk and groaned. Physically, I was tired. Mentally, my mind was racing a thousand miles an hour. Throw in the anxious wolf who was desperate to see that his Omega was safe and there was absolutely no chance that I was going to be able to sleep.

  Deciding that a run would help, I stripped down, and, since I planned on hitting the sack as soon as I got back, I put my clothes away before surrendering to the wolf that was all too happy to claw his way free.

  I started out slow, keeping a careful nose out to identify territory markers. The last thing I wanted was to end up trespassing in the unfamiliar area. I loped along through the deeper shadows until I heard the unmistakable sounds of a large creature – a stag or possibly even a bear - struggling through the underbrush. Sinking back into a thicket, I was startled when the interloper stumbled into view.

  It was Harley.




  When we left the hearing or meeting or whatever it was, Zade had explained that we would be staying with the head detective, Rafael, for the night instead of driving home. In bed by two in the morning, I was wide awake at nine o'clock but no one else was. I managed to get dressed without disturbing Zade and Levi, who were sleeping in the bedroom next to mine. Grabbing my shoes, I waited until I was outside in the bright morning light to put them on. Then, with a curious glance at a man who seemed to be on guard duty, I decided to follow a path that led into the woods.

  I wandered in the shade of the ancient trees for a while before the gentle babbling of running water caught my ears. Stepping off the path, I began to search for the source but somehow managed to get tangled up in a blackberry patch. I was struggling to free my pant legs from the thorns when I heard a sound behind me and felt the branches give way. Turning around, I was startled to see a large dog holding the offending branch in his mouth.

  "Thank you!" Quickly I stepped past him and out of the bushes. As soon as I was free, he released the branch slowly and then picked his way back out to sit beside me. "I didn't realize those things had thorns." When he lifted his front paw and began worrying it with his teeth, I realized something was wrong. "Did you pick up a thorn?"

  I've never been afraid of dogs, and, obviously, this one had just done me a favor as odd as it seemed, so I moved closer, talking as I did. "Why don't you let me take a look, pup?" I lowered myself slowly to my knees and reached my hand out. "I won't hurt you."

  The large animal whimpered once, but allowed me to clasp his paw and bend it back. "There it is," I said softly, clutching the wide end of the thorn between the ragged fingernails of my thumb and index finger. Pulling quickly, I popped it out and released his paw. "Is that better?"

  The answer must have been yes, because he stretched up and licked my cheek, making me laugh. "There, there, pup," I snickered, gently pushing him down. "That's mighty forward of you."

  The dog's long tongue lolled out, making it look as though he laughed with me. "Well, I guess I should get going." I wrinkled my nose in the direction of the bushes. "I wanted to find the stream, but with my luck, I'll end up stranded without a knight-in-furry-armor to save me."

  The dog took a couple of steps away from the bushes and then looked over his shoulder at me, woofing lightly.

  "You want me to follow you, huh?" Wondering if he was leading me to a master who needed help, I started forward. "Lead the way."

  When my new friend stopped, it wasn't because he'd led me to an owner needing assistance. Instead, we were on the bank of the river I had been looking for. Astonished, I stared at him. "Do you really understand what I say or is this a coincidence?"

  Looking away, he dropped to his haunches and raised one hind foot to scratch at his ear.

  "I must be losing my mind," I muttered, sitting in the lush grass with a sigh. "It's so beautiful here."

  The dog trotted over and dropped unceremoniously next to me, letting his huge head land in my lap and nudging my hand with his nose until I took the hint and began to stroke the soft fur on his head.

  We sat like that for a couple of hours as the sun climbed higher in the sky. It wasn't until the dog's ears perked up that I heard a voice
in the distance calling my name.

  "Oh, damn." I gently eased the dog's head off my lap and stood, brushing the dirt and leaves from the seat of my jeans. "I better get back."

  The dog stood and dropped into a low stretch before taking up a spot on my right side.

  "Don't you have a home?" I rubbed his ears as we walked. "Such a beautiful boy, someone must be missing you."

  The voices were getting louder, more frantic, but still a ways off when the dog suddenly raised his muzzle and howled.

  Oddly, the voices stopped. When I reached the clearing that housed Rafael's compound – really, I couldn't figure out what else to call it unless it was a commune – twenty or so men were standing together in groups of three and four and they all appeared to be waiting for me.

  "Thank goodness you're okay!" Levi exclaimed, hugging me. "We were so worried."

  "I'm sorry," I said softly, guilt seeping in. "I didn't mean to worry you. I couldn't sleep and decided to go for a walk."

  "That's okay," Zade said calmly. "No problems?"

  "Not really. Not the way you mean," I corrected. "I did get caught in some berry bushes, but the dog helped to free me."

  "Dog?" Levi looked amused. "Where is it?"

  "He was right here," I said, confused. "Really! I didn't imagine him." Doubt started to creep into my mind as I looked around and my voice fell to a whisper. "Maybe I did."

  "I don't think so," Rafael said kindly. "Was it a big black mutt with floppy ears?"

  "If it was real.." I started, relief flooding through me as the dog loped out of the woods and ran straight to my side, butting his head against my chest. "Oh! There you are!" Without thinking, I dropped to my knees and wrapped my arms around him, hugging him tight as tears leaked from my eyes into his fur.

  "Hey, you're okay," Zade said, patting my shoulder. "You didn't imagine anything. Why don't we go get some food?"

  "Can.. can he come?" I asked hesitantly. "He's probably hungry."

  "More like thirsty," Zade huffed.

  For some reason that made Rafael snort a laugh, but he nodded, answering for Zade. "Of course, he can, Harley. Colby is throwing together some stag hash from a recipe an old friend sent us. There's plenty for everyone."




  When I'd decided to unwind by letting my wolf run before bed, it hadn't even occurred to me that I might run into Harley. Still, when I watched him stumble into the blackberry bushes and get caught on the thorns, I had to step in and offer him a hand. Or a paw, as it was.

  Just like it never occurred to me to not to lead him to the creek he'd been looking for and sit with him in the morning silence.

  Then, when I heard the panicked voices calling for him, I remembered an offhand comment that Zade had made about Harley needing constant supervision. Fighting back a wave of guilt at having enabled the Omega in his disappearance, I'd raised my voice and alerted them that he was with me before leading him back to the clearing where the search party was congregated.

  When they crowded around Harley, anxiously trying to assure themselves that he was uninjured, I'd backed into the woods with the intention of returning to the road where I'd left my van and then driving up the main road in human form. That plan was shot squarely in the ass when I caught the fear and self-doubt in Harley's voice as he began to question whether he had imagined me. Unable to bear the thought of causing Harley unnecessary pain, I'd stepped back into the late afternoon light and trotted to his side. When he dropped to his knees and wrapped his arms around me, drying his tears in my fur, I knew without a doubt that I had made the right decision, even as the shifters around him gave the appearance of everything from amusement to annoyance at my appearance.

  I stayed by Harley's side as we walked, noticing that he never took his hand off my back, almost as if he was afraid I'd fade away if he wasn't touching me. Then, when we reached the dining hall, he refused to leave me outside. Instead, asking Levi to bring him food outside so I wouldn't be left alone.

  "That's not necessary, kid," Rafael assured him with a cough that I assumed was covering a laugh. "There's no rule about pets," he grinned when I narrowed my eyes at him, "in the dining hall. Bring him in and we'll find the mutt some scraps."


  Rafael's grin widened, leaving me no doubt that he'd caught my telepathic message.

  "Thanks, Rafael," Harley sigh, appearing relieved. He looked down into my eyes and smiled. "Are you hungry, pup?"

  I nudged my head against his hand enthusiastically and he laughed.

  "Okay." He led me to a corner table. "Um, do you know sit?"

  I promptly dropped to my haunches, making him smile again. He ruffled the fur between my ears.

  "Good boy. Stay here and I'll be right back."

  I was watching Harley fill a plate at the long serving table when a shadow fell over me and a stainless-steel bowl of water appeared at my feet. Looking over, I groaned when I met the eyes of the Blood Valley Omega.

  He raised a brow over narrowed eyes, leaving me no doubt that he was suspicious of my motives, but Harley reappeared before he could speak.

  "You brought him water?" Harley asked. "Thank you so much."

  "Yeah, well, Rafael and Zade want to be sure that he doesn't get too thirsty and lose control."

  "Okay." Harley placed a plate of food in front of me, completely missing the intent of Colby's words. I, on the other hand, did not.

  I waited until Harley was momentarily distracted and rolled my eyes. Colby shrugged. It seemed we were both sticking to our positions. Then Colby got a gleam in his eyes that made me suspicious.

  "Hey, Harley? You know, I think I know this mutt."

  "Really?" Harley sounded concerned. "He has a home?"

  "Naw, not anymore," Colby assured him. I was about to decide I liked the Blood Valley Omega for reassuring Harley when he spoke again. "If it's the animal I'm thinking of, he's actually not a dog."

  Oh, hell.

  "He's not?"

  Colby shook his head. "No, he's a tamed wolf."

  I eyed Colby, wondering where he was going with this.

  "Seriously?" Rather than being afraid, Harley sounded awed. He stroked my head again. "Does he have a name?"

  That gleam in Colby's eyes sparkled and he smirked. "Well, it's not like he's AKC registered, of course, but the people who tamed him named him Admiral Scotland Fuzzybutt."

  I was a split second too late to hold back the tiny snarl at his words. Colby snickered, but Harley's eyes widened.

  "I don't think he likes that," Harley said softly. He studied me for a minute. "What about if I call you Scooter?"

  That, I decided immediately, was absolutely acceptable and I made my opinion known by licking his cheek before stretching down to eat my food, determined to ignore the Blood Valley Omega's attempts at riling me up.

  I'd finished my food and was lying over Harley's feet as he ate when Levi sat down across from him.

  "How are you feeling, Harley?"

  "Good, I think," he said slowly. "This might sound really stupid, but I feel better having Scooter with me. It's almost like he grounds me."

  "That doesn't sound stupid at all," Levi assured him kindly, offering me a small smile. "In fact, it's pretty well established that being around animals can be very therapeutic."

  "Levi?" Harley's brow was drawn into a frown. "Do you think Zade will let me keep him? I mean, if he wants to stay with me?"

  I stretched, snuggling closer so I was leaning against his legs and placing my head in his lap.

  Levi laughed.

  "Well, I think he's already answered whether or not he wants to stay with you," he teased Harley. "I can't make any promises, but I'll talk to Zade and see if I can convince him. In the meantime, I got a call from Doc earlier. He was called out on a house call, so he is going to come here for your session instead of us going to his office."

  "Oh. Okay,
" Harley finished his food and pushed the plate away, his hand dropping down to scratch my ears. "When?"

  "About an hour," Levi said. "Why don't I keep an eye on your friend while you meet with him?"

  "Scooter," Harley said quietly.


  "Colby told me what his old name was, and I shortened it to Scooter," Harley explained.

  "I see." Levi exhaled slowly. "Sure, Harley. Scooter can hang with me."


  "You should have seen your face," I said with a chuckle later when Levi and I were waiting for Zade.

  "When he said your name?" Levi laughed when I nodded. "I thought my eyes were going to pop out of my head."

  "They nearly did," I agreed, taking a long draw from the cold bottle in my hand. It had been a long time since I'd spent so many hours in wolf form and I was grateful for the opportunity to stretch my human legs while Harley was safely shut in with the doctor.

  A snarl announced the Alpha's presence and I laughed. "Something wrong?"

  "Other than you being naked with my mate?" There wasn't even a trace of humor in Zade's voice.

  "It's okay, Zade," Levi tried to reassure him. "We were just trying to be sure that he'd have time to shift if Harley and Doc finished early."

  "Besides," I shoved my chair back from the table to show the beach towel wrapped firmly around my waist, "all the good stuff is covered."

  Zade was still frowning but managed to pull back the fangs that had poked free, so I took that as a sign that he was moving on.

  "I wanted to apologize," I said calmly. "It never occurred to me that I'd run into Harley in the woods. Then he sounded so gutted when he thought he'd imagined me, that I couldn't just bail on him."

  "I know." Zade sighed. "Honestly, I think it helped him. The only problem is that now he thinks he has a pet."

  I shrugged. If all I had to do to be allowed to hang out around Harley was sit on command and look cute, I was more than on board. "That's not a problem."

  "You should know everything before you make that decision," Zade said firmly, pulling a beer from the refrigerator and sitting in the chair next to Levi.


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