Book Read Free

The Wild Heart

Page 16

by Emrys Apollo

  “We can’t. People will talk.”

  Clint leaned forward, talking quickly. “I’ve thought it through. We’ll do it here at your place. No one will know. You have a theatre, and I’ll take care of the food. What do you say?”

  Sean was amazed. Had Clint ever planned a single thing in his whole damn life? Sean certainly couldn’t ever remember another time.

  Clint seemed to sense that Sean was wavering because he kept talking. “You don’t have to do anything. I want to do this for you. I’ll take care of everything. You just have to get dressed and I’ll handle everything.”

  “Wait.” Sean was starting to feel overwhelmed by this Clint, this Clint who apparently could suddenly take over events like dates. “When do you want to do this?”

  “Tomorrow night.”

  Sean stared at Clint. He had gone through the worst these past two weeks and he was putting it all aside for Sean. He felt a sudden rush of guilt.

  “Clint-Clint, are you okay?” he asked falteringly.

  Clint looked tense. He smiled slightly. “It is what it is. I have to move on.”

  Sean felt a wave of admiration for him. How strong did Clint have to be to be able to rally this way, to be able to shoulder an entire world’s criticism and not buckle under?

  “Why don’t we just postpone it to another time?”

  Clint shook his head. “I have to go back to Ivern soon. It’s now or never, and I want to forget, Sean,” he said quietly.

  “It wasn’t your fault, Clint.”

  Clint smiled at that. “I know. You don’t-”

  “I do,” Sean interrupted. “I do. I want you to know that I’ll support you no matter what. You didn’t cause that… that. You did everything you could, but-it didn’t work. You’re still the best for me.”

  There was something very soft in Clint’s eyes. “I know. I know, Sean. Thank you.” He paused, then smiled. “Now say yes. I want to take you on a date.”

  “I haven’t agreed to getting back with you,” Sean warned. “It doesn’t mean I’m going to suddenly be with you again.”

  Clint smiled wider. “I know. Just say you’ll go on a date with me, say yes.”

  Sean couldn’t help it. He smiled. “Yes.”


  Sean had forgotten how good it was to laugh. Clint was in a surprisingly chipper mood and he chattered on and on and, for once, Sean took a backseat. He watched Clint instead, watched him be his most entertaining self, watched him coax laugh after laugh from Sean.

  The food was delicious, of course. But Sean hadn’t expected anything less, and that was the easy part of the night, anyway. It wasn’t as if Clint had cooked it himself and he could hire any chef he wanted. No, that wasn’t impressive on its own. But it was a nice bonus.

  Sean also noticed that Clint kept refilling his wine glass whenever it was even half-empty. It made him smile, but he didn’t care because he wanted to forget. He wanted to be happy, and this was what he wanted.

  Clint was what he wanted.

  Clint had dressed to perfection today, wearing a tight black button-down shirt and cream pants. He looked deliciously good and it was only adding to the night. His hair was slicked back a little, but there was so little gel in it that it looked fresh rather than overdone.

  Sean found himself falling quiet, almost mesmerized. He was still happy, but he felt he’d rather watch Clint try to please him-that in itself was the most seductive thing. It was surprisingly freeing to be courted rather than the other way around.

  Clint was his most charming best, warm and funny and attentive. He was always those things, but this time he wasn’t being lazy. He was taking charge. Sean watched with interest. He felt himself softening, but he didn’t care-because he was giving himself a pass tonight.

  He’d made the decision not long after he agreed to the date. He’d decided to be happy, to really enjoy Clint, to really enjoy this night. It wasn’t everyone who got Clint to themselves-and he wasn’t going to cut off his nose to spite his face.

  So he put his anger aside and he let Clint seduce him.

  Just for tonight.

  And it was a seduction. Clint was so mesmerizingly attractive that Sean couldn’t take his eyes off him. Not that he looked especially good today-well, he did-but that his eyes never left Sean’s, that his attention never wandered, that he was always smiling, always touching Sean.

  After the meal was over, Sean stood up to find his head pleasantly swimming. He’d drunk more than he ought to, and perhaps Clint had intoxicated him a little too because he found he couldn’t stop smiling. They’d originally planned to watch a movie, but Sean shook his head.

  He didn’t want to stop looking at Clint.

  They adjourned to the living room and Clint waved him to the couch before starting the fire. Sean leaned back, his eyelids heavy with contentment and slight languor. When Clint straightened and faced him, Sean felt a powerful urge sweep through him-he wanted Clint.

  The sexual tension had come back tonight. Clint had ensured it had. He had touched Sean so many times, stoking a fire Sean had thought was dead and gone, and now Sean looked at Clint and he felt himself getting tired with struggling, struggling to always do the right thing, always trying to stay away from Clint, always being unhappy and alone.

  Clint came and sat next to Sean on the couch and they were quiet for a little while. Clint handed Sean a glass of wine and Sean suppressed a grin. Clint’s eyes were sparkling, his cheeks slightly flushed with wine. But he was smiling and his eyes were intent.

  “Did you like it?”

  Sean raised his eyebrows. “Like what?”

  Clint’s voice was soft. “The date?”

  Sean smiled. “Yes,” he said. He didn’t want to deny it tonight. Fuck pride. He’d worry about it tomorrow. Clint was trying tonight. Tomorrow, Sean would be angry again. But tonight-tonight, he’d let himself have Clint.

  Clint’s smile was slow, but full. “Good.”

  They sat in silence for a little while. Finally, Clint smiled at him and launched into a story about his Ivern teammates had sung so brokenly and off-key one morning that another, who was completely hungover, had finally proceeded to pick him up and throw him in the garbage. Literally.

  Sean laughed at that and Clint continued to tell him story after story, some of them ones that Sean hadn’t heard and some so old and familiar that Sean himself could recount it word-for-word. But he liked hearing Clint speak, liked the way his accent kissed the words seductively.

  He didn’t think Clint had ever spoken this much before.

  It made Sean feel a kind of joy that he hadn’t felt in a long time. It made him forget about every sad thing that had happened between them and it made him want Clint again. He felt flushed and content, his head swimming a little from the wine. He was just a shade tipsy, he realized. The atmosphere was overwhelmingly cozy, the fire crackling merrily, the lights dimmed-when had Clint done that?-and the couch so soft and comfortable, Sean had sunk into something of a languorous daze.

  Clint was tipsy too. Sean could tell by the way he was smiling, lopsided and just a shade more than he usually would. Sean felt warmth rise in his stomach and he found himself staring at Clint, at how beautiful he was in the soft light, how his hair fell over his forehead, how his dimples flashed as he smiled, how the shirt molded to his defined chest.

  And Clint wanted him.

  Sean leaned his head against the back of the couch, weak with pleasure at the thought. They were just smiling at each other and then Clint slowly reached for Sean’s glass. It was empty and he carefully put it on the coffee table.

  He turned to Sean and he wasn’t smiling anymore. Sean’s breath hitched. Clint’s eyes were intent, focused, cheeks flushed. He reached out for Sean’s fingers and interlaced their fingers slowly.

  Maybe it was the alcohol but the sensation seemed heightened, the slow brushing of fingers sliding against each other, of skin rubbing against skin. Sean shivered, feeling arousal hit
him low in his belly.

  But he couldn’t take his eyes off Clint. The light was behind Clint so his face was now in shadow and Sean could only half make his features out. He was well aware that his own face was well-lit and he could only imagine what his expression was.

  Sean’s breathing got heavier. Clint was rubbing their hands together slowly, stroking Sean’s fingers slowly, until Sean’s skin felt hot and sensitive all over. Clint was coming closer and closer now, his head moving towards Sean’s inexorably.

  Sean’s head was still leaning against the back of the couch and Clint bent over him, his head tilted just over Sean’s. Sean went slack, unable to move, but so aroused his head was swimming from sensation and pleasure and Clint.

  Clint was very close now, his mouth just hovering over Sean’s. But he didn’t close the gap. Instead he stayed like that for what felt like the longest minute, drawing out the moment until Sean felt his head spin. He could feel Clint’s breath puffing gently against his parted lips. His eyes were heavy and he couldn’t take his eyes off Clint’s mouth.

  Sean was almost panting now, his cock so hard and throbbing he almost felt like he could come if Clint simply kissed him. He wanted Clint’s mouth over his so much it was driving him crazy, but he felt tongue-tied, unable to either ask or move forward and kiss him.

  Instead Clint simply waited, simply let a near-kiss become one of the hottest moments of Sean’s life. Sean felt like his bones were made of jelly, so weak with arousal he almost moaned from it. Finally, finally, Clint leaned in just that fractional inch and touched Sean’s lips with his mouth.

  Clint’s mouth was warm and dry and it felt so good, it made Sean’s crotch throb pleasurably. It was a butterfly kiss, soft and gentle, with Clint slowly just rubbing his lips against Sean’s. One of Sean’s hands was still in Clint’s, but with the other he reached up to grasp Clint’s shirt and felt his warm, hard body.

  Clint’s mouth was pressing a little more firmly against Sean’s now, deepening the kiss. Sean went completely boneless now, leaning heavily into the couch and Clint followed, tilting his head. Sean felt breathless and panted slightly. Clint took swift advantage, his tongue slowly beginning to explore Sean’s mouth.

  Sean moaned now, fisting Clint’s shirt harder. Clint moaned in return and the sound was electric, so incredibly hot in the otherwise quiet room, Sean felt his heart pound and his skin flush and heat. They were kissing deeply now, long, lazy slow kisses.

  Sean wanted, for one brief second, to kiss Clint forever. It would be enough. Just to have his mouth move over Sean’s like this, to have him fill up all of Sean’s senses so that no one existed but Clint, so that it was Clint overwhelming him with his scent, his touch, his kiss.

  The kiss went on, heating up but still at that incredibly slow pace, and in a hazy part of Sean’s mind, he thought that this was exactly what a first date kiss should be. With your best friend. A kiss that set you on fire, but stayed reined.

  But that was his last rational thought for a long time as Clint’s hands slowly slid into his hair, tilting his head deeper. The kiss was one of the best Sean had ever had, slow and sensual. But he was running out of breath and when he started seeing spots in his vision, he ended the kiss on a gasp, turning his head.

  Clint didn’t seem to want to stop. He was panting in Sean’s ear, nuzzling him, brushing kisses over Sean’s jaw and neck. Sean sighed and leaned his head back, letting Clint have more access. When Clint kissed him right under his ear, Sean shivered in pleasure. He put a hand on Clint’s chest and pushed.

  Reluctantly, Clint leaned back. Clint’s face was a lesson in arousal, pupils dilated, cheeks flushed, lips parted. Sean felt a surge of satisfaction at seeing it, his dick getting harder.

  They looked at each other for a minute and then Clint said, voice low, “I want to fuck you.”

  Sean was glad he was sitting down. Stunned, he stared at Clint, speechless. Realizing that Sean was rendered mute, Clint continued. “I want you. I want to fuck you. Now.”

  Sean was sure he would come if Clint kept talking. Each word had made him throb, made him so hard he had leaked inside his pants. Clint leaned forward and slowly brushed his lips against Sean’s. Sean’s eyes fluttered close and he let Clint kiss him slowly, let Clint’s tongue explore his mouth.

  When Clint broke the kiss, he whispered against Sean’s mouth. “Let me tonight. Please.”

  And Sean, drunk on wine and Clint and so hard he couldn’t think, said, “Yes.”

  Clint’s kiss was hard, possessive, full of a fierce primal pleasure Sean could feel. Sean could hear his pulse thundering through his entire body, his head filled with excitement and fear and nervousness.

  Clint leaned back, panting. “Bedroom?”

  Sean felt disoriented. He nodded. He stood up and so did Clint. He was just about to lead the way when Clint stopped him, kissing him again. Sean swayed a little, leaning hard against Clint, but Clint took his weight easily, still kissing him hungrily as if he couldn’t get enough.

  When he broke the kiss, Sean’s head was spinning. He walked unsteadily out of the room, very aware that Clint was right behind him, that he was quite possibly staring at Sean’s ass. The thought made him both very anxious and also very aroused. He wondered if he’d embarrass himself by coming too quickly.

  Dear God, please, please, no.

  He went up the stairs as coolly as he could, trying to ignore Clint’s soft breathing behind him. When they entered the bedroom, Sean felt the beginnings of embarrassment flutter in his stomach, but Clint wasted no time. He kissed Sean immediately, a finger hooking into Sean’s pants, tugging him closer.

  Sean let Clint kiss his fear away, let Clint kiss him slowly, lazily, mouths sloppy and wet and rough and good. Sean pushed Clint towards the bed and, tipsily, they both fell into it, tumbling and laughing against each other’s mouths.

  Clint rolled half on top of him and kept kissing him, a half-smile still on his lips. But the second Sean spread his legs under Clint, causing a change in position which caused their bulges to press against each other, Clint’s smile disappeared.

  He kissed Sean harder, his fingers coming up to grip Sean’s hair. Sean responded in kind, feeling the urgency build. There was going to an end, finally. The thought was heady and he felt pleasure and confidence filling him.

  Clint sat up after a few minutes. He pulled off his own shirt, then reached for Sean’s. Sean sat up too so that Clint could pull it off easier. They were panting now and Sean suddenly felt eager to touch Clint’s skin, to kiss it all over.

  He reached for Clint, but Clint caught his hands and kissed Sean instead. Sean subsided, letting Clint push him gently into the bed. Clint reached for his pants and started unzipping him. Sean’s breath hitched and he moaned a little, letting Clint loosen them and gently work them down Sean’s hips. He raised his hips and Clint removed them completely.

  Sean was almost naked and he was very aware that his erection was straining in his underwear, very visible to Clint. Clint started gently rubbing him over his underwear, making Sean sigh and arch a little, eyes fixed on Clint’s.

  Clint’s eyes were appreciative and Sean could tell. He was openly looking Sean over and Sean felt a rush of confidence when his eyes returned to Sean’s and they were fierce and intense. Clint leaned forward and kissed him again as he kept rubbing, his hand now moving roughly over the material, dragging it back and forth.

  Sean bucked up into Clint’s hands and it made Clint sit up, breaking the kiss. He reached for Sean’s underwear and pulled it down smoothly, freeing Sean’s cock. Sean panted, cheeks reddening. Clint stroked his cock slowly, his thumb running over the head gently.

  Sean’s eyes closed and he arched his back, sighing in pleasure as Clint worked his dick. He was already so close, so close that he could have come in a few strokes. But Clint stopped, getting off the bed. He was slowly unbuckling his belt, removing his pants and then his underwear, eyes hot and looking at Sean.

  Sean propped
himself up on an elbow, blatantly ogling Clint. Clint’s body was lean and hard, all shifting muscles and pale smooth skin. Sean’s mouth watered and he forced himself to lie down to stop himself from reaching for Clint.

  Clint seemed to know because his eyes sharpened. He half-smiled and got back on the bed quickly, kissing Sean deeply. They were both completely naked now. The feeling of naked, warm skin rubbing against each other was so erotic that Sean gasped in pleasure against Clint’s mouth, bucking into him.

  Clint broke the kiss then, panting harshly. “Turn around,” he said hoarsely.

  Sean moaned in anticipation, rolling onto his hands and knees. “Lube’s in the drawer.” He could barely think, unable to believe that finally, finally Clint was going to fuck him.

  He leaned forward, bracing his head on his hands, listening to the sounds. He could hear Clint rummaging and then he got back on the bed, kneeling behind Sean. He stroked Sean’s bottom slowly, appreciatively. Sean heard Clint suck in a breath as Sean moved back, pressing himself into Clint’s hand.

  Smiling to himself, Sean kept his face turned into his hands, glad that Clint couldn’t see his face. He could hear him opening the bottle of the lube and he felt himself throb in pleasure and anticipation.

  “Sean,” Clint said hoarsely. “Are you okay?”

  Sean nodded, though Clint couldn’t see it. “Just do it, just fuck me.”

  Clint moaned at Sean’s words, and then Sean felt Clint’s finger stroke his entrance and he forced himself to relax, to not tighten in reflex. Clint’s finger played with his opening for a while until finally Sean pushed back and Clint got the message.

  Gently, slowly, he pushed past the ring of muscle, sliding in slowly. Sean bit his lip, trying not to moan. It had been a long time since someone had fucked him and he was tighter than he’d imagined he would be, and Clint’s fingers were thicker than he’d pictured.

  But Clint was gentle, patient. He waited for Sean to push back impatiently to move again. He moved in and out slowly, the dragging and the friction not pleasurable per se but the knowledge that it was Clint was so fucking hot, it made Sean’s head spin.


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