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Dying Humanity

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by Sourav Deka




  © 2020 Sourav Deka

  This book is a work of fiction. Any names, characters, companies, organizations, places, events, locales, and incidents are either used in a fictitious manner or are fictional. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, actual companies or organizations, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, scanned, or transmitted in any form, digital or printed, without the written permission of the author.

  For rights and permissions, please contact:

  Sourav Deka at








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  To my beautiful readers.

  Thank you for taking a chance on me


  It was the month of August. The sun was shining high up in the sky and a cool breeze touched the warmth of my cheeks. There was a big farm in Atlanta covering a seven acres field. It had thousands of plants growing. The farmers were planting new plants and spraying water all over the field. Michael and I were standing at the edge of the farm looking at them working. He was in his same kind of suit he always used to wear, a clean white color suit and a grey hat over his head.

  “We finally did it,” I said.

  “Yes Ross, we did it,” Michael replied and inhaled deeply. “How is Aaron?”

  “He is fine now. The seeds helped, it cured him,” I smiled. “You were right.”

  He smiled back. “I am glad.”

  “Any news on Sam and Bristy?” I asked. “I heard Sam got released from prison.”

  “Yeah, Sam got out. But I haven’t heard anything about him since then. I tried to find both of them but they just vanished.”

  I raised my eyebrows. “Vanished?”

  He nodded. “Yeah, I guess Bristy’s Voodoo doll healed up and she got her magic back. She escaped, just disappeared from our custody,” he pressed his lips. “Always hated witches.”

  I jammed my hands in my pockets. “I am just surprised that they haven’t tried anything since Andrea died. I thought they would try to stop us again, you know destroy the seeds. That was their goal all along, right?”

  Michael took a deep breath. “Well, now they can’t do anything. We have grown many seeds. They can’t destroy all of them. I even made a secret stock in Denmark, just in case. Aivor lost Ross, they lost,” he gave a smirk. “We won, it’s our time. Now we have to make this available to the public.”

  I nodded lightly. “When you are going to do that?”

  He smiled, eyeing at the crops. “Soon, this will be a new era, a new Earth where people won’t suffer from diseases anymore. They will live on this planet as long as they want.”

  “I am glad that I was part of it.”

  He patted my back. “It’s all on you, Ross. You made it possible,” he took out two keys from his pocket and gave it to me.

  “What’s this?” I asked, eyeing at the keys.

  “These are the keys to your new house and car,” there was a red Ferrari at the side of the farm. Michael pointed his finger towards it. “That’s your car,” he said.

  My eyes widened. “Really?”

  He smiled. “Go my boy, you have earned this. You have made history. You deserve this. Your parents are already there waiting for you.”

  My face glowed. “Oh god! Thanks, I am speechless.”

  “Go enjoy, and go to high school, continue your studies. You have to finish your graduation.”

  I nodded and hugged him. “Thanks, Michael.”

  “Take care, buddy,” he said, rubbing my back.

  “You too.”

  “Now go. Your parents are waiting at your new house, take your brother there. Start a new life, a life that you always dreamed of.”

  “Inform me when you make the seeds public.”

  He nodded. “I will.”

  It was like a dream come true. I had my own car, my own house which I always dreamed of, and most importantly I had my family back. I spent my whole life moving around from place to place but now it was going to change. Thank god I found the seeds, thank god this happened. All those pain and suffering paid off. I was proud that I am part of something extraordinary. I can now finally have the life I wanted, a happy normal life with my family.

  I walked towards my new red Ferrari. It was so exquisite that I could just keep watching it all day.

  “Oh my god! What a beauty,” I touched the car and glanced at it. “You are mine now,” I opened the door and entered the car. I felt like a millionaire. I never thought that I would own a luxury car like that. The steering on my hands felt like I was going to fly an airplane. It felt so amazing that I can’t explain. I started the engine and took off to my new home.


  I reached my new home. It was a big house, the kind in which I as a kid dreamed of growing up. It had turrets, gables, dormers, balconies, a screened-in front porch, a free-standing garage, a gazebo, a pool, and a garden outside with different colors of flowers growing on plants. I guess Michael spent a lot of money to buy me that house. It wasn’t really a mansion, but it looked like one, a big house with many rooms. For a guy like me it was a lot. I still remember when Aaron and I used to live with my uncle. I never thought that I would ever live in a house like that. This was more than I asked for. I finally had a home, a home with my parents and my brother.

  Mom and dad were outside in the garden talking. Dad was wearing a red t-shirt and jeans and mom was wearing a glittering green dress. They saw me and came towards me.

  I stopped my car and opened the door. “Michael gave it to me,” I said.

  “Wow, this is amazing,” dad said, eyeing at the car.

  I stepped out and hugged my parents.

  “I am very happy for you, Ross,” mom smiled at me.

  “Where is Aaron?” I asked.

  “He is inside having his breakfast,” mom replied.

  I went inside to look for Aaron. He was in his orange t-shirt eating bread and Jam at the dining table. I showed him the keys. “Michael got me a Ferrari.”

  His eyes widened. “What??”

  “Yeah. Come, it’s parked outside.”

  Aaron left his breakfast and went outside to see my new Ferrari. I knew he was going to be amazed. He was always fond of cars and bikes since childhood. The Ferrari would blow his mind away.

  “Wow! This is so awesome,” Aaron touched the car. “Can I drive? Please, please.”

  I smiled. “Don’t crash it,” I tossed him the keys.

  We got in the car and Aaron turned on the engine.

  “Yeah!!!!” Aaron exclaimed. He was very excited.

  “Don’t go too fast,” I said.

  “Aaron, you didn’t finish your breakfast,” mom said.

  “It’s okay, I ate,” Aaron said.

  “Don’t go too far, okay.”

  “Okay, mom.”

  He drove to the nearest market. Everyone in the road watched us as we drove. Aaron even put the window glass down to show off a bit. I have never seen him so happy. He felt like a king.

  “Life has changed, Ross,” Aaron said.

  I smiled. “It did. We finally did it.”

  “We have our own house now. We don’t even have to move from place to place.”

  “And we can fina
lly continue our education. We are going to school tomorrow.”

  “School??” he rolled his eyes. “I hated school.”

  “Come on man, we are famous now,” I gave a half shrug. “We were on the news, people know about us now. We found the seeds which can cure any diseases and can stop aging. This time it won’t be like old times. Even the bullies will respect us.”

  “Just one interview didn’t make us famous, Ross.”

  “It did. Yesterday a girl came to me, took a selfie. She saw me on the news, we are famous. We have changed the world, Aaron. Because of us, humans will never fight any disease. It cures cancer, man. Do you have any idea how that shook the world?”

  He sighed. “I know but…………….”

  “But what?”

  “I just hope I don’t get bullied again.”

  “This is a different school, dude.”

  “Whatever,” he gave a half shrug. “Every school has bullies.”

  “They won’t mess with you,” I placed my hand on his shoulder. “I am with you, bro. We defeated monsters, man, big monsters, survived a magical forest, survived a dangerous organization which was centuries old,” I grabbed his shoulder. “We are cool.”

  He smiled. “I guess we are.”

  I patted his shoulder. “Don’t worry. School will be great.”

  He nodded.

  I knew he wasn’t ready to go back to school. A lot happened and he wasn’t over it. When we used to go school, Aaron never liked it. He always got bullied. Once, a bully even locked him in the girl’s toilet. The whole school knew about it and made fun of him. He was ashamed and cried the whole day. Like that day, every school day was a torture for him. When we left our uncle and went on the mission to search the seeds, his life changed, he got away from it. He was not the same person as before, but still those old school memories haunt him.

  “Take us back home,” I said.

  “Wait, I need to buy some chips,” Aaron parked the car and went to the nearby shop. I waited for him in the car while he brought some chips. A SUV came and parked near Aaron. Four big muscular people came out of it and grabbed him. He protested and screamed but they were too strong. They took him inside the SUV forcefully.

  “Ross!!!!!” Aaron shouted.

  A guy holding him punched him and Aaron passed out.

  “Aaron!!!!!!” I shouted and got out of the car, but I was late, the SUV left with Aaron. They were too fast. I got back into my Ferrari and chased them.

  The SUV didn’t stop. It kept driving.

  “Stop!!!!!!!! You piece of shit!!!” I yelled at the SUV. “I will kill you if you hurt my brother.”

  I kept chasing it, but it didn’t stop and at last it stopped near a mansion. It looked familiar, I have been there before. I remembered. It was Andrea’s mansion. Her mother Gloria was waiting outside with her hands clasped. I haven’t seen her since I went on finding the seeds. She looked a bit older, there were now more wrinkles on her face and some freckles. She had about ten bodyguards standing by her side. They took Aaron out of the car and dragged him towards her. I stopped my car, opened the gate and stormed inside. “Hey, if you hurt him, you are dead!” I yelled.

  The other bodyguards surrounded me. I tried to fight them, but they were stronger and faster than me. They all grabbed me and put handcuffs on my hands. I screamed and protested. They were too strong, they pinned me down and made me kneel on the ground. I was helpless as they grabbed my arms and neck.

  Gloria walked up to me. I can see it in her eyes, she was blind in rage. Andrea’s death made her mad. “I will make it slow,” she said in a heavy voice. “You will experience so much excruciating pain that you would have wished that you were dead.”

  “I didn’t kill your daughter,” I yelled. “She is the one who lied all along, you both did.”

  “No, you killed her,” she pointed her finger at me. “She failed her mission, because of you. The seeds should have been destroyed. You don’t know what you have done,” she scoffed. “You will see. There will be chaos on Earth now. Everything needs to be balanced, and you destroyed that balance.”

  “Balance?” my forehead creased. “People died every day, Gloria. Many are lying in hospital beds waiting to die just because their diseases can’t be cured. I have helped the planet. This will be a new era, where everyone will get a chance to live.”

  “Death is natural,” her jaw tightened. “It should happen. You shouldn’t try to fight against nature.”

  “It’s called evolution, Gloria. We evolved, now we will be able to cheat death. No one will lose their loved ones. No one will suffer from any diseases.”

  “No, that’s not evolution. Nature makes a balance on this Earth. Anyone who is born is supposed to die. No one should live forever. There will be a day when Earth wouldn’t be able to support all the people. This planet already has an overpopulation problem.”

  “That can be solved. We have plans.”


  “Yes, we will make rules. Whoever decides to be immortal can’t have kids unless they give up their immortality. I already discussed it with Michael.”

  She chuckled. “You think people will follow that rule?”

  “Of course they will,” I said, raising my chin. “It’s just temporary until we develop in space exploration. Then we can go to other planets and become a multi planetary species. We will never have an overpopulation problem then. There is always a solution, you just don’t see it.”

  She shook her head. “It’s not that easy. You have destroyed the planet. In a few years you will see it,” she looked at her bodyguards. “Take them inside.”

  “No,” I protested.

  They took Aaron and me inside the house and locked us in an empty dark room. It had a small ventilation window from where some sun rays were coming inside reflecting on the wall. Aaron and I both had handcuffs on our hands. We couldn’t do anything. We were helpless. No one knew that we were kidnapped.

  “We are screwed, she is going to kill us,” Aaron said.

  “No, we will get out of this,” I said, trying to give him some hope. “We survived worse than this.”

  Gloria entered the room with her bodyguards. They had knives and hammers in their hands. I had a feeling this wasn’t going to go well. Those bodyguards looked at us in disgust like we are some evil criminals who should be tortured till our last breath.

  “Make them suffer,” Gloria said.

  “Gloria, think about this,” I said. “It’s over, Savor has the seeds now. Andrea is dead. Torturing us won’t bring her back.”

  One of the bodyguards hit my leg with the hammer. I screamed in pain. It felt like my head was going to burst up. My throat clenched, I was sweating and gulping. My breath shook, I tried to calm myself, but the pain was too much, I felt my leg was paralyzed.

  “Don’t kill them, I just want them to suffer,” Gloria said. She turned around and left the room.

  “I am glad that she is dead,” Aaron shouted.

  Gloria turned around, her face reddened.

  “We are not the ones who killed her, you did. You sent your daughter on a secret mission to spy on us, manipulate us, you made her do it,” Aaron clenched his jaw. “It’s all on you.”

  Gloria took the hammer from her bodyguard and slammed it on his leg. Aaron screamed so hard that it can be heard from miles.

  “Stop!!!!!!!!!!” I yelled. “Please, stop!!!!”

  “She was trying to save the world,” Gloria raised her voice while tears shimmered in her eyes.

  Aaron shook his head and pressed his lips trying to suppress his pain. “You are all mistaken,” he said. “You Aivors want to destroy the most important discovery the world has, and you believe that’s saving the world?”

  Gloria leaned towards Aaron. “You will see in a few weeks how wrong Savor was,” she dropped the hammer on the floor and left the room.

  The guards kept us torturing for days. It’s been over a week. They heal us up and torture us again. It w
as a never ending pain. We didn’t have energy to fight them. We were weak. Even death was better than that. That’s what Gloria wanted, to beg her for death, but we didn’t. Our whole body was ached. I could barely move my legs and hands. It felt like my body was half dead, I was barely breathing. We just hoped that mom and dad would come and save us. But as days passed by we were losing hope, if we stayed like that, we were going to die. We had to do something, but our bodies didn’t have the strength. We had bruises all over our body. They torture us every day and leave in the room to suffer the pain.

  We were sitting on the floor with our back against the wall.

  “We are dead,” Aaron said in a low voice.

  “No,” I said. “We finally got the life that we wanted. We are not dying.”

  He looked up at the ceiling. “It’s been more than a week, Ross. I can’t do this.”

  “I know,” I gulped. “Mom and dad will come for us. They will know something went wrong.”

  “I can’t feel my foot.”

  “Me too.”

  “I didn’t know that this is how our life would end.”

  “No, Aaron. It’s not the end. Keep your hopes alive. We will escape this.”

  We didn’t have a choice. They made us suffer. I barely stay awake, the pain doesn’t let me sleep. They kept us tied to the chair for the first few days, but as we became weak they made us lay down on the ground. There was a toilet at the corner. Whenever we need to go to the toilet, we need to call the guards and they take us to the toilet. I thought of attacking the guards while we were on the toilet, but we were too weak to attack, we could barely move. They tortured us so much that we were helpless, we were barely surviving. It was difficult to pass the time. Every minute felt like a year. Mom and dad, when will you come? What if they never come? What if no one comes? We will die here.

  Every night Gloria visits us to look so that she can enjoy looking at us groaning in pain. Aaron shouted at her at first but as days passed, he gave up. He could barely talk like me.


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