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The Cursed Witch

Page 22

by Chandelle LaVaun

  “Don’t help me.” He held his hands up to stop us from speaking. “We’re doing this to show you. You need to watch. Gigi, I know your king well. He would literally eat me.”

  “Nahhh.” She grinned. “But he’d make Silas eat you.”

  Cooper opened his mouth then shut it and shuddered. “You’re right. This is a terrible idea.”

  “Who’s Silas?”

  “A massive dragon.”

  “A sexy as sin dragon.”

  Cooper frowned. “I feel like Silas would be offended by the title sexy as sin—"

  “Um…guys? Can we focus on the demon killing plan?” I glanced around me even though there was nothing in sight and no one out. “Before one finds us standing here joking around?”

  Cooper sighed. “She’s right. Okay, so here’s what we’re going to do…Saffie is going to use her magic on this tree and that will lure the demon to us. Once it gets here, the three of you are to stand right here. I’m serious, do not engage. All right?”

  “You got it.”

  “No problem from me.”

  I raised my hand. “Um, why me? I mean, you’re more powerful wouldn’t your magic be stronger for luring it?”

  He arched one eyebrow at me. “Do you want to lure one demon or a whole flock of them?”

  My stomach turned. “Right. So this tree here?”

  He nodded. “Just like you did at Coven Headquarters earlier.”

  Right. I can do this. No big deal. I stepped up to the tree beside me that had lost all its color and leaves to winter and pressed my palm flat to the bark. We’re just summoning a demon. Because I’m a witch and that’s just what witches do. I pictured my magic flowing out of my palms, just like Cooper had taught me a few hours ago, and then I felt it tingle in my gut. It buzzed up my spine and down into my arm. I took a deep breath and pushed.

  Golden glittery mist billowed out from under my palm. It wrapped around the trunk of the tree then slithered up like a snake. In its wake, the bark darkened to a vibrant brown hue. My magic hit the branches then spread across all the limbs. Green leaves popped out everywhere my magic touched.

  I stepped back and stared up at my work. I did that. I still couldn’t believe it. I kept pinching myself all day. I’m a witch and I have magic. All of the things that had been terrifying me since waking up on the wharf were now the coolest things about my life. With just the touch of my hand I could grow flowers and plants. Is this how Mother Nature feels?

  It was an amazing sensation that was going to take some getting used to.

  I took a deep breath and my nose burned. I cringed. The air had the faintest hint of maple syrup scent. What is that? Why do I keep smelling that?

  Cooper’s head snapped to the right and then he inhaled deeply through his nose. His pale green eyes narrowed into slits. He smells it too? A second later, Gigi stood up straight and her eyes widened. She stuck her nose in the air and sniffed like a dog. She smells it?

  Savannah’s face paled. “What? Guys?”

  Cooper pulled his dagger out and twirled it in his hand. “You smell that?”

  I nodded. “Smells like maple syrup.”

  “That was fast.” Gigi wrapped her arms around her waist and spun in circles. “Too fast.”

  My stomach tightened. “What was?”

  Savannah groaned. “Why can she smell it already and I can’t?”

  Cooper looked to me and tapped on his nose. “Demons smell like maple syrup. Especially their blood. That’s your first warning of trouble. Whenever you smell this, either run or get ready to fight.”

  Demons smell like maple syrup. My stomach turned and bile rose up my throat. That first night on the wharf I’d smelled it, it seemed to be following me. And that was a demon. My pulse quickened. I swallowed through the nervous lump in my throat. I’d thought something was following me. I’d felt eyes on my back. I’d assumed it was Riah. But it was just demons.

  My hands started to tremble so I shoved them in my coat pockets. It was days and days ago but finding out demons had been tracking me through the streets sent cold chills down my spine. It’s okay. It’s all right. I know now. I have magic now. I’m a witch. Witches deal with demons. I can do this. I’ll be okay.

  “How far is it? How long do we have?” Savannah’s voice was low and rushed. She glanced around in a panic. “I can’t smell it yet.”

  “It’s close,” Gigi whispered.

  “It’s here.” Cooper pointed his dagger across the large lawn of Salem Commons park. “In that shadow.”

  I followed his point to the other side of the park then squinted into the darkness. At first, I saw nothing. But then two big, glowing red orbs appeared out of thin air.

  Gigi gasped. Light flashed out of the corner of my eye and then a penguin stood in her place. She squawked and flapped her wings then shifted back into her human form. “Damn it, Gigi. Get ahold of yourself.”

  Savannah cursed. “Now I smell it. That’s just not fair. See, this is why I need to learn!”

  “Saffie?” Cooper’s voice was low, almost like a growl. “Do you see those red eyes?”

  My eyes widened. “Wait, those are eyes?”

  Cooper nodded but didn’t look at me. “Demons have red eyes. If you can see their eyes, you probably don’t have time to run so find the higher ground and brace yourself.”

  Demons have red eyes. In an instant, my mind was back on that wharf. I felt the sting of frigid air against my bare skin like I was there now. I may have been in a park surrounded by trees but all I saw was dozens of red eyes staring up at me from under the water. I shivered.

  “Oh shit!” Savannah shouted.

  I looked up just as a big black wolf charged out of the shadows and across the lawn. It was just like the other ones I’d seen. It might’ve been the same one, except it was bigger than I remembered. It had to be as tall as I was. Even from across the big field I could see its fangs and acid-like venom dripping from its mouth.

  Savannah, Gigi, and I all jumped back and huddled together. We linked our arms together and watched as the massive demon came barreling toward us. I should have been more scared. I should have been cursing and shaking like my friends. My magic should have been pouring out of me like it did every other time I was scared. Yet I did none of those.

  I was afraid, yes, but something about this felt so…natural. Like I’d done this a million times when in reality it’d only been twice.

  “Cooper,” Savannah hissed.

  Cooper was the picture of calm and ease. He stood straight, with his dagger gripped in his palm and hanging by his side. “I can’t fight it until it’s here.” And then he chuckled. Actually chuckled.

  “Are you mocking my fear right now?” She hissed again.

  “Not at all. But patience is key in fighting demons.” He shook his head then pointed at the monster with his dagger. “See, he’s charging at me. If I charge at him then it’s the faster of the two that wins. And that won’t be me. Instead, I stand my ground and wait.”

  “Wait to die?”

  “These aren’t that smart, they don’t think like we do. It thinks it has the upper hand and that I’m not a challenge, otherwise it would slow down. So I wait and watch for my opening.” He held his left palm up to us. “You stay right there and pay attention.”

  He walked out from under the tree and into the field, then over to the right – all without looking back at us. The wolf’s red eyes brightened and followed Cooper’s movements. It veered toward him, charging full speed.

  When the demon was about ten feet away, Cooper dropped into a crouch. He rolled to the balls of his feet and raised his dagger. “Now, you’re basically playing chicken with it,” he yelled back to us.

  My heart pounded in my chest.

  “He’s crazy,” Savannah whispered.

  “Hold your position until the last moment then jump out of the way. He’ll flip over and that’s when you pounce - if you’re really skilled and confident. If not, you wait because he’s
gonna be shaken up and will then proceed with caution, which allows you to get the kill.” Cooper shrugged. “I’m not gonna risk anything, so I’m gonna go for the kill first.”

  The demon snarled. It lowered its head and growled so loud the ground rumbled.

  Yet Cooper just stood there looking at it like it was a human screaming at him. He pointed at the demon. “Every demon has different kill zones. For this guy, it’s the rib cage. Get your blade in there and he goes down.”

  “Oh my Goddess, he is crazy,” Savannah said under her breath.

  “When a demon dies it bursts into dust and vanishes, because it has returned to its realm.” Cooper adjusted his grip on his dagger. We couldn’t see his face since he was watching the demon, but his body looked calm and ready. “So if it’s still there and bleeding, you didn’t kill it. Keep going.”

  “So hot,” Gigi whispered. “Please don’t die.”

  Just then the demon lunged for him with its fangs bared, but Cooper stepped aside. Like one big easy step. The demon flew into the air and flipped head over tail then slid across the dirt. Cooper spun around and lunged in three wide steps then pushed off the ground and leapt into the air. I gasped then held my breath. My heart thundered through my veins, drowning out all other sounds. But Cooper was no rookie. He dropped out of the sky with his dagger raised over his head as the demon rolled onto its side. It didn’t even have a chance to attack a second time. Cooper’s blade sank into its skin, right between the ribs. The demon’s red eyes widened — and then it exploded into a cloud of black dust.

  And then it was gone.

  Cooper grinned. “See—”

  The tree branches over our heads rustled and then a large black object dropped right down on top of us. Savannah and Gigi screamed as we were thrown onto the ground. We landed in a pile, our arms still linked. Whatever hit us was heavy and covered in fur. The scent of maple syrup stung my nose. I cursed and threw my hands up and pushed. My bright gold magic shot straight up and slammed into the object. It hissed and jumped up and my breath left me in a rush. In the glow of my magic, I saw eight narrow legs attached to a round body that had massive red eyes the size of my fists.


  I opened my mouth to scream for Cooper when a shadow passed above the demon — and then the sharp, angled tip of a silver blade sliced through its skull, right between the eyes. The demon shrieked and something wet splashed onto my hands and then it exploded into black dust just like the wolf demon.

  Cooper stood over us with his dagger gripped tightly in his hand and his eyes blazing bright. He looked down at his dagger that was covered in something black and grimaced. “Demon blood. Gross.”

  “What was that?” Savannah screeched and scrambled back to her feet.

  “Spider demon,” Cooper growled and eyed the tree over us. “Those are the most deadly demons out there, their venom is fatal without a special antidote. My sister’s soulmate almost died from one in October.”

  He glanced over to me then quickly looked away. There was something in his expression that sent a chill down my spine.

  I frowned and sat up. “Sorry, was that my fault? Did I do something wrong?”

  Cooper shook his head. “No, no. That’s on me, I knew this was a bad idea. Come on, let’s get you three out of this park before more of those show up.”

  Gigi pushed up onto her feet then brushed leaves out of her hair. “I’m game with gone.”

  “You think there’s more?”

  Cooper shuddered as he held his hand out and helped me to my feet. “There is never one spider demon around. And I can’t fight off more than one by myself. Let’s go.”

  Savannah brushed dirt off her jacket and nodded. Her face was pale. “Yeah, I’m done. That was super educational, I’m all learned up.”

  I glanced around the park with my heart lodged in my throat. That moment was short but it was intense. Adrenaline pumped through my veins like I’d been plugged into an electrical socket. My fingers trembled but I wasn’t scared. I couldn’t believe I wasn’t scared but I wasn’t. But I definitely needed to learn how to fight and use weapons because I wanted to be able to do what Cooper had just done.


  I turned at Cooper’s voice then gasped. They were twenty feet away already at the edge of the park. I cursed and sprinted over to where they were waiting for me. None of us spoke as Cooper led us around the corner, I knew we were all a little shaken up. Cooper was probably beating himself up for luring a demon in the first place.

  Luckily the streets were empty. I’d learned quickly that the town of Salem was not a place for night owls. Stores all closed at sunset and the restaurants didn’t stay open after eight or nine – aside from a random one here and there. And since it was winter and the temperature was in the teens, there weren’t any people out walking around besides us. Even on a Saturday night like tonight.

  “Let’s stop in here,” Cooper said as he stopped outside of a building with light green awnings and massive lit up Christmas wreaths in the front windows.

  Savannah frowned. “The Hawthorne Hotel? But Saffie’s place is right there.”

  Cooper paused outside the door and said softly, “demons can track your scent once they’ve been around you. So, if there were any other demons in the park just now, I’d rather not lead them right to her house.”

  All three of our jaws dropped.

  “Exactly.” Cooper chuckled and shook his head. He pointed to the door. “Let’s stop in here for a few minutes and if nothing comes looking then we’ll leave.”

  We all nodded then followed him through the glass doors. Inside was warm and quiet. There wasn’t a single soul in sight. To our right there was a wooden counter with a computer and desk chair behind it but no one was there. I frowned and looked around the lobby. The ceiling was low and with the big chandelier glowing a soft golden light the whole room felt cozy. The carpet was dark green with some kind of swirly print. Then there were red area rugs thrown on top which I didn’t quite understand but somehow worked. There were comfy couches and chairs and straight back what looked like a bookshelf.

  “I need to make a phone call,” Cooper said as he pulled his cellphone out of his back pocket and started dialing. “Just give me a minute.”

  “Where do you keep your dagger?” I heard myself ask before I could stop myself.

  But it was a valid question, since he seemed to pull it out of thin air.

  “My sister gave me a little trick for concealing it.” He gave me a sideways grin. Then he held his phone to his ear and said, “hey, Tenn, so what’s your plan on these demons up here?”

  “Oh snap, there’s an ATM here. I need some cash, come on.” Savannah grabbed Gigi by the arm and skipped past a pair of golden elevators and then around a corner. “Safferella, come on!”

  I skipped to catch up with them but as I rounded the corner something moved in my peripheral vision. I looked toward it and my breath left me in a rush. Riah sauntered through the front doors like he was on a mission. I froze. Heat filled my chest and my breathing grew tight. My pulse quickened at the sight of that black hood pulled over his head. His long blond hair stuck out the bottom of the hood and swayed as he walked.

  Something hard slammed into my back and pushed me forward. My feet stumbled over nothing before I caught myself on the column in the lobby. I gasped and glanced over my shoulder to yell at Savannah — but no one was there, there wasn’t anyone behind me. Nope. No, that wasn’t a spirit. You’re just tired.

  I shook my head and turned back — I cursed and threw my hand out to the column to avoid running right into him. He’d just been at the front door but now was mere inches in front of me. I looked up and met his golden stare and my breath left me in a rush. His eyes twinkled in the low hanging lights around us. The fire in his eyes hypnotized me. He licked his lips and my knees felt weak. I sucked in a desperate, ragged breath but it was a horrible mistake because his burning ember scent filled my lungs and the world spun. The
heat radiating out of his body made me want to bury my face into his black hoodie.

  This boy made me dizzier than a fly climbing a sugar hill.

  We stared at each other for an hour, or maybe it was a second, but it felt like forever.

  When I couldn’t take the silence anymore, I cleared my throat. “Riah…”

  He arched one eyebrow and cocked his head to the side. “Saraphina.” His voice was smoother than honey.

  I needed to break the spell he put on me so I forced myself to look away…and then I remembered we were in a hotel lobby. After midnight. I frowned up at him. “What are you doing here?”

  He leaned back on his heels and shoved his hands in his pockets. “Visiting a friend.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “It’s after midnight.”

  “Indeed.” He smirked.

  I glanced back around the empty, quiet lobby for this friend but there was still no one. Which meant he was going upstairs. Wait. My heart fluttered too fast. My stomach sank harder than an anchor in the ocean and I wanted to be sick. Is he meeting a girl?

  “You’re visiting a friend in a hotel after midnight?” I tucked my hair behind my ears and swallowed the bile in my throat. “Savannah taught me the word for that.”

  He leaned forward and arched one eyebrow. “It’s actually two words.”

  I slammed my mouth shut and clenched my teeth. Heat filled my cheeks and I felt like I’d swallowed acid from the fire in my lungs. I wanted to scream and cry and break things all at the same time. My mind reeled with all the possibilities of who he could be meeting and what they would be doing…but that just made my stomach tighten into knots.

  Riah’s lips curved up on one side in a smirk that sent my pulse flying. “Are you jealous, Saraphina?”

  What? Me? Jealous? I scoffed and prayed it sounded believable. I plastered a smile on my face and arched one eyebrow at him. “If that helps you sleep at night, sure.”

  “Saffie?” Cooper shouted. “Girls?”

  I stepped to the side so the column wasn’t blocking me. His back was facing me, so I shouted back, “I’m here.”

  He spun until he spotted me then sighed and waved. He still had his cellphone up to his his ear so I knew he was still on the phone. “Oh okay.”


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