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The Cursed Witch

Page 37

by Chandelle LaVaun

  “How dare you speak to me,” I growled. “How dare you come in here like I would be relieved at your presence.”

  A muscle in his jaw flexed and his eyes were sharp. But he said nothing.

  “What have you done to me?” I balled my hands into fists. “Where am I?”

  He stared at me for a long moment then licked his lips and looked to the bag hanging on the wooden hook. “Prince Thorne requests your presence for dinner in his court this evening, and he requires you dress appropriately.”

  “Get out.”

  I couldn’t plan my escape with him watching me.


  “GET OUT!”

  He opened his mouth then shut it. His eyes darkened. For a brief moment he looked broken and defeated but that was probably just part of his ploy. Don’t fall for it, Saffie. Not again.

  Riah sighed then spun away from me and sauntered to the door. He pressed his palm to the wood and his silvery magic coiled around his hand. The door popped open. He paused on the threshold and turned back to face me. “Change. I will be back to gather you for dinner…I hope when I do, you will allow me the chance to explain some things.”

  “Get out,” I growled through clenched teeth. Tears stung the backs of my eyes but I refused to let him see them. “Leave me.”

  “The bag. Put it on.” His face fell but he just nodded and slipped out the door.

  The door closed and I dove for my cellphone. Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. I tried to dial Cooper’s number but the call wouldn’t go. Neither would Savannah’s, Landreia’s, or Gigi’s. No, no, no, no, no. Come onnnn. Please.

  This can’t be happening.

  I didn’t even know what was happening. I had no idea where I was – yes, you do. They said it. Seelie Court. My heart fluttered and my stomach turned. I had to get out of here. I groaned and tugged on my hair. Think, Saffie, think.

  Now that I wasn’t spinning and falling out of my clothes I finally looked around at the room they’d stashed me in and my jaw dropped. It was a bedroom. Kind of. The walls and floor were made of a pale stone and the bed was made of tree branches. Thick green vines stretched across the walls. Flowers covered the ceiling and hung down like frozen rain. On the far wall to my right was a massive window bigger than my body, but it was made with stained glass so I couldn’t see out.

  I pushed my hands through my hair – then froze. Wait. What…is…that? The tips of my ears were pointed. I screamed and spun in a circle until I spotted a mirror in the corner. I sprinted over and pulled my hair back and a noise came out of me that I’d never heard before. I have pointy ears and wings. I have POINTY EARS AND WINGS.



  “Riah, what did you DO to me?”

  I jumped away from the mirror then spun in a circle. I had to get out of here. I had to find my way back to Salem. Cooper would know what to do. The Coven would help me. That was their job, to help their civilians. I just had to find my way out…but how?

  Change. I will be back to gather you for dinner, that was what Riah had said. He was coming back. To get me. Which meant I probably didn’t have much time. But that didn’t matter, I had to try. It was crazy, but I sprinted to the wooden door and pressed my palm flat to the surface. Nothing. I pushed with my magic but then it was just prettier nothing.

  I cried out and pressed my back to the door.

  And then my gaze landed on that white bag hanging from the wooden hook.

  My pulse quickened. I had no intention of going to dinner with Prince Thorne but the only way I was getting out of this room was if they let me. And if it was Riah who came for me…a wild risky plan started forming in my mind that sent butterflies dancing in my stomach. I dove for the white bag but when my hands touched the silky material the bag vanished.

  Leaving only a velvet purple dress hanging elegantly from a hook.

  I reached out and ran my fingertips down the material when light flashed from under my hand. Cold air swept over me and then I felt the coolness of velvet on my bare skin. I cursed and looked down at myself – I choked on my breath.

  The dress had magically put itself on me.

  My clothes were gone.

  The stone was chilly against bare feet – wait, bare feet? My shoes were gone. I patted my hips but my jeans were gone, and so was my phone. I had no boots, no jacket, and no sweater. I spun around in a panic searching for my stuff but they were nowhere to be found. I groaned and looked down – my citrine bracelet sparkled. Yes, I have a weapon! I wrapped my fingers around the stone and summoned my magic.

  My golden armor spread up and over my arms. I opened my palm wide and waited for the sword to appear. But then it hit me. This bracelet was a gift from Riah. Commander Riah. He’d just lured me into a trap. There was no way I could trust him now. I had no way of knowing if this was part of his plan. Maybe it was designed to fail me right when I needed it. I cursed and released my magic. The armor slid back, disappearing into the bracelet once again.

  I glanced over at the door and my breath left me in a rush.

  That was not like that before.

  The door to my room stood three inches open.

  I gasped and froze mid-step. My heart fluttered with excitement. I took a deep breath and swallowed through a rush of nerves – then sprinted barefoot to the door. It was so small I almost didn’t believe it…but the door to my prison was open...barely. Bright light seeped through the crack. If light can get in, then I can get out.

  I opened the door and ran.

  Chapter Sixty-One


  The stone floor was cold under my bare feet. It was probably some sick twisted game of theirs to not give me shoes or let me keep my own. But I couldn’t worry about it now, I knew I didn’t have much time. I threw myself back against a stone wall covered in green, flowery vines.

  To my right, there was an intricately carved opening in the hall but through it I only saw darkness. To my left, warm energy radiated toward me. Soft, whimsical music played in the distance. My pulse quickened and my palms grew sweaty. Darkness was never my preference, but we were about to make friends because there was no way I was heading toward the music.

  I took a deep breath then sprinted to the opening on my right. My wings fluttered behind my back. Wait I can fly! I pushed with my magic as I ran but my feet stayed on the ground. I pushed and pushed and pushed yet nothing happened.

  Of course I get wings and can’t even fly!

  I leapt through the dark opening and the ground gave out under me. My feet flew up in the air and I slid. I cursed and threw my hands out to catch myself and golden magic exploded all around me. Electricity sparkled through the darkness as I rolled and stumbled. A green-ish, blue glow filled the room around me, revealing a vine-covered railing beside me. I dove for it and wrapped my arms around the stone pillars and my body finally stopped rolling.

  My chest and lungs were on fire. My body screamed in protest from the beating it just got. Who dives into darkness? An idiot that’s who. Flowers of every shade of the rainbow popped up everywhere my body touched stone. Thick green vines slithered toward me.

  I gasped and jumped back - my jaw dropped.


  Of course.

  I sat on the steps of the grandest staircase I’d ever seen. It stretched down three more flights before wrapping around a corner. Every inch of the railings were thick with overgrown flowers. I looked up and my breath left me in a rush. The ceiling was made of glass and just like the window in the bedroom, it looked like stained glass from inside a church. Except the colors swayed and moved, almost like trees in the wind. But that couldn’t be, trees didn’t come in those wild colors. But I’m not on earth anymore, am I? I’m in Seelie.

  Oh my god. I’m in SEELIE. What am I doing?

  Move Saffie, MOVE.

  I scrambled to my feet, then picked up the long skirt of my violet dress and hurried down the steps. It got darker and darker as I de
scended, but with each step I hit candles burst to life, lining the stairs ahead of me. More candles floated in the air around me, flickering like fairyflies.

  Heavy footsteps thundered from behind me. They grew closer and closer.

  As I hit the bottom of the next staircase, I glanced over my shoulder just as Riah rushed through the opening at the top of the stairs. Our eyes met and I gasped. Shit, shit, shit. His army of knights dripping in gold armor swarmed the staircase behind him.

  “Catch her,” Commander Riah ordered and another piece of my heart broke right there on those stairs.


  I tore my gaze away from him and focused on what was ahead of me. His army thundered behind me. Their footsteps echoed through the massive room and each one was a punch to the heart. I slid around the corner and into darkness.

  The staircase dropped into a room with no lighting or windows. The only light came from the hundreds of golden candles that lined the stairs and walls. There weren’t even any plants or flowers in this room, it was just stone on stone on stone.

  But the knights were catching up quick. I couldn’t move my legs fast enough. They were gaining on me. I needed to find my way out of this place. Something inside me told me if Prince Thorne got me I’d never leave here again.

  Where are you, tunnel?


  Green glowing light flashed up ahead and then there it was. The tunnel. I couldn’t believe my eyes, there it was right in front of me. My heart fluttered. I charged for the solid wall of vines — and slammed face-first into it. I bounced off then stumbled a few feet. What? WHY? NO! I needed inside of it. I didn’t know how or why but I knew that damn tunnel was my only road home. I shook myself then slammed my palms into the wall. The vines exploded with bright neon colors under my touch.

  I pushed my magic out of me with a strangled cry and screamed, “OPEN!”

  The wall vanished under my hands and I stumbled inside, crashing against the other side of it. I spun around just as Riah’s knights hit the bottom level of the steps. SHIT. Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go!

  I glanced left and right but just like before there was just utter blackness. I would never outrun them inside this tunnel. I had to get out. Then I remembered Riah had just run right into it in Salem, and then we’d just walked effortlessly out of it…but just now I’d had to use my magic—

  I slammed my hands into the vines and pushed with everything I had. “LET ME OUT!”

  My golden magic exploded out of my hands. The vines hissed then vanished, leaving one big circular opening. I leapt through and growled as my feet landed on ice-cold pavement. The air was sharp and stung my bare skin. The air was so cold I thought I was back in Salem, but then I looked up and gasped.

  Where am I?

  I only stumbled a few steps then took a blind right turn and sprinted down the street. I pumped my arms and pushed my legs to go as fast as possible. The skirt of my dress had a few slits so my legs were free to move. I glanced behind me and cursed. The Knights stepped through the tunnel opening and onto the sidewalk behind me. I didn’t have much of a lead so I needed to hide, to get where they couldn’t hurt me.

  Except I wasn’t sure where to find that. The buildings were stacked right on top of each other and they stood taller than the clouds. Neon lights flashed from every direction. There were so many different noises and smells, I couldn’t differentiate one from the other and it was overwhelming.

  Up ahead the lights shining between the buildings was brighter than mid-day sun despite the sky being black. There was no guarantee, but I was praying the knights wouldn’t come for me if they had to go through the humans.

  And there were humans everywhere. I’d never seen so many. They lined the sidewalks and crossed the streets in-between cars speeding by.

  “HAPPY NEW YEAR!” A girl shouted as I ran by her.

  New Year? What? No, that can’t be. It was only Christmas Eve. New Year’s Eve was a week away. But as I ran I just kept hearing it over and over, people shouting it to each other over the rush of yellow taxis. I saw girls in tiny little dresses and shockingly tall heels wearing thick furry coats and headbands with 2019 written on them.

  I glanced over my shoulder and my heart sank. The Knights were gaining. I needed to make my move quick. I dug my heels in and pushed harder. My pulse was flying. Fear raced through my system. It felt like a nightmare, no matter how fast I ran it felt like I was barely moving, like I was stuck in mud and my legs didn’t work. I wasn’t moving quick enough. They were going to catch me.

  When I got to the bright lights my heart sank. There were people lined up shoulder-to-shoulder, row by row. There had to be thousands of them filling the street. I slid to a stop between a cart selling hot dogs and a table with a man selling hats and scarves. The ground rumbled under us and then hot smoke billowed up from the metal bars in the sidewalk.

  The lights bouncing off the buildings were too bright to even look at. I squinted and shielded my eyes. There was nowhere to go. I groaned and pushed my hair back. “How the hell do I get through there?”

  An older man beside me chuckled. “Welcome to New York, sugar.”

  New York?

  Where the hell is New York?

  I spun in a circle, looking for an answer, but only spotted the Knights closing in on me. I screamed and took off running down the street. The sidewalks were littered with people, yet not a single person noticed me sprinting by them.

  “Help me!” I screamed, flying down the street. “Please, help!”

  Nothing. No one even looked at me.

  “Help me,” I cried out.

  A few people glanced in my direction and some others stepped out of my way, but no one stopped to help me. My throat burned from screaming, begging for someone to help me. I glanced behind me and screamed, the Knights were right there. Two dozen of them chasing me in perfectly uniformed lines and not even breaking a sweat. None of the humans even noticed them.

  I was on my own.

  The humans weren’t going to help me.

  I had to do it myself, which meant I had to get somewhere I could use my magic safely.

  “Hey miss, you want a ride around Central Park?” A man shouted in the distance.

  I gasped. PARK.

  “New Year’s Eve special! Have you back by midnight!”

  I looked up and tears stung my eyes. Relief washed through me but it was tinged with terrified hope. There was a park just ahead and it was completely dark. I just had to get there, then I could use my magic. This wasn’t Seelie. I had power here.

  My only luck was in the streets being closed off for cars. People were lined up in cages and bundled up in thick clothing. My lungs burned from sucking in cold air but the rest of me was numb. I was too afraid to feel anything.

  Finally, the park was in my reach. I screamed and people jumped out of my way. I didn’t try to get their help anymore. I raced blindly into the blackness ahead. I leapt between a few trees and into the shadows, but the knights were hot on my heels.

  Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.

  THINK, Saffie. What’s your plan?

  I summoned my magic to my palms in balls the size of my head then chucked them over my shoulder, but the Knights dodged them without missing a beat. They were right there. Close enough to see my own reflection in their armor. I thought about ducking and dodging around trees but there were too many of them. I knew it was no use.

  And then my eyes spotted a little grassy clearing a few feet away that was surrounded by a wall of trees. If I could just get there, I could try and – and what? Fight off two dozen Seelie Knights?


  I gasped and slid to a stop. Someone said my name? Savannah? Gigi? I spun around and my eyes widened. The Knights stopped short with their weapons raised.

  But behind them, a young, beautiful girl with long flowing blonde hair that shined brighter than a full moon stood at the entrance to the grassy section. Her glittery dres
s twinkled like a galaxy of stars. Bright orange flames danced across the dark sky and along the backs of the Seelie Knights. Balls of fire filled her palms. The girl’s golden eyes flashed and I took a step back, but she wasn’t looking at me. She glared at the Knights and her pretty painted lip snarled.

  Two dozen Knights stood between me and her, yet she seemed ready to take them on. Why? Who are you? I took a step closer and squinted through the smoke and flames. The Knights drew their swords and their sparkling translucent wings flapped behind their backs.

  “Don’t touch her,” the girl growled and shot fire balls in a rapid, merciless rage.

  Chapter Sixty-Two


  The Knights shouted in pain and staggered back with each flame that hit them, but they kept going back for her. No matter how many times she hit them. I stood frozen like a statue, unsure of what to do.

  “SAFFIE!” The girl screamed again.

  I frowned harder, then narrowed my eyes to try and place her face. My pulse skipped beats. There was something…something here I was supposed to recognize. It was her. I knew it with every fiber of my being. I knew her, I knew it, I just didn’t know it.

  The girl stared at me in confusion, almost like she was waiting for me to do something. But then her face fell…and her eyes sharpened. She turned her glowing gaze on the Knights and a wave a hot energy rolled through the grass.

  She knows me. And something told me she knew I had amnesia. There was no reason for me to assume so, but I swore I saw it in her face just now.

  She leapt forward then planted her feet and threw flame after flame, lighting up the sky with her magic. Fire shot up from the treetops and danced with the clouds. One of the knights jumped up and swung his long sword down at her. She threw her hand up and he froze in the air. My jaw dropped. She did that. His arms and legs swung wildly but his body was stuck in place. The girl gasped, her golden eyes wide.


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