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Seduced by a Demon King

Page 10

by Heaton, Felicity

  While the two pale felines, snow leopards he believed them to be, were not a threat to him, Kyter was. The male was unusually strong for a jaguar shifter.

  Tegan shifted his feet apart as Cav led the snow leopard away and Kyter stepped forwards, closing the distance between them. While he had been confident he could best the male snow leopard, he wasn’t confident he could win a fight against Kyter.

  Partly because he was strong.

  Partly because battling him would destroy whatever tentative friendship they had and would wreck his chances of getting the male to help him.

  Kyter stopped a few feet from him, dropped his hand to his bare chest and absently scratched his left pectoral as he yawned again.

  Tegan slowly took in the club as something dawned on him.

  It was empty.

  The female he had frightened hadn’t been wearing much other than a small top and shorts. Cav had only been wearing a loose pair of black trousers. Kyter was similarly dressed, his soft trousers a pale shade of grey.

  “You can’t just teleport into someone’s club when it’s closed. It’s rude.” Kyter slumped onto one of the stools that lined the bar.

  “I did not realise it would be closed.” It hadn’t even crossed his mind. He had presumed it was like some of the taverns he had known centuries ago, and operated all hours of the day and night.

  Kyter leaned his elbow on the bar and propped his chin up on his palm as he drawled, “That’s probably worse. You planned to teleport into a club that would be filled with humans as well as immortals?”

  Tegan considered that, but concluded that he wouldn’t have cared if anyone had seen him.

  He took a step towards the blond male. “It is a matter of utmost importance.”

  Kyter sat up straight and twisted towards him. “Lay it on me.”

  Tegan presumed that meant the male wanted to know his reason for coming.

  He pulled back the sleeve of his white shirt to reveal the number. “I have digits.”

  “Congrats, my man,” Kyter dryly muttered. “You pulled the other night then.”

  Tegan wasn’t sure what pulled was. When he said nothing, the male rolled his eyes and sighed as he shook his head.

  “If you have her number, why are you here?” Kyter gave him a look that made him feel like he was an idiot.

  Too many people outside of his kingdom looked at him like that and he was coming to greatly dislike it.

  It didn’t help that the male had every right to look at him as if he was an uneducated fool or that Tegan was about to reinforce the male’s low opinion of him when he revealed the reason he had come.

  He hesitated.

  Looked at the number and battled with the urge to leave rather than make himself look like the idiot Kyter believed him to be. He couldn’t. He needed to see the female again and Kyter was the only one who could help him with that.

  So he swallowed his pride.

  “I was hoping you would know how to use them.”


  Suki’s phone ringing came at the best moment possible, silencing her sisters in the middle of their in-depth comparison of their most recent conquests. She thanked the gods as she pushed up from the oversized jewel-tone pillows and fished it from the red velvet cover of the daybed in front of her crossed legs.

  She had been trying to find a way of escaping for the last thirty minutes as she had stared at the colourful swathes of silk and satin that hung between the beams that crossed the expansive courtyard of her clan’s mansion house. She had gotten sick of hearing her sisters as they attempted to one-up each other and tired of the taunts they tossed her way as she remained silent, unable to join in because her list of conquests was empty as usual.

  It was only the collective power of her clan that was keeping her ticking over, her gauge on the red line but in no danger of falling below it thanks to the steady trickle-down effect of her sisters’ feeding. Another reason her family were so important to her. Without this link to them all, she would have starved decades ago.

  Or been forced to kill to remain alive.

  She wriggled off the daybed, one of three that formed a semi-circle in this particular section of their outside lounge area, ignoring the way her sisters all watched her, curiosity sparkling in their colourful gazes.

  Suki flipped the phone towards her and frowned. She didn’t recognise the number.

  She swiped her thumb over the screen anyway, bracing herself for another irritating sales call.

  “Hello?” She pressed the phone to her ear, hyper-aware of her sisters staring at her, expectation written across all of their faces as they lounged on the mounds of pillows on the daybeds, looking every bit the cliché image of succubi in their tiny shorts and skirts, and revealing tops.

  Silence greeted her.

  She huffed. Great.

  “Look. Whatever you’re selling with this bullshit automated call, you can fuck off.”

  “Female?” The lush deep baritone that rolled through the receiver rolled right over her like a warm wave, the intense heat that followed it in danger of melting her bones.

  As it was, her knees went a little weak.

  “Solid Eleven?” She couldn’t quite bring herself to believe he was calling her as she stared beyond the daybeds to the square stone fountain in the centre of the courtyard, but no other guy she had met had her number.

  She had never been one for booty calls.

  Her sisters instantly perked up.

  “Who’s calling?” Patrina leaned towards her, draping herself over a pillow, as if she could hear better by doing that. Succubi senses weren’t that good.

  Suki covered the phone with her hand. “No one.”

  Allura gasped, her violet eyes wide as she grabbed a smaller pillow from her daybed and launched it at her. “Don’t tell me Sucky is finally going to bag and tag a guy?”

  Suki swatted the pillow away before it could hit her, flipped her sisters off and quickly escaped. She hurried from the courtyard lounge, passing areas where the colourful material draped over the beams had been lowered, forming a barrier between the rest of the lounge and the succubus on the other side. Low murmured comments and sensual moans emanated from them and her belly heated, her head growing a little hazy as she caught a hit of the pleasure the succubus’s host was experiencing, a sliver of energy that lit her up inside.

  She pushed onwards, because she didn’t want the second-hand energy they were offering. She wanted to hear Solid Eleven’s voice again, because it lit her up inside like the light of a thousand suns, an experience far more delicious than feeding off someone else’s pleasure.

  She worked her way through the ground floor of the mansion, her boots loud on the pale marble floor of the enormous grand foyer, her eyes on the open double doors opposite her.


  Well, relative freedom.

  The street outside the imposing three-storey sandstone building was busier than usual and as soon as she had ascended the wide steps that led down from the entrance, she had to fight her way through several groups of men. Their gazes tracked her as she rushed past the basement level of the building, heading to the right side of it, and ducked into the alley there.

  Even then they ogled her, some of them moving so they could still see her.

  “What is that noise?” Solid Eleven didn’t sound happy.

  “I’m outside now.” She flipped off the guys who were staring at her too and smirked when they went on their way. “The town is busy today. Some sort of celebration that the witches are having, I think.”


  Gods, she had forgotten just how sexy his voice was.

  In fact, she had done her damnedest to put him out of her mind when he hadn’t called her by the second day, figuring him for another male she would never see again.

  Another fail.

  But here he was, calling her, and damn she was more than pleased.

  She was absolutely thrilled.

“I live in a fae town with my sisters.” She frowned. “Do you know about fae towns?”

  She wasn’t sure how much he knew about the mortal world or how long it had been since he had last left Hell. Long enough not to know about fae towns? They had been around for at least the last thousand years according to her clan’s history lessons.

  “Yes.” A very brusque reply.

  Was something bothering him? She had hoped he would sound happier to be speaking with her again. Maybe he was calling to tell her it had been fun and all, but he never wanted to see her again. Although, if that was the case, surely he could have just not bothered to call at all. She would have preferred that.

  “What’s wrong?” she said, risking a knife in the heart.

  “I used your digits,” he muttered, sounding disappointed now. “I thought I might see you… but this phone does not show me a picture. I would rather speak with you face to face.”

  So he wasn’t calling to brush her off. He was just moody because he couldn’t see her? How sweet.

  “I still believe this to be witchcraft,” he mumbled, his voice growing distant, as if he had pulled the receiver away from his ear to look at it.

  She read between the lines. He wasn’t comfortable with speaking on the phone. Her antiquated demon.

  In the background, Kyter grumbled, “It’s not magic.”

  “What is it then?” Solid Eleven was still distant and she could almost picture him glaring at the phone he held. There was that curiosity she had found so appealing.

  Her hot geek.

  Kyter hemmed and hawed over an explanation.

  “Hello?” Suki hollered into the phone, a vain attempt to be heard judging by how Solid Eleven continued to question Kyter.

  “There must be a logical explanation you can offer.”

  “Look… I’m not a scientist alright? It’s something involving wires or radio waves or some such shit,” Kyter snapped.

  “Hello!” Suki shouted.

  “Wires? Impossible.” Solid Eleven practically growled that word. “How can sound travel along a wire?”

  “Same fucking way the internet travels through them,” Kyter growled.

  “You mean the interweb.”

  “What?” Kyter sounded confused now. “Interweb? It’s called the internet.”

  “It is not.” Solid Eleven didn’t sound sure, probably because she always called the internet the interweb and had used that word when introducing him to it. Interweb sounded cute.

  She sighed, checked herself over, making sure her hair looked killer and her jean shorts weren’t riding up her ass any more than they should be, and teleported.

  She reappeared in the middle of the nightclub, far closer to Solid Eleven than she had anticipated. He spun on his heel to face her, the telephone still gripped in his large hands.

  Kyter looked at her too.

  Which drew a stunning reaction from the demon.

  He snarled and snapped huge fangs at the shifter, grabbed her around her waist and dropped into a freaky black abyss with her.

  Cold rushed over her and she shuddered against Solid Eleven’s broad chest.

  Warmth kissed her skin as they landed.

  She peered over his thickly muscled arm. He had taken her to the beach where she had brought him the other night.

  Only it was morning here now, and the beach was already filled with humans, most of them sunbathing but some of them swimming.

  And a lot of them were rather scantily clad.

  Solid Eleven’s gaze roamed over the mortals and she wanted to hiss at them all because she swore he was singling out the females in their thongs and skimpy bikini tops that barely covered their nipples.

  She hissed at him instead and teleported, taking him to a private cove in a different location, one that was only accessible by boat. Normally, she came to this place to nude sunbathe. Her sisters did that on the more public beaches without breaking a sweat, but she couldn’t.

  The one time she had tried going topless on a busy beach, she had panicked so hard she had accidentally cast a veil on herself that had lasted three days and had left her exhausted.

  Although, she might not panic that hard if she went topless in front of her current audience.

  Solid Eleven stepped back, his black gaze raking over her, that deliciously alluring corona of violet-red emerging around his dilated pupils as he drank her in. She mourned the loss of his eyes on her as he dragged them away and turned in a slow circle to take in the cove. Steep cliffs surrounded it on three sides, giving it the privacy she loved, and the sea was calm as it swept against the pale sand, the golden light of afternoon rippling across it.

  She loved this time of day, when the sun began to sink, and anticipation of a sunset built inside her. Once, she had teleported five times to catch five different sunsets, pinging around the time zones. She had watched one in a city, and then over some mountains, and then from a beach, followed by a lake and finally at another secluded beach.

  Suki kicked off her black cowboy boots. One of them hit Solid Eleven in the back of his ankle.

  The demon’s focus shot back to her, sending a hot wave rushing through her as she removed the cerise checked shirt she had tied closed over her midriff, aiming for the cute-cowgirl look. His dark gaze devoured her as she dropped the shirt on her boots, leaning over to maybe intentionally flash a little cleavage at him. The white tank she wore was barely big enough to cover her breasts and just small enough to keep his eyes glued to her as she straightened.

  Her skin prickled as that flicker of purple-red fire in his eyes blazed brighter, intense heat rolling through her from the combination of how he looked as if he wanted to devour her and the fact they were alone.

  Nerves threatened to rise as that slapped her hard across the face. This wasn’t the first time she had been alone with a man. Heck, it wasn’t the first time she had been alone with him.

  But something felt different this time.

  She felt a little less in control of the situation.

  “How did your book end?” she said in a light tone, attempting to fill the silence.

  Or attempting to pull his eyes away from her hips and the tiny shorts she wore?

  “I have been busy and have not been able to finish it yet.” Solid Eleven remained serious, clearly missing that she had been teasing him. “I probably should not have come, but I wanted to spend some time with you, even if it is only a little while.”

  That touched her, because she could see he was under a lot of strain. It was written in every hard line of his face and in the depths of his eyes.

  She ran a finger up and down through the air at him. “You’re way overdressed for the beach.”

  His right eyebrow arched as he looked down at himself and then looked at her. He reached over his back, grabbed hold of his white shirt and pulled it off over his head.

  Suki died and went to Heaven.

  Her mouth watered at the sinfully divine sight of all that hard muscle packed beneath pale golden skin. She told herself not to stare but she couldn’t tear her eyes away from him, couldn’t stop them from roaming over every inch of him as he bent and removed his boots. Good gods. She swallowed hard when he straightened, coming to face her, hitting her with the glorious view of all that masculine perfection.

  Wide powerful shoulders met the broad flat slabs of his pectorals, a dusting of short dark hair covering them that spread downwards over a chiselled set of abs that led her eyes down past the sexy dip of his navel to a black treasure trail of hair her fingers itched to follow beyond the low waist of his leathers.

  He cleared his throat, awkwardly.

  “Sorry, whaaaaa?” Suki fought to muster enough braincells to speak coherently.

  They had all turned to mush the moment he had hit her with the sight of his magnificent body. She flexed her fingers at her sides, aching to trace every line of his muscles to see if they were as firm as they looked. She shook her head, hoping that might knock her ability to spea
k back online.

  It helped her find the strength to lift her eyes to his face.

  Beautiful red stained his cheeks and he scrubbed a hand over the right side of his head. Wanted to rub his horns that weren’t there? Her mind hurled an image of him with horns at her. Her brain had another meltdown.

  “I can’t move and I can’t stop gawping at you. I’m sorry.” The words rushed out of her so fast she was sure he wouldn’t be able to understand her.

  A small smile teased his lips. “I appear to be having the same problem.”

  Well, that was good at least. He still wanted her; she was still on fire for him. Possibly even more on fire now.

  About ready to burn to ashes.

  “Maybe just let me stare a few seconds longer. I’m sure my eyes might get bored.” She wasn’t sure at all.

  No, actually, she was sure she would never tire of looking at him.

  If he looked that good half-naked, how devastating would he look completely naked?

  With horns.

  And maybe wings.

  Oh gods.

  Her face flushed as an ache bloomed between her thighs and his eyes darkened in response, his nostrils flaring as he breathed in.

  “I need to cool off.” She managed to tear her eyes away from his body again, forcing it up to his face and not missing that while he looked more relaxed now, distracted by staring at her, he was still tense and it had nothing to do with the fact they were locked in a battle of wills, a contest to see who could stop gawping at the other one first.

  She held her hand out to him.

  “You look like you need to cool off too.”

  When he didn’t move to take it, she turned it palm up, showing him that she wasn’t hiding anything in it and this wasn’t a trick of any sort.

  “Take it,” she urged. “Trust me.”

  “I do not even know your name.” The black slashes of his eyebrows dropped lower over his incredible glowing eyes and she could read in them that the fact he didn’t know her name had been bothering him.

  She could relieve him of that irritation at least. A first step towards relaxing him.


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