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Seduced by a Demon King

Page 28

by Heaton, Felicity

  He tightened his grip on her nape, the need to show her he was the one in control running rampant through him. When he realised what he was doing, he wrenched away from her mouth and pressed his forehead to hers, breathing hard.

  “Sorry,” he muttered and spat a dark curse as he fought to be more gentle with her.

  “Don’t be,” she husked and reached down, grabbed his backside with both hands and dug her nails in. “There’s something kinda sexy about the way you hold my neck when you’re fucking me.”

  Gods, she would be his undoing, speaking like that.

  She didn’t know the fire she was playing with, how liable he was to burn her and everything they shared to ashes.

  He drew back, sure she was teasing him, unable to believe she meant her words.

  The heat in her gaze as she stared up at him said that she wasn’t. She liked it when he held her in place, dominating her in a way, and that knowledge eased the grip his urges had on him.

  Because she was submitting to him.

  Satisfying his primal need to bend her to his will.

  He growled and kissed her, lost himself in her as she rocked against him, dug her claws into his backside and clutched him to her rather than pushing him away. He curled his hips, driving into her, the entirety of his focus on her as she breathed faster, tightening around his shaft, and her need flooded the tentative connection between them, the growing bond.

  Her lips broke away from his, her sweet cry filling his ears as she shattered, her body pulsing around his, drawing him to the edge with her. He gripped her nape as his seed boiled up his shaft and release took him, crashed over him so hard and fast that his head spun as he spilled, entire body quaking as he held himself buried deep inside her.

  When he could breathe again, he rolled onto his back, pulling her with him and clutching her to him.

  He gazed down at Suki as she settled on his chest, her eyes hazy and soft, and something struck him.

  She hadn’t taken any energy from him.

  “You did not feed.” He cleared her hair from her face, tucking the green and blue strands behind her ear.

  Her lids grew heavy, shuttering her beautiful eyes as she murmured, “Couldn’t.”

  He frowned. “Because you did not wish to hurt me?”

  She smiled lazily and pressed a kiss to the spot over his heart. “Something like that.”

  He would have been convinced by that answer if he hadn’t sensed the tension spiking inside her and the flicker of nerves that followed it.

  There was something his fated one wasn’t telling him.

  Whatever it was, he would convince her to tell him about it, because it frightened her.

  And he didn’t want her to fear him.

  He needed her to love him.

  As deeply as he loved her.


  Tegan was growling as he emerged from the mansion, but he fell silent as his eyes landed on her where she stood by a pool in the middle of a rather formal garden, glaring at the water. Suki had been there for the last ten minutes, since a messenger had arrived and Tegan had bundled her off into his bedroom, teleporting her there and telling her to remain in his room until he had finished his business.

  She didn’t mind him being controlling in the bedroom when they were fooling around but she wasn’t going to stand for him attempting to control what she did, so she had teleported outside.

  Which had apparently infuriated him judging by how harried he looked.

  “I could not find you.” He strode towards her, long black-leather-clad legs devouring the distance between them. “I thought something had happened. I told you to remain inside.”

  She shrugged. “I was bored.”

  He frowned at her and then sighed. When she looked at him, he was staring over his shoulder at the black mansion, a troubled edge to his expression.

  “What did the messenger want?” Cold trickled through her as she waited for him to answer, draining her of the warmth she normally felt when she was around him.

  He scrubbed his right horn and glared at the house. “I must go to the castle.”

  And he didn’t want to leave her.

  She could read between the lines.

  It was time for her to return to her world.

  Her heart felt heavy in her chest even as she told herself it was for the best. Being here with him was making her lose sight of things. She was too swept up in him. She hadn’t even thought about her sisters or her clan over the last day.

  “I would let you remain here,” he started and sighed again, pain flickering in his eyes as they finally landed on her. “I do not want to leave you unattended and I do not know how long this will take.”

  She shrugged, but it came off as stiff as the strange ache in her chest worsened and she had the oddest urge to throw her toys out of the pram and have a complete rage.

  Her gaze drifted to the mansion beyond him.

  It struck her that she had been playing house with him.

  She hadn’t realised it, but she had been living a relationship like the ones she had seen on TV and in the fae town and mortal cities.

  She had taken walks with Tegan, had bathed with him and shared meals with him. Well, he had eaten and then she had devoured him. She had talked with him long into the night. Made love with him. Fallen asleep in his arms, tucked safely against him.

  And now she didn’t want to leave.

  Things were getting too intense and she was way out of her depth. Succubi didn’t do relationships. They didn’t fall in love.

  And choosing him meant choosing to leave her family.

  Which was something she couldn’t do.

  Not for a man who she was now one hundred percent certain was keeping things from her. When they had first made love, she had tried to feed from the experience, from the intense emotions that had flowed through her and him, but something had stopped her.


  Whenever she had begun to feel a trickle of energy pouring into her, he had shut it down, pulling that energy back into him, maintaining a strange sort of equilibrium between them. She really needed to learn more about shadowed males.

  She needed to learn more about demons too so she could set her mind at ease and silence the voice inside her that kept screaming the oddest things at her, things she was sure were impossible.

  “It’s fine. I should probably go home anyway.” So she could do that research and also so she could look all of her sisters in the eye and tell them that hit of energy they had been receiving the last few days was courtesy of her.

  She had completed her objective. She had managed to seduce him. Or had he managed to seduce her? She wasn’t sure, but either way, she had succeeded where the clan’s mistress had failed.

  She could return to her family with her head held high.

  They were finally going to be proud of her.

  So why didn’t she feel good?

  Why did it feel as if her entire world was crumbling around her as Tegan took hold of her hand and drew her to him?

  As he gazed down into her eyes and spoke. “I swear, I will find time to come and see you tomorrow.”

  She nodded and wrapped her arms around his waist, settled her head against his bare chest and savoured the feel of him against her as he teleported with her. The silent darkness gave way to a cacophony of voices, the smells of the fae town swift to replace the strange scents of Hell, and she looked around her at the square, sure she should be glad to be home.

  But all she wanted to do was ask him to take her back to Hell.

  Suki stepped out of his embrace, stared at his hand and drew down a deep fortifying breath before succumbing to the urge to take hold of it. She slipped her hand into his, entwining their fingers and led him towards the northern exit of the square, past the clock tower.

  “I should return,” he murmured, not sounding as if he really wanted to leave.

  She glanced over her shoulder and caught him staring at their linked hands, the
beautiful look of surprise and satisfaction on his handsome face imprinting itself on her heart and her mind.

  “Walk me home like a gentleman.” She couldn’t resist teasing him, smiled when he lifted his dark gaze to fix it on her.

  He hit her with a devastating smile of his own and that ache to go back to Hell with him grew fiercer.

  He fell into step beside her and she held her head high as they walked, squaring her shoulders and tipping her chin up as the women passing them shot her daggers when they saw he was holding her hand.

  They rounded a bend in the road and the succubus house came into view, and her steps slowed. Tegan followed her gaze.

  “Is that home?” he said.

  She nodded, staring at the three-storey Palladian style sandstone mansion and the group of men hanging around outside it, calling to the succubi who entered and exited it. Some of her sisters grabbed one or two of the men, pulling them into the building with them, earning them hollers of abuse from the other men.

  As they neared it, Tegan slowed further, and she looked back at him. She tracked the path of his wide gaze and smiled.

  “It is a house of succubi.” She had gotten used to the triangular frieze that formed the roof of the columned entrance.

  When she had been younger, the erotic acts depicted on it had made her blush.

  Now they looked tame.

  One of the succubi lounging on the balcony that cut across the columns at the first floor leaned over the railings and flashed the men in the street. They whooped and jeered, and one of them pushed another forward, sending him stumbling across the cobbles.

  “Is it always like this?” Tegan scowled at the gathered men.

  She shrugged. “Like, twenty-five hours of the day.”

  He turned his frown on her. “A day has only twenty-four hours, does it not?”

  She rolled her eyes, enjoying the moment of lightness as it lifted some of the weight from her heart. “That’s the point. Saying non-stop would have been boring.”

  “You are anything but boring,” Tegan husked, his deep voice doing funny things to her insides.

  “I could say the same about you.” She flinched when the sound of a man crashing into the flowerpots at the base of the stairs that led up to the porch hit her ears, his muffled groan causing an outburst of activity on the doorstep as men and succubi rushed to help. “We should probably say goodbye here.”

  She grew aware of eyes on her as Tegan pulled her into his arms and kissed her, one that would have melted her panties if she had been wearing some. Energy crackled between them as his lips danced over hers, power and strength that flowed through her veins and lit her up, filling her fuel gauge back up to the max.

  He wanted her well fed and both of his reasons for doing so warmed her inside. He was taking care of her and making sure she wasn’t hungry, and he was also making sure she didn’t go chasing after another male while he was away.

  Jealous demon.

  She sighed as he reluctantly released her and stepped back, his hand still clutching hers.

  “Tomorrow,” he murmured.

  “Tomorrow.” She somehow managed to release his hand.

  The darkness yawned beneath him and he disappeared into it, and she stared at the cobbles, heaviness settling in her chest again, a weight she found impossible to shift, no matter how many times she told herself that it was only twenty-four hours, maybe less.

  It wasn’t as if she would never see him again.

  “Suki?” Allura called.

  Suki jumped and whirled to face her sister where she stood on the steps with several other succubi, all of them gaping at her.

  She swallowed the nerves that shot through her as she spotted a figure beyond them, in the shadows of the vestibule.

  The clan’s mistress.


  Allura shoved through the throng of men to Suki and grabbed her around her left arm, her violet-to-blue eyes bright as she pressed against her, the leather of her black corset cold against Suki’s skin. “Did you just come home with a guy?”

  The onyx-haired beauty tugged her towards the house, ignoring the way the men raked their gazes over her, and Suki couldn’t remember the last time Allura had been so friendly towards her.

  Vidia appeared beside her, her blonde pigtails swaying across the shoulders of her tight white shirt from the teleport.

  “Not a guy, but the guy!” Vidia paused and her aqua-to-navy eyes slowly widened. “Don’t tell me that hit of energy we’ve all been talking about the last few days has been you.”

  A blush climbed Suki’s cheeks.

  “Oh my gods.” Allura turned a shocked look on her and then Vidia. “It totally was her.”

  Vidia shoved Suki in the back, pushing her up the broad sandstone steps towards the entrance. “Come on. Come on. We want to hear all about it. Every juicy deet!”

  Cyrena stood there, towering on the top step, a formidable sight as she stared down at Suki, her brown-to-blue eyes bright with sparks of gold as she folded her arms across her chest, pushing her breasts together in her elegant figure-hugging crimson dress.

  “Where have you been, Suki? We were all worried about you.” The mistress preened her white-blonde to sky-blue hair, twisting the waves that tumbled around her bare shoulders, perfecting her image as a few of the men noticed her and stared.


  Suki waited to see if any of them were going to faint. Sometimes it happened when the mistress made an appearance. The power she emitted was strong, three hundred years of experience making her the most formidable succubus in England, one no man could resist.


  Except one.

  She squashed her nerves and straightened her spine, met Cyrena’s gaze and held it as confidence flared inside her, a little drugging as it filled her up. “I was with a demon.”

  “Your first big trophy male!” Vidia slapped her on her back again, jerking her forwards, and Suki grinned at her as warmth flooded her.

  Several other succubi joined in, congratulating her, and at first she enjoyed it, was overjoyed that they were finally accepting her, several of them wanting to make plans to go hunting with her, but as they ushered her into the house, she began to feel cold.

  And worried.

  “Congratulations, Suki,” Cyrena said in a regal, icy tone as Suki passed her.

  That sense of cold turned glacial inside her.

  What was wrong with her? Her clan were finally accepting her. Her sisters were cheering her on for the first time. She was one of them at last.

  She had expected to feel something more than this strange sense of dread upon showing her clan that she was one of them, that she was finally blooming and coming into her own just as her mother had said she would.

  Suki looked over her shoulder, at Cyrena as she reached the bottom of the steps and turned to her right.

  And disappeared.

  That sense of dread grew heavier inside her, even as Allura and Vidia swept her up into their arms and pulled her towards the lounge area, both of them telling her on repeat that they wanted to hear every juicy detail.

  Her thoughts turned to her mother and to Tegan.

  And a thunderbolt struck her.

  She had found her place in this world.

  Only it wasn’t where she had expected it to be.

  It wasn’t at the clan house with her fellow succubi, foolishly trying to make them view her as one of them.

  Her place in this world was by Tegan’s side, wrapped safely in his arms.

  It was the only place she really wanted to be. He had made her see that she was striving for something that she shouldn’t have to fight to achieve, because he had accepted her as she was, flaws and all.

  He loved her for her faults, wanted her despite how different she was to him, and he valued her.

  And she was in love with him.


  Tegan reviewed the maps and charts his aides had laid out on the heavy black wooden tabl
e in the centre of his war room. He studied the north-eastern border in the light from the lamps mounted on the thick stone columns that stood on either side of the table. His lands connected to the Fourth Realm and the First Realm in that region.

  Word had already been sent to the First King warning them of the activity building in that area, and he had received a response. Frey, uncle of the future king, had been dispatched together with his legion to assess the threat and take immediate necessary action.

  Tegan had dispatched Ryker and the Royal Legion to the border to meet him.

  If the Fourth Realm wanted war, they would have to fight it against two realms.

  He glanced at the bookcases that lined the walls beyond the columns, seeking the section where the history of the Fourth Realm was held. He would have to read the latest accounts. He wanted to be certain of the numbers each legion in the Fourth Realm contained so he could prepare his own legions, reinforcing them with more warriors as necessary.

  “My king.” A quiet voice intruded on his thoughts and he had to wrestle back the urge to growl at the male for entering his war room without knocking.

  The male was young though, the newest recruit in his ever-growing horde of aides.

  Tegan’s advisers meant to weigh him down with so many of them that he couldn’t move a step without one of them seeing it and reporting it to them.

  “What is it?” He didn’t take his eyes off the maps.

  There were several settlements in the north-eastern region that might be in danger if the Fourth Realm did press into his lands and only one had a garrison of warriors.

  The Royal Legion wouldn’t be enough to shore up their defences in that region. He would have to dispatch more warriors. Perhaps another two legions would be enough.

  “A visitor, my king.” The male bowed his head and fidgeted with his black tunic.

  “I have no time for this.” Tegan waved him away.

  The demon backed towards the double doors, his head still bent, and Tegan resumed his study of the maps.

  “I will not leave until you have heard what I have to say.” The voice was female and irritating, not the sweet feminine one he longed to hear.

  He lifted his gaze from his charts, settling it on the intruder as she swept past his man, her short crimson dress and her scent telling him what he needed to know in an instant. She was a succubus.


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