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Seduced by a Demon King

Page 34

by Heaton, Felicity

  He paced away from the table, turning his back on the room to take in the view from the curved end of it, where the columns between the windows that stretched up towards the vaulted ceiling were narrower, allowing an almost uninterrupted panorama of green fields and the black mountains that rose beyond them where the sky began to darken towards grey.

  Terrible things called that region of Hell home. Unspeakable things.

  He shuddered and went to the window, stared out of it as his right hand drifted to the back pocket of his black leathers. He stroked the outline of his phone, his thoughts turning to Suki again. It was impossible to keep her out of his head when he was surrounded by so many males and their mates. Thorne had brought his fated one, Vail was constantly in contact with his witch, and even Loren had had his female with him at the start of the gathering.

  Worse was the fact that Melia, the acting First King, was here, her sombre bright blue eyes still holding the pain that had been in them when he had seen her shortly after the night she had lost her demon mate on the battlefield. He glanced back over his shoulder at her where she stood with another female, deep in discussion and slightly away from the others. While Melia’s corseted white dress was a sharp contrast to the cerulean leather trousers, knee-high boots and bodice the second female wore, their delicate features were strikingly similar.

  Same long white hair, same milky skin, same ethereal blue eyes and same delicate bone structure, beauty designed to lure males to their doom.

  Suki popped into his head. He shoved her out again and focused on the two females.

  He had met Isla, Melia’s sister, in the past. The female was intelligent and quick witted on the battlefield and a skilled warrior.

  Having her here was a good thing, and not only because she was capable with a blade.

  Having a phantom on their side, even one who had been made corporeal, was a great advantage. Isla could kill a man with little more than a thought or a kiss, draining his soul from him.

  Suki danced back into his mind, the similarities between her breed and the phantoms making it impossible to keep her out of his thoughts.

  As she pirouetted and tormented him, Ryker’s words echoed around her, adding another level to the torture he attempted to endure.

  Was his brother right about her and she did love him?

  Would she try to find her way back to him?

  She had wanted to say something to him and now that he was thinking more clearly, finally calming down again, he felt sure she had tried to say his name just as his man had teleported her away.

  She had never spoken his name before. At least, never outside of his dreams of her.

  He stroked his horn with his other hand, unsettled by his turbulent thoughts and the ache that bloomed inside him, a fierce need to go to his rooms in the elf castle and call her.

  He shunned that need.

  What he needed to do was focus on his business here.

  For the first time in a thousand years, he had been given leave to venture outside of the kingdom’s boundaries and was in charge of a legion again. Not a legion, but legions this time. He meant to make the most of it and the coming battle. It had been too long, and he hadn’t realised how deeply he needed this until he had gathered with the other leaders. Every second that ticked by, he grew more anxious, eager to get going and hurl himself into the fray.

  He moved back to the table, studying the map, charting the possible places a dragon might pick as a battleground.

  The door opened and he sensed an elf male enter, together with a strong female. The dragon. Her nerves preceded her. Not only hers. The male was nervous too, but not for the same reason. Tegan could feel that her fear was born of the coming fight. Commander Bleu’s fear was born of something else.

  He glanced at King Thorne as the large male moved, lifting his hand to place it on Sable’s shoulder, clutching it through her black top in a protective gesture. Because of the elf male who had entered and was now looking at her?

  When Thorne turned his dark red gaze on the violet-to-white haired female stood beside Bleu, the elf bared fangs, and Tegan wanted to sigh. Another damned male with a mate, this one in the throes of a courtship if his behaviour was anything to go by.

  Although Bleu wore a similar black tunic, trousers and boots as his prince, their behaviour marked the difference between them. Prince Loren remained the epitome of calm, his regal bearing commanding the attention of all those in the room. Bleu was too busy glaring at Thorne, his pointed ears flaring back against his wild blue-black hair as he stared the demon down.

  Thorne finally backed down, tearing his gaze from the slender female Bleu was so intent on protecting and pinning it on the map as he tunnelled his fingers through his russet-brown waves, pulling his hair back from his dusky horns.

  Tegan focused back on the map too, uninterested in the battle for dominance that was clearly an ongoing war between the two males. He stroked both of his polished horns as he studied his own kingdom and tried not to think about Suki or the phone that felt as if it was burning a hole in his back pocket, beckoning him to look at the pictures of her again.

  To call her.

  He leaned over the map, planting his hands against the edge of the table and bracing his weight on them.

  A hank of his black hair fell down into his eyes and he huffed as he preened it back, clearing his vision.

  Vail suddenly growled low in his throat and Tegan glanced at him, ready to issue a snarl of his own if the male was directing it at him because he hadn’t looked at Rosalind recently and she definitely hadn’t looked his way either.

  Vail wasn’t looking at him. He was glaring at Bleu, his violet eyes narrowed and oily darkness threatening to fill them as he slung an arm around Rosalind’s shoulders and his armour swept over his hand, transforming his fingers into black claws that he curled around her arm, tugging on the black material of her long dress.

  She sighed and looked up at her mate.

  When her mate’s eyes landed on the dragon female, Bleu bared his fangs on a hiss.

  Another protective gesture.

  One that had Tegan’s focus returning to the map as that need to call Suki grew stronger.

  What had she wanted to say to him?

  “Shall we begin?” Loren’s deep voice cut through the silence and there was a murmur of agreement.

  Tegan kept his eyes locked on the map, on his kingdom in particular.

  “The dragon skirted the Second Kingdom, passing along the other side of this mountain range.” He tried to keep the bite from his tone as he ran his left hand along the curving spine of mountains to the north of his kingdom, his thighs pressing against the edge of the three-dimensional map as he leaned over it. “He remained firmly inside the border of the First Realm.”

  Something that had irritated him, even when he knew he was destined to fight here in the elf kingdom and not in his own lands. The room brightened slightly, a sign his eyes were changing as the hunger for battle gripped him once more.

  He breathed through it. He would have the battle he needed soon enough. He just needed to be patient.

  “He came through my land on this course, decimating all in his path.” Thorne charted one that had everyone in the room falling silent. The enemy had cut straight through the heart of the Third Realm, a kingdom that was still recovering from a recent war. Tegan could only imagine how many warriors had fallen in the battles that must have taken place over the last few days. Thorne swallowed hard, his dark crimson eyes brightening to scarlet as he stared at his lands. “He has recruited an army along the way. Men from my ranks, traders in the countryside, even some demons from the surrounding realms. We managed to evacuate some of the villages in his path, but others were not so lucky. We have lost many warriors and subjects already.”

  Thorne sighed and preened his left horn, stroking his fingers along the dusky curve of it. Sable rested her right hand on his bare shoulder, worry warming her golden eyes as she gazed up at her mate. The
demon looked down at her, pain etched on every line of his face. Losing so many warriors in such a short span of time was taking its toll on the large male, but vengeance would be his soon enough.

  “We will make him pay for what he has done,” Bleu said, voicing the thoughts of everyone in the room.

  Thorne looked across at him and nodded.

  Queen Melia drifted forwards, the long skirt of her white dress floating around her ankles as she moved closer to the map, gliding away from her companion.

  “I have had word that the dragon’s army has passed through our outlying lands and has banked towards the centre of my kingdom. Scouts have reported he is on a direct course with a point beyond the demon kingdoms, and yours. It seems he is intending to recruit more, possibly from the other realms that lie that way.” Her soft voice floated around the room, the faint echo it held lending it an eerie edge as she ghosted her hand over the map, the motion strangely light and slow. “Tenak’s army is strong, with many dragons among its ranks. My men are engaged with them now. My advisor Isla came to warn me and she has witnessed the battle, so I brought her with me as she has valuable information.”

  “Do you believe any from the free realm will be joining the battle on either side?” Tegan looked at the realm that bordered the elf kingdom and the First Realm in the direction she had motioned.

  Isla stiffened.

  Bleu’s violet eyes narrowed on her, curiosity filling them as he studied her.

  “No.” The male canted his head, his eyes remaining locked on Isla. “We sent word but none of the sirens, nymphs, incubi and succubi, shifter species or furies offered allegiance and stated they would not side with a dragon either.”

  Tegan looked at Melia’s sister. The elf was up to something, and he wasn’t sure why. He was sure of one thing though.

  It was unwise to upset a phantom.

  The air around Melia was already chilling, a cold breeze caressing Tegan’s right arm as her blue eyes brightened, locking on the elf. Bleu didn’t notice the way she was looking at him, the tips of her white hair beginning to float in the air as the sense of power around her grew.

  On the other side of Melia, Isla carefully lifted her right hand and tucked a braid that hung from beside her temple behind her ear, blending it into her long white hair. Her pale hand shook as she lowered it, flexed her fingers and then tucked her hands behind her back.

  A wicked dangerous light entered the elf’s eyes.

  “Although, we did not come to an agreement with the vampires,” Bleu said and Isla tensed. “I am sure the Preux Chevaliers would join us if we turned off the portal and stopped sunlight from entering our realm.”

  Isla paled, turning as white as her hair. That sense of power emanating from her sister grew stronger still, and Tegan rubbed his arm to keep the chill off it as he glared at the elf.

  Whatever game Bleu was playing, it was liable to get them all killed.

  Tegan shifted his gaze to Loren, capturing his attention before he looked at his man, a silent warning that he was playing with fire.

  Loren’s steady violet gaze leaped to Bleu, a flicker of confusion filling it as he frowned at his man.

  Bleu didn’t relent.

  “Lord Van der Garde even requested we do so as he desired to join the battle.” Bleu’s eyes remained locked on Isla. She glanced at Melia and her sister drifted closer to her, her ice-cold blue eyes landing on the elf. He tensed now. Had he finally sensed the dark intent rolling off Melia? If he had, he was an idiot, because it didn’t stop him from saying, “Should we put it to a vote?”

  “We do not condone vampires near us,” the First King said, her voice as calm and smooth as still water but holding darkness beneath the placid surface, a threat that even a fool would know to heed.

  Bleu looked as if he wasn’t going to back down.

  Tegan sidestepped, moving closer to Thorne as the demon wrapped his arms around Sable to shield her from the frigid waves of cold now flowing from Melia.

  Prince Loren glared at his man, grabbed him and pulled him away from the table, to the far corner near the door. Bleu turned a surprised look on his prince. Loren cut him down with a scowl and spoke in the elf tongue, a sharp edge to his tone that left Tegan in no doubt that the male was being scolded.

  The amusement that had been filling Bleu’s eyes drained from them as he listened to his prince.

  He spoke with Loren, and Loren slowly relaxed again, a glimmer of interest and curiosity lighting his violet eyes now as he listened to Bleu.

  Tegan had never even attempted to learn the elf tongue. Rumour had it, the elves had a tendency to deal with anyone who tried to learn it. They were fiercely protective of their language, and Tegan could understand why. Being able to speak a tongue that no one outside of their species could comprehend was an advantage in countless situations, including war.

  Everyone stared at the two, and Tegan wasn’t the only one who was curious about Bleu’s motives judging by the look on Thorne’s face. Vail looked interested too, was listening intently to his brother, and surprise crossed his regal features as he glanced at Melia and Isla.

  What did he know that the rest of them didn’t?

  Loren glanced back at everyone and tensed, released Bleu and cleared his throat as he walked back to the table.

  “Let us discuss our plan and see what we can come up with. Taryn will lead us by sharing information on a vision she witnessed.” Loren looked to the violet-to-white haired female.

  Bleu’s expression darkened and he was quick to resume his position beside her. Another protective gesture. He didn’t like the idea of the dragon telling them what she had seen, looked concerned as he stared at her, his brow furrowing as he waited for her to look at him.

  She turned her face towards him, her unusual violet-to-white eyes soft and warm, no trace of fear in them as she slowly nodded.

  The male didn’t relax. He placed his hand against her back, where her white leather corset met her violet leather trousers, and remained close to her as she relayed what she had seen in her vision and fielded a few questions.

  Tegan’s focus drifted as he looked down at the map again, his gaze automatically seeking his kingdom. He lost track of the discussion as he stared at it, as he pinpointed the location of his mansion. He tried to be of use as everyone discussed a battle plan, but he couldn’t shake the thoughts that filled his mind, crowding it.

  Had Suki attempted to return to him yet?

  She would have to find a way to use the portal pathways if she wanted to enter Hell. The thought of her approaching a demon in the fae town had his horns curling and fangs sharpening, claws emerging as a black need to fight surged through him.

  If his brother was right, and she did love him, then the pain he had seen in her eyes and had felt cutting into his heart had been real.

  He had hurt her.

  Did he even deserve her after that?

  Bleu’s voice rose above the din of chatter filling the room. “Taryn is right and we should move away from the castle.”

  The room fell silent.

  “The stronghold is ideal. It is a defensive position close to the free realm, bordering the First Realm of the demons, and we have supplies in place there.” Bleu leaned over the map, coming into view as Tegan attempted to tear his eyes away from it and focus on the meeting. The elf planted his right palm against the edge of the map and pointed to the spot where the garrison was with his left hand. “It is away from any villages on both the elf side and the demon side.”

  Tegan studied it.

  It was a small area, nestled close to the First Realm and the free one. A suitable position for a camp for their forces if all the intelligence they had gathered proved correct and the dragon did attack from the free realm.

  Bleu eased back and rubbed the pad of his left thumb across his lower lip as he frowned at the map. “We will need to infiltrate the enemy ranks to steal the sword back. It is pivotal… whoever possesses it will win. There is no doubt abo
ut that.”

  Rosalind rocked on her heels, her drab black traditional witch’s dress swaying around her ankles as she grinned, starlight sparkling in her blue eyes. “I have a cunning plan.”

  Everyone stared at her in silence, waiting for her to explain it.

  Apparently, this was not the reaction she had wanted.

  She huffed, folded her arms across her chest, and muttered, “You all need to watch more classic British telly.”

  Everyone continued to stare at her.

  “Perhaps you should explain your plan, Little Wild Rose.” Vail lowered his head and murmured the words into her ear.

  Her cheeks coloured, the starlight in her eyes exploded into fire, and she leaned towards him. Vail’s violet gaze darkened, heat filling it as he lowered it to her neck.

  Tegan looked away from them and scowled at the map.

  Loren cleared his throat.

  “Um… I was going to address the dragon in the room and say that I will mask Taryn by changing the colour of her scales.” Rosalind’s voice wobbled, uncertainty lacing it as the scent of desire rose from her, need that had Tegan on the verge of growling at them to leave before his mood took a dangerous turn.

  He cursed everyone in the room, damning them for finding their mates. It felt as if everyone was throwing it in his face and the torment was too much to bear. He needed space. He needed solitude. He couldn’t take this any longer.

  He needed Suki.

  The witch cleared her throat again. “It’s a simple spell really, and it should allow her to enter the enemy’s camp and get close enough to steal the sword.”

  “No,” Bleu snapped. “Taryn is not going in there alone. She needs backup.”

  “Perhaps we could convince Loke to help,” Loren said.

  Tegan didn’t know and didn’t care who Loke was. With his luck, Loke would be another happily mated male.

  “We do not have time,” Bleu countered. “Loke is great as a backup plan, but Tenak knows him. Rosalind would have to change the colour of his scales too.”

  Rosalind shook her head. “I won’t have enough strength to cast two spells like that if I’m also expected to shield the garrison and the lands surrounding it as I did for Thorne in the battle in the Third Realm.”


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