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Page 14

by Lagomarsino, Giulia

  “Reese, I’m looking out for your best interests here. I don’t want you to lose a job you love over something that can easily be put off for a more appropriate time. And that’s if you even decide that you don’t want me.”

  “I don’t care if I lose my job right now. I’ll march down to the school and tell them exactly what you did to me. Whose side do you think they’ll be on then?”

  He thought about it for a moment. “You know what? If you really think that’s necessary, go ahead. I’m gonna hop in the shower,” he said, gesturing to the bathroom. “Anything I need to know about the shower?”

  “Yeah, you have to turn on the cold water to get hot water,” I sniped.

  He grinned and waggled his finger at me. “I see what you’re doing, but it won’t work, pixie.”

  “Stop calling me nicknames! My name is just Reese.”

  He stalked over to me and tugged me to him, pressing his lips to mine. I melted a little, but refused to let him see it. “You’re anything but just Reese.”

  He smacked my ass as he walked into the bathroom and shut the door. I’d find a way to get rid of him if it killed me.



  I had a towel slung around my hips and I was just brushing my teeth when Reese called for me. Thinking she had made me breakfast or some really great coffee and I would need a way to thank her, I went downstairs in just my towel. When I got to the bottom of the stairs, Sean was waiting for me.

  “What can I do for you?”

  “Hey, Craig. Sorry to interrupt your morning, but Reese called me and said that she woke up with you in her house.”

  “Our house,” I grinned.

  Sean looked to Reese and then back to me. “Uh, sorry, what?”

  “We got married last week.”

  Sean’s eyebrows shot up and he looked to Reese for an explanation. “You want to tell me what’s going on?”

  “He tricked me into marrying him.”

  “That’s a pretty serious allegation. Did he force you in some way,” he said sternly, obviously in cop mode now.

  “Not exactly.”

  “Well, then I’m confused.”

  “He kidnapped me!”

  “No, I saved you from a kidnapper,” I corrected.

  “You admitted that you were going to kidnap me. Your boss even confirmed it!” Reese yelled at me. She was obviously not taking this whole living together thing very well.

  “Sebastian was going to kidnap you?” Sean said in bafflement. “Reese, I’ve known him a long time and I just don’t see him taking part in kidnapping.”

  “He did it as some kind of payback for Craig. Just ask him!”

  “I will, but you’re saying they didn’t actually kidnap you?”

  She pursed her lips, crossing her arms over her chest angrily. “I didn’t see who took me.”

  “And you didn’t do it,” Sean confirmed.

  “I was just outside her house when I saw her getting snatched. Cap and Knight were with me, but they weren’t going to do anything. We were just sitting in an SUV.”

  “Just sitting there,” Sean nodded. “Right, and what were you doing?”

  “Just watching the house, and it’s a good thing I was or she might not be here today.”

  “Sean, you can’t tell me you believe this,” Reese spat. “He just admitted he was at my house when I was kidnapped.”

  “He did, but I’m guessing that if I ask Sebastian, he’s going to confirm what happened. Sitting outside your house is not illegal. If he wasn’t on your property, legally, he has every right to be there. Now, if you had filed a restraining order and called the police, I would have been able to do something.”

  “How would I have called the police? I was too busy being kidnapped!”

  Sean sighed and I laughed.

  “What?” Reese said angrily. “Why are you laughing?”

  “Because you just admitted that you were being kidnapped while he was sitting in his SUV.”

  “Well…he found out that I wasn’t in danger when he got me back and then he told me that an assassin was after me. He even had one of his friends play an assassin and he shot Craig!”

  “Knight?” Sean asked. I nodded.

  “Did you at any time try to leave, but were restrained?” Sean asked.

  “No, but when you’re told that an assassin wants you dead, you go with the safest option.”

  “And how did you end up married?” Sean asked.

  “Craig told me that the assassin would back off if we were married.”

  “And you believed him?” Sean laughed. “Reese, that’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.”

  “I was scared,” I shouted.

  “But you married him willingly. I’m not sure why you called me here. What exactly do you want me to do?”

  “Remove him from my property!”

  “It’s technically my property too,” I interjected. “I paid off the mortgage yesterday.”

  Her eyes went unbelievably large right in front of me. I wasn’t sure if I should get her a bag to breathe in or just back up in case she decided to punch me again. I didn’t see what the big deal was. I made life easier for her. She didn’t have that huge debt hanging over her head anymore.

  “How did you even do that? Don’t you have to be on the loan agreement or something?”

  I grinned, pretty proud of myself for my accomplishments. “Becky helped me out with that. You are now looking at a partial owner of this home.” I winked at her and Sean groaned.

  “This may not be the best time to play the charm card,” Sean whispered. “I think you’re very close to her actually committing murder. And then I would get dragged into this whole thing, and honestly, I’m not sure whose side I would be on.”

  “Reese,” I said with a touch of swagger, “come on, you have to admit that we were meant to be. This past week has been unbelievable, and I’m not just talking about the sex. Who knew you’d be such a hellcat in bed?”

  She looked to Sean, her lips spread thin. “Sean, remove him from this house before you have a domestic disturbance to deal with.”

  “Can you prove that you own half the house?” Sean asked me. I nodded and ran upstairs, grabbing the paperwork that confirmed what I told them. When I showed it to Sean, he just sighed and handed it over to Reese to look at. “I’m sorry, Reese, but this is something you’re going to have to deal with in the courts. Craig, I would suggest you remove yourself from the house so that your wife doesn’t become a widow a week after you were married.”

  He turned and walked out the door, leaving me with my beautifully enraged wife. “So, what should we do today?”

  She took a deep breath and tried not to look like she wanted to murder me. I appreciated her effort. After all, if we were going to make this marriage work, there had to be some give and take. Mostly on her part.

  “Craig, I would really appreciate it if you would leave for the day and give me a chance to get used to all this.”

  “I appreciate you asking.” I stepped toward her and ran my hand down her cheek. “But I’m not going anywhere.” I bent over and threw her over my shoulder. She yelled and started punching me in the back, but I just chuckled and walked upstairs. She just needed a good fucking. She was always calmer after I was inside her and she worked out that burning rage inside her. I stepped into our bedroom and threw her down on the bed.

  “Craig! Let me go. Get out of here now!”

  “Sorry, my little pixie. There’s just so much to do before you go back to school tomorrow.” I kissed her hard and ripped her shirt from her body. She gasped, but her nipples perked up. “Most importantly, I have to fuck you.” Next were her shorts. I flung the towel off me and pushed inside her. She moaned and clenched around me. It was so fucking good. I started fucking her hard, not giving her a chance to deny me what I wanted.

  “Craig,” she panted. “We shouldn’t…this is wrong. We’re getting a divorce.”

  “Not if I can help it.” I threw her legs over my shoulders and grinned. “In case you haven’t noticed, we haven’t used a condom once.”

  She opened her mouth to yell at me, but I didn’t let her get a word out. My mouth was on hers, taking all the pleasure that I craved. The sting of a harsh slap had me pulling back.

  “You asshole! Why would you do that to me?”

  My eyes practically rolled back in my head when she started thrusting her body against mine. Her head was saying no, but her body was saying yes. “I know that you’re not on birth control, and if I know, then you know. The real question is, why didn’t you tell me to stop?”

  She didn’t say anything, but then again, she probably couldn’t since I started flicking her clit and an orgasm was rolling through her body. I came inside her again and then laid down beside her, draping my arm over her chest.

  “You’re an asshole,” she panted.

  “Yet you still keep fucking me. I think you like being married to me.”

  “About as much as I love spiders,” she huffed.

  I nipped at her shoulder, laughing under my breath. I loved that she kept pushing me away. It made the chase so much more fun.



  I snuck out of the house before Craig woke up the next morning. I had fucked him all day yesterday, despite protesting every time he took me. It was my own fault. If I really didn’t want to sleep with him, he would have listened and backed off, but he knew me better than I thought. It was only six o’clock in the morning and nowhere near time for me to be at school, but there was no way I could stay in the house with him for one more minute. I had to figure out a way to get him away from me. The man was insane.

  With no other choice, I went to Reed Security and practically did a happy dance when someone answered. I didn’t know who it was and I didn’t care. I just needed all this to stop. I drove to the training center where I had been last time and smiled when I saw Sebastian waiting at the front door.

  “Reese, what can I help you with?”

  “I need you to change all the locks on my house and make sure that Craig can’t get in ever again.”

  His eyebrows raised in surprise. “I thought that he owned half the house now. Becky said she helped him with the paperwork. I assumed that you were on board with it.”

  “I didn’t know a thing about it. Sebastian, that house is mine. I bought it with my own hard earned money and I won’t let him come in and take over. We’re not even supposed to be married. And then he snuck into my house last night and slept with me. He doesn’t even use condoms! I’m probably pregnant right now. I can’t take any more of this.”

  He blew out a breath and nodded. “Okay, I’ll take care of it, but Reese, I hope you know that no matter what, you’re part of the Reed Security family. You may not like that you’re married to him, but you have a huge family now. I hope you’ll take the time to get to know us before you decide to jump ship.”

  “I appreciate that, but I never asked for this. For whatever insane reason, Craig has fixated on me and he’s like a bad date that just keeps going and going.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” he said sadly. “You know, Craig’s one of the most loyal people I know. And I had that blow up in my face recently. I didn’t trust him when I should have, but he stuck around and managed to forgive me. There aren’t many people that would do that when their trust is broken. Anyway, I think you’re making a big mistake, but I’ll do as you ask.”

  “Thank you.”

  I got back in my car and pulled out of the driveway. Sebastian made me feel like a terrible person. I knew that Craig was a good man. That was never in question for me. I could see it the same as everyone else. But that didn’t mean that I had to deal with him for the rest of my life, did it? I drove to my grandmother’s house. The two of us had some things to discuss.

  “Reese?” She looked at me in confusion. Her hair was still in rollers and she was in her ratty, old robe. I shoved past her and headed for the kitchen for some of her famous tea. When I sat down at the table, she sighed and put the kettle on. “Is this about last Friday?”

  “Why would you have me kidnapped?”

  “I was just trying to protect you. That man that’s stalking you needs to be stopped.”

  “That man that is stalking me is now married to me.”


  “Yeah, see, he rescued me from your kidnapper and then he tricked me into thinking I was still in danger and that marrying him would keep me safe. So, we got married in Vegas and I only found out two days ago that it was all a farce. But none of that would have happened if you hadn’t interfered.”

  “Oh dear. Well, I can’t say that I’m sorry. I thought I was keeping you safe and that’s all I care about. You can just go get the marriage annulled.”

  “Yeah, I would, but I was gone for an entire week from school. It’s not like I have a buttload of sick days that I can use. In fact, I’m pretty sure if I took any more sick days, the school would fire me, considering that I wasn’t really sick and ran off and got married!”

  She pursed her lips and stood as the kettle went off. She poured us some tea and sat down, not saying a word. It was like she wasn’t the least bit sorry. I was just about to tell her that when she spoke.

  “Well, I say you take advantage of the match you’ve made.”

  “What? You just said you had me kidnapped to get me away from him. Now you think I should stick around?”

  “Well, that company has a lot of power in this community. This could be a good thing. I’ll have to talk to Elsie about it, but now that two of us have a connection to them, I’m sure this could benefit our little group greatly.”

  “Are you serious right now? Does everyone want to use my marriage as some sort of bargaining tool?”

  “I didn’t tell you to run off and get married. In fact, I tried to get you away from him. Now you’ll just have to live with the consequences.”

  “Do you think it’s possible,” I said slowly, “that anyone in this town is going to be on my side in all this?”

  “I’d like to say yes, dear, but I’m afraid that’s just not true.”


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