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Seducing Mrs. Robinson

Page 10

by Van Dyken , Rachel

  Me: Just as long as you’re not caught passing notes in class…

  Leo: The only notes I’m passing are the ones to you, I get an extra point for graphic language, correct?

  Me: Only if it’s paired with a solid drawing.

  Leo: Don’t challenge me, I may just do it to see that blush again.

  Me: I’m pretty sure I’ve seen it all.

  Leo: And I’m pretty sure you haven’t…

  Me: Try me.

  Leo: You haven’t seen all of me… but you will.

  Me: Are you threatening to moon me?

  Leo: I’m going to moon you backward, but in a more romantic way that has you dropping to your knees in thankfulness—just like the Pilgrims.

  Me: How are you a straight-A student?

  Leo: Oh, that’s easy. I flirt with all my professors, including the men.


  Leo: No, only one, but she bruised my heart a bit today, so I’m texting in order to build up my courage again.

  Me: I’m sorry…

  Leo: I figured the apple was a peace offering of sorts.

  Me: It was. It is.

  Leo: Finn said he told you some things…

  My heart jumped in my chest. Was he going to tell me what happened? Open up?

  Me: He didn’t tell me any specifics though he did tell me about your dad.

  Leo: Is that why you sent the apple? Because of my dad?

  Me: NO!

  An unknown number has entered the conversation.

  Unknown: It’s Finn. It’s also eleven pm. I’m exhausted. I have a class at seven, if you two don’t stop text fucking I’m going to shove Leo out the window. Mrs. Robinson, I’m so disappointed in your lack of boundaries. KIDDING HAHA, but not about the Leo thing. I will kill him dead.

  Leo: Unlike the rest of us, he needs his beauty sleep. And Kora, I would help you regardless of what our relationship was. Know that. Gotta run.

  Me: Thank you. Sorry Finn, go sleep!

  Finn: Thanks MOM! <—sorry I’ve been sitting on that one for dayz!!

  Leo: Sigh. You should hear him laugh at himself, now THAT’S alarming. GO TO BED YOU WHORE! Not you Kora, Finn.

  Finn: Tell me a bedtime story, pleeeeease.

  Me: I’m with Leo on this one, you interrupted us anyways, go to bed! Wait, how did you even do that?

  Leo: He shoved me off the bed, grabbed my phone, added himself in, and then grabbed his phone, and well, you can imagine, lots of cursing.

  Finn: He threatened to show me his dick if I ever did that again. And now I’m scared.

  Leo: He doesn’t like big things.

  Me: ALL RIGHT THEN, I’m just going to go sleep now!

  Finn: Good thing that didn’t end on an awkward note, huh?

  Leo: Shut the hell up.

  I smiled down at my phone.

  Me: Night, boys.

  I got nothing but silly emojis from both of them back and fell asleep with a smile on my face wondering when I could get Leo alone and ask him about his past and why it was so important in dealing with mine.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “Grand gestures are called grand for a reason. Go big or don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out.” — Leo Blackwood


  “You need to tell her,” Finn said for the millionth time that next evening. We were getting the room prepped for our final client of the night. The woman I wanted.

  Thank God her contract would be done as of nine p.m.

  At least then, I wouldn’t be breaking company policy when I kissed the hell out of her and touched every smooth inch of skin.

  “Tell her what?” I lit a candle in the common area and grabbed a bottle of chilled white from the fridge. Slater was the only guy in the opposite suite, which worked in our favor when we had clients.

  Finn took the bottle out of my hands and uncorked it. “Your past. Don’t you think it’s a bit ironic?”

  “Or embarrassing,” I muttered.

  “Hey.” Finn set the wine down and tossed me the cork. “It wasn’t your fault. That chick was batshit crazy, and you know it.”

  “Right, but she made me look like the crazy one. Those were… dark times.” I gulped and squeezed the cork in my hand.

  “That’s why you have us.” Finn offered a small smile. “You never know, it might make her feel better to know that it happens to everyone and doesn’t discriminate sex, you know?”

  “Yeah.” I tossed the cork away. “I know. How do you even start that conversation? Hey um, even though I look really tough, my girlfriend used to beat me?”

  Finn put a hand on my shoulder. “Or you could just say, let me tell you a story about a boy and a girl and a really unhappy ending that turned into finding my happily ever after.”

  I snorted. “Did you just make that shit up?”

  “Sounded good, right?”

  I held up my hand for a high five. “So smooth, bro.”

  “I am, after all, a professional.” He hit my hand just as a knock sounded on our door.

  “I’ll get it.” I’d like to say I walked slow, like a blind snail, toward that door. Instead, I jumped over the couch and was jerking it open within seconds. “Hey.”

  “Why are you out of breath?” Kora grinned up at me.

  “He was doing pushups to get a pump on,” Finn, the bastard, said from behind me.

  “He lies, I already have a good pump.” I didn’t flex, though I wanted to. “Finn’s the one that has to do the extra… lifting.”

  I looked over my shoulder. Finn was holding up a middle finger. “Come on in, Mrs. Robinson, we’re ready to fix everything…”

  “For a price,” I said loud enough for people to hear just in case they were speculating whether she was there for one of us or as an actual client. We’d had several professors use our services before.

  This was nothing new.

  The only new part was that I was falling for her.

  And I hoped that she was falling for me, even if it was just a little bit.

  I opened the door wide.

  She stepped past me, wearing a UW sweatshirt and a pair of ripped jeans and Converse.

  She looked like she was a student anyway.

  All she needed was to have her face appropriately painted, and I could take her to a football game.

  My heart sank.

  I still missed it.

  That part of me that she didn’t know about, the part of me that still felt wrecked over what had happened, what I was forced to carry.

  “So, what’s today’s lesson?” She beamed at me, her face free of makeup. A few freckles danced across her nose, and I lost all train of thought. “What?”

  “You.” I cupped her face without thinking. “You’re beautiful.”

  Finn cleared his throat.

  I pulled my hands away. They dangled like awkward mitts at my sides while Slater came out of the room and nodded toward us. “Ready?”

  “Yeah.” My voice cracked.

  I so wasn’t ready to watch them touch her.

  But I had no choice.

  If I touched her, I wouldn’t stop.

  Damn, I was going to need to sit on my own hands, wasn’t I?

  “Great, we’re going to stay in the common room, more space.” Slater went over to the couch while I handed Kora her wine and joined him.

  Finn turned on some soft music, and I knew what was coming next. I wasn’t sure if I was excited or full of dread.

  “Today’s lesson, your final lesson…” I took a deep breath. “…is learning to see yourself the way others see you.”

  “Isn’t that what we’ve been doing?” she asked in a cute voice.

  Slater smiled. “This is the finale of that training.”

  “Okay.” She sat down on the couch. “So, what’s my first step.”

  “Cute, she thinks she’s a participant.” Finn flashed her a grin. “All right, Slater, you go first.”


  Slater sat down next t
o her and studied her, no words were said, the music played softly in the background. “Your eyes, they’re clear, full of knowledge, I bet a lot of guys are intimidated by you.” He grabbed her hand and held it in his. “Your skin is so soft that it’s almost shocking,” His thumb rubbed along her skin.

  I ground my teeth.

  “You’re striking in a way that’s both natural and sexy.” He leaned in, his nose brushing her neck as he inhaled and then pressed a kiss just below her ear. “No man could look at you, touch you, and think average.”

  Her eyes went wide, her mouth trembled.

  And then Slater stood, and Finn sat.

  I started sweating.

  Stage two.

  Alarm bells went off in my head.

  “Touch yourself,” Finn encouraged.

  “Excuse me?” Her eyes widened.

  “Just your breasts, touch them.”


  “Relax, this isn’t for our benefit.” He said it gently. “Come on, give me your hand.”

  He struck fast, grabbing her hand and then covering it in his as he pressed it against her chest then lower until she was cupping herself with her right hand.

  My fingers twitched, then gripped the couch cushion as her lips parted.

  I officially hated my job.

  “Good,” Finn encouraged. “Now relax a bit. What do you feel?”


  Hell in a fucking handbasket.

  “What else?” Finn kept his hand behind hers, so technically, he wasn’t touching her, but he could probably feel the heat from her skin.

  “Soft and warm, I guess?”

  “Kora, when a man touches a woman here.” His smile was kind, which only increased my deep need to punch him, “The last thing they’re thinking of is, wow her breasts are so warm.”

  Kora snorted out a laugh while I tried to mentally strangle him for taking such a long time. “Fine, then what are you thinking?”

  “Everything,” I rasped, interrupting him, as I leaned forward and watched her touch herself. “It’s like all synapses are firing out of control, we feel everything at once, think everything at once. Wonder how we got so lucky, how we can keep it that way. We worry we’re going to fuck up and that you’re going to eventually realize we’re frauds. And then we go back to feeling so damn good, because you’re a beautiful, soft, confident woman, and you’re allowing us the privilege to touch you. Something like that alters a guy. The right guy. It makes him want to make you feel good, it makes him want to fight the bad guys, win all the wars. It makes him better.” My eyes locked in on her mouth. “So, you see, you hold all the power, Kora, right there, in the palm of your hand, and you don’t even realize it. You are magnificent. Believe it. And you’ll be just fine.”

  “And…” Finn shot me a curious look. “When the negative thoughts start to creep in…” He let go of her hand and cupped her face. “…you remember that you have something only you can offer the world, there’s only one Kora Robinson. Your ex is an asshole, not because he can’t see it, but because he can, and he doesn’t like your light shining brighter than his.”

  She exhaled as a tear ran down her cheek.

  Finn caught it between his fingertips. “No more of these wasted on him, got it?”

  “Got it.” She smiled so brightly I nearly fell out of my chair.

  “Good.” He stood. “Now, I’m going to be lame and give you a journal, I want you to write one good thing about yourself in it, every single day for the next two weeks, extra credit if you think of two. Combat the bad thoughts with the good statements.”

  He handed her a simple black moleskin and a marker.

  I stood wanting like hell to kick everyone out.

  Kora beamed up at Finn. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” He reached out, pulled her to her feet, and gave her a hug.

  Slater followed.

  And that left me.

  I wanted to maul her.

  I wanted to tell her she was brave.

  I wanted to tell her she was beautiful.

  Instead, all I did was stare.

  “Okay,” She eyed me again. “I guess I’ll just be heading out. Thanks again everyone.” A small nod in my direction. “You too, Leo.”

  I literally couldn’t move.

  It was like my feet were glued to the floor.

  And when I opened my mouth, nothing came out.

  “Have a good night, Kora!” Slater winked. “We really enjoyed working with you!”

  “Thanks.” She giggled, shot me one last look, lingered a bit by the door.

  And then she was gone.

  The minute it shut, a barrage of pillows came flying toward my head, and when they stopped, Slater grabbed a candlestick and held it high. “Don’t tempt me bro, I’m this close!”

  “What the hell!” I roared. “I didn’t touch her!”

  “Shit, you’re stupid sometimes,” Finn muttered, putting his hands on his hips. “Look, that was all very intimate. She’s super vulnerable and kept looking to you for comfort. She lingered, lingered, dude, at the door. And you just stood there like an idiot!”

  “Yeah, caught that, experienced it firsthand, thanks,” I growled.

  “Stop glaring at us and go!” Slater made a frantic motion with his hands. “Catch up to her, take her out for drinks, feed her, SPEAK!”

  “Where the hell is a dog whistle when you need it, right?” Finn joked.

  I shot them both middle fingers than jerked open the door and went on a sprint down the hall toward the stairwell.

  I saw a flash of her sweatshirt go through the double doors leading into the dorm and sprinted past a handful of people who looked at me like I was psychotic.

  She was on the path toward the parking lot.


  “Kora!” I yelled, “Wait!”

  She stopped but didn’t turn around.

  When I finally reached her, I was panting and breathless. Anyone would think I hadn’t worked out a day in my life; it was both panic and a serious lack of cardio. I like pretty muscles, not ones for function, sue me!

  I held up a finger. “How do you walk so fast?”

  She swiped a few fingertips across her cheeks and gave me a smile that was so sad my soul clenched. “Oh, you know, power walker.”

  “Are you crying?”

  She bit down on her lip. “Maybe.”

  “Are you crying because of me?”

  “It’s stupid.”

  “Don’t undo all the work, Kora,” I reached for her, only to have her jerk away, her eyes darting around us like she was afraid we were going to get caught.

  “First off, no student gives a shit.” I jerked her against my chest and held her tight. “Second, I don’t give a shit. Third, the faculty won’t give a shit. You aren’t our first client who works here, and right now I’m hugging you. I’m not kissing you even though it kills me a little inside. I’m not doing anything inappropriate. Human hugging human. Got it?”

  She nodded against my chest, then said something muffled.


  “Come home with me?” Her eyelashes were wet.

  I would look back on that moment a decade later and remember that one detail.

  Wet eyelashes and how they seemed to glow in the darkness, how they made her look so innocent.

  And mine.

  So perfectly mine.

  I swore in that moment I would never let her go. No matter how hard she fought, I’d fight harder.

  And I’d win if it killed me.

  “Yes.” I kissed her forehead, my lips lingering above her skin, wanting to do so much more. “Do you want to ride with me?”

  She frowned. “My car’s right here.”

  “You’re crying,” I pointed out. “And my car’s just right there.” I pointed behind her.

  She turned around. “Oh.”

  “Relax,” I went over to my brand-new G-Wagon and opened the door, thanking God that I had my keys in m
y pocket along with my cell. “And get in.”

  “I was told to never get into strange cars. Is that a minivan?” She sniffed and then gave me a watery grin.

  “Did you just call my really sick car… a minivan?”

  “I would never.” She grinned. “It’s nice, by the way.”

  Her eyes roamed the soft white leather.

  “That’s better.” I laughed and then helped her into her seat, going as far as to click her seatbelt in before kissing her on the cheek again. “Sorry, I can’t help it.”

  “I’m glad.” Her eyes fell to my mouth.

  I cursed. “Save that for your apartment.”

  “I may fall asleep on the way there…”

  I snorted out a laugh. “Yeah, I’m gonna wake you up, you’ve been warned.”

  That made her laugh as I shut her door and made the painfully aroused walk to my side of the car.


  I could drive in my condition.

  I looked down and groaned.

  I hurt for her.


  I carefully got into my seat, started the car, and backed up as country music filled the air.

  “Hmm, didn’t take you for a country music fan.” She crossed her arms and stared at me out of the corner of her eyes.

  “Are you saying you’re not? Because I can turn this car right back around, young lady.”

  Her laugh was better than the music. “Actually, I’m a huge fan, I love Kane Brown.”

  I rolled my eyes. “All females love Kane Brown.”

  “He’s pretty.” She shrugged.

  I was never buying another one of his songs again. “He’s all right if you like that sort of thing.”

  “Is the infamous Leo Blackwood… jealous?”

  “I don’t do jealousy on the outside, I just have very graphic things that go on in here.” I tapped my temple with my finger and suppressed a groan of near agony when she laughed again.

  My hands sweated as I gripped the steering wheel and pulled onto the freeway. At least her place was close.

  The minute I got onto I5, I nearly punched a hole through the steering wheel. Okay, I guess figuratively but whatever.

  “Huh,” She eyed all the traffic. “Must have been an accident or something?”

  “Hmmmm,” I drummed my fingers on the steering wheel. “I’ll pull off on the next exit and take the back way.”


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