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Seducing Mrs. Robinson

Page 12

by Van Dyken , Rachel

He suddenly picked me up by the ass and pushed me back toward the top of the bed, my head resting against the pillow. “Any neighbors?”

  “Yeah?” I frowned.

  “Let’s hope they’re on vacation.” He kissed me hard, tugged my lower lip, deepened the kiss, tried angle after angle, leaving me dizzy as my body built up for another release.

  He teased my entrance, only to pull back when I was ready to keep him there forever.

  “Leo,” I barked, opening my eyes.

  His eyebrows shot up. “Yes, professor?”

  For some reason, it didn’t horrify me. It did the exact opposite, made me want to put on a tight little schoolgirl dress, and spank him.

  My cheeks heated. “Fuck me.”

  “Yes—” he slammed into me “—professor.”

  A scream built in the back of my throat as his hips moved, the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in my life, was Leo gripping the headboard as he drove into me. Every single emotion I’d felt for years came bursting forward. This guy, him, it had been him for longer than I could remember. The way our bodies fit and moved in sync. The look on his eyes as he kissed my neck, slowing his movements just enough to taste my lips.

  I wrapped a leg around him as he drove into me again and again.

  My bed slammed against the wall. Hard.

  “Right there.” I clenched tight. “Leo, please!”

  Our eyes locked. He was so deep, and then I couldn’t hold back the climax that exploded between us.

  His chest heaved as he pumped two more times and followed, dropping onto me. Slowly he rolled to his back and carried me on top of him.

  Still connected.

  Still his.

  Maybe I was wrong.

  Maybe I’d always been his—I just hadn’t known it.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “Jealousy isn’t all bad, not when it keeps the girl you love from asshats. In fact, jealousy creates really great foreplay. I mean… so I’ve heard.” — Leo Blackwood


  “He can’t have you.”

  “Huh?” Kora frowned down at me. “Who can’t?”

  “The ex. He can’t have you. I just wanted to make sure that I was extremely clear.” I put my hands behind my head and preened. “Also, we should probably send a gift next door.” I made a face. “Or gifts, plural, how are you with chocolate chip cookies?”

  Kora laughed. “Not the best.”

  “God, am I going to have to do everything?” I pretended to care when, really, I just wanted to be with her. Who the hell cared if I was doing things? I liked her. I… possibly loved her. “I’ll bake them later, drop off a sorry note…”

  “For all they know, we were watching TV,” Kora very cutely pointed out.

  I bit down on my lip to keep from laughing. “Sweetheart, you yelled, a lot, and quite loudly, I may even invest in some earplugs.”

  She swatted my chest. “I was in the moment.”

  “You told me to fuck you.”

  Her cheeks pinked. “I just—you were taking too long.”

  “Once a bossy professor always a bossy professor,” I teased, gripping her by the thighs and pulling her off me. As sad as it made me, my poor dick was already telling the rest of my body that we could do this all night, and she was probably ready to kick me out of her house.

  A loud meow made me freeze. “What’s that?”

  “Oh,” She yawned. “Come here Stuart.”

  Something that looked like a fat naked rat jumped on the bed and gave me the creepiest look ever. “That’s not a cat.”

  “It is! I mean, he is.”

  “He looks possessed. Holy shit, did he watch us all night? Without meowing once?”

  Kora made a face and then shrugged. “He has an early bedtime, he was probably sleeping.”

  “Sleeping or watching us naked because he finally has friends who look like him?” I wondered out loud. “Shoo, Stuart, shoo!”

  The cat just meowed more, jumped toward me, and then burrowed against my stomach.

  I sighed.

  “See, he likes you!”

  I grumbled. “Fine, fine, but this means more sex, and if I catch him watching me sleep, there will be dire consequences.”

  She just laughed and took the cat and put him on the floor while I quickly went toward the bathroom, door open, and was shocked as hell when she walked past me naked as if it was normal.

  I groaned.

  She turned around. “What?”

  “You can’t just walk around like that and expect me to be good.”

  With a wink, she shrugged. “Who said anything about good?”

  The bathroom door closed in my face.

  I banged my head against it twice and shook my head as I slowly made it back to the bed and grabbed my jeans.

  She opened the bathroom door, walked past me naked again. And well, honestly, she wasn’t learning, I grabbed her by the hand and pulled her onto the bed again. “Do you have a listening problem, professor?”

  She burst out laughing. “No, I was going to find my clothes.”

  “I burned them,” I said somberly. “All the clothes. Gone. These things happen.”


  “All the time.”

  “Oh, so the fire picks what it’s going to burn?”

  “It’s science.” I tapped my head. “Trust the star student, mmkay?” I slapped her on the ass. “No clothes for you.”

  She wiggled against me, probably trying to get free, which only made me want to keep her more. “You have jeans on.”

  “Give me another two seconds, and I’ll have them off.”

  “How can you—?” She went completely red.

  I sat up with her in my lap. “Lesson time, you ready?”

  She rolled her eyes.

  I kept going anyways.

  “I’m young, which means when you look at me wrong, I’m already semi-hard and trying like hell to make sure you don’t notice, all right? Give me thirty minutes, and I’ll show you how to properly use that kitchen table.”

  Her eyes widened. “Leo…”



  I nearly gave myself whiplash. “I’m sorry, what?”

  “Thirty minutes, I’m going to time you. And if you can… then you may get rewarded. You’re the one who likes all the extra credit…”

  I closed my eyes and mumbled a prayer.

  “Are you… are you praying?”

  “Just saying thanks.” I grinned and helped her to her feet. “Now, if we’re going to do this, I need hydration.”

  I felt her gaze on my ass as I walked into her kitchen and grabbed a drink of water.

  And I felt her presence when she walked behind me, rummaged in the cupboard only to return with two wine glasses and a bottle.

  “Does this mean I’m staying?” I asked, staring straight ahead while she worked around me.

  “Yes.” She wrapped her arms around my middle, and a part of my heart squeezed painfully, as my brain whispered finally…

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “The only way to party? The sexy slumber party way—with snacks—the kind you lick off each other’s bodies. I’ll never look at skittles the same. Use your imagination.” — Leo Blackwood


  He stayed over.

  It was the sexiest slumber party of my life.

  I’d never had that in my life, the laughter before, during, after sex, the easy conversation, the teasing.

  It felt so natural with Leo like we’d been dating for years. And he made me feel confident, sexy. It helped that he couldn’t keep his hands off of me, not that I was winning any medals for self-restraint.

  I woke up with a smile on my face.

  Which should have been my first clue that something was about to go wrong.

  “Morning.” Leo flipped me onto my back and started kissing his way down my neck until he rested his head between my breasts and looked up at me with the most adorable face. His dirty blond
hair was all over the place, his eyes heavy with sleep, his mouth swollen from all of our kissing.

  “You look good there.” I threaded my fingers through his thick hair. “I think I could get used to it.”

  Both of his hands reached for my breasts and squeezed. “Sorry I couldn’t help it. They exist; my hands exist. It’s simple math.”

  “Math, science, do you always bring the classroom into the bedroom, or am I just special?”

  He winked. “Only you…”


  “I was just thinking that, but probably for an entirely different reason.” He turned his head to the side and swirled his tongue around one nipple, only to sigh. “Can we stay in bed all day?”

  “We have class. Don’t you have a paper due?”

  “Why yes, Mom,” he said in a polite tone. “I do.”

  “Never.” I jabbed a finger in his face. “Ever.” I flicked his nose. “Call me your mom.”

  He burst out laughing. “Trust me, my mom looks nothing like you. Oh, and she has like twenty years on you, so I think you’re safe.”

  She frowned. “How old was she when she had you.”

  “Aw, is my professor struggling with the math? Do you need me to do the subtracting and adding for your delicate—?”

  I grabbed a pillow and slammed it into his face even though he didn’t stop laughing until he rolled off me and pulled me onto his lap, his very aroused lap.

  What was I pissed about again?

  “Mmmm…” Leo put his hands behind his head. “Ride me.”

  “What?” My cheeks burned even though we’d had sex at least three times, maybe four if you counted the shower at three a.m., but that was more… well, I wasn’t really sure, but it was like water gymnastics.

  He gripped my ass. “You heard me… use my body, ride me, do your thing, I just want to watch you come apart before breakfast.”

  I pressed a finger to his mouth. He grabbed it and kissed the tip.

  “Shhh,” I warned.

  “Who’s going to hear us? The wallpaper?” His eyebrows shot up. “Ohhhh, still worried about those pesky neighbors who pounded back against the wall last night?”

  I covered my face with my hands. “That was so bad.”

  “No, it was sooo good,” he moaned. “Remember. You said so over and over and over and over—”

  “Let’s just not talk.” I glared, even though my body was already responding to him. How could it not? I was straddling male perfection, and he wanted me.


  “Agreed.” He sighed and then moved his hips. “Come on, Kora… breakfast will taste so much better…”

  “Are you always like this?” I truly wondered out loud.

  “I can honestly say I have never been like this with anyone but you.” He sobered and then leaned up on his elbows and captured my mouth with his.

  I moaned, twisting my hands in his hair as I moved up and impaled myself on him, slowly riding him the way I wanted to, holding onto his head like I was leading a horse or something.

  My release was so fast that I was disappointed.

  He chuckled against my mouth. “Are you frowning right now?”

  “That was too fast.”

  “That was your fault.” He tugged my lip and winked. “Also, it’s morning, and we were both primed with all that school talk.”

  “You’re impossible.” I laughed and moved off him.

  “And you love it…” He hopped out of bed. “Go take a shower. I’ll make breakfast since someone’s afraid to skip school…”

  I slapped him on the ass. “Sorry, slipped.”

  He charged after me, but I slammed the bathroom door in his face only to have him curse about getting me back.

  My smile was so wide in the shower I choked on the water as it spurted onto my face.

  You’d think it would deter my smile at least a bit.

  It didn’t.

  I quickly dried myself, put on some makeup, so I didn’t look like I was up all night having sex and let out a little scream when the steam cleared from my bathroom mirror.

  The door jerked open. “What? What’s wrong?” Leo looked panicked.

  Wordless, I pointed to my neck.

  “Your neck hurts?”

  “Leo!” I hissed. “I have a hickey!”

  His face broke out into a grin. “And you screamed to say thank you?”

  I glared through the mirror, and his smile fell. “How do I explain this?”

  With a chuckle that made me want to smack him, he walked into the bathroom, he was wearing his jeans from the night before but no shirt. He was warm as he wrapped his arms around me and stared at me through the mirror. “Relax, it’s not like I signed it, from your student Leo.”

  I scrunched up my nose. “I guess not.”

  “Hmm,” He rested his chin on my head. “Would it make you feel better if I started a rumor that you and Professor Cunningham got busy during happy hour at Applebee’s last night and had one wild moment behind the dumpsters?”

  I gaped. “Cunningham?”

  He pressed his lips together like he was trying not to laugh.

  “The one with the toupee?”

  “Hey, it looks real!” Leo defended him.

  I closed my eyes and shook my head. “Spread that around the school, and I’m going to say you have herpes.”

  His jaw fell. “You wouldn’t.”

  “I would.” I grinned triumphantly.

  “Fine.” He kissed the top of my head. “Guess the hickey’s mine than… sorry not sorry…”

  And off he went.

  I blew out an exasperated breath.

  I could wear a cute turtleneck dress.

  It was black, but it would have to do. I could pair it with some over-the knee-boots and a jacket, then wear a scarf for good measure, right?


  Totally fine.

  I quickly put on my bathrobe and went into the kitchen.

  The smell of cooking eggs filled the house, and winding its way along with that—praise the morning gods—fresh coffee.

  “Wow, such good service. Should I give you five stars on the Wingmen App?” I teased.

  He dropped the spatula and then glared at me. “Don’t you dare.”

  “A-plus in bed, the best I’ve ever had—”

  “Wingmen doesn’t do house calls.” His smile fell. “I’ll quit.”

  “Wait, what?” I panicked. “I was teasing!”

  “I know…” He shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal, but it was. It was his job! His income. His future. “But I don’t feel right lying to the owners, Ian and Lex. I’ll go into the offices later this week and let them know—”

  “Know what?” I said quickly.

  He gave me a soft smile. “That I’m off the market and can no longer work for an app that says I have to touch another woman when I already have one.”

  My heart swelled even though I was still worried. “What are you… saying?”

  “I’m saying I want you to be mine. And if you make me say anything else, I’ll make this the cheesiest day of your life and ask you to be my girlfriend, which just makes things weird when you’re an adult, right?”

  “Or romantic?”

  Leo sighed then dropped to his knee. “Be my girlfriend, Professor Robinson? Punish me every day when I don’t—”

  “Yeah, get up,” I said quickly.

  “Thought so.” He winked and then flipped the omelet. “This one is yours… and your coffee is already waiting right there.”

  Chadwick had never cooked for me.

  He was always in a rush and got angry whenever I left dishes in the sink because I had to hurry to school.

  I frowned.

  Now that I thought about it, he hadn’t ever made me dinner either. We went out to the best restaurants, but he never physically did anything just for me.

  Eggs. So simple. Yet it said so much about Leo. About the type of guy he was.

  My stomach erupted into but
terflies as he flipped the omelet onto a plate and handed me a fork.

  I took it, set it down, then dropped my bathrobe to the floor. His jaw soon followed, or at least it seemed like it. “Is this what I get whenever I cook because I’ll become a kitchen savant if you show me boob every time.”

  “You’re easy.” I giggled.

  “No, I’m hard, soooo hard.” He dipped his head for a kiss just as the doorbell rang.

  “Huh.” I put on my bathrobe. “I hope it’s not the neighbors.”

  “I’ll just hide.” Leo flashed me a grin. “Then they’ll think you were just pleasuring yourself all night.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You stay there, less talking.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He went about making another omelet.

  I looked through my peephole and didn’t see anything. Assuming it was a package delivery, I opened the door a crack only to have it violently shoved the rest of the way open.

  Chadwick barged in like he owned the place with a little blue Tiffany’s bag in his hand. “Look, I know things ended badly, but—” He frowned and took in my bathrobe, then his eyes roamed over my face, stopping at my neck, right at the hickey Leo had given me. I didn’t want to bring more attention to it, so I pretended like it wasn’t there. “What the hell is that?”

  “Curling iron burn,” I said softly. “You need to go.”

  “The hell it is!” He shoved past me and stalked right into the kitchen where a shirtless and unsuspecting Leo was still cooking.

  The minute Leo saw him, his eyes narrowed. “Hey man, I don’t remember inviting you for breakfast. You’ll have to call next time, all out of eggs.”

  “What the hell is this bullshit?” Chadwick roared. “How long has this been going on? You went out behind my back when he was in high school too?”


  “You whore!”

  Leo moved so fast that one minute he was behind the counter; the next, he had Chadwick by the throat, legs dangling midair. “I’d choose your next words carefully.” He set him back down on his feet.

  Chadwick’s face turned a shade of purple. “I’m not signing shit. You’re not getting shit either!” He jabbed a finger at me. “I’m going to destroy you. Both of you!”

  My heart cracked in my chest and fell to the floor in a thousand pieces. He always ruined everything. He would ruin the best thing that had ever happened to me.


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