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Conceited Concierge: A Hero Club Novel

Page 5

by Renea Porter

  I laughed. “Nice try, Cupcake.”

  We arrived at their beach house, and found the key where Aubrey hid it. I unlocked the door and pushed it open for Rylee. “After you.”

  If she thought it would be easy to get rid of me, she had another thing coming. I didn’t even care if that made me sound like a damn stalker. I knew this woman would be it for me. The connection we have, our banter, and everything else, it all made sense to me. She was being stubborn as usual.

  “I could definitely get used to beach life,” she said looking off into the ocean.

  Standing beside her, I looked directly at her. “It’s definitely beautiful.”

  “Let’s get everything to bring inside,” she suggested.

  We unloaded our food and got settled in. The sun was almost set and it really was gorgeous against the ocean.

  “I think there is a restaurant within walking distance. Want to go get dinner?”

  “Sure. I’m not sure how much I can eat after the candy and snacks.”

  “You can eat something small. Come on.” I reached out for her hand, and she happily handed it to me as we strolled out of the house and into the warm night air.

  With shoes in one hand, we walked side by side close to the water crashing into the sand.

  Rylee cleared her throat. “I have a confession to make.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Last time we were here…” She paused before continuing what she wanted to say. “It was my first time seeing the ocean.”

  “Really? Why didn’t you say something then?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess I was embarrassed. Hasn’t everyone seen the ocean at least once in their life?”

  “It’s nothing to be embarrassed about. But I’m glad we are here now. You have a whole weekend to enjoy it.”

  She smiled. “Don’t push me in unexpectedly because these hearing aids wouldn’t survive that.”

  “Good tip. Here we are,” I announced as we reached the restaurant. We slipped on our flip flops and headed inside.

  “Maybe I am a little hungrier than I thought,” Rylee said, looking at the menu that was placed in front of us once we were seated. We both ordered a glass of wine.

  After ordering our dinner, we noticed we were seated at a window booth and had the perfect ocean view. “I have the perfect view right in front of me.” I reached across the table to hold her hand. And she smiled. She seemed nervous at the same time.

  “What’s on your mind, Cupcake?”

  “I wasn’t completely honest with you when we first met.”

  “How so?” She knew how to throw me for a loop.

  “I’m from a polygamist marriage. My father has five wives.”

  “Five wives!” I was shocked by this knowledge.

  “I have eleven siblings.”

  This caused me to reel my head back. “Wow.”

  “Two of my brothers left the community. And I left a year after they did. They actually helped me get on my feet. They helped me get enrolled in high school and then into college courses.”

  “You were really brave.”

  Our meals arrived and we continued talking while taking bites in between.

  “I don’t believe in that lifestyle and I most certainly didn’t want to be married off to some jerk-off. There is a lot to the situation. I escaped the night I was supposed to be married. I was fourteen.”

  “Jesus Christ, Ry. You must have been scared out of your mind.” I reached over and squeezed her hand to try to comfort her.

  “I was. It was a fucking cult, and I wanted no part of it. Yes, I grew up in that environment and I had no idea about the outside world. I didn’t know anything. But I secretly kept in touch with my older brothers and I was convinced to leave.”

  “I’m so sorry you had to go through that.”

  “It’s okay. Now you can imagine my distrust in people. It was hard making friends and trying to be cool with other kids my age. And when I got to college, I met Aubrey and we became close friends.”

  “I’m really glad you trusted me enough to tell me.”

  “Naturally, you can understand I don’t tell the truth when I first meet someone.”

  “No. I get it.”

  Chapter Eleven


  It was really hard telling Levi my story. But I figured he wouldn’t judge me. Actually, I knew he wouldn’t. That was the kind of person Levi was, even though he was conceited.

  “Thank you for listening. I didn’t want to lie to you. I was born and raised in Utah where that is common. Our community had its own church. I went to the same school for every grade, until I left. And it was super scary when I left. Anything could have happened to me; thank god I got to my brothers in one piece. But times were different back then.”

  Levi leaned back against the booth. “I don’t even know what to say.”

  “You don’t have to say anything. I wanted you to know where I come from.”

  “Everything makes sense now.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I know you don’t trust people easily. And you take your time getting into relationships.”

  “I’m cautious.”

  He nodded. “Are you ready to head back?” he asked as we finished our meal and the check was dropped off at the table.


  Levi dropped some cash on the table. We stopped outside the restaurant to take our flip flops off, and Levi reached for my hand.

  “I’m really glad you told me.”

  “I’m glad, too. I knew you wouldn’t judge me.”

  “Of course I wouldn’t.”

  Levi squeezed my hand. And I immediately felt comforted. I was happy he understood why I held off on telling him how I grew up. It was a lot to take in for anyone.

  “Do you know if your other siblings are getting out or staying?”

  “I have two younger sisters, and as far as I know, they are still there. We talk every once in a while. They weren’t born until way after I left. I was the only girl among brothers then my sisters were born later. I think they are too scared to leave. Too scared to leave our parents. But it’s scary. They are around the age of fourteen and fifteen right now, and that’s the age they get married off.”

  “Maybe you can get them to leave and come here to California.”

  “Maybe. I never met them in person but being that I kept in contact with my other siblings, I get to talk to my sisters, too.”

  “I never met anyone born in that type of community before.”

  “They are super secretive about it and they never let outsiders in.”

  “I can see that.”

  We made it to the house, and I dropped my flip flops at the door. “Well, I’m super tired. And thanks for getting dinner tonight.”

  “You’re welcome. Look, I’m going to take the living room couch that pulls out to a bed, and you can take the spare room.”

  “Levi…” My voice trailed off because I felt bad he was taking the couch bed and he was giving me the master bed. It didn’t seem right. But I also didn’t want to share a bed with him because I wasn’t sure I could control myself. “Nonsense. I’m sure we can sleep in the same bed and behave.” I was not sure why I said that out loud.

  “I don’t want to intrude.”

  “You won’t.” I tugged on his arm. “Come on.”

  “Well, I have to take a bathroom break so I can behave tonight.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Really?” I shook my head.

  “I don’t want to feel the pain of a stiff dick all night.”

  “Oh my god.”

  While Levi took care of business in the other bathroom, I took the master bath and changed out of my clothes. Normally, I liked to sleep naked but there was no way that was happening tonight. I put on a cute pair of pajama shorts and a matching top. Afterward, I plugged in my hearing aid charger and settled into bed with a book in hand.

  Once Levi appeared, he was wearing a pair of gym sho
rts and a white muscle shirt. I swallowed hard. Why did he have to look so damn hot?

  “Just so you know, I won’t hear a damn thing once I take my hearing aids out. So, if you say something, I won’t hear you. You’ll have to shake me if you need me.”

  “Is that the charger?”

  “Yeah.” I stood to take out my hearing aids so he could see how it works.

  “That’s pretty neat.”

  We settled back in bed and I turned the light off. “Goodnight.” I turned my body toward his because I knew I could hear better in this position.

  “Goodnight.” Levi reached over and squeezed my hand before letting it go.

  Even in the dark, I could feel Levi looking at me.


  The smell of food woke me up. Looking over, I realized I was in bed alone and Levi must have been up cooking breakfast. I stretched my body and headed out to the kitchen.

  “Smells good.”

  “Good morning, Cupcake.”

  “Morning, Conceited.”

  “How did you sleep? I hope you dreamt of me.”

  “I slept really good. You?”

  “Like a baby.”

  “I know what you mean. That bed is sooooo comfortable. I think I’m going to have to invest in that same type if and when I get my own place.”

  “Are you thinking about staying then?” He sounded hopeful.

  “I don’t know yet. I was thinking about getting an efficiency apartment in town. I would like to have my own space away from the hotel.”

  “Yeah, I get it. And you wouldn’t be far from the hotel if you did do that.”

  “I need a place to decompress and get my thoughts in order.” And maybe Levi and I would have our own alone time away from the hotel, but I didn’t say that out loud.

  “It’s a good idea. That way you aren’t at the hotel twenty-four-seven. But I’d miss seeing your face any time I wanted to.”

  His comment made me smile.

  “Breakfast is ready.”

  I quickly poured us some coffee. “I just realized I don’t know how you like your coffee. You always brought me the coffee.”

  “I take it the same way you do.”


  We sat at a little breakfast nook and ate while also enjoying the ocean front view. “Aubrey and her family have a great place here. I bet their kids love the beach.”

  “Yeah, they are definitely beach babies.”


  “Let me clean up since you made breakfast,” I insisted.

  “We can do it together.”

  “What should we do today?” I asked.

  “It looks like it’s going to be sunny all day. We could spend it here on the beach if you want.”

  “Yes. But I need a bathing suit.”

  “Then we shall go get you a bathing suit. But one I approve of.”

  I laughed, placing a hand on my hip. “Oh, is that so.”


  It wasn’t like I was never in a pool and had bathing suits. But after moving around, I never packed all my things. Even though if I did pack them, I could have enjoyed a lot of hotel pool time. But I never took time to go shopping for a new one.

  After breakfast, we took turns showering to get ready for the day. It took me longer since I wasn’t sure how to wear my hair, or if I should wear makeup. After a good twenty minutes, I decided to put my hair up in a bun and put on minimal makeup. Fixed my eyebrows, put on waterproof mascara, and covered my lips with gloss.

  “Ready?” I asked, entering the living room where Levi was waiting for me.

  “Yep. You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you.”

  Chapter Twelve


  “I’m not coming out in this bathing suit. It makes me look fat,” Rylee said through the dressing room door.

  “I highly doubt that. You couldn’t even look fat in a paper sack.”

  “Bull shit.”

  I laughed. She was adamant about not showing me the bathing suit. The first two suits she didn’t like the way they looked, and she refused to show me the third one. Walking over to the suits, I scanned the rack and found one that was a tankini, but the bottoms were a little skimpy. I grabbed it and headed back to the fitting room, handing it over the door. “Try this one.”

  “If this one doesn’t work out, then I quit.”

  I could tell she was frustrated.

  Then silence.

  I heard her say “Hmmm.”


  “I’m coming out.”

  I was floored at how sexy she looked. “That’s the one.”

  It showed the perfect amount of cleavage without showing too much.

  “Spin around,” I motioned with my finger. “Your ass looks amazing.”


  “What? Flaunt it.” She twisted her body to look in the mirror.

  She seemed satisfied with the swimsuit. “Better get it or I’ll buy it myself.”

  “Let me get changed.”

  “Yeah you better, before I sneak in there.” I smirked.

  Now how was I supposed to be good for the rest of the day? I had to try to clear my mind to refrain from displaying a hard-on. It’s gonna be hard, pun intended.

  She emerged from the dressing room, fully clothed, and purchased the swimsuit and a white cover-up.

  “You’re gonna have to wear that cover up at all times,” I said while we walked out the door.


  “Because I don’t want anyone else checking you out.”

  She playfully punched me in my arm. “I’m with you, aren’t I?”

  “You are. And I’m not letting you out of my sight.”

  “I still can’t figure it out. Why me? You can have anyone.”

  “Don’t you get it. Why not you? I’ve already explained it to you. Do you want me to boost your ego?”

  “No. You’re just…”


  “Gorgeous. Young…”

  I smiled wide. “You think I’m gorgeous?”

  She bumped my shoulder with hers. “Conceited. I meant conceited.”

  Taking her shopping bag from her, I put an arm around her shoulder and pulled her close to me while we walked back to the car.


  We sat on the beach almost all day. Rylee was even a little burnt from the sun, even though we made sure to wear sunscreen and reapplied it when we came out of the water.

  I refrained from kissing her again because I didn’t want to rush her into anything. But I definitely wanted to feel her lips on mine again. The woman made me crazy.

  I couldn’t figure out how to make her see she was worth taking a chance on and all the reasons I wanted to be with her. The only thing that I could think, was that her ex did quite a number on her. Her confidence was down and she deserved to feel as beautiful as she was.

  “Question,” I said to her while she cooked dinner and I leaned on the counter, keeping her company.


  “Did your ex treat you good? Like you deserve to be treated.”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. We didn’t fight a lot if that’s what you’re asking. I didn’t think we had any problems. But now that I look back on the relationship, she was kind of emotionally abusive. She would question what I wearing and say I looked fat in whatever I had on. I think she liked to feel better about herself. She used to say no one would love me like she did. Does it bother you that I was with a woman before?”

  I reared my head back. “No. I like that you don’t see gender or color. You see the person. But I’m surprised you stayed with her as long as you did.”

  “I am, too. Like you said, I choose to see the good in people. I haven’t been in many relationships. I know I deserved better.”

  I moved closer to her so she could meet my gaze “You do.”

  “It might be why I’m not too heartbroken over it. I’m pissed at myself for wasting all that time.” She turned
to face me. “But at the same time, there is a loss there and I felt l should wait for some time to pass before getting in another relationship.” Her eyes were teary, but she refused to let her tears fall while she stepped even closer to me. “But for some reason you make me want whatever this is between us.”

  Her eyes looked down to my lips and then back up to my eyes. Her face was mere inches from mine. The desire was all over her face, and I slammed my lips to hers. Wrapping her arms around my waist, she opened her mouth inviting my tongue to tangle with hers. I couldn’t stop even if I tried. I would never get enough of her. I wanted all of her and I wanted to give all of me to her as well. Even if that meant we were temporary because she didn’t want to live here. I wanted whatever she was willing to give. She finally pulled away but held onto my hands while looking into my eyes. She held them for a moment. Finally, I spoke when she removed her touch from me.

  “We don’t have to define what this is. I want to make you happy. And your ex, she didn’t deserve you. You have every right to feel however you are feeling. Thank you for being vulnerable with me.”

  “This is me. I told you way too much about me today. You need to fill me in about you tomorrow. Right now, dinner is ready.”

  “I’ll get plates.”

  We sat down at the table to eat together. “Thank you for being so open with me.”

  “Sure. No use hiding anything. It’s only fair you know who I am and how I grew up. And it doesn’t seem like I scared you away yet.”

  “Nope. I’m still here and I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Good. How is it?”

  “It’s wonderful. Thanks for cooking.” Rylee made a sheet pan meal of pork chops and vegetables. It was the perfect light meal. She also made cinnamon rolls for breakfast tomorrow, too.

  “I’ll clean up,” I insisted after she was cooking all evening.

  “I can help.”

  “Nope. You can keep me company while I load the dishwasher. I insist.” I moved to plant a kiss on her nose.

  “You’re not going to jerk-off before we go to bed tonight, are you?”

  “If I don’t, I can’t be responsible for my behavior and I’m really trying to be good here. And you’re making it more and more difficult.”


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