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Conceited Concierge: A Hero Club Novel

Page 9

by Renea Porter

  “Yes. And you have Chance. He’s hands on, so you’ll have support.”


  The fireworks were about to start, and Levi and I headed to our spot right next to Aubrey and her family.

  “It was nice of Bud to let us use his truck,” I told Levi as he unlatched the tailgate so we could sit and watch the fireworks. Levi put a blanket over the tailgate so we wouldn’t get dirty.

  “Yeah. And we get to spend it with Chance and fam.”

  “It’s nice catching up with them.”

  Levi nodded, and an older gentleman approached us. “So, you’re the one fixing up that hotel, huh?”

  “I am.”

  “Well, I’m Taylor. I run the home improvement store down the road.”

  “Oh okay. I know the place. And it’s nice to meet you.”

  “You aren’t shacking up with this guy, are you?” He pointed to Levi, and I could tell he was joking around.

  “I’m sitting right here, old man.”

  Then I responded, “We are shacking up, I’m afraid.”

  “She’s carrying my baby.”

  It was all I could do to keep a straight face. So, I played along. “Or should we say, babies,” I corrected Levi, running a hand over my tummy.

  “Best of luck. I hope they look like you, young lady,” Taylor said with a smile.

  “Thank you.”

  “Have a good one.” He waved as he headed off.

  “Well, that will get the rumor mill spreading that your pregnant.”

  Levi and I both busted up laughing. “I can’t believe you told him that. I played along, but you better knock me up soon,” I joked.

  “Don’t even joke about that. Because I wouldn’t love anything more than to see you pregnant with my baby.”


  “Hell yes.”


  The fireworks started and we held hands while watching the show. It was cute watching Aubrey’s kids oohing and ahhing at the fireworks. And it got me thinking about what Levi said. I hoped it wasn’t too late when it came time to have a baby. I wondered if I should throw away my pills. Maybe I was being crazy thinking such a thing this early in our relationship. I did like the ideas of having kids because watching Aubrey and Chance’s little ones, it made me have baby fever.

  “I definitely do not want four kids. Maybe two,” I whispered to Levi.

  “Two would be perfect. But I wouldn’t be upset if we had more.” Levi smiled and bumped my shoulder with his.

  I was thirty-eight now. I was officially thirteen years older than Levi. I still struggled with the age thing, but I didn’t feel thirty-eight. He made me feel young. But if I had a kid now, I would be fifty-eight when it turned twenty. That frightened me. Levi would be forty-five if he had kids now, which sounded more reasonable.

  The fireworks finished up by blasting a bunch into the sky at once.

  Once the fireworks finished, Aubrey and Chance came over to us. Scooting off the tailgate, I gave them both a hug. “We definitely need to get together more often,” Chance told us.

  “Yes, we do.”

  Aubrey looked to Chance for confirmation then to us. “Maybe we can have you over for a beach day and Chance can man the grill.”

  “Yes, definitely.”

  “I’ll supervise the man of the grill,” Levi chimed in.

  “We gotta get these kiddos to bed soon. We’ll talk soon,” Aubrey told me as she rounded her kids up.

  Levi and I watched as they left. “Do you want to grab some ice cream?”


  The night air was thick and sticky, so an ice cream sounded really good. We headed inside the ice cream and candy shop. “I might want some candy to go as well,” I told Levi.

  “My favorite are Swedish fish and sour gummies.”

  “I like those, too. But first, ice cream.”

  I scanned each flavor and settled on strawberry cheesecake. Levi went with berry cotton candy flavor.

  “Good choices,” a clerk told us with a smile.

  “I’ll also take some Swedish fish, sour gummies and those flavored tootsie rolls to go.”


  Levi went for his wallet, but I stopped him. “I’m gonna get this.”

  Surprisingly, he didn’t argue. “Thanks.” He licked his ice cream and it got me thinking dirty thoughts about that tongue.

  Making our purchases, we headed back outside and found a bench to sit on while we watched the passersby. “I had fun today. I was really happy to see Aubrey, Chance, and the kids.”

  Levi nodded in response. “It was nice seeing them. And seeing all of them today made me realize I want what they have. I know for sure, I want that with you.” He looked at me to see my reaction.

  “Wow. I wasn’t expecting that.”


  “Yeah. I mean, I know you have said you want a family in the future and everything. But I can definitely tell you are serious right now. And it made me realize I want the same things. Those kids were so cute, and Aubrey and Chance still seem so much in love.” I waved a hand over my face. “Why is that making me teary eyed?”

  “Aww, babe.” Levi leaned over and kissed my head.

  “I do have a serious question to ask you.”


  “You’re not a drug lord or a drug dealer, are you?”

  Levi nearly chocked on his ice cream cone. “What? God, no. Why would you ask that?”

  “Because you’re always getting phone calls or making calls when I’m not around.”

  Levi chuckled. “Well, I do talk to my friends, and I talk to my mom once a week to check on her.”

  I felt like a complete moron. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have been so nosey.”

  He placed his hand on mine. “It’s fine. Everything is fine. Okay?”

  I nodded. “Okay.”

  “You ready to go?”


  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Two weeks later, we were having that cookout that Aubrey and Chance were talking about over the July fourth holiday. Us ladies were about to lay out in the sun with our bikini’s on. I dropped my sarong and sat down on a towel.

  Aubrey lowered her sunglasses. “Look at that bikini body, woman.” She raised her eyebrows up and down.

  “I didn’t have a swimsuit when Levi and I came down last time, so he helped picked this one out. All the others made me look fat.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. You look great.”

  “Look at you and your little bump.” I pointed.

  “All I want to do is sleep. And my feet are already getting swollen when I walk a long distance.”

  “Hopefully Chance rubs those feet.”

  Aubrey smiled. “He does. He spoils me.”

  “Good. Well, I’m going to take a dip in the water to cool off.”

  I walked down and slowly sunk under to wet my whole body. Pushing myself upward, I slicked my hair back and was making my way toward Aubrey and the guys. It looked like she and Levi were having a heated discussion. Was Levi being truthful when I questioned him about his phone calls? Once I got closer, I heard Aubrey say, “If you don’t tell her soon, I will. She deserves to know.” They grew quiet once I approached.

  “What are you guys talking about?”

  Aubrey and Levi both said, “Nothing.”

  I slipped my sunglasses on and decided to leave it at that. For now. But eventually, I will get to the bottom of whatever was going on. Pushing the thought out of my mind for now, I decided to enjoy the day with my friends. Their kids made sandcastles and frolicked in the water, under their parents’ supervision, of course. Their family was picture perfect.

  Aubrey came back over to put some SPF lotion on the kids before they got back to their sandcastle.

  “Please tell me you and Chance’s relationship isn’t as perfect as it seems?”

  Aubrey laughed. “Rylee, it is far from perfect. But
I gotta say he is the best man for me. We have our differences, and we have our similarities. It’s an equal balance. But we do have our moments.”

  “I bet those heated moments lead to that.” I smirked pointing to her belly.

  She rubbed her stomach. “I can’t deny that.”

  “I have this idea in my head that I want what you and Chance have, the kids and all.”

  Aubrey leaned up on her elbows. “Kids and all, huh?”

  “Yeah. I realized that watching all of you over the July fourth holiday. Levi said the same as well.”

  “I think you and Levi could have what we have. I hope you do. I’m rooting for you guys.”

  “I feel like there is a but…”

  “Oh no. I do hope you guys work out. I want you, too. It would be cool to have another couple around to do things with.” She leaned her head back so the sun cascaded over her face.

  I chewed my bottom lip.

  “Hot dog or a burger?” Levi asked.

  “I’ll take a hot dog with mustard,” I replied.

  “Same for me,” Aubrey chimed in.

  Levi brought our hotdogs over. He hung out with Chance by the grill. And they even took turns when Chance watched over the kids and chased them around. I couldn’t help but smile whenever Levi and I looked at each other after watching Chance or Aubrey with the kids. It was like we were silently saying that was gonna be us someday.

  It seemed like the day was flying by as the sun started to set. I was helping Aubrey bring the food inside, and Levi stepped into the room.

  “We should probably get ready to go,” he suggested.

  “Okay.” I smiled genuinely at Aubrey and thanked her and Chance for the day.

  “You’re welcome here anytime. You never need an invitation. Especially since I’ll be in baby mode soon.”

  “I appreciate that.”

  Everyone hugged each other, and even their kids came over to hug us.

  Levi and I loaded our things in my car, and he took initiative to drive us back to Temecula.

  “It melted my heart when the kids called me Aunt Rylee.” I was almost in tears I was so touched.

  Levi reached over for my hand and kissed my fingers. “They love you.”

  “I love them, too. They really are good kids.”

  “They are. Bet they are gonna be hellions when they get older. They are half Bateman.”

  I laughed. “Oh shit.”

  Levi chuckled. He didn’t let go of my hand and I was feeling deliriously happy. We were in Temecula when an idea came to me. “Fuck it. Let’s do it.”

  Levi looked confused. “Do what?”

  “Let’s get married. Las Vegas is a short drive. And we can even spend a night and be back tomorrow evening…”

  Levi interrupted me. “I can’t.”

  “What do you mean you can’t?”

  He sighed. “I didn’t want to say anything until I knew it was final…”

  “Until what was final?”

  Now I was the one who was confused. Levi pulled into the parking spot of the hotel, and my heart was beating so fast. Gripping the steering wheel with both hands, he blurted, “I’m still married. I thought the divorce went through. It was something stupid I did when I was nineteen.”

  I thought my heart would beat out of my chest.

  “I’ve been working with my lawyer to get it finalized.”

  “Wow. So, you lied to me.”

  “I didn’t lie.”

  “Do you hear yourself? You lied by omission. How could you when I told you everything about me?” My heart broke.

  “Okay. Fine. I really thought it was final. Then years passed and I forgot about it. And then I met you and I have never felt like this with anyone else. Rylee, please forgive me.”

  Tears streamed down my cheeks. It was too late. Levi betrayed me. He betrayed my trust. He crushed my heart into a million pieces. I stormed out of my own car and snatched my car keys from him and hauled ass into the hotel.


  “Don’t, Levi. I don’t want to hear another word out of your mouth.”

  “Rylee, we can get past this.”

  I made it to my room but turned to Levi. “I need some space.”

  “All right. We can talk tomorrow.”

  Slamming my door, tears stained my cheeks as I slid down to the floor, burying my head in my lap. How could I be so stupid? Grabbing my laptop, I emailed a coworker of mine and asked her to come help me finish the hotel so it would be done quicker. I offered her my room.

  She said she would get the next flight out. I emailed her all the details. There was only a few more weeks before our job would be complete. I typed up a note to Sheryl and Bud, explaining I had a coworker, coming out to help me finish the project. And that I would be staying in town indefinitely.

  Locating my suitcase, I quickly piled everything I could fit inside. The quicker I could get out of here, the better. My tears wouldn’t stop, and my heart wouldn’t stop beating so fast. Opening my door and looking out into the hall, I made sure it was clear before I pulled my suitcase behind me as I made my getaway.

  It was late but the time I got to town, and it looked like everything was closed down for the night, so I slept in my car until morning.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  “Good morning,” I called through Rylee’s door, knocking.

  “Good morning,” a pretty blonde answered.

  “You’re not Rylee.” I scratched my head, and made sure I was at the right room.

  “She left last night. I came to help finish the job.”

  I whipped my head back. “What do you mean she left? Where did she go?” I felt panicked as my heart quickened.

  “I don’t know. I think she went into town to get a place away from here. She should be here this afternoon.”


  The woman closed the door, and I punched the wall. “Fuck!”

  Taking my phone out of my pocket, I tried calling Rylee, only to be forwarded to her voicemail. “Rylee, it’s Levi. Call me ASAP.”

  Next, I dialed Aubrey’s number. “Hi, Levi.”

  “Hey. Have you talked to Rylee?”

  “I haven’t. Why?”

  “Don’t lie to me, Aubrey.”

  “What the hell happened after you two left last night?”

  “Well, she said we should drive to Vegas and get married. I had to tell her I was still married.”

  “I knew this was gonna backfire, Levi. I knew it. You should have told her in the beginning.”

  “Well, there’s no time to sit and lecture me, Aubrey.”

  “Honestly, I haven’t heard from her. But my guess is, you better find a way to make this up to her before you lose her for good.”

  “I gotta go. Talk to you later.”

  Fuck. I still had a job to do today. There was no way I could miss, unless I quit. It wasn’t like I didn’t have the money to live off. Because I got a sizeable sum when my dad died; he left us an inheritance we couldn’t touch until we turned twenty-five. I was able to get into that account. I needed to find Rylee. I needed another chance. But this was my third strike and I was out.

  Out of her life.

  I did not like the sound of that.

  I headed down to start my day. Slapping a smile on my face to help the guests was nearly impossible. I fucked up so royally. Why did I ask her in the first place without even checking with my lawyer first? I could kick myself. Then I saw her and my breath hitched.


  “Go away, Levi. We are done. I’m done being toyed with. Just go. I have a job to complete.”

  “Please, Rylee. Please forgive me. I promise I will get this straightened out.”

  “Handle your business, Levi. I need time.”

  “Okay. I can give you that.”

  The look on her face, seeing the pain I caused, it broke me. I hurt her deeply.

  My heart was beating so fast and I was working like a m
ad man, doing everything I could not to think about Rylee, but that was damn near impossible. That look on her face kept flashing back to my brain. Once I was on break, I called my lawyer, again.

  “Bryce, I need this marriage to go away. It should have been annulled a long time ago, man. Worst case, offer her fifty thousand dollars as compensation. Maybe that will get this moving.”

  “I’ll do what I can.”

  “You know what? Draw up the papers and I’ll come by to deliver them myself.”

  “Are you sure that’s what you want to do, Mr. Bateman?”

  “Draw up the papers. I’ll be there first thing in the morning.”

  I guess I had to get shit done by doing it myself. Now I had to track down Kathrena, who I presumed was still in Vegas. She was a stripper I met when I started managing bands. It was the stupidest thing I had ever done in my life. Our marriage was over after six weeks. She thought I was a rich boy and living the high life. But she got a surprise.

  I’ll admit, we tried to make it work. I should say, I tried. But she wasn’t in it. And I honestly don’t know why I didn’t have Aubrey handle the annulment since she was an attorney. She told me as much.

  I couldn’t wait around and hope and wish for things to change. Once my shift ended, I found myself sitting on the wraparound porch so I could think since I couldn’t do anything until tomorrow.

  Bud appeared and sat next to me. “You and Rylee have a fight?”

  “Yeah. Something like that. I think I screwed up royally this time. I might not be able to get her back.”

  I told him the truth.

  “I figured something might have happened between you two.”

  “I lied to her. It was a big lie.”

  “If Rylee means that much to you, you need to fix it. And then you need to fight for her. I can tell you love is never easy, but when you find the one, you fight for it. And you don’t give up until you can gain her trust.”

  Bud was right. I needed to fight my way back to Rylee.

  “Why are you still sitting here, boy?” Bud asked with a smile.

  “Because I have a job. And my car is a piece of shit.”

  Bud waved me off. “Take my truck. Your job will always be here.”


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