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Conceited Concierge: A Hero Club Novel

Page 11

by Renea Porter

  “It all makes sense now.”

  We walked out of the office together.

  “Thanks for letting me do that.”

  “Sure thing. Good luck with the lady.”

  “Thank you.”

  “See you.”

  I smiled and waved as I headed for the door. Stopping, I took a look around and locked eyes with Kathrena one last time. She smiled and nodded to me. We were good. And the past was finally put in the past.

  I made my way back to my hotel room. Checking my messages, there was nothing from Rylee. Stripping out of my clothes, I put on my pajama pants and settled into the surprisingly comfortable bed.

  I missed Rylee like hell and wished she was in the bed next to me. I missed her touch, and her kisses. But mostly, I was upset that she was no longer wearing the smile I was used to seeing. Would she forgive me? Would all this be worth it? I sure hoped. Hoped it wasn’t too late.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  It’s funny how slow time passes when you are alone.

  I was holed up at a small two bedroom, two bath, waterfront house in Thermal, which was sixty miles from Temecula. It needed a little work. The owners had knocked some of the rent off if I was doing some repairs.

  Amber and I had finished our work at the hotel and it was easy not being distracted by anything or anyone. I never saw Levi so when I left Temecula, I had no idea where I was going until I got in my car and drove until I decided to stop, which was when I saw this cute little house for rent. I decided it was fate. And I couldn’t pick a better house for me. The inside needed more of an update than the outside. I already had the kitchen redone and upgraded to stainless steel appliances.

  Thankfully, the owner’s husband was willing to help with things I couldn’t do. With the inside almost done, there was a spot on the front of the house that needed a fresh coat of paint since it was chipping from the sun being on that side of the house.

  “The bathroom is all fixed up,” Kohen told me carrying his tool box.

  “Thank you. I appreciate the help.”

  “Anytime. Make sure you don’t stay in the sun too long. Get some rest.”

  “Don’t worry. Once this is finished, I’ll be done.”

  “Take care.”

  “You, too, Kohen. Say hi to Bev for me.”

  He waved as he walked down the sidewalk to his truck.

  I was doing my best to keep my mind busy and off Levi. But I couldn’t help wondering what he was doing. The ache in my heart was never going away. It was something I lived with every day because I had bigger issues to think about.

  I heard footsteps coming up my walkway. Turning, I saw my new friend, Celine, and I smiled.

  “Hey, girl. I’m glad you could stop by.”

  “Here. I thought you could use a plant.”

  “Thank you. Come on. I’ll show you around.”

  Celine followed me inside, and we walked into every room as I showed her the work that had been done.

  “This place is so cute. And it’s definitely you.”

  “Thank you. Do you want something to drink?”

  “I’ll take a water if you have it.”

  I pulled a bottle from the fridge and handed her one and then drank one myself. “I need to sit for a few minutes anyway,” I told her.

  “Of course. Where is your brother? I thought you said he was visiting.”

  “He is. He went to go get some food.”

  “Maybe I will meet him another time then. There is a Halloween party at my boyfriend’s place tomorrow night. You should come. Get to know some other people besides me.” Celine smiled.

  “What costume would I wear; a beached whale?”

  She playfully bumped my shoulder. “You can be a fucking goddess. Look at you.”

  Celine was tall, had stick straight black hair and the most gorgeous hazel eyes I’d ever seen. I met her at a local diner because our to go orders got mixed up. We hit it off from there. Her boyfriend was some rich tycoon type.

  “Look at you. You look like a damn supermodel.”

  “Stop it. Tell me you’ll come. You can even bring your brother.”

  “Fine. I’ll come. I guess I do have shoes to match the goddess look.”

  Celine smiled wide. “That’s the spirit. Give me your phone. I’ll put in directions.”

  I handed her my phone. And when she handed it back, I saw the party was in Cabazon, and if I remembered correctly that was the halfway point to Temecula. My throat caught, remembering Levi and my heart constricted. This was why I tried to stay busy.

  “I’ll be there.”

  “Perfect. Who knows, maybe you will find a rich man at this party.”

  I laughed. “Doubt it. I’m done with men for now. But I’ll be happy to come and maybe I can garner some business down the road.”

  “Yes. Okay. I have to go. That construction was a bitch to get through.”

  “Okay. Drive safe.”

  “Bye.” She waved as I walked her to outside. The breeze coming off the lake out back caused goosebumps to form on my arms. The weather was turning chilly.


  I turned to my brother, Constance. “How do I look?”

  We had gone last minute costume shopping but I was unable to find a costume to wear. So, when we got home, I found a small bed sheet, cut it to make it shorter so my calf sandals could be seen, and I found some gold ribbon to tie around my waist. I made a leaf crown to match.


  “You look scary,” I told him about his Freddy Kruger look. We were the oddest pair.

  “It’s better than you trying to get me to be a Greek god.”

  “I wanted to match.”

  “That’s what you do with a boyfriend. Not your brother.”

  “Hey. This is our first adult Halloween party that we attended together. I wish Simon could have come to visit, too.” Simon was my other brother.

  “I do, too. But he has a company that he is a big wig at now and he needs to know everything that is going on.”

  We loaded in my car. “What is it you two do again?”

  “Advertising pays our bills. And we also have a nonprofit with a small network of people working to send clean water to third world countries.”

  “Wow. That is amazing.”

  “Yeah, it’s good to give back. We hate sitting around doing nothing.”

  “I hear you. Thank you for coming out here and helping me get the house set up.”

  “Of course. It’s come a long way.”

  “Yes, thanks to you.”

  “I followed orders on how you wanted everything.”

  I laughed. If it wasn’t for Constance, the house would only be half-done. Together and with Kohen’s direction we managed to completely redo the kitchen, the bathroom was updated, and the back end of the house had needed some love.

  I needed to add some plants to the front and maybe do a small garden out back. But I could manage that.

  “Sucks you are leaving tomorrow, though. I liked having you around.”

  “I’m only a twelve-hour drive.”

  “Only.” I laughed.

  “But I’m also only a two-hour flight from you.”

  “You are.”

  “Are you gonna be okay after I leave?”

  “I’ll be fine. I promise. There are some little projects around the house that will keep me busy.”

  “All right. But like I said, I’m only a flight away.”

  “I know. Maybe you and Simon can come for Christmas and New Year’s holiday. You need to get him to stop working so much.”

  Constance smiled. “Sounds like a plan.”

  “Where to next?” Constance asked as I rattled off the directions to this guy’s house. We exited the highway.

  “Make a left on Penny Lane, then a right on Alistair Road.” I told Constance as I looked at my phone directions. “Okay, then follow straight down and it should the last house on the left.”

  A m
assive house came into view and both of us were utterly speechless.

  “Are you sure this is the right place?”

  Taking another look at my phone, I confirmed it was the house.

  The driveway was a circular shape, and a uniformed man opened my door while Constance handed him the key to park it.

  “This is your friends boyfriend’s house?”

  “That’s what she says.”

  “You have some very rich friends.”

  I slapped him on the arm. “Maybe you can find yourself a rich woman.”

  He raised his eyebrow. “Maybe.”

  With my arm linked with Constance’s, we headed inside.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  When I got back to the hotel, Rylee was gone. Gone for good. I’d been all over the state looking for her. Bugged Aubrey every day, insisting she knew where Rylee was, but she kept saying she hadn’t heard from her. There was no way I could lose Rylee. Not unless I got to see her one more time. I knew if anyone could help me, my buddy Terrence could.

  I grabbed my phone and called him.

  “Hey Levi,” he answered groggily.

  “Shit, did I wake you?”

  “No. It’s fine.”

  “Where are you?”

  “I’m in New York for a client.”

  I looked at my watch; it was three a.m. in New York.

  “I’m sorry for calling so late, but I need a huge favor.”

  “Okay. Shoot.”

  “I met this girl and I fell head over heels for her. And I lied to her. I didn’t tell her I was still married and she took off. I don’t know where she went. I have her full name and her birthdate.”

  “Let me get a piece of paper. I can’t believe you are still married to that stripper. We tried to talk you out of it and you didn’t listen to us.”

  “I know. I had the papers drawn up and went to Las Vegas myself to have her sign. Now I gotta track down Rylee.”

  “Okay. So, Rylee is the woman you fell for. What’s her last name and birthday?”

  “It’s RYLEE,” I spelled out her name. “Her last name is Raegan. And that’s RAEGAN,” I spelled her last name. “And she turned thirty-eight. Her birthday is June thirtieth.”

  “I’m sorry, did you say she’s thirty-eight?”

  “I did. I’ve never felt like this with anyone else, not even the stripper. Never. You have to meet her to understand. But trust me. Please, Terrence.”

  I wasn’t above begging if I needed to.

  “Okay. I’ll see what I can dig up. But I’m not making any promises.”

  I smiled. “Thank you!”

  “You’re welcome. Now can I go back to sleep?”

  “I’m sorry. Yes. I’ll talk to you soon.”



  The last place I wanted to be was at a Halloween party, but my buddy pretty much insisted I come and not be a party pooper. So here I was, dressed like I belonged in the seventies with my bell bottom pants and a retro style shirt with the first few buttons undone. I drew a line at wearing a wig. I was not doing that.

  “Dude. You look awesome,” Kyler told me.

  “Thanks,” I said halfheartedly. “You look cool, too.” He was wearing a superman costume that looked so realistic.

  “I’m sorry. This is my girlfriend, Celine.”

  “It’s so nice to meet you.” I shook her hand. She was dressed like wonder woman.

  “Nice to meet you.” She leaned into Kyler. “Ky told me all the antics you guys used to get into as kids.”

  “Oh no.”

  “Your secret is safe with me.”

  “We have to go mingle. Grab a drink and have a little fun,” Kyler told me as he walked away.

  Stepping into the massive kitchen, I grabbed a beer and pounded it before grabbing another. Alcohol seemed to numb my pain lately, especially when I thought about Rylee. She did not want to be found. That much was clear. That thought nearly killed me when I thought about her moving on.

  Without me.

  I started to head back to the large living room where party goers were and I swore my eyes were definitely playing tricks on me. I stayed back, observing. Rylee was walking in with another man, her arm linked with his. She was all smiles, and it was like a knife twisted in my heart. I swallowed a hard lump when she introduced the guy to Kyler’s girlfriend and then to Kyler. The guy shook their hands and smiled. I was gonna be sick.

  I could barely get a view of Rylee since she stood on the other side. I shook my head at how happy she looked. Damn, the woman moved on quick. Couldn’t blame her, though. She was so fucking beautiful. It killed me witnessing her here with another man. Thinking of another man touching her, it made my jaw tick in frustration.

  Staying back, I continued observing while also pounding more alcohol. Then the guy patted Rylee’s arm lovingly and they split up. My eyes were trained on him as he worked the room. I watched him flirt with the single ladies, and that got my blood boiling. I’d lost track of Rylee when I saw him whisper something into a woman’s ear, and she nodded in response. He even had a hand on her hip.

  Seeing red, I approached the guy and shoved him. “Who do you think you are, coming here with her?” He slipped back but broke his fall by bumping into someone. Rylee turned around and we locked eyes. “Who is this schmuck?” I asked her by pointing to the guy she arrived with.

  He was straightening up his costume.

  “This schmuck is my brother, you asshole.” She took her brother by the hand and headed for the door. “Let’s get out of here.”

  “Rylee, wait!” I shouted, but she moved fast.

  Kyler held me from going to her. “Let her go, man.”

  Was she pregnant? Did I see that correctly? I wasn’t good at math, but to my calculations, she’d be carrying my baby. It was hard to tell how far along she was.

  “That’s Rylee. The one I told you about,” I told him. “I need to go.”

  “Nope. You are most definitely not going anywhere. Not in this condition. You gotta sleep it off first. We’ll talk in the morning.” He headed up the spiral staircase and stopped to look back at me. “Come on.”

  I huffed and cursed under my breath.


  My eyes squinted open. I tried looking around, not recognizing where I was. My head throbbed as I closed my eyes for a few more minutes. Did I dream that I saw Rylee? That had to be a dream. Right? Rolling my legs to the side, I slowly edged off the bed, and then I realized I was at Kyler’s place.

  “Look who’s up.” Kyler looked up from the kitchen table. He had people making breakfast. “I’m sure you are starving, so sit and eat. We’ll talk about this Rylee situation.”

  I looked at him, confused. “Please tell me I didn’t make an ass out of myself.”

  “Nope. You made an ass out of yourself.” He plopped a strip of bacon in his mouth.

  “Where’s…” What was her name?



  “She left early this morning for work, and I think she was going to check on Rylee after.”

  “So, it wasn’t a dream that I saw, Rylee?”

  “Oh, you saw her alright.” He tried not to laugh. “You thought her brother was her boyfriend or something.”

  I bent my head down in my hand, feeling ashamed. “Fuck.”

  “Yep. You’re fucked.”

  “Hey. I thought you were gonna help me out of this bind.”

  Kyler tried hiding his laugh, but I could read his face. “First thing first. Eat. Then we’ll get you a shower. And I’ll give you a change of clothes. But do not, and I repeat, do not go to Rylee right now. She’s pretty pissed at you for shoving her brother and accusing her of arriving with an asshole.”

  “Oh god. I said that?”

  “Not in those words. You called her brother a schmuck if I remember correctly.”

  “Shit.” I gripped my hair in frustration. Then I looked at Kyler. “Is she preg

  “Yeah, why?”

  “Do you know how far along?”

  “I think she’s maybe four months.”

  “That would be my baby she is carrying. I can’t sit by. I need to go to her and apologize.”

  “Levi, listen to me. Give her space. At least a few days. Then you can go to her. I promise I know what I’m talking about when it comes to women.”

  “Okay. Fine.” This was gonna be torture. “Are you gonna tell me where she lives?”

  “No. You can call me in a few days, and I’ll tell you. Let her calm down and you need to straighten up.”

  I nodded. “You’re right.”

  “I know. I was raised by women. My mom, my two aunts, my grandmother, and my godmother. Trust me.”

  I did trust my buddy, and he was right. He was raised by women his whole life. He would know a thing or two about what I should do. Once I finished eating breakfast, Kyler gave directions on finding the shower. His house was like a damn maze. So many bathrooms and bedrooms. What was he doing with this big of a house? He was the only one living here besides his house staff. It was crazy. If I remembered correctly, I thought he said Celine was a radio DJ. I didn’t even know how they met.

  Finding the bathroom, I stepped inside. I swore it was the size of my apartment. This was insane. Pulling a towel from the cabinet, I stepped into the shower and let the hot water cascade over me. I needed this.

  Once out, I tied a towel around my waist and opened the bathroom door to see if the coast was clear. But I ran smack into Kyler. “I brought you some clothes.’

  He handed me some neatly folded clothes. “Thanks, man.”

  I headed toward the room that I woke up in and got dressed.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  It had been nearly two days since I saw Rylee. Yesterday, I gave Kyler my credit card number and ordered one dozen roses to be delivered to Rylee. He had to provide her address since he didn’t want me to have it.

  Then today, I sent two dozen roses over to her again. Tomorrow, I’d send three more dozen. I was hoping that would at least put me in her good graces.

  And today, I was investing in my dream.


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