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Gryff the Griffin Rider 2

Page 33

by Marcus Sloss

  “You will get your protection but I will have you working hard. You will study from Roz whenever she has free time. Which will be minimal,” I told her.

  When we approached the gate to the pen with the elvath we were stopped to verify we had proper authorization. We passed our checks and our team went in. A single proud elvath stood straight.

  “Please, take us from here. We will talk more later. I have barely controlled their appetite for knowledge. Hurry shaman.” The elvath was pleading.

  That was enough for me. She would be upset when I didn’t travel with them. “Livina,” I said to Roz and the portal opened. There was no formation, it was a mad dash to freedom. “Umm… good luck Velia. They cannot harm you while they have collars. I will be there when I can.”

  I constantly was rejecting that blank colorless aura being sent my way. I was not a succubi. Even though I could, I did not need it. Something that would need to be addressed later. To be honest we all leered at the beauties as they ran into the portal. When it was Velia’s turn – she kissed me, winked, and then went to Livina with a huge grin on her face.

  I shivered trying to shake all those yummy bouncing tits and asses from my mind. Urshoe led the way out of the pen and toward our dvaren holdings. Roz handed me a sheet containing our balances.

  “Wait, we still have four hundred thousand souls left. What can we get with this?” I asked Roz.

  “Correct. You lost your bids on the desert dwarves. They went full price, must be a rebellion on a sand world somewhere. We won one farmer section of dvaren and one combat legion. So another thousand male warriors that cost a million souls. Then a thousand females for farming, you got them for only a hundred thousand. You have more than enough to buy more dvaren during next month's sales. Or I can go to the next lower slave world. It is roughly the same. The top three are. There are also more markets on Kikra this is just the primary. There are so many slaves to free, I feel your endeavor may take millions of years to complete.

  “Human prices are coming back down. After it was discovered none could fight like you they figured you were an elvath in your armor disguised as a human.” Urshoe said. I was surprised she knew so much. If she and Roz had been talking it did make sense. “I recommend you send Roz back here when she picks up this order of dvaren smithies and buy me some goblins.”

  “Can you manage them in a desert environment?” I asked.

  “Goblins are great like that, you simply give them shovels, food, and water. As long as you train them, in the beginning, they will do fine and prosper. You could buy three million for three hundred thousand souls. They literally are only valued at their conversion rate, they breed so prolifically if properly fed.” Roz said.

  I stopped my group before we meet with dvaren. “Do you have any qualms with harvesting them Urshoe?” I waved my hand for her not to answer. “Nevermind I don’t care. Get me those goblins, Roz. The sooner the better. Actually, hold off. I need to set up a slaughterhouse and all sorts of things first – freezers, salters, jerky stations.”

  I stopped my internal glee of obtaining three million goblin hearts. It was nice they were such fodder. Unless our portals got blocked, our food and earth catalysts had achieved a never ending supply. I think this is what Lily meant by using the system to my advantage.

  Once again before we entered the slave outflow pen our identity was verified by a gate guard. We passed him by where I saw an old warrior dvaren arguing with an old lady dvaren.

  “I don’t care if your troops have not seen a woman in three years. Hands off unless we allow it. Wherever we are going it’s a one to one ration so your troops…” I was noticed and the old lady paused.

  “Roz, portal to Uhara please,” I said as I waded into the debate. “Your rank dvaren.”

  “Major Itsa, I will send the legion through first in case it is hostile,” Itsa said. He then bellowed to his troops in a language I did not know. They struck the ground in unison. Locked in synchronized step. A chant erupted that I wish I could understand. They all knew English now but they stuck to their old habits. In they marched by rows of four.

  “Dvarette, may I know your name?” I asked and the grey haired busty short dwarf blushed.

  “See, manner can go far, flattery further. I am Ponisa. May you remove your facial cover it is quite rude to hide your identity.” Ponisa said and when I did she smiled politely. “A human… Don’t look so shocked you humans are known for cheap farm labor. I hope you are a kind master. The troops are almost through. I will send my ladies with wagons in now.”

  With that, she left to organize her dozen waiting helpers. Those helpers spread out to administer orders. A few minutes later the female dvaren were stepping into the portal.

  “Not as fun to watch as the elves,” Brad muttered which was met with agreement. The song went from brutal war song to lovely singing.

  When the last dvaren left Kikra we followed them to Uhara.


  Major Ista looked confused and Ponisa was patiently silent while she dug into the farm dirt. “We will return in a moment. Keep your weapons down, nothing can harm you here. Have your subordinates tour the area. If you feel a tingle that means you left the barrier. Your orders are to stay inside the barrier for now.” I said and then indicated to Roz. “Portal to Lakeland. Lazra hold the troops here I will return shortly. Urshoe stays here as well. This will probably be the least hostile place for you right now.”

  The portal spun up behind us and I was learning its intricacies. My mind was trying to figure out if I could manage the spell myself. I decided to study more of them as I went into the portal first.


  I walked into Captain Snomer upon arrival into Lakeland. We actually bumped and bounced off each other. We both apologized while I made room for Roz. The sun was still bright in the early morning sky. Some light clouds dotted the horizon as I noticed it was slightly cooler this far south. I wondered what Bavie would be like.

  “You are early, we decided to be ready just in case. It also stank in the barns while fields have fresh air. Not the worst place to stay the night. My troops are ready to capture some icraws and yeti young. We have much experience fighting them. We hope to buy more of our kind. Some of our males hope for more females but the ratio is already five to one. Who wants more than a few wives?” Captain Snomer said.

  This elicited a roaring laughter from me that was so hard tears rolled down my face. “Exactly my good captain. Exactly. Ah here come Betsy, Yexica, and Longbeard Fidark. Perfect. Roz portal back to Uhara please.” I said.

  Roz hesitated. “You do not need to be a nice master. It is not the Horde way even for the rebels.” She said and flinched expecting to be beaten.

  “If you hesitate again on my orders I will take away your harem and remove some fingers. For now, open the portal.” I said.

  This gave her a big smile. She knew there was an evil overlord buried in my soul somewhere. The portal opened and I was the first to step in.


  Major Ista was drilling his troops as I stepped out of the portal. Ponisa was having her farmers unload some tools. Both approached as I appeared. I moved to the side where the Knights of Fernlan were and out came more dvaren from the portal. Besty and Yessica led the way with their yakin. Ponisa jumped for joy as did her fellow farmers. In true dvaren fashion a song was sung that was picked up as soon as the new immigrants arrived. And so it went for the next ten minutes with the steady loud beats of drums.

  As the leaders from Lakeland exited they stood beside me. When Ponisa, Major Isat, Captain Snomer, Yexica, Betsy, and Longbeard were all assembled I spoke. The song lowered in volume with a wave from Ponisa.

  “I am sending out the contract now that swaps everyone still in collars from slavery to citizens. The moment you accept you will…” I said and the collars came off. “Have someone collect them. I am swapping criminals out for more buying power. Employment will become a thing. Clean up this city and I will pay you
in our currency. Ugh… my wives are going to kill me. Sorry, they hate constant expenditures.”

  “Smart lasses,” Major Ista said.

  “Yes, they have great assess. Addilyn’s booty is so tight I bounce coins on it.” I smirked and winked. This did the trick. They went from somber faces to smiles. “I need guards. Like for my young, and for myself. I was thinking your legion would serve guard duty when not in the field fighting. Which we will do. We need to train those who still wish to fight with griffins. Who is on duty right now?”

  “Dvaren are always on duty.” Captain Snomer, Longbeard Fidark, Major Ista all said in different variations.

  “He sometimes talks to the air and it makes no sense at first. A griffin will come flying in soon from the docks. It is what I have learned to expect anyway. He can speak to the mighty creatures. The rest of us have to draw to get communications across.” Donnie said to the dvaren.

  “I am griffin on duty at the moment. Hello human Emperor Gryff. We have not met. I am Fik, flying your way now,” Fik said and launched from the docks of Uhara. As he soared our way some of the new dvaren went defensive. “What do you need from me today?”

  “Ensure the moat is empty then scorch it. Well, trench. Neet to get that filled again.” I said and Fik did a flyover then burned the trench with a gout of flame. The display was nothing that special, it did illuminate a point I wanted to be made. “Thank you Fik, I will be coordinating with the griffin lords later to figure out some training. Which if your troops decide to stay as fighters is what will earn you my pay. For now, your primary mission is to decide how you want your city to be built. We can do something called earth magic…”

  “I have a few goblin hearts on me, catalysts to make a few books and some ant chitin just in case. What would you like?” Poe said while she fumbled through her bag. She was digging for a while then had to set the bad down and lay everything out.

  “I will get you more before we hit the Vartin Tundra. Fik come back and aid Poe in casting. I want a mushroom cavern here. A watchtower on the edge of the barrier. And a stable for the yakin right here.” I was pointing the whole time for where I wanted things. Fik landed with a thud moments later and never complained. “Thanks to you both.”

  Poe climbed up on Fik’s saddle and they went to the edge of the barrier.

  “What is the young lady…” Ponisa was asking when the watchtower sprung to life. It was narrow with a ladder facing the city. Thirty feet up the neck went to a boxy structure with a roof and a cutout section vision. It was not perfect but it illustrated the point. “Your females can do new magic. Oh, this will bring the wrath of the seven. I hope you are ready.”

  I ignored her words for now as but then it hit me. Lily had said the magic of Vin would be mysterious. I wanted to see if humans could use green magic on dvaren. I knew you could cross species heal since I was healed by griffins. Which had unlocked contract magic in me. It made me curious.

  “Poe and Fik wait before you continue. Ponisa have you ever seen healing magic? I know that the Horde does not have green magic either. Fwar come here. I am going to hand you my knife, give yourself a small cut please,” I handed Ponisa my dagger while Fwar came to my side. “Let me demonstrate to alleviate your fears.”

  Thousands of dwarves had stopped working to watch. As they closed around us, it became crowded. They had stopped working when Fik flamed the moat… trench. Now they were very curious. I drew my sword and sliced deep into my arm. Blood pooled and then flowed freely. My mind delighted in the pain. I think I was becoming attuned to it.

  “This man gets hurt a lot. When he does I heal him. Both our males and females can do this. It is also the most common magic type we find our children being born with. I simply place a hand on his arm.” Fwar was explaining. “Then I let my magic flow.”

  I really hated being healed by men. It was akin to pleasure and Fwar was not my type. The griffins were inflictors of pain but I would pass on that for this simple wound.

  Ponisa sliced her finger then held it out to Fwar. “You will feel a tingle that is pleasurable normally. I promise it is like that even men feel the same. It is not an attempt to seduce.” Fwar said and I nodded that it was true.

  She gave him permission and he healed her. Things got awkward and strange at the same moment. She orgasmed loudly. The old dvaren bitty shuddered and moaned out so loud those on the moon heard her. The pleasure must have been far more than what we experience. Then she went from a gray haired wrinkly dwarf to a young dvarette. The green magic raced from deep within Vin and wrapped around her body as she transitioned from old to youthful. Her skin was smooth and flawless. Her bust bursting. If I had to guess it had been propping up saggy boobs that no longer sagged.

  I was stunned, Fwar was stunned, and my team was silent behind me. The dvaren went crazy with excitement. They pulled Ponisa away and studied her. She was asking for a mirror and dancing to feel her new form out.

  “Did not see that cuming…” Fwar said telling a joke.

  I rolled my eyes hard. Well, I needed more healers than ever before. At least this was a currency worth trading for. I needed to realize bringing aliens to Vin and then mixing them with magic from the gods may have profound implications.

  “How much aura did that eat?” I asked Fwar.

  “Like none, it was only a scrape. The world did the rest. The regeneration was pulled from somewhere deep underground. It was, I would like to say magical… but that is obvious. Well, I should probably go hide before they swarm me.” Fwar said as he stepped behind me.

  Major Ista broke off from the group admiring Ponisa’s changes. “Emperor Gryff. We are in, this is not Horde magic. This is divine, yes, but it proves to us you fight the evil gods. If you could please continue the earth magic demonstration then we will get to immediately building a home so we can integrate smoothly.”

  I looked over my shoulder and nodded to Poe and Fik. They erected a hundred foot wide by forty feet deep and ten foot high three walled stable. This brought back my memory of building my poorly constructed overhang when I first arrived. They went a dozen yards away and then dug out a small cavern. They dvaren oohed and awed at these feats.

  “I need to visit my wife and the elvath. Then I will be back for Captain Snomer and the yeti killers. Roz portal to Livina.”

  The shaman projected a portal. I saw the dvaren wanting to talk more. I waved them off knowing they were settled enough. There were fifteen hundred long legged bouncing busty hotties awaiting me. The dvaren would manage. I waved the team to stay and I through.


  I immediately regretted sending Velia with the elvath. When I exited onto the docks of Livina what I saw caused me to trip and fall. And no it was not an orgy ball. My wife was with some very titilizing women and something had drastically changed. Her belly was huge, like eight months pregnant huge. A beautiful elvath helped me back to my feet.

  “Velia… Bella is going to murder you. How could you?” I said knowing this would cause an epic shit storm.

  Again it dawned on me bringing aliens onto Vin would result in consequences. I never imagined this. The lead elf from Kikra stepped forward.

  “I am Lady Yinzy. Your Velia has answered many of our questions. Do not fault her. We are deprived of children. We are always deprived of children. You are not reacting to how I would expect. Let me clarify further. It was found if we were never exposed to our young, our bodies would become fertile to our males every one million years. With children around it was one million and ten years. That simple study, that was wrong… Led us, nonmothers, to be stripped of all nurturing.”

  I stopped her and rubbed my temples. I wanted to kill icraws and yetis. I wanted to kill icraws and yetis. I repeated to myself to calm my burning temper.

  “I have a lot, and I mean countless amounts of stuff to do on my list. You were supposed to come here and adapt until I could find a use for you.” I said with a sigh. “Alright… Seven hells… Such is life. Back we go. All of yo
u are going to Fernlan where there are lots of children and baby griffins. I will let Amber handle you. Roz spin a… wait. Here is my contract.”

  Yellow magic spooled from my body and the elvath gasped. “You use Horde magic but your aura is clearly not Horde. What are you?”

  “I want you out of collars and free. Accept the contract to not harm my Empire and follow our laws. Then I will answer your questions.”

  As one the contract was accepted and collars hit the ground.

  “Elvath, collect your collars and pile them on the dock over there. I will send for them later. Roz time to test your skills, enclose us all in a silence bubble,” I said and I saw some elvath send her aura. She blossomed a much bigger bubble from the incoming boost. “Stop that… Stop sending your aura unless it is needed. Roz is strong enough for a simple spell. I also don’t need your excess. Okay, this bubble will protect us from the seven overhearing. I am a demigod. My mother is the mother of magic. This planet was created by the four retreating gods and is the turning point in the war against the advancing seven. They combined to make it everything they could to aid us in stopping the seven from further progress. Now, why are you sending out your aura?”


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