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Married in Vegas Amazon Final

Page 3

by Angel, Claire

“Is that because we ran into each other so early?” I asked as he stroked my back through the thin silk dress.

  “Maybe it is. I think that it was more because you were lighting up the room here. You were laughing, smiling…everything I’ve longed to see you do since that first day at school.” He insisted, making me look at him. “I am glad we’re here together.”

  “You are?” I asked as heat passed over his face.

  “I am.” I watched as his mouth lowered, meeting mine in a hungry kiss. I returned it, feeling my thighs begin to ache as his tongue swept through my mouth. I couldn’t wait until later but for now, we were here for friends. We pulled away to breathe, gazing at each other as I ran a finger through his silky, dark hair that hung to the back of his neck. He needed a cut but for now, it was mine to play with.

  We watched as the new couple danced together and cut the cake. They both smashed it at the same time, laughing before they kissed each other. We all joined them on the dance floor, moving to the great mix of old and new music. Karen shook her hips beside me as I laughed, watching her skirt flare out as she sang the song. We were probably all having too much champagne, but it was a wedding.

  People started leaving that evening. Out of the thirty guests, most of them were flying back in the morning. We stayed to help collect the gifts and keepsakes with Amy’s parents, taking them to their room so they could drive them back to LA the following day. Amy and Linc were headed to Hawaii for the remainder of the week.

  Calder took my hand as we walked to the sidewalk. “Your place or mine?” He asked as I smiled. I wanted to ask what would happen when we got back to reality but remained quiet.

  “Yours. I don’t remember last night, remember?” We both knew that Karen was with Kyle again, but I wanted to wake up aware of everything in the same place tomorrow. He hailed a cab and we slipped into it, riding the couple long blocks to his hotel. He paid the driver with a bill and pulled me from the back, smiling as he led me to the door.

  We took the elevator to his floor and I stared forward. I was about to have sex with Calder and remember it. I would always regret not remembering anything last night, but I could only change that by being aware of every touch now. When the door opened, I paused as he reached out his hand. Taking it, I allowed him to lead me to his room and open the door. I wondered if he carried me the night before and laughed quietly. “What are you thinking about?” He asked as he closed the door, locking it.

  “Did you carry me last night?” I asked and he smirked as I gazed up at him.

  “No. I should have. Want to redo that now?” He asked as I shook my head. I dropped my purse to the table by the door and slipped his jacket off. He grinned as I tossed it over my purse, working the tie next.

  Once that was done, I unbuttoned the shirt. He wore a thin tank underneath and I licked my lips as I dropped the white shirt to the floor. I wanted Calder as the feeling of that washed through my body, raising my eyes to meet his. His eyes were dark in the light from the lamp and I licked my lips as I let images pass through my head. “What didn’t we do last night?” I asked as he seemed to think for a moment.

  “You really want to know?” He asked and I nodded, biting my lip.

  “We only had sex. I did everything to you, and you were great, but you didn’t do this.” He waved towards his cock and frowned. “Fuck. That sounds demanding.”

  “Not at all.” I loosened the stiff pants and slipped them to the ground with shaking hands. I wasn’t a virgin, but I also hadn’t had the chance to sleep with the man I lusted after before. Calder was the subject of a lot of fantasies throughout my college life. I gazed down at his thick cock in his black boxers and grazed my hand over him lightly, jumping when he twitched. I sucked in my breath as he clutched my hand with his, guiding me back to grasp it through the cotton.

  “Feels so good,” he murmured, dropping his head back and closing his eyes. I allowed him to press my hand to him, gripping him as he let out a long breath. I got him to where he was panting and let go, moving my hands back to unbutton the dress, letting it fall forward. My breasts were bare, and Calder stepped forward to reach back and unzip the rest, letting it fall down my legs. “Beautiful.”

  I kicked the dress aside along with my heels, dropping to the soft carpet. I lowered his boxers and he stared at me as I took him in my hands, licking the tip slowly. I could taste him and sucked gently as he closed his eyes. I couldn’t believe that I was here with him doing this. I bobbed down to take him deeper and he gripped my hair, tightening his hold. I cupped his perfect ass and squeezed, pulling him forward. Calder complied, going into the back of my throat as I relaxed for him. I was scared but I wanted to do this right. It might be my only chance.

  He pulled me back and gazed down at me as he breathed heavily. “Come here,” he told he, holding out his hand. I let him help me up, watching as he looked over my body. “On the bed.”

  I dropped down, settling on the pillows and watching as he crawled over me. Calder leaned down to suck on my left nipple, making me cry out. “God, Calder.”

  “I made you come this way last night.” He told me as he pinched the other one, making me arch up for more. “I love watching you come.”

  He sucked the other one into his mouth, biting down as I reached into his hair. I was on the edge as he rose, moving my underwear down before he spread my legs. I gasped as his mouth covered me, licking gently until he prodded my clit. I came and tore at his hair, hearing him groan. He sucked my clit, prolonging the orgasm before he drank me in, rising to kiss me right after. I should have been turned off by this having a limited amount of experience, but I ate at his lips for my own taste. “Take me,” I told him as he pulled away to look at him. “No condom.”

  Calder reached down, sliding into me as I moaned his name. I was tight and he stretched me open, pushing slowly. “Liz…you feel so good. You grip me like a glove.”

  “Yes,” I agreed, rocking with him. I was making love with my husband and loving every moment of it, even if he didn’t know it. He drove in harder when I started grabbing at him, taking me fast and hard. I started moaning when he brought me to another release, clawing at his back as I screamed. He arched forward before jerking a few times, whispering my name. I stared at him as he fell onto me, pressing his face into my neck.

  We dozed off, wrapped up together. I loved the feeling and rested my head against his chest, breathing us in. We woke up later and he pushed me to my stomach to have me that way, pushing in slow. I gripped the sheets and pushed back, needing more. There was no doubt that we were attracted to one another as we moved together. I just wasn’t sure if it was enough to base a life on. I allowed him to roll me to my side and pull me against his back, cupping my breast as I smiled. I felt his ring against my skin, happy that he wore it all day. We didn’t invade on Linc and Amy’s day by talking about it, but we wore our rings and acted married.

  Chapter 4


  We met everyone for a late breakfast the following morning. Linc and Amy looked weary but blissfully happy as they snuggled together in the back of the booth. They were leaving tonight for Hawaii and we’d all be leaving in the morning. I looked at Liz and Karen, wondering what they’re plans were when we all got back to LA. I shared an apartment with Kyle near the university, having another year left there. I knew that she did as well and likely shared a place with Karen.

  I sipped coffee and laughed at something Kyle said, putting myself back in the conversation. Last night with Liz had been amazing. I wanted it to continue but I wasn’t sure where she was at. Our marriage was rushed and probably foolish, but we had done it.

  We wandered around until the new couple had to leave, hugging them goodbye. I looked at Kyle and Karen, raising a brow. “What now? It’s our last night.”

  Kyle suggested dinner at one of the chef’s restaurants that was popular on Food Network. We all agreed and headed down the sidewalk, holding hands with our girls. We waited a while
for the table and then sat down, ordering wine for them and beer for us. We looked over the menus and ordered before Karen looked at me. “So, what happens when we go home tomorrow?” She asked as Liz’s face went pale.

  “What do you mean?” Liz asked as I touched her thigh under the table.

  “You’re married. I know you kept quiet for the sake of Linc and Amy but we’re alone now.” Karen reminded us as I looked at her. “Are you going to see if it works out?”

  “We have our own places, Karen. I don’t think he wants to uproot his life that way.” Liz protested as I stared at her. “We can end the marriage without a problem.”

  “Jesus, Liz. Is that what you want?” I asked, anger rising in my voice. She seemed so open to the idea of us last night.

  “I don’t know. What do you want? I didn’t think I’d be getting married drunk in some chapel on this trip!” She told me before pushing away from the table. She tossed something on the table before walking out as I stared after her.

  “Shit.” Karen murmured before giving me an apologetic look. “I’ll talk to her. I’m sorry!” She disappeared and I pinched the bridge of my nose tightly.

  “Shouldn’t I be running after my wife?” I asked bitterly as I reached for my beer, draining it.

  “Is that what you want with her?” Kyle asked as I gazed at him. “She’s right. The marriage can be ended easily if it was just a weekend thing.”

  “I don’t want to treat it like that.” I replied slowly. “She’s a great girl.”

  “I agree. It’s been a good weekend, Cal. You don’t have to sign your life away though. You can start over.” He shrugged. “You’ve just been hanging out, right?”

  “Jesus.” I opened my wallet and dropped enough cash on the table to pay for the meal that we’d ordered but not eaten. What a fucking waste that was. I headed out to the sidewalk and just strode down it, trying to sort my thoughts. I wondered if the girls were okay, imagining Liz packing her suitcase to go home. I reached for my phone but groaned when I realized that I didn’t have her number. I kept meaning to get it then forgot.

  I shoved the phone into my pocket. I could call Kyle and have him get her number from Karen, but that seemed as though it would prove Liz’s point. She didn’t think this was real. I leaned my head back and sighed. Did I want the full package of us living together and building a life together? It seemed like such a good idea to get married that night when our friends mentioned it. We were both drunk and high on the kisses that we’d been sharing all night. I knew that it was probably impulsive, and we would be part of the majority of weddings that end in Las Vegas. I just never thought I’d end up this way. I wanted to get to know Liz for a couple of years now and I had, just in the completely wrong order.

  I wandered, taking in the sights. We’d already done most of this as a group, laughing and happy. The lights seemed dimmer now and it didn’t feel anything like before. I felt my phone vibrate a couple of times but only looked to see who it was. It was never a number I didn’t recognize, and I wasn’t ready to talk to Kyle yet. When the sun set, I gazed at the lights of the city as it came alive before going to my room. I unlocked the door and walked in, feeling the void inside that I knew Liz filled. It was crazy after hardly knowing her, but it was there. I dropped to the bed, not knowing if I’d be alone tonight or not.

  Kyle sent me a text later. He told me that the girls were leaving early in the morning together. I assumed that meant that Liz didn’t want to see me, and I slipped on some jeans and a shirt to go down to the bar. I had a few shots of whiskey, downing them quickly until I was numb. I felt someone sit beside me and glanced over to see a blurry blonde. “Hey, handsome. What are you drinking tonight?” She asked in a high-pitched voice as I looked away. This was the kind of woman I’d sleep with before Liz.

  “Whiskey,” I replied, turning the glass with my left hand as I stared at the ring I still wore.

  “I’ll buy your next one.” She offered and I watched her wave her hand out of the corner of my eye. This one would be the one to make me feel nothing and pass out tonight. The bartender slipped the glasses across the bar and winked at me as I let out a sigh.

  “Thanks.” I said as we picked them up. She held hers up and we clinked glasses as I realized that she had pale green eyes, nothing like Liz’s were. They were dark and intoxicating. I drank it down and moved from the stool. “I’m done for the night. Thanks for the drink.” I was fuzzy and blinked as she let out a gasp.

  “What? I bought you the drink so we could talk.” She was angry and I waved my hand in the air.

  “There’s nothing to talk about.” I assured her, stumbling out of the bar and towards the elevator. I pushed the button and waited, staring at the ground. When the door opened, I stepped inside and leaned back, breathing slowly. I made it to my room and undressed, dropping into the still messy bed. I breathed them in and smelled her, smelled us. I closed my eyes and let the alcohol take me away into oblivion.

  I met Kyle for an early lunch before we returned to LA. He drove my Range Rover and I leaned back, closing my eyes. I didn’t ask if he saw Karen last night, assuming that she stayed with her best friend. “Are you okay?” Kyle asked as I looked forward. I hadn’t eaten much over lunch and I knew I was being quiet.

  “I had a few drinks last night. Strong ones.” I admitted as he sped up.

  “Hung over?” He pressed and I shrugged.

  “In more ways than one,” I replied, closing my eyes as he looked over at me. Beyond Linc, Kyle was my best friend and knew everything about me. He knew that I broke up with a different woman every other month, unable to settle down. The idea that he supported this wedding at all still shocked me. When we pulled into the complex of the condo that we shared, he parked and shut the car off. I opened my eyes and blinked as I looked around.

  “We’re home.” He told me, turning to look at me. “I have never seen you that way with any woman before. You’re happy with Liz for whatever reason. Is it crazy that you married her? Sure. It’s up to you if you want to keep it going.” His brown eyes were serious, and I rolled my neck around.

  “I don’t have her number.” I admitted as we both chuckled.

  “I can fix that. I saw Karen for a bit last night and I have hers. I know she has Liz’s.” He offered as I ran a hand through my hair.

  “Yeah, maybe. We’ll need to talk either way, shouldn’t we?” I asked as he shrugged. We got our bags and walked into the living room, going to our separate rooms to sort through the clothes. It was a big place and we had rooms on the opposite end of the spacious living room. I threw the dirty clothes into the hamper in the corner, putting away the clean ones. It was hard for me to talk myself into washing anything.

  A woman could share this place with us, at least for a while. We had our private space and between the two of us, Kyle and I weren’t home together too often. He was a local cop and worked all kinds of hours and I was still a student. I’d graduate in a year with a degree in Graphic Design and start my own life. Even if I chose not to do that, I had enough money and more to support myself.

  I knew that Linc and Amy were open about the trust fund. He chose not to have her sign a pre nup since they trusted each other completely. He was doing great at the investment company and adding plenty of money to the already large amount and Amy was a personal shopper. She was one of the best in LA. I thought nothing about that the night I married Liz. I wasn’t sure if she even knew about it.

  I got a text from Kyle. It was forwarded from someone and I assumed that it was Liz’s number. I saved it once I made sure, setting my phone down on the dresser. It was times like this that I missed my parents. They were always easy to talk to about anything. Dad would kick my ass for a quickie wedding and Mom would try to talk me into working it out. I would even talk to Linc, but he needed to be home and settled first. I knew that he liked Liz. He wouldn’t have encouraged anything if he didn’t.

  I grabbed my phone, wondering what
to do. I needed to talk to her regardless of what we decided to do. I started to dial the number and paused before ending it. Maybe a message was better.

  It’s Calder. Can we meet and talk somewhere?

  I pressed send and sat on my bed to wait. It took a few minutes, but something came through from her number. I quickly saved it under her name and read her message.

  L: Why?

  C: We needed to talk about the weekend.

  L: Do you want to annul the marriage?

  C: It isn’t that simple. We need to talk, Liz. I can pick you up.

  The last twenty-four hours had been emotional, and I needed some sense of normalcy.

  I’ll meet you. There’s a place on 4th near the Santa Monica Pier. Do you know it?

  Fry It?

  That’s the one.

  I’ll see you in an hour.

  I took a shower and dried off, looking in the mirror. I’d been attracting all sorts of women since I hit puberty. I took advantage of that fact for a few years, but Liz was different. I pulled on my favorite jeans and a t-shirt, slipping my feet into cons. I pushed my damp hair back into a ball cap and left, seeing Kyle with his keys.

  “Headed out?” I asked as he nodded, looking at me as I grabbed my own.

  “Yeah. I’m taking Karen to dinner. I think I want to keep seeing her.” He offered as I grinned. “What about you?”

  “I am meeting Liz to talk. She wouldn’t let me pick her up.” I replied as he nodded.

  “They live on the other side of the campus. Not the greatest area but not the worst.” He told me and I nodded. “What are you going to do?”

  “I don’t know. I won’t discuss it over text. We need to see each other.” I said as he grinned.

  “Good move. Karen said she’s been upset.” Kyle told me as I searched his face. “See you later.”

  I followed him out of the living room, and we headed to our cars. I started mine and leaned my head back, willing myself to get through the twenty or so minutes it would take me to get there. I pulled out of the parking lot and started driving, listening to music as I merged with the traffic on the road. Once a half hour had passed, I pulled into the small parking lot and parked. I glanced around at the cars and wondered which one hers was.


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