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Married in Vegas Amazon Final

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by Angel, Claire

  “When did you get married?” She asked as I blushed.

  “A few months ago. I wanted to introduce him over the holidays.” I told her as I played with my ring. “We’re both still in school and it’s been crazy.”

  “Was it a big wedding?” Olive asked as I smiled.

  “No. We did it in Vegas with friends. It was whirlwind but we knew it was right.” I looked at the women as they nodded, knowing I’d never tell them the truth. I excused myself to call Calder, telling him our plans. The service was more than likely going to be in three days according to Olive and her friends. He offered to fly out the following day once he made arrangements and I thanked him, crying softly. I fell asleep in my room after we spoke, dreaming about Dad before I woke up with a start.

  We visited with friends in between phone calls the next day. Everything was set and it was a matter of waiting for the day to come. That became easier when I picked Calder up at the airport, throwing myself into his arms. He held me tightly, stroking my hair and whispering words of comfort to me.

  We returned to the house where he met Maggie and Olive and the various people that came through the house. Calder charmed every one of them. At the service, he held my hand tightly and remained by my side through all the varied sympathetic apologies. I left feeling closer to Maggie than ever before as well as remorseful that Dad would never know I was this happy.

  I snuggled into him in our first-class seats. He bought one for me on the way as well, but I didn’t enjoy it as much as I could have. “I’m so glad to be going home with you,” I murmured as moved to kiss his jaw.

  “Karen got your stuff moved over for you. It’s all set up for you.” He said as he stroked my hair. I’d never felt safer.

  “She did? I made her stay for her classes.” I protested as he chuckled.

  “You know Karen. She did it all and made Kyle help her. I’d say he’s whipped by her.” I smacked his chest lightly and he laughed. “Seriously. Everything is good there. We’ll worry about everything else when it’s time. You need to rest and sleep.”

  “Okay.” I said as I closed my eyes again. I pushed away the thoughts of keeping in better touch with Olive and maybe spending the holidays with her. I slept for the little time I had before we arrived home and then rubbed my eyes before stretching. We left the plane and walked through LAX for what felt like miles before seeing Kyle and Karen waiting for us. She threw herself at me and we hugged tightly while I heard the murmuring of the guys near us. Karen asked if I was okay and I knew that she was my true soul sister. Kyle and Calder got our bags and we walked to the car, where he took the wheel and drove us home.

  I told Karen about the odd few days in Seattle even though we spoke every day. I told her that I was better with Maggie now and even Olive but that I missed the chance to talk to Dad. I told her that I was regretful that he never met Calder and saw how happy I was.

  We ate dinner and then Calder led me to bed. Our bed. He held me close and made love to me when I asked him to. It was soft and slow this time and he told me that he loved me as he held me close afterward. We managed to sneak it in a couple of times in my childhood room as he told me how hot I was in high school. He told me that I was always beautiful, and he’d spend the rest of his life telling me so.

  A few months later, he pulled me to our Christmas tree after the house was quiet. He sat me down on the chair closest, blinding me in the colored lights as I blinked slowly. Karen went a bit overboard this year, but it was who she was. Once I got used to it, I blinked and noticed that he was on the floor in front of me. I gasped as he found my eyes and emotions flooded his face.

  “I know that we did this oddly as only we would, Liz. I’ve wanted to know you since the day that I saw you and now that I do, I am never letting you go.” He pulled a dark box from under the couch and I widened my eyes as he popped open the lid. The ring was delicate but gorgeous as it reflected the lights from the tree.

  “Will you agree to marry me again? I want to do it proper this time and give you what you deserve, even if everyone that you love can’t be there.” I stared at him, knowing that he meant my parents.

  “Yes,” I replied, giggling. We were already married and here he was making this as romantic as possible. He slipped the ring beside my wedding band and I took a moment to admire it. “This is beautiful.”

  “Just like you,” he said as he rose to join me on the couch to kiss me. I hugged him and felt nearly complete as I closed my eyes. In a perfect world, my parents would be here and knowing the love of my life. We both had to deal with lost parents, and I’d swear it made us closer.

  “I love you.” I whispered as I looked into his face.

  “I love you.” He responded before pressing his lips to mine.

  Chapter 6



  The girls put together a destination wedding in Belize that was to happen a year to the day of our first ceremony. I gave them my credit card and told them to have at it and fuck if they didn’t have it all set up in a matter of days.

  The girls shopped for dresses together since they were going to be there for Liz. Amy, Karen and Liz were the best of friends now and spent a lot of time together. I was certain that Amy was going to have a great baby shower to welcome my niece in a few months thanks to Karen and Liz. Linc was beyond excited about the baby and I had to admit that the idea of knocking Liz up interested me as well. The practice was fun, and we’d be graduating soon.

  We traveled to the island a couple of days before the rest of the guests to enjoy some down time. We had beach cottages near each other and planned to sample the food and see as many beaches as we could together. It was a fun trip that got better when guests and family started to show up.

  The ceremony was held as the sun was beginning to set, offering us enough light to have a brief ceremony. The guests knew the story of our first wedding now and loved it. I felt tears in my eyes as I watched Liz walk towards me in a gorgeous dress that flowed down her sexy body. She was staring at me and I smiled as I waited for her, feeling time stand still for a moment. Once she was standing before me and we turned to the man that was renewing our vows, I reached out to pull her closer. Liz giggled and we finished the ceremony as the sun slowly set. We wrote vows this time to convey what the last year meant to us that also highlighted our crush before that.

  When I kissed her, my world felt complete. She pulled me against her as the ocean breeze blew around us and I tasted her sweet mouth. I was lost in this woman until the guests began cheering and whistling, standing up as I pulled away to stare at Liz.

  “I can’t wait to have you alone,” I murmured, taking her hand and leading her down the aisle towards our outdoor reception. We spent time with the guests, including Olive and Maggie with her family, talking and dancing.

  We ate the food from the sea a few feet away and smashed cake into each other’s faces as we laughed. The guests started trickling out around midnight and I pulled Liz against me. “Want to take a walk with me, wife?”

  “I know that we’ve been married for a year now but that words still send chills down my spine.” She smiled at me.

  “I’ll make sure to use them often,” I kissed her and took her hand as the leftover crowd whistled at us.

  “That’s embarrassing,” She noted as I laughed.

  “Two of those people live with us, baby. They know how we are.” I led her to our cottage, taking in the sound of the waves and the peace of the moment. I slipped the card key from my pocket and unlocked the heavy wooden door, allowing Liz inside first. She gasped as the saw the candles spread about and the flowers dotting some of the surfaces.

  “When did you do this?” Liz asked as I closed and locked the door.

  “I didn’t but I know people.” The staff was in on this since our arrival and I made a mental note to tip them a little extra when we left in a week.

  “It’s beautiful and I love it. I love you.” I held her
as she cried, stroking her back through the dress.

  “Are you okay?” I asked as I kissed her hair.

  “This was perfect. It was in Vegas too but this way everyone got to be with us. I’ll never forget it.” She lifted her face to mine, kissing me as tears slid down her cheeks. I kissed her softly, stroking her cheeks as I let her break down. I was feeling it too. When she was quiet, I looked into her mesmerizing eyes and smiled. “Is there anything else I need to see in here?”

  “As a matter of fact,” I took her hand and led her to the bedroom where rose petals covered the bed and more candles were placed around. They offered me enough light to see my wife but have the room an intimate vibe. “Like it?”

  “It’s incredible. You are…you are my everything.” She kissed me and I pulled her against me, needing her.

  We made love that night into the morning. I knew my life was complete now and looked forward to our future together. We had our close friends and were adding family as time went on, but it would always be about us.

  It might seem crazy that we got married in Vegas after the first night of knowing one another. Now, it made perfect sense and it was meant to happen that way.


  Sample: More Than Expected: A Bad Boy Office Romance

  Chapter 1


  I stood in front of the window of my apartment that looked out over the mass of buildings in New York thoughtfully, trying to forget that I had a job interview in two hours. I’d been a freelance photographer for five years but needed something steady now that my sister was leaving. Priscilla was getting married in six months and decided to move in with her fiancé next week. I needed a consistent paycheck coming in to cover the rent on this old building. I couldn’t afford to move even though the agency where I’d be interviewing at was a couple trains away.

  I turned and walked through the tiny living room, avoiding the boxes that were stacked against the wall. I needed to get dressed and leave so I’d be there a bit early. I wanted to get a feel of the office and the area. I stood in front of my closet and looked over the minimal selection of clothes, choosing a black pencil skirt and white blouse. I pulled a vintage blazer that still had some class to it. I thought it might make me look professional and edgy at the same time given that I was applying at a top modeling agency.

  I already applied light makeup and twisted my vibrant red hair in a low chignon at the base of my neck. I looked in the mirror to check my appearance and sighed, already missing the days of self-employment. I could be comfortable there and wasn’t sure how that would go at the agency.

  Hopefully, I wouldn’t have to wear skirts like this.

  I slipped my feet into the red-bottom shoes that Silla gave me for today, rolling my eyes. Jake adored her and since he worked at a major investment firm, spoiled her. She got these a couple of weeks ago for a company party. They cost more than the laptop I used for my solo work. I admired my long legs for a moment in the mirror, admitting that they made me look good.

  I donned the blazer and headed downstairs to the street to make my way to my first train. It was just going into Fall and I knew that it would be chilly soon. That was why I was going to enjoy this fresh air so much. I walked carefully down the sidewalk and forced positive thoughts into my head. There were always a lot of people on the streets and I smiled as I blended in with them, breathing slowly.

  Two trains and an hour later, I was walking towards the gorgeous building. It featured several windows that appeared to have a mirror like appearance and rose high into the air. It was taller more than it was wide but still offered generous space for the companies that used it. The building was beautiful, and I glanced around at the intersection as I waited to cross. The sound of voices and horns filled the air as I thought back to my childhood in my small home town in California.

  This was so different, but I still felt the girl that learned about life there. It was there that I became interested in photography and my sister that convinced me to move to the city when our father passed away. I had to give credit to my life in Linden. I came back to Earth as someone shoved into me, forcing me to move forward with the crowd.

  I separated myself and headed to the large doors to my possible future job, walking inside as I looked around. It was modern and spacious in here with a large reception desk and a cute coffee cart along with some leather couches. I thought I even saw a little cafe across the floor and smiled. I walked to the big desk that two beautiful women were helping people and smiled as one looked me over with her ice-blue eyes. “Can I help you?”

  “My name is Delila Jones and I have an interview at the Mason Agency.” I offered as she arched a perfect brow.

  “That is located on the top floor. Floor nine.” She told me as I nodded and glanced around. “The elevator is around the corner.”

  “Thank you.” I said sincerely as she gave me a fake smile. Her eyes lifted, and I glanced behind me to see a stunning man walking confidently to the bank of elevators with his head held high. He had wavy dark hair and olive skin and had to be well over six feet tall. I appreciated the view and turned to glance at the woman who was now looking like she wanted to jump over the counter and chase him down. She smirked at me as if I didn’t have a chance in hell with a man that looked like that. She might be right, but I wasn’t a fan of the cold way she gazed at me. I hurried away and walked to the elevators, scanning the small crowd to see that the man was gone. The way that my body reacted to him was not.

  I hadn’t felt a spark like that since dating my ex Liam a few months ago. He was like one of those statues that looked perfect all the time. We dated for three months and it was hot and wild. It ended when he decided to move on to someone new, but I felt the sharp pain of the breakup. I was not ready for it to end. He was.

  I stepped onto the massive car to my left and scooted against the wall as my stomach knotted up. I was used to dealing with my own clients on a casual level. This was going to give me an anxiety attack. I reminded myself that I had a great portfolio and experience. I had so much to offer the Mason Agency.

  I kept telling myself that as I approached the desk in the middle of the large room and was pleased to find that those women were much more pleasant. Pleasant but still gorgeous. Of course, they were. It was a modeling agency. The brunette directed me to some chairs and told me that Michael Mason would be out for me in a few moments. She offered me something to drink, and I declined, smiling and making my way to the seats. It didn’t go unnoticed that there were a few hot guys walking around as well and I took in the scenery as I waited.

  “Miss Jones?” I heard a smooth male voice and looked up, blinking as I took in the man that had been heading to the elevator in the lobby. His eyes were a smoldering green, and I felt my mouth dry up as I stared at him. “You are Delila Jones. Correct?”

  “I’m sorry. I am. Yes.” I forced myself to stand and keep my legs steady as he looked me over. “Mr. Mason?”

  “I am Michael Mason. I own the agency. Come to my office.” He looked into my eyes and gestured for me to follow him. I complied, taking a small look at his perfect ass before looking ahead of him. He walked all the way to the end of a long hallway and turned right into an open door. I licked my stained pink lips and followed, pretending that the man that was interviewing me was not hot as hell.

  He took a seat behind a large, cherry wood desk and took me in again. “Have a seat.” I slipped into a black leather seat and set my purse on the ground, trying to calm my racing heart.

  Chapter 2


  The woman sitting in front of me was one of the most stunning I’d ever seen. That was saying a lot considering I owned a modeling agency, but she stood out amid the made-up faces I’d seen over the last ten years. Delila had little make up on but what there was made her gray eyes pop. They were wide and painfully innocent, making me want to corrupt her as soon as possible. She had an edge to her. She was everything I didn’t know I w
anted after all this time.

  I didn’t date at work. Well, I didn’t date at work any longer. I slept with women that came through the doors and always made a point to tell them it was nothing serious. It didn’t always work out and ended a great working relationship with the best assistant I ever had.

  (End of Sample)

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