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Taken by Temptation: Rage Ryders MC

Page 12

by Liberty Parker

  “You were serious when you said you needed me, huh, sweet cheeks?”

  “Yes!” she screams out as I slam myself inside of her once again. I look down and watch myself as I slide in and out of her. Seeing our juices combined makes me want to take her harder and faster. Thank god, we were both on the same page when she screams out, “More!”

  Picking up the pace, I pull myself out of her, to where just the tip of my cock is kissing the entrance of her pussy and slam back inside of her. I feel my balls draw up and I know I need her to help me get herself there.

  “Need you to get there, sweet cheeks, play with your clit,” I practically demand of her knowing that I’m doing everything I can to hold off until she reaches her climax.

  “I’m so close Brady,” she says as she reaches between us and I look down and watch her as she rubs circles on her clit. I nearly blow my load when I see her pinch her clit and she ignites just a few pumps later. I follow her into oblivion only a few pumps later…calling out her name as my release hits me with such an intensity that I swear I see sparks.

  I go to pull out and notice she’s as limp as a wet noodle. Instead of standing her on her feet I carry us to the bathroom. I figure she can take a shower with me then lay down and rest for a little while. Hell, maybe she’ll take a nap and not worry about me so much while I’m away for this meeting. I’ve kept her in the need to know only category ‘cause I know my girl, she’s a problem solver and this is something she can’t solve for us. She knows only the basics and that’s that we’re meeting an insider from Valdez’s crew. She knows he has information he’s willing to share with us if we help get rid of Valdez.

  She’s not excited about it, but she understands it’s one of the only ways we can keep everyone safe and ensure future alliances. Once I get the temperature right on the shower, I carefully step inside. She’s still in my arms and slowly slides her legs down my body. Once she’s standing and steady on her feet I begin to help her wash her body. I love soaping up my girl and watching as the suds slide off of her beautiful body. It’s like my own live art show and I definitely enjoy her brand of art. She has beautiful creamy skin that I could look at all day, and all night long. I get lost in my musings and nearly miss what she says to me.

  “Promise me you’ll be careful tonight, Brady. I don’t trust anyone that’s associated with that slime ball, Johnny Valdez. He’s a snake who’s only associated with other reptiles. He’s not trustworthy, and I highly doubt anyone that works with him, or for him is any more trustworthy.”

  “I’ll be careful, sweet cheeks, I always am. I promise you we are going into this with our eyes wide open. We won’t be taken by surprise by him. Have you ever heard of a man by the name of Emilio Martinez?” I ask her, curious if her father was in dealings with him as well.

  “I don’t recognize the name. Is that who you are going to meet with?”

  “I can’t tell you that, sweet cheeks. You know how it is, club business is kept just that, between brothers. It’s just a name that’s come up and I was curious if you’ve ever heard of him is all.” I hate lying to her, but I’m not sure how much I should really tell her. Of course, when Lizzie comes to live with us, my girl with most likely put two and two together and figure out I just lied to her. It’s something I have to be willing to deal with when the fallout happens.

  Chapter 33


  I know that he just lied to me about this Emilio guy. I don’t say anything to him though, I want his head clear for whatever goes down tonight. The girls have explained to me indepth the way the club works, I know that he’d tell me if he could. For the first time in my life, I’m not upset about someone clearly lying to me. I know he’s doing it for my own good and to protect me. I grew up in a house full of secrets and lies, but this is different, it’s done out of love instead of deceit and betrayal.

  I will protect him in the only way I can, by not calling him out on his bullshit—for tonight, anyways. When this is all over with, I will confront him about this lie and let him know he doesn’t have to protect me from the truth. I will always support and love him in all things life has to offer us. This is not something that I will allow to come in between us and our relationship. I trust him and in him, if he needs me to believe his lie that’s what I’ll have him believe. Oh, who am I kidding, I’ll probably never say a damn word and hope he can come to me on his own at some point. When he feels it’s safe and there’s nothing left that will affect us in any way. It’s nice to have the feeling of protection and love, the sense of security he gives me is unbreakable.

  I’d like to think I’m growing as a human being, and also as a woman. I don’t let the things that used to set me off affect me any longer. I’ve also learned to lean on Brady and my girls for support and a sounding ear. They give great advice and have helped me overcome so many obstacles. I hope I can be that for them someday, once I’ve overcome my own past and demons. They deserve the same friendship and loyalty from me as they’ve given to me.

  I watch as Brady dresses and gets ready to leave with the guys. I’ve decided that instead of secluding myself in our room and worry half the night that I’m going to go spend time with Kori and Ashton. I get up off the bed once I realize he’s ready to go and walk up to him, I lift up on the tip of my toes and give him a sweet kiss on the lips. He turns it into a heated kiss instead of the sweet, loving one I had in mind. I have to mentally remind myself that nothing more can happen right now.

  “Mmm, sweet cheeks, I wish I had time for another round with you before we leave. I can’t ever seem to get enough of your delicious lips and delectable body,” he says to me as he digs his hips into my stomach and shows me how hard he is for me.

  “I’ll be ready and waiting for you when you get back. My body will be wet and willing to service you upon your return,” I tell him as seductively as I can. I’ve never played the seductress before, and his mouth is hung open in surprise.

  “Damn, sweet cheeks, you just made me harder if that’s even possible,” he says to me as he swats me on the ass. “Going out in the common room to hang with your girls tonight?” he asks me. I nod my head letting him know that was the plan. I don’t want to talk right now with the emotions that are swimming around in my head. I want to be his rock—therefore I need to keep my emotions in check. He reaches out with his arm outstretched to me wanting me to take his hand. I grab his hand with mine and lace our fingers. Together we walk out the door, down the hall and into the common room where everyone is waiting for us. I say my goodbyes to everyone and send a silent prayer to the man above that the guys stay safe and sharp at all times tonight. I don’t know what I would do without any one of these people in my life.


  We sent a couple of the guys ahead of us to scope out the area where we are meeting Emilio Martinez. We’ve been told all is clear and ready for us to arrive. We aren’t stupid, we have guys stationed at different areas around the perimeter. Better safe than sorry, we’ve made a lot of mistakes in the past. We learned from those and take precautions for everything we do that may or may not lead to any type of violence. The lives of our brothers and ourselves is of upmost importance for our families and for the survival of our club.

  We left Levi and Carson behind to stay with the women, so that they and the club aren’t left vulnerable, should anyone take advantage of the fact that we’re an hour away. We haven’t had any issues lately and don’t perceive any while we’re away, but in our lifestyle, you never know what may lie ahead. With half of our club gone and starting up a new charter, we needed all of our men with us, which only left us with two to stand guard in our absence. I don’t like it, but what is there to do, we have a meeting that requires as much protection for our President and VP that we can deliver. Leaving Carson and Levi was a stretch as it was and Justice isn’t at one hundred percent yet from his injuries he received last year. I mean fuck, he just literally got home from rehab.

  It was a long hard road for my friend,
I’m just happy he is up and about on his own two feet. There for a while, no one knew if he’d ever walk again, not to mention ever ride his bike again. I know he is still struggling some and is in pain more than not, but you’d never know it by looking at his face, that is unless you know him as well as we do. At five o’clock on the dot we pull up to the abandoned warehouse we are meeting at. When we pull up, I notice two black SUVs with black out windows. I wonder if we’ll be evenly matched if something comes up.

  Five men exit the first vehicle and do a quick perimeter check. Happy with what they see, two of the men go to the other vehicle and open up the back-passenger door. Out steps who I assume is Emilio and three other men with him. They are all surrounding him, guess he doesn’t trust us either. Can’t say I blame him since there are a few of us that are playing our own brand of security. Little do they know that our guys will take them out if they make one wrong move. This isn’t like the fight we took to Cordozo’s home though, this has been planned out. We aren’t here on an emergency rescue mission, we are ready for anything they may throw our way.

  Wasp and Tic get off of their bikes and we follow their lead. They give us a sign to hold back as they walk up to Emilio. Justice and I follow at a safe distance, not wanting to not follow orders, but it’s our job to be close by in case of trouble. We hang back just enough not to be perceived as a threat, but not far enough away to not hear what’s being said.

  “Mr. Martinez,” Wasp says holding out his hand. “I’m Wasp, President of the Rage Ryders MC. This here is my VP, Tic, we’re here for a meeting scheduled with you by Sniper.”

  “Yes, Mr. Wasp, I am Emilio Martinez and it is a pleasure to meet yours and your men’s acquaintance,” he says with his head held high, like he’s better than us. I hear Justice huff out a ‘smug bastard’ and then a chuckle. I don’t think it was a humorous laugh however, I think it’s more of an ‘oh shit, what have I gotten myself into’ type of laugh. He, however, has caught the attention of Emilio with his antics.

  “And who might you be?” Emilio asks, directing his question Justice’s way. Justice squares his shoulders, showing no remorse or fear of him. Instantly on guard since I have no clue if Emilio will see this as disrespectful, I decide I need to keep a closer eye on my friend.

  “My name is Justice, Mr. Martinez. I am an officer, more of an enforcer with the Rage Ryders and I am to be your future son-in-law.”

  “I see,” Emilio says, “We must get to know each other then, Justice, enforcer for the Rage Ryders MC. I look forward to having a conversation with you after our meeting today.” And just like that he turns his back and dismisses Justice as if he has no importance here. I feel very sorry for my friend, when I see what the head of the family is like that he’s being married into. I don’t know if he’ll be able to hold his tongue and show this man any respect, let alone sit at a table for a family dinner. I don’t think Emilio realizes yet just what it is he signed up for when he made this deal. I do hope, however, that I get invited to one of their family gatherings. I’d love to see my friend in his element.

  “Let’s go inside and have a seat, shall we?” Emilio asks Wasp and Tic, while using his hands in the direction he wishes for them to go. Justice and I fall into step with them when they all go to head inside the doors. There’s no way in hell my Prez and VP will be going in there blind and unprotected.

  Chapter 34


  We’ve been in this hot as fuck warehouse going on two hours now, but I have to say it’s worth it and the information we’ve been given is enough to chop Valdez’s organization off at the knees. Emilio wasn’t playing around when he made this deal with us, I just hope he doesn’t stab us in the back at some point. Bristol’s words from earlier are playing on repeat in my head. I don’t trust anyone that’s associated with that slime ball, Johnny Valdez. He’s a snake who’s only associated with other reptiles. He’s not trustworthy, and I highly doubt anyone that works with him, or for him is any more trustworthy.

  I trust my girl’s instincts, and hers were screaming at her that he’s not trustworthy, being that he’s part of Valdez’s organization. I need to keep my eyes wide open and my ears on constant alert. I’m not hearing or feeling any deception here, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t any. I’ve been wrong before, but this time I have a reason not to be.

  “I would like to speak with my future son-in-law in private if I may?” Emilio asks us, once again using his hands to indicate he’d like for us to leave the building. None of us are willing to leave the building, so we walk over by the door and stop. We lean up against the wall making our stance of this is as far as we’re willing to go. Justice gives us a head nod in thanks and we all return with one of our own. We’re just like the military, we never leave a man behind or alone, as the case may be.

  “You think he’s talking to him about his future bride, or just giving him a wedding date to show up for?” Wasp asks us, voicing the very question that was just running through my head.

  “Who knows, this guy’s head is so far up his own ass, he probably assumes Justice will just show for a wedding not wanting a meeting with his future bride first,” Tic answers Wasp.

  “I guess we’ll be finding out sooner rather than later,” I say, nodding my head in Justice’s direction as he heads our way.

  “How does it feel to be summoned by your future in-law?” I ask.

  “Fuck off,” is his only reply, causing all of us to cut up in laughter.

  “Go fuck yourselves,” Justice pipes up while walking away from us.

  “Guess his first meeting with Daddy dearest didn’t go so well,” Tic announces as he gets the bird over Justice’s shoulder. At least he’s still paying attention, but I have a feeling we’ve taken this as far as he’ll allow us to.

  “What’s next Prez?”

  “Well, we have all the important information, we’ll come up with a plan once we get back. I’m ready to take this motherfucker down,” is all he says as we make our way out of the warehouse and mount our bikes. Wasp makes a circle in the air with his finger indicating he’s ready to get the hell out of dodge. Like the good minions we are, we follow his lead, all of us anxious to get back and hash out a plan.


  I am so livid at the conversation I had with Martinez that I stew on it on the ride back to the warehouse.

  “So, you’re to be my daughter’s future spouse. Are you considered to be in high standard within’ your club? I don’t want my girl marrying too far beneath her.”

  “Martinez, I am the protector of my club. I am in charge of security and keeping order within the club. I keep the brothers in line and dole out punishment to fit the crime. I keep peace and order, and to answer your question, I am just beneath the VP, as far as officers are concerned,” I seethe out in anger towards him. I hate smug, know-it-all assholes.

  “Very good,” he says, like I wasn’t just being disrespectful to him. I want him to realize I’ll take no shit off him now or in the future.

  “Once this is taken care of, I would like to have the wedding take place as soon as possible. Let’s say the week after this is all put behind us.”

  “I would like to meet my future bride before the wedding,” I tell him.

  “That won’t be necessary,” he has the nerve to say to me.

  “I beg to differ with your conclusion, Sir. I would like the chance to at least be on friendly terms with her before I tie myself to her forever.”

  “Will it change anything?” he has the gall to ask.

  “No,” I answer honestly, ‘cause I know it can’t. A deal is a deal, and I have given my word and I am nothing more than a man of his word.

  “Then it will not be necessary, you will meet her at the altar. I will get word to your President of the date and time. See you there, Son.”

  With that he dismisses me and turns to speak to his men. I hope I’m not expected to spend holidays and other bullshit with him. I’ll end up causing war by taking the son
of a bitch out!

  I surely hope my bride hasn’t inherited her father’s demeanor, otherwise I will be spending as much time away from her as possible. I don’t care what the club says, if she is like him, she will be a wife by name and paper only. I will not subject myself to a life of misery so this asshole has something to hold over our heads.

  Chapter 35


  The guys have only been gone for an hour when the bell to the front gate rings. Levi answers the gate phone and is told there is a package needing to be signed for. I guess special deliveries don’t have a timeline for deliver, I thought those types of packages were delivered more in the daytime than in the evening. When he makes it back inside not even ten minutes later he calls my name, letting me know the package is mine. I’m not expecting anything, but thinking it might be something school-related I go over so I can open the package.


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