Book Read Free

A Gender Swap Mega Bundle 6

Page 23

by Gregor Daniels

  Kelsey shrugged. “It’s not so bad.”

  “Maybe for you. I’m ready to go home. Three whole days of this. Ugh.”

  “I felt the same way last night, but now it’s kinda cool. Valery’s really sweet.”

  Belle didn’t say anything. The stench of the farm must’ve gotten to her, for she held her stomach and doubled over. Kelsey backed away as her friend vomited onto the grass.

  “Oh shoot. You okay?”

  Belle nodded weakly, staying bent over in case the urge struck again.

  Valery reappeared shortly after.

  “Oh no. You poor thing.” She put a hand to her forehead. “You are burning up. You need to get out of the sun.”

  Belle understood, and started toward the house. Valery grabbed her by the arm.

  “Not that way. It can get warm inside at this time of day, and a cold shower will make it worse. Come with me.”

  Belle’s eyes widened. “What? Toward the barn?”

  Valery nodded. “You know what pigs do when they get too hot? They roll around in the mud.”

  Belle struggled. “Hey, wait a second, lady! I’m not some barn animal.”

  Kelsey stepped in to intervene. “Valery, what’s gotten into you?”

  “Yes, yes, I know. It’s not normal. But, we are a long ways away from town, and she’s sick. I’m doing what I know to do. Unless you want it to worsen, it’ll have to be my way.”

  Belle groaned, but eventually gave in. Kelsey could see how pale her face was. Fighting Valery just wasn’t worth the effort, so she reluctantly went with the woman, who led her toward the red barn.

  She shook her head as they passed through the entrance. “It smells awful.”

  “Only to an untrained nose,” Valery told her. “Within moments, you’ll be used to it. It’ll smell natural. This way.”

  Kelsey remained silent. She was half-shocked by Valery’s suggestion, but understood that things were different out here. The farm life wasn’t like living in the city. They had to listen to Valery—she was the one with all the experience. The four of them were just guests on her farm.

  The animal stench was stronger inside the barn, and the heat as well. Kelsey started to have second thoughts about Valery’s remedy as Belle was led to a small stall and told to go inside. After, Valery went away to fetch a hose and returned with cool water running from the end of it.

  “You have pigs?” Kelsey asked her.

  “Not yet,” Valery said. “I hope to, someday soon. Pigs are good. The more animals I have, the better.”

  “And you want to sell them after they get big and fat?”

  “Maybe. That is not clear yet.”

  The soil in the pen was dry and cracked, but the water soon changed that. Meanwhile, Belle was instructed to take her clothes off. Kelsey gave her the benefit of privacy by turning around.

  “Please don’t tell the others,” Belle said.

  “I won’t,” Valery promised. “I will keep the clothes safe. After you feel better, I’ll wash you clean.”

  Kelsey saw none of it. She listened to the cool water rushing through the hose, and heard a gasp from Belle herself. After that, Valery told the girl to roll around in the mud thoroughly, to make sure it was everywhere. Kelsey grinned as she imagined the scene for herself, her friend tossing and turning in the thick, sticky muck. She must’ve been so embarrassed!

  After Belle had gone silent, Valery returned to Kelsey, who remained ten feet away and unable to see into the pen.

  “I have a little job for you, if you don’t mind,” the woman said.

  “Sure! Anything you want. I’m eager to try my hand at this farm stuff. It’s so cool.”

  “Over here,” Valery explained, gesturing to the back of the barn. “Julian needs to be milked. She’s a special one. Even without a calf, she’s very productive.”

  “Oh, Betsy isn’t hers?” Kelsey asked. She had seen the calf wandering around a lot. Betsy seemed to enjoy the company of Valery more than anyone else.


  “Oh. I just assumed she was.”

  Kelsey was tempted to peek into the pen and get a look at Belle in the mud. Heck, she even thought about sneaking a photo in. But that was too cruel. If that photo happened to be seen by anyone else, Belle would probably murder her in her sleep.

  Instead, Kelsey followed Valery deeper into the barn. Up ahead was Julian, the only cow on the farm. Valery had already secured her to a post. Kelsey spotted a metal pail underneath, just below the udder.

  “My milking machine broke recently. A replacement is coming,” Valery explained. “But it isn’t here yet. Do you mind?”

  “Oh, not at all! Just show me how it works.”

  “It’s easy. I promise.”

  Valery instructed her to take a seat on the stool next to Julian’s hindquarters. Kelsey could immediately tell that her udder was swollen and ready to be emptied, judging by the taut, almost shiny, pink sac drooping underneath. Each teat was fat and hanging far below.

  “You can start one at a time,” Valery told her. “Take your hand near the top, squeeze and push down. Like I’m doing.”

  Kelsey observed the demonstration. It all looked rather simple, like squeezing that last bit of toothpaste out the tube. Valery circled her fingers at the top of the teat, giving it a firm grip right where it connected to the rest of the udder. Then, she pulled her hand down. A quick jet of milk shot into the pail.

  Julian’s tail twitched.

  “You see, yes? Not hard. It takes more time without a machine, but Julian will be happy for it. She’d thank you if she could speak English.”

  Kelsey giggled. “Yeah, I’m sure of that.”

  “Good.” Valery stood up straight again, rubbing her palms on her overalls. “You take care of that for a bit.”

  “Not a problem. It’s not like I can mess up.”

  Once Valery left the barn, Kelsey attained a rhythm to the milking. Truthfully, it was really simple, and the milk was starting to accumulate now at the bottom of the pail. She worked the one teat for a few minutes, before deciding to try both hands on two of them at once, alternating the motions. Funnily enough, it reminded her of giving Brendan a handjob, though the teat wasn’t nearly as firm as his cock.

  She heard light footsteps behind her, and saw Betsy a few feet away, her dark eyes just staring in wonder.

  “Hey. What is that, huh? Is that milk? I bet Valery will have to milk you one day.”

  Betsy took a step closer.

  With the backmost teat firmly enclosed in her palm, Kelsey bent it away from the pail, pointing it toward the young calf. With a firm squeeze, a jet of milk launched out, landing in the dirt not far away from its feet. A few drops had landed on its nose. Kelsey giggled as Betsy stuck out her tongue and licked her black snout, tasting the milk.

  “Good, isn’t it?”

  “Kelsey, are you still there?” It was Belle.

  “Yeah,” she replied. “You enjoying the mud?”

  “We’re never ever going to talk about this, okay?”

  Kelsey laughed. “Sure thing, but you didn’t answer my question. You feel any better?”

  “A little,” Belle said. “I don’t feel like I’m burning up anyway. It’s kinda relaxing.”

  “Maybe I’ll have to join you.”

  “Please, don’t. And don’t tell anyone else, okay?”

  “Cross my heart.”

  Belle would be embarrassed for weeks to come, Kelsey did not doubt. But, they were all animals deep down inside. Maybe a roll in the mud every once in a while wasn’t all that bad. And why would Valery recommend it if she didn’t know if it would help or not? None of them had any reason to distrust her.

  Julian’s udder had a lot more milk than Kelsey anticipated, and her wrists had begun to ache. She tugged on the teats a few times more before pausing for a rest. Her mouth was dry and her lips cracked. She had hoped Valery would return with some cool water, but Kelsey hadn’t seen her.

d, she grabbed one of Julian’s teats and aimed the tip toward her mouth, squeezing as she had before. The initial jet missed by a few inches, but Kelsey adjusted until the milk splashed inside her mouth. There was plenty to swallow down, and she took in several mouthfuls before sighing in relief. The milk wasn’t quite as tasty as the stuff from the grocery store, but it was close. After breaking a sweat, anything was refreshing.

  The cow just looked at her, seemingly annoyed that she had taken a break.

  “Yeah, just give me a second,” Kelsey said. “I didn’t know there’d be so much.”

  On the way down, the milk was delicious, but now Kelsey felt a bit strange. Her insides were twisting into knots, contorting in painful ways. She put a hand to her abdomen, but the discomfort only worsened, causing her to groan. She grimaced as the denim shorts suddenly pinched between her legs, especially in the front. It was like they were shrinking right before her eyes, squeezing into her body.

  Either that, or …

  “Belle?” she called out.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Kelsey didn’t have to say it. Her friend could tell from the tone of her voice that something wasn’t right. The area between her legs was suddenly hot, hotter than anything she had ever felt. She turned away from the cow, spreading her thighs apart, straightening her body. The shorts were so tight in the front that they looked likely to rip at any second. With trembling fingers, Kelsey undid the snap and pulled the zipper down.

  Relief was quickly replaced with absolute horror, as something flopped out.

  “Oh my God!”

  “Kelsey? What is it?”

  She couldn’t say. The very existence of it took all the words from her mouth. Her crotch was inflamed, pushed outward into a wrinkly mound that looked totally unlike anything human. At the top of it—just below her belly button—was a hole, dark and moist around the edge.

  Suddenly, Kelsey felt something stirring inside. The skin around the base of it stretched tight, becoming firm. At the hole, she gasped as something pink poked through—a slimy tip followed by a thick, swollen shaft. It snaked up her abdomen, engorging with blood, widening in girth. A moment later, it was completely hard and distended from her body, the edge sitting up several inches from her torso.

  Kelsey felt a pair of pops down below. She turned her attention away from the alien monstrosity, focusing farther between her legs. There was no sign of her womanhood. Instead, a sac with two spherical lumps hung just below the sheath, so heavy and wide that it couldn’t properly dangle between her legs.

  Shiny and black, the pair of testicles lay on her pale, hairless skin, each as large as a grapefruit.

  “Kelsey? Please, just say something. You’re freaking me out.”

  Kelsey shook her head and closed her eyes, but the changes were still there when she opened them.

  Ahead, she witnessed a figure entering the barn. Valery had returned.

  “Hey! Something’s … wrong,” Kelsey panted, not bothering to cover her groin. She dared not even touch that thing. “Valery, help me!”

  “Nothing’s wrong from where I’m standing,” the woman said, not the least bit surprised by the changes to Kelsey’s body. “And there’s a gift waiting for you. Right outside. You’ll be a quick learner. You’ll have a chance to use it.”

  “But … I don’t understand,” Kelsey said.

  “You will,” Valery said, before grabbing her arm and leading her away. “Very soon.”

  A very confused Kelsey left the barn, the denim shorts undone around her thighs, right beneath a heavy scrotum and a cock that wouldn’t have been out of place on an adult bull.

  “Kelsey?” Belle called out again. “Kelsey!”

  She stood. The mud sucked at her feet. On the other side of the pen, Belle saw no sign of her friend. The cow was all alone, and no one sat on the stool. At the other end, a curtain of warm sunlight hung just beyond the entrance. Belle had no clear vantage point of the house or any of the pasture.

  Outside, she heard what sounded like two animals grunting.


  She pushed on the wooden gate, but the thing wouldn’t budge. There was a metallic clatter on the other side. Belle peered over the top, standing on her tippy toes. The gate was latched and locked! Valery had mentioned nothing about that. And she didn’t see her clothes, either.

  Belle was beginning to have doubts about that woman, especially after that awkward shower and the recommendation to roll around in the mud like some farm animal. Ironically enough, Belle did feel better. The lightheadedness was mostly gone, and she didn’t feel like she was burning up anymore. The cramps hadn’t gone anywhere, though. Belle hated those. It was like her abdomen was always twisting itself into knots, intestines wrapping around intestines.

  With no sign of Kelsey, Belle contemplated climbing the gate. It wasn’t terribly tall, and there were horizontal support planks she could put her toes on. The only thing she’d risk would be getting caught by her friends.

  “Do not be worried. Everything is fine.”

  Belle turned her attention to the entrance. Valery was standing with the sun at her back and the shadows at her face. In her hands was a jar of something white.

  “Where is she?” Belle asked. “Is Kelsey okay? I heard—”

  “She’s fine. The heat got to her. This barn gets stuffy in the afternoon. I should’ve warned her.”

  “Well, I want to see her.”

  Valery came closer. “Soon, perhaps. I want to make sure your sickness has passed.”

  “I feel fine,” Belle said. “Better than before.”

  “Good. I figured you were thirsty, so I fetched some milk.”

  Belle raised an eyebrow. When people were thirsty, they drank water. Milk wasn’t exactly known for quenching a thirst. But, seeing as Valery was the one coming to her aid, it wasn’t all that weird. That woman had some peculiar habits. Besides, the milk still looked tasty, and Belle’s chapped lips were eager for refreshment.

  “Thanks, I guess,” Belle said, accepting the cold jar of milk. Valery had already taken the lid off, so she turned the edge up toward her lips, savoring the cool liquid on her tongue as the milk flowed freely into her mouth. She let out a content sigh. “Is this from Julian? It’s pretty good.”

  “It’s from me,” Valery said. “I told you I was lactating.”

  Belle’s eyes widened into big, white saucers.

  “I store it in the fridge. I don’t want it to goto waste,” she explained. “Sometimes I fancy a taste, too. It is really good. Everyone says that.”

  Suddenly, Belle didn’t feel so good. The milk was delicious—though she regretted not asking the woman the source of it before drinking it down—but that wasn’t it. The cramps in her belly had formed a second attack, returning with a vengeance and consuming everything inside her abdomen. It felt like all of her organs were twisting, being yanked and pulled, taken out and stuffed back in, rearranged.

  Unsure of her own balance, Belle fell to the ground, her plump posterior sticking to the mud and hitting with an audible smack. She clutched her stomach, groaning as the cramps intensified, becoming painful. Her entire body ached.

  “What’s … going on?” she managed, gritting her teeth tight.

  Valery casually leaned over the gate, her arms dangling inside the pen. “What needs to happen,” she said. “The worst comes first, but you will adjust. The brain, too. It always does. It did for the others.”

  Belle didn’t know what she meant. She didn’t want to know. For weeks, she had been living with the cramps in her belly. She could handle those. This was so much more.

  She keeled over in the pen, rolling to her side so she didn’t get a mouthful of nasty mud. A tingle shot through her breasts next, and she sent her hands there. They were larger than she remembered, especially around the nipples, which appeared swollen and distended. Her fingers grazed them, and she writhed in the mud, shocked by how tender they were. They had never felt like that. As a result, t
he nipples hardened. They had to be twice as big as before, fat and plump, atop breasts that seemed to continue growing.

  There was a heat between her legs now. Belle tried to fight it—especially with Valery only a few feet away, watching her squirm in the mud like some animal. It was like a fire burning out of control. Eventually, she could take no more, and thrust her hand between her legs to her damp womanhood, apologizing to herself with every passing second.

  “Yes, that’s good,” Valery said. “Let it take you. There is no shame being in front of me, or being without your clothes. You won’t be needing them again.”

  Belle rubbed. Harder. Faster. The once-cool mud was now sweltering again, and perspiration dotted every region of exposed skin. She rolled as her legs quivered, fighting to keep from screaming out in pleasure. Her chest jiggled more than ever, but Belle was too caught up in the bliss of touching herself to even think about why. She tweaked a nipple, moaning as the sensitive flesh sent several jolts of pleasure to her brain. It felt too good to stop.

  Belle didn’t want to admit it to Valery, but she was starting to like the mud. She loved how it got everywhere, adhering to her naked body. It also added weight. She felt so heavy and bloated, weaker than at any moment before now. All the energy was being used to finger her wet slit, and even that was beginning to slow.

  There was an itch at the base of her spine. Belle reached back, twisting her arm through the mud. Just above the crack of her ass was a little bump, a wormy appendage stretching out of her lower back. It grew between her fingers, curling in on itself, thickening around the base. It was several inches long before she realized that it wasn’t normal.

  “Something’s … happening to me,” she panted.

  “Take a look at the front,” Valery said.


  Belle felt a massive shift in weight as she rolled to her side again. It was like half of her torso was lagging behind, pulling her back. She craned her neck and gazed down, staring at the massive orbs that stuck out of her chest. Her two breasts were several times their normal size, huge mountains of pink flesh, topped with the biggest nipples she had ever seen. But, they weren’t alone.


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