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A Gender Swap Mega Bundle 6

Page 30

by Gregor Daniels

  “Well, we’re naked, and … uh … sleeping together. So yeah. I think it did happen.”

  Skylar closed her eyes. “I had a cock, and you were some chick. Carmella? Was that her name? All I remember is wanting to have sex with you. That’s all I thought about. Like, I couldn’t think about anything else.”

  “And I wanted to suck your cock,” he added.

  It was slowly coming back. Pete remembered the flavor of Cassidy’s cum, the feeling of her cock being in his mouth. And being fucked as a girl. Surprisingly, he didn’t hate it. Yeah, he wasn’t one to suck a dick, and having a pussy had been fucking weird, but the love in the air between the two of them had been palpable. He wanted to experience that again, to see someone that really meant something to him.

  Looking at Skylar gave him a similar rush.

  “Pete?” she asked suddenly. “We didn’t change back all the way.”


  She opened her eyes. “I can feel myself getting an erection.”

  Pete gulped. Before he looked down he knew she was right. He hadn’t felt his manhood since waking up, and the arousal from looking at Skylar’s naked body was centered in his lower abdomen, not at the front of his crotch. Sure enough, Skylar had a cock, and it was halfway erect and steadily growing against his belly. Likewise, the place between his own legs was way too flat. Pete reached down and felt a damp slit running between his thighs.

  Skylar looked at him. “I … kinda want to do it again. Have sex. Pete, when I look at you, I feel really turned-on.”

  Pete nodded. “Yeah, same.”

  “Like we’re meant for each other, like Cassidy and Carmella were.”

  She was right. Pete didn’t want to say it to her, but it was there. He could feel it. Looking at Skylar made him feel like half of something bigger. Whenever the two ghosts had departed their bodies, something had remained. They had different genitals, but it was more than that. There was a connection, a bond. Skylar was the only thing on his mind. Whatever had happened in the past, it didn’t matter anymore. Pete wanted this woman for the rest of his life and all the lives after that.



  “I really want to tell you to suck my cock right now. Would you mind? This erection won’t be going down until you do.”

  Pete stared at her cock. The craving was back again, just like last night. He vividly remembered sucking Nathan’s multiple times and then doing the same to Cassidy’s. He liked cocks now. That desire was inseparable from the rest of him, just like that increasingly wet entrance between his legs. He licked his lips.

  “Only if you say I’m a slut,” he said.

  Skylar grinned. “Get down there, slut. It ain’t gonna suck itself.”

  Pete was happy to obey.


  Girl Getaway

  The storefront for Mind Travel didn’t look all that impressive to Jonas. It was in one of those strip malls, crammed between a corner Starbucks and a Little Caesars. Right underneath the boldface logo was YOUR VACATION AWAITS! The building had once been a dentist’s office, or something or other. He couldn’t remember for sure. Mind Travel was a recent addition to Main Street. He turned the car into the parking spot closest to the front door.

  Jonas looked over at his girlfriend Miranda. “You sure this is the place? The logo’s the same, but—”

  “It’s the address,” she confirmed, scanning the three-page foldout brochure. “We’re scheduled for five hours, not including the lunch break.”

  “Five hours?” Jonas was beginning to have doubts. “That’s not long for a vacation. We won’t have time to do anything.” They should’ve gone on a cruise. Or to a Rocky Mountain resort. Any of those would’ve been cheaper than an appointment with Mind Travel. The experience was absurdly expensive. Ripoff-level expensive. Yet Miranda couldn’t stop going on about the place. Some of her friends had done it, and allegedly they had all enjoyed it. Worth the money. Five stars. Endless praise.

  “It’s not a traditional vacation,” she explained for the hundredth time.

  “No. It’s just messing around in dreams.”

  “Sort of. But it’s like a shared dream. We all go to the same place. And time passes a lot slower inside there, or something. That’s what Brandy told me. Five hours is actually one of their longest packages.”

  The whole thing had all the makings of a scam—that’s what Jonas kept thinking as he stared through the windshield at the small storefront. Dreams weren’t that special. He had dreams every night! Most people did. If that was Mind Travel’s great appeal to the general public, then it had a lot to live up to, especially for the price. Miranda had been bouncing off walls ever since morning, and that was after a sleepless night. Jonas knew that wouldn’t last long. Once she saw that the place didn’t live up to the hype, she’d be just as disappointed as he knew he was going to be.

  The inside was almost exactly like a doctor’s office. There were a few other people in the waiting area. Couples like them mostly. Couples allured by the same website and brochures and flashy commercials. Jonas and Miranda were told to wait with the rest of them.

  When ten o’clock rolled around, everyone was led through double swinging doors in the back one at a time. It was all described in the brochure. Apparently each person had to be in a separate room away from everyone else. It made the link easier, whatever that meant. Miranda showed all the diagrams of the high-tech chairs and such to Jonas. Of course they looked like something out of a dentist’s office. They probably were. Miranda was convinced this place was something special, but Jonas saw right through the illusion. The only addition to the chairs was a bowl-shaped headpiece that folded over the customer’s scalp. It looked like something out of a futuristic salon.

  When it was just the two of them in the waiting area, Jonas leaned over to his girlfriend. “Don’t be shocked if this turns out to be a huge disappointment. I bet this place ain’t what it’s cracked up to be.”

  Miranda was still all smiles. “Not everything’s a scam, Jonas. The place does look a little cheap, but they put most of the money into the virtual reality stuff.”

  “Now it’s virtual reality? I thought it was dreams.”

  “I don’t know, hon. One of those things. But Brandy said it was like nothing she’s ever experienced. It felt completely real and everything. Like, she couldn’t believe the detail. She said she was going back once she had another chance. It was that good.”

  Jonas refrained from telling Miranda any more of his concerns. The blonde-haired assistant came out for them next. He spotted the nametag over her left breast: PAMELA. Some young college girl working a part-time job probably.

  “Miranda?” She flashed a warming smile. “Looks like you’re next. Just follow me.”

  Miranda waved at Jonas as they headed off. “See you on the other side, hon.”

  Yeah, whatever.

  Another minute ticked by before it was Jonas’s turn. Pamela came through the double doors holding a clipboard. There was only one person left in the waiting area, but she abode to the mandatory protocol anyway.


  “Yep, that’s me.” He stood. “You’re not murdering all of us back there, right?”

  Pamela giggled. “No.”

  “Brainwashing, then? Is there a boss around in this place, or is it just you?”

  Pamela led the way. “Just me. The computer does most of the work. I just make sure everyone is accounted for and comfortable. Almost all of the process is automated.”

  “So, everyone’s going into some fancy dream world for a vacation, right? You know, I’ve seen some movies on that type of thing. It doesn’t seem all that special.”

  Pamela grinned. “Once you’ve completed your trip, I’ll be happy to give you a feedback card to hear what you thought. We take feedback very seriously.”

  Beyond the double swinging doors, the building had been clearly renovated. No narrow corridor with offices on both sides. Instead the
re was a line of stalls all with frosted glass doors and bold black numbers. Pamela led the way to near the end of the line, to door 9. She pressed her thumb to a pressure plate. The door chirped, and the glass suddenly became clear. There was an audible whoosh as the pressure seal was broken. The glass door whisked into the wall, revealing the chair from the brochure.

  “Just take a seat and make yourself comfortable,” Pamela explained. “You’ll be in for an hour before the lunch break. You’ll find some controls on the armrest. You can move everything around.”

  Jonas plopped himself down and played with the buttons. He could rotate the chair up and down, bring his head forward or backward, even prop his legs up until they were straight out from his body. He settled for a posture in between the extremes. The padding on the chair adjusted to his body perfectly.


  He nodded. “Best as it’s gonna get.”

  Pamela pulled up the headgear next. It was large enough that none of it actually touched Jonas’s head. He could see the bottom lip of it if he looked up, a few inches out from his forehead.

  “That’s for taking me to the dream world, huh?”

  Pamela grinned. “In a few seconds, yes. Now you have an opportunity to make some changes to your avatar.”

  Jonas raised an eyebrow. “Avatar?”

  “In the dream world, your mind will recreate your body. We call this an avatar. Most of the time, you’ll be yourself in a dream, but sometimes you might be a little different. I’m sure you’ve experienced this before. At Mind Travel, we have full control over that. We can tell your brain how to recreate you in the dream. So, if you wanted to be a little older, little younger, taller, shorter, a different sex—”

  “Or a nine-foot-tall blue alien?”

  “Absolutely.” Pamela punched in some information on a tablet computer. “I usually don’t recommend anything too drastic for the first trip. I want everyone to be comfortable before they make some changes, but you’re more than welcome to try something.”

  Jonas gave it some thought. Why the hell not, right? It was probably all phony anyway. “Give me something … like a bodybuilder. Well, not that extreme, but someone who clearly works out a lot. Real solid arms, six-pack, and someone who doesn’t skip leg day.”

  “Is that all?”

  Jonas’s cheeks blushed. “And a solid butt. Miranda would like that.”

  Pamela giggled. “That’s a perfectly normal request, Jonas. I bet she will like it.” Across the stall, a television monitor flashed on. It displayed a still image of a lake at sunset. Snow-topped mountains stood proud and jagged on the opposite side, wispy clouds half hidden behind their pointed peaks. “Stare at the center,” Pamela explained, pointing at the lake. “Just keep staring. You’ll feel drowsy, but keep focusing where my finger is.”

  Jonas’s eyelids suddenly felt heavy. “And what’s supposed to happen?”

  “You’ll see.”

  Jonas kept fighting the drowsiness. It felt artificial somehow. He wasn’t really tired, but his body was trying to convince him that he needed to shut his eyes and catch up on some sleep. The image of the lake was still there, crisp and clear. Even when the rest of the room appeared to blur, it didn’t have any effect on the picture. And as Jonas kept watching it, he realized it wasn’t a picture anymore. The water was moving, glinting as the low sun reflected off the crests of the waves. The clouds behind the mountain peaks played hide-and-seek with him. A flock of birds took flight, a half-dozen of them behind a leader, all tweeting madly. Jonas watched them. They should’ve passed beyond the border of the picture, but they didn’t. He turned his head and watched them fly overhead.

  An arm slipped around his waist. “I knew you’d make a few changes, hon.”

  Jonas about jumped out of his skin. “Miranda? I—”

  “Not bad.” She eyed him from toes to chest. “I like it.”

  The lakeside picture was no longer a picture at all. A living world had formed beyond the borders. Jonas realized he was standing on a balcony attached to a room. It was some kind of timber lodge from the look of it. The room itself was massive. There was a complete living space with a couch and recliners, a queen-sized bed, even a fireplace. He heard the crackling of flames from within.

  Then Miranda kissed him. Jonas had been so bewildered by suddenly standing in a place that was not Mind Travel that he hadn’t even realized she had changed, too. Just little stuff. She was slimmer around the waist, fuller in the hips. Her breasts were a bit higher, firmer. Her body was perfectly tanned and devoid of tan lines. The sheer nightgown showed it all off spectacularly.

  When the kiss ended, Jonas glanced down and saw his briefs tenting. He cursed himself for not thinking about his manhood back at Mind Travel. He should’ve requested a boost. Hell, Pamela probably heard that a lot from other men.

  That smile on Miranda’s face just wouldn’t disappear. “So? Convinced now?”

  Jonas turned toward the lake again, feeling the cool onshore breeze on his naked chest. “It’s … real. It’s all real. And this is supposed to be a dream? Is it just the two of us? Where’s everyone else?”

  “In the other rooms, most likely. It’s a resort sitting against a cauldron lake. Everyone else we saw is all here with us.”

  Jonas spun around to his girlfriend again, catching an eyeful of her beautiful breasts wrapped up in a net of silk. “What about other places? This can’t be the only vacation they offer, right?”

  Miranda put a finger to his lips. “Just hush, Jonas. More questions later. Right now we’re on vacation.”

  Jonas muttered, “Hot damn,” before their lips met again.

  It was all just like the real world—the touch of Miranda’s warm flesh, the scent of her perfume, the taste of her lips, even the feeling of her wet womanhood against his fingers. There was no blemish, no crack in the illusion that this world created for them. It was a lover’s paradise, the getaway of all getaways. Miranda had been right all along.

  The skepticism about Mind Travel had been erased completely. Jonas carried Miranda to the bed—utilizing those new muscles he had requested before entering the vivid dream world. They kissed some more. He peeled off that skintight nightgown and squeezed her firm breasts. They were completely real, and Jonas expected nothing less. Each of his senses had been fooled. What he saw was Miranda half-naked and waiting for him to take her right there. What he smelled was her female scent, especially strong down between her legs. What he felt was her wetness against his fingertips, and the tight inner walls of her vagina pinching him. What he heard were her moans of pleasure. What he tasted was the sweetness of her abundant juice.

  Jonas didn’t keep track of how long they made out. Maybe it was twenty minutes. Maybe it was two hours. The awareness of time in this make-believe world wasn’t so apparent, much like a real dream. There was no clock on the wall, no watch around his wrist, no phone. Nothing to check the time. And the sun didn’t seem to move. It hung perpetually behind the lodge, burning the snow-capped peaks with brilliant orange rays.

  He came hard inside Miranda’s pussy. There was no need for protection in this world, no fear of accidentally knocking her up. He pushed in deep and filled her, squirting out every drop. His release oozed out as he collapsed on top of her, kissing her again. She wrapped him up tight and moaned softly.

  “That’s another change I should ask about,” Jonas panted, pulling out. “Endless libido so I can keep going.”

  Miranda smiled. “And I should ask her to make it easier for me to reach orgasm.”

  “Did you not?”

  She shook her head. “Close.” She gave his muscular ass a squeeze. “Maybe a little more of that and I would have. I loved pinching it when you were pounding into me. You wanna order some room service?”

  “Room service? But it’s a dream.”

  “You’re not hungry?”

  Now that she mentioned it, Jonas realized he was. His upgraded body had given him all the energy to really pound int
o Miranda’s pussy harder than ever, but he was covered with sweat. And he was starving. It didn’t make much sense to him to be hungry in a dream, but perhaps the avatar of a human body was recreated down to the smallest detail. A little more longer in this world and he might have to take a piss. Or a dump.

  Room service was instantaneous. What else? And they offered every food imaginable. Miranda was able to stay true to her vegan diet and order a mushroom barley soup while Jonas opted for a massive Porterhouse steak. Why not? It wasn’t like his real body was consuming the food. An Asian woman wheeled a cart into the room only forty-five seconds after the order was placed.

  After the meal, Miranda called the woman back in. She stood at the foot of the bed as if waiting for further instructions.

  “Watch this,” Miranda told Jonas. “Brandy told me some tips.”

  “Oh yeah? Like what?”

  Miranda cleared her throat. “Ryoko, we’d like the special dessert.”

  “Special dessert?” Ryoko repeated.

  “Yes. The special dessert.”

  Ryoko’s clothes vanished! Jonas blinked and they were gone. Just like that. Her nubile body was slim and attractive. She didn’t have much up top, but she made up for it with her wide hips and full thighs. Jonas was entranced when she started making her way toward the bed.

  Miranda nudged him. “Would you object to a threesome? She’s not a real person, if that’s worrying you.”


  Before Jonas could say anything else, Ryoko was on top of him, kissing him slowly and thrusting her tongue into his mouth. He grabbed her hips and set her down right on that growing bulge in the sheets. It had been perhaps thirty or forty minutes since making love with Miranda, but he was eager to go again. And Miranda wanted in on it, too! Jonas and Ryoko kissed for some time, and then the two girls went at it. After being the spectator to a lesbian makeout session, Jonas got to see how good Ryoko’s blowjobs were. And Miranda said she was an expert at eating out pussy.

  Jonas had been a skeptic at the beginning, but not anymore. Not after he had personally witnessed his girlfriend and some sex servant grinding their pussies together while Ryoko sucked him off. Not after he had the opportunity to fuck Ryoko in her tight ass while she ate out Miranda’s sopping wet pussy. Not after Jonas was the meat in a girl-sandwich with four hands running all over his body and jerking him off to orgasm. Miranda was there to catch his meager load inside her mouth. Then she swapped it back and forth with Ryoko in what was the sloppiest, hottest kiss he had ever seen in his entire life.


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