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A Gender Swap Mega Bundle 6

Page 42

by Gregor Daniels

  The lights flashed back on, and Frank saw that Charlotte had taken her clothes off. Out in public, it was expected of her to dress like everyone else, but someone with that amount of fur was likely to sweat easily. Even her tongue was hanging out of her mouth. Still, her white and gold coat looked fantastic, even though she had been sitting in the passenger seat of the van for several straight hours. Also, Charlotte hated tucking her tail between her legs, so she took any opportunity she could get to stretch it out. It wagged happily behind her rear.

  Julia had calmed down, though she was still wide awake. Her eyes kept turning to the rain-streaked window. The wind was howling like a demon from hell.

  “What is that, huh?” Frank said in his best baby-talk.

  “She might want some more to eat,” Charlotte said.

  “Yeah. You’re probably right. Wanna take her for a moment?”


  Frank was exhausted. Pregnant people weren’t supposed to sit behind the wheel for so long, but there really wasn’t much choice. Charlotte couldn’t operate a vehicle with paws and long black fingernails, even though she did have a driver’s license. Obviously Julia couldn’t drive. So, the rules of elimination meant that Frank was the only qualified driver for the trip from California to Phoenix. And his back hurt like hell.

  “You sure?” Charlotte asked. “We probably have some food to heat up.”

  “Yep,” he told her. “There’s no microwave. Besides, they’re pretty full.”

  Frank breathed a sigh of relief as he sat on the bed. The next order of business was to remove his shirt, which he did so delicately. Underneath that was a familiar sight—two milk-filled breasts stretching out an overused maternity bra. Even before taking it off, he could feel a little bit of dampness inside the cups. His breasts always leaked a little when they were full, even back when Julia was born. That bra had been worn when Julia was inside his womb too, and it had seen better days. But maternity bras were expensive, and Frank didn’t want to purchase a new one unless he absolutely had to.

  Once his swollen breasts were free, and his dark brown nipples had erected into the cool air-conditioned air, he took Julia back into his arms. The baby girl knew immediately what to do next. Frank inhaled sharply as she latched right onto him, grabbing his breast with her stubby fingers and stuffing that fat nipple between her wet lips. The milk began to flow right away.

  Motherhood was an experience that couldn’t be put into words. Frank hadn’t believed the doctor when he had told him that there was a womb in his belly, and that he had all the right parts to conceive a baby—except for the proper tunnel for delivery. With his own sperm used to inseminate himself, his belly had grown, and his breasts had exploded in size, just like a developing mother’s. There was no greater feeling in the world than holding Julia in his arms and knowing that she had come from inside his body, from nothing more than a few cells.

  Eventually, Frank had to switch breasts. Julia was a hungry girl, and he didn’t want his chest being all lopsided tomorrow. He grimaced as she enclosed her mouth around the next nipple in line. Her baby teeth were sharp.

  Charlotte was brushing her thick coat. “We can still try and leave early tomorrow,” she said. “Beat the moving truck.” Her ears perked up and rotated towards the direction of thunder. “How does that sound?”

  “Good idea in theory, but I’ll probably sleep through the alarm. If there’s one thing I learned from this pregnant business the first time around, it’s that I’m always tired.”

  “You’re so strong, Frank. I’ve always wished I could conceive a human child with you.”

  “Turns out I can do it for us.”

  Frank stared at Charlotte the way a husband would to his loving wife. But it wasn’t just that. There was something weird about her. Something off. Charlotte wasn’t the average girl on the street. She looked more like a dog walking on its hind legs, with all the mannerisms and intelligence of a human woman. There was a strange sense of disorientation that came over him, but then Frank felt perfectly fine. Charlotte was different than all the other gals, but she wasn’t unattractive, even if her black lips liked to slobber everywhere. Oh, and she refused to use forks and spoons whenever she ate. And she always stuck her long tongue out to drink water instead of tipping the glass towards her mouth like a normal person.

  After not feeling the gentle pull of Julia’s lips, Frank glanced down. She had gone to sleep in his arms. Thankfully, the storm had quieted down for the moment. The sky continued to flash, but the lightning was well off in the distance. It was almost peace and quiet.

  Then, the room shook with a deafening bang. Baby Julia was bawling again.

  Bobbi had forgotten that she had a defense mechanism to defend herself against the godlike roars of the lightning crashing down to Earth: earplugs. When the lights in the main office went out, she grabbed a flashlight and went on reading the comic book. The Mars Marauder had defeated Earth’s mightiest superheroes, and he was about to transport the entirety of the human race into an alternate dimension.

  Bobbi flipped the page just as she felt a slight movement beneath her feet. It was happening again. The first time had only completed the job halfway. Now, it was going to finish what it had started.

  She grabbed the compass and watched as the needle slowly rotated another ninety degrees clockwise. When it was all over, it would be pointing in the complete opposite direction from where it had started.

  Gotta remember to turn left instead of right when I leave today, she thought.

  “There there, it’s all right,” Nate said, petting Linda on the head. The dog continued to whimper as the lights flickered for a few more seconds before returning to their full intensity. Many dogs were scared of storms—especially thunder—and Linda wasn’t any different. Her wet tail came out from in between her legs, and her tongue lolled from the corner of her mouth. He finished rinsing her off. “That’s a good girl. It’ll be over soon.”

  He’d have to get up early to make it to Hollywood on time. Hopefully the storm was gone by sunrise, and there weren’t any major flooding problems. It sounded like a monsoon outside. Still, he didn’t have much choice. Linda was expected to be on the set of her next movie by mid-afternoon. Something about a woman swapping places with her own dog and getting a new perspective on life. Or was it the one about the time-traveling dog that jumped through dimensions? He couldn’t remember. Linda rarely had breaks in between movies.

  “See? That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

  Linda let out an excited yip.

  Outside, the storm sounded like it was calming down. About freaking time, Nate thought. It seemed like it had been going on for more than an hour. The rumbles of thunder became increasingly distant, and the sound of the rain hitting the window wasn’t so loud. He could barely hear it from the bathroom now. Linda’s tail wagged excitedly.

  “The next part you won’t like,” he told her, grabbing a set of nail clippers. “You’ll be still, right? A doggy treat’s on the line here. It’s your favorite.”

  Before he could trim her long, black nails, he heard a knock at the door. He glanced at his phone. It was just past eleven o’clock at night—awfully late for someone wanting to speak to him. He ignored it for now and lined up the clippers. The stranger knocked again, louder this time.

  “You’ll wait right here, won’t you?” he said to Linda.

  The dog just looked up at him, panting with her paws submerged in the bathwater.

  “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  Nate dried his hands off and went for the door. From the sound of it, the downpour had tapered off into a sprinkle. The storm must’ve been passing. He opened the door and found … no one. The entire courtyard was empty of life. He looked both ways, but whoever had knocked on the door was gone. Or hiding. Maybe it was a prankster. He’d give them a reason to not disturb him if they tried knocking again.

  He turned and went back inside. “Guess it was no—”

Why were you looking outside? You don’t even have clothes on!”

  What? Nate said, but only in his head. His real lips responded with, “I thought I heard someone knocking.”

  “At this hour? Probably just the thunder.”

  The first thing he noticed was that the other girl didn’t have any clothes on, and her name was Whitney. He didn’t know how he knew that. It just popped into his head. She looked familiar, but only vaguely. He couldn’t remember where he had seen her before, or if he had seen her at all.

  That wasn’t all. The room was different. It was mirrored! The bathroom was on the wrong side, and the beds were facing the complete opposite direction. But it didn’t worry him. It should have. Nate knew he should’ve been asking this girl who the hell she was and demanding to be taken back to his room, but no such words came out of his mouth. He was calm, complacent, and tired as all hell.

  Looking down, he saw why.

  “I brought some lotion,” Whitney said, hopping onto the bed. “It’s good for your skin. I’ll do your belly. It’s supposed to help conceal stretch marks. You need all you can get there, Justine.”

  If Nate would’ve had a mouth—or control of his mouth—he would’ve screamed. He was pregnant! The shape of his bulging belly was unmistakable. And breasts! They were huge with dark, fat nipples. But of course he was pregnant. Nate had been pregnant for more than seven months. It was silly to suddenly realize that there was life growing inside his belly. And his boobs were a little large, yeah, but they were full of milk. Nothing strange about that. Most pregnant women dealt with that.

  He felt compelled to go sit by Whitney.

  “You went peeking out the door, and no one saw you?” She was grinning. “I swear girl, you have the strangest habits.”

  Nate stopped at the edge of the bed. “Wait. You replaced the sheets, right? You know I hate motel sheets. They have all sorts of germs.” Even his voice sounded like a girl’s.

  “Of course.”

  Nate remembered that he had just grabbed that filthy doorknob too. Luckily there was a bottle of sanitizer on the bedside table. He grabbed it, squirted some into his tiny hands, and furiously scrubbed them until he was certain they were as clean as they were going to get.

  He eased himself down onto the mattress next to Whitney, who had the lotion ready. With his bulging belly practically sitting in his lap, she swabbed some all over his midsection, taking care to cover every inch of skin. The lotion was much colder than he had expected, and the application gave him a shiver which caused his milk-filled boobs to jiggle.

  “We go up to your parents, and they’ll see you,” Whitney said. “Is that about it? You might give them a heart attack.”

  “I’d rather announce it in person than over the phone,” Nate heard himself say. “Pregnancy is a big deal.”

  “Yeah, that’s the understatement of the year. Especially since you’re more than seven months along and haven’t told them yet.”

  Nate could almost see a pair of faces in his mind. His parents? No. His mother and father were different people than the two he was seeing. Still, he felt that same compassion for the strangers his head was trying to conjure up. On top of that, he felt scared. Whitney was right; going up to his parents’ house and ringing the doorbell was a huge deal. They’d see him and his swollen belly right away. There was no hiding it. The cat would be out of the bag. Or the baby, in this case.

  But he felt much better next to Whitney. The cool lotion gave his pregnant midsection a sheen, and his nipples began to erect from the fleshy orbs beneath them. Nate gave each one a gentle pinch, causing a few droplets of milk to squirt out. He giggled.

  “We’ll have to tip the maids extra for all the milk you’re leaving around,” Whitney joked.


  There was a knock on the door.

  Nate felt in control again. He got up and waddled his way over to the far side of the room, not caring for his nudity. Every body part seemed to jiggle with each step.

  “Justine, what are you doing?”

  “The knocking,” he explained. “Didn’t you hear it?”

  “The knocking? What?”

  No time to explain it to her, he told himself. Whoever the hell she is.

  Big surprise, no one was outside. The rain had come to a complete stop. Even the moon was starting to poke through the overcast sky. Nate lingered there in the doorway, staring up at it, feeling increasingly uncomfortable in this bizarre out-of-body experience. He had no desire to be a pregnant twenty-year-old—like with Whitney’s name, the age just popped into his head.

  Back inside the motel room, the scenery had changed again.

  “Stop pacing back and forth, Samantha.” Some scruffy-bearded man was looking down at him. God, he was tall! No, that wasn’t it. Nate realized he was walking on his hands and knees. He felt foolish, like someone pretending to be an animal, only he couldn’t push himself back up to his feet. It felt way better to move around like this. And the room was unpleasantly hot. Sweat covered every inch of his body. He had to stop. Luckily there were some soft pads to plop himself down on. His tongue immediately rolled out of his mouth as he started to pant.

  “Stupid bitch,” the man said. “Lie still, and it’ll be over soon.” He circled the tired Nate. “Any moment now, huh? Goddamnit. I wish you would’ve waited. I’m not prepared for this shit.”

  Nate looked down at his arm. Big and hairy—it definitely belonged to a man. There was no question in his mind that it was his arm. The rest looked similar, except that his belly was protruding from the rest of his body, and there were six elongated, fleshy mounds hanging from his torso. Each one had a dark nipple attached to it. One word immediately flashed to mind: teats.

  “Are you gonna push or something?” the man asked him.

  He knew he was pregnant, like Justine, but different at the same time. And, just like when he was in Justine’s body, the strings were being pulled for him. There was a great pain in his lower abdomen, so severe that it caused him to whimper. Wetness trickled down the back of his thighs. He didn’t wish to see any of it. Whatever it was, it smelled awful.

  The life in his belly wanted to come out. Right now.

  “Gross,” the man said. “God, that’s disgusting. They better be worth a lot of money.”

  Nate pushed, using muscles he had never felt in his entire life. He knew he had to. Down in his belly, the pups were moving lower into his abdomen, inside a slippery tunnel that connected to the outside world. They wouldn’t come out on their own. He had to force them. The first made him cry out, but then he felt it sliding out somewhere between his legs. He took in a breath, and then the next was on its way. It was a little easier, but just as painful.

  “I can’t look,” Kevin said. “Fuck.”

  The third and fourth left him on the edge of consciousness. Everything hurt down there. His belly had shrunk a lot over the last few minutes, but he wasn’t finished yet. The fifth was the hardest of all, requiring all of Nate’s concentration and every bit of his strength. He yelped in pain as it finally exited his body, joining all the rest. More fluids gushed out. He felt hollowed out down there. All he wanted to do was close his eyes and sleep.

  But the mother’s duty wasn’t complete yet. Nate curled himself around the babies that had come from his womb. They were all wet and blind, and so tiny that he took extra care to not accidentally squash them. One by one, he nibbled through each of their umbilical cords. A couple of the pups gave out soft yips. Carefully, he brought them in closer to his body with his hand, until they found their way over to his fat teats. Instinct took over as the babies had their first meal outside the womb.

  Nate let out a sigh and closed his eyes. When all was quiet, he could hear their tiny lips working at the nipples, pulling the fresh milk out. Sleep came quick.

  When he opened his eyes, he was someplace else.

  “Julia finally went to sleep,” Frank said, tiptoeing across the room. “Thought she never would. Didn’t
help that it sounded like pure hell outside there for a while.”

  Nate felt half-naked. On the trip between being a human dog and turning into whoever he was now, he had gained a red negligee that hugged his body—particularly the female curves he possessed again. Down below his chin was a clear line of cleavage between two very firm breasts. Nate squeezed them. They were definitely fake, but still pleasant to grope. Two bumps made their presence known underneath the thin satin material.

  “Adopting a child was the best decision we ever made,” said Frank.

  “I know,” Nate agreed, catching a glimpse of the tiny bundle of joy across the room. She was so small and fragile, wrapped up in her little blanket. Deep down inside, Nate wished he had the proper parts to have a child of his own. Unfortunately, nature had played a cruel trick on him at birth. Hormones had been used to give him the body of a woman, but they only worked so much.

  As Frank gave him a kiss on the cheek, he felt something stirring down in his panties.

  “Something’s awake,” he said.

  Frank had never minded his penis, and Nate was thrilled to finally find someone who saw him for the woman he was—minus his genitals. Of course, bedroom activities were a little awkward with matching sexual organs, but Nate had acquired a taste for anal. Frank was always ready to give him a pounding whenever he desired it. But they couldn’t get that frisky in the motel room, especially since sleeping Julia was only a few yards away.

  “You look stunning, by the way,” Frank said.

  “Thanks. Show me what you got down there and I’ll return the favor.”

  Frank didn’t need to be told again. Nate had been eyeing that bulge in his pants for some time. It was definitely bigger than his own. Even though Nate didn’t have the right parts between his legs, blowjobs were one way he could show his affection. He performed those more than anything else, and Frank was always happy to pull out his cock, like tonight.


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