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A Gender Swap Mega Bundle 6

Page 59

by Gregor Daniels

  Sighing, Oliver rubbed the tender spot between his legs one last time, blew out the lamp’s flame, and drifted back asleep, dreaming of those orc women again.

  The following morning, Oliver woke with the sunrise and went straight for town. Father wouldn’t need him today. The first load of crops had been sold, and the cart would be unused for another week while the next batch ripened. He was glad to be rid of pulling that dreadful thing, even for a few days. He made good time and arrived at the hill in half the time it normally took. The fog hadn’t even disappeared yet, and leaves were still covered with dew. He hadn’t seen anyone else on the road.

  On the way, Oliver couldn’t stop thinking about what was between his legs. He had thought it to be a dream when he woke that morning, but there it was, as real as any other part of him. Making use of the privy had been awkward enough, for he had to squat like a girl lest piss got on his legs. And it came out in a spray.

  The sun came off the horizon, shining through the trees. And Oliver waited. He was certain the orc women would be waiting for him. They always were. It was the same every other day. He’d pass and they’d stop him. It always happened.

  Yet, today there was no sign of them. They always appeared on their own, never needing to be told to come out. Oliver went up the hill and back down again. Then, he went into the forest and came back, searching both sides of the road. They must’ve been playing a silly game, but Oliver quickly became impatient. He went back to the road and waited. Horses and buggies passed, curious men glancing at him. Some even offered him a ride but Oliver refused. He wasn’t going to town. This was where he wanted to be, where the orcs were waiting for him, except not today it seemed.

  He saw the girl. She came by herself, without her father, walking at the side of the road to avoid the drenched muddy path.

  She waved when she saw him. “Hey!”

  Oliver waved back. He would’ve rather seen the orc women by now, but she was still a pleasant sight.

  “Are you waiting for someone?”

  He shook his head. “No one.”

  “You out here by yourself? Where’s your cart?”

  “Don’t need to sell no potatoes today,” he explained. “Selled ‘em all. Be haulin’ more in a week.”

  She stepped across the muddy road, coming to his side. Her shoes were all filthy and brown when she reached it, but she didn’t seem to care.

  “Is that what you do? Sell potatoes?”

  Oliver nodded. “Father’s business. Makes him money. I jus’ haul ‘em to market.”

  “My father does the same. Takes me along with him, shows me the process. He doesn’t want me to be a stupid girl when I get married. I’m Elizabeth by the way. Most people just call me Eliza.”

  “Oliver,” he said.

  “So Oliver, what are you doing out here by yourself?”

  He wanted to tell Eliza about the orcs, about their fantastic bodies and green skin, though maybe he’d leave out some of the details. It was right there on the edge of his tongue. Yet, he couldn’t form the words. A voice in his head told him not to. The orc women were a great secret that only he knew about. Telling someone else about it, even a sweet girl like Eliza, would ruin it all. It was his secret.

  Instead, he lied. “I was goin’ to town.”

  “Same,” Eliza said. “Father wanted me to pick out some flowers for Mother’s birthday. I’m a girl and apparently I know the best flowers, or so he thinks. Gave me some coins for the market. I told him that you can find flowers anywhere. You don’t have to buy them.”

  “Flowers be everywhere,” said Oliver. “I bet there be some here. They come with the rains.”

  “Show me. Father doesn’t need to know that I didn’t spend the coins on flowers.”

  Oliver didn’t know what he was doing. He led Eliza into the forest, away from the road, his eyes scouring the ground and the bushes, looking for anything that wasn’t green or brown. He remembered flowers out here, but he hadn’t been looking for them before and he couldn’t remember where they were. Eliza followed him. Her footsteps were so soft that he had to turn and make sure she was still there. She wasn’t noisy like the orc women, or nearly as big. When Oliver glanced at her, he felt that familiar twist in his loins, and that flame that was so hard to put out. He could stare at her red hair for hours, the pretty locks, the perfect curls. He imagined running his fingers through it.

  Then, Eliza pointed ahead, not far out. “There! Oh, those are so pretty. Look at ‘em! Those will do.”

  Oliver saw. The shrub was wrapped with pink and white flowers. Dog roses, he remembered, though he couldn’t determine where he’d heard the name before. Eliza went and picked a handful of them, at least a dozen that she carefully stuffed into a hidden pocket on her frock. The pink petals stuck out, all bunched together.

  “Mother will be happy with these,” Eliza said. “And they didn’t cost anything at all. What a kind boy you are, Oliver. I see you so often, but I didn’t know you were so friendly. Father says I shouldn’t be with boys like you. He wants me to find a man with money.”

  He stood behind her. Eliza was bathed and as clean as any girl he’d ever seen, her skin pale yet unblemished. With her red hair, she would’ve stood out in a crowd from a ways away. And she had a sweet scent about her of flowers and expensive soaps. He inhaled it, closing his eyes, savoring it before the wind carried it off far away. At that moment, something deep in his loins throbbed, as if his heart were now in his abdomen. He could hardly stay still.

  When Eliza turned, with the sunlight sparkling in her green eyes, he saw her lips and met them with his own. She was going to protest it, he knew. It was a flash of raw desire, an outburst that he couldn’t suppress. A boy like him couldn’t touch a girl like her, not without punishment.

  When she didn’t utter a single word against this engagement, Oliver continued, slipping a hand across her shoulder, touching her smooth skin for the first time. The frock hung on her body, so light and thin. A sudden gust might’ve blown it away. The threads were soft, expensive. His fingers felt those, and the curve of her youthful body underneath. There was no doubt she was an adult, with her small waist and womanly hips leading into gorgeous legs.

  Oliver was so lost in the moment, entranced by her astonishing beauty and charming features, that he hadn’t given a thought to his current condition. The morning had left him changed from the day before. He was already removing his shirt, feeling up Eliza’s soft breasts, anticipating what was to come. Then, she undid his trousers and pushed a hand underneath.

  The girl froze. Their lips separated. Her eyes were wide with surprise.

  “You’re a girl?”

  Oliver shook his head. “Only down there. I’m a boy. Honest.”

  “But, you have what I have.”

  “Only down there,” he repeated, as if to convince her that it wasn’t as bad as she feared.

  To his delight, Eliza didn’t remove her hand from his pants. There was confusion in her eyes, conflict between what she knew and what she felt. No boys had what Oliver had down there. Yet, the discovery of his secret didn’t discourage her. The fingers moved with a different instinct, a different set of instructions. Oliver was so hot down there that he could barely stay standing. He kissed harder as a finger hooked inside of him, penetrating that wonderful new hole again.

  “Oh, it’s wet!” she said, grinning. “I get wet too.”

  Oliver inhaled sharply, biting his bottom lip as the finger went deeper.

  “Are you wet now?”

  “You tell me.”

  Suddenly, the absence of Oliver’s new orc friends wasn’t so bad. Eliza was a delightful substitute, though she didn’t have a cock. With the morning beginning to warm up, they sat down next to a tree where the ground was dry. Eliza continued rubbing between his legs, using her fingers as he had in the middle of the night. He loved having one inside of him, moving in and out, and she was clearly more experienced in the matter. It was all so sensitive down there, so
hot and wet. He spread his legs to give her all the room she needed.

  Not long after, the roles were reversed. The sweet redheaded girl lifted her frock, and Oliver saw her womanhood. The mound was exactly like his, with a vertical slit running down the center, glistening with wetness. Unlike his, the hair was bright red, matching that on her head. Eliza emitted a soft moan as he pushed a finger in. The inside was slick beyond anything he had ever felt before, more so than his own.

  She squirmed as the pleasure spread throughout her body, her cheeks flushing. Seeing her like that only made Oliver more aroused, and he thrust his other hand between his own legs. Together, he fingered Eliza and himself, matching the motions. Both of them were wet.

  Oliver closed his eyes and pictured the orcs again. Eliza was sweet and gentle, but nothing like them. His abdomen burned as he imagined their green bodies, their firm breasts and womanly figures, and their fat cocks which they proudly displayed. They were something out of fantasy, a personification of the wild and the forest, raw and unrestrained. There was nothing gentle when they grabbed hold of you and forced you on their big cocks. When you were stuck between them, filled on both ends, slammed back and forth between their tall bodies, nothing else mattered.

  Oliver opened his eyes, and the dream vanished. Eliza was curled up against him, with his hand still between her legs. She had climaxed shortly before, and he had missed it completely. All five of his fingers were coated with juice, that sweet-smelling female release that his own body now produced. He licked every one of them clean, starting with the girl’s and then finishing with his own, savoring that last bit of it before it was gone.

  Eliza’s hand roamed his chest. “Are you sure you’re not a girl?”

  Oliver shook his head, same as before. “No, I’m no girl. I’d know if I was.”

  “Strange, then.”


  Rather than telling him, Eliza showed him. She unbuttoned his shirt, revealing his chest. Immediately, Oliver’s eyes were drawn to a pair of mounds. They weren’t large, but they weren’t supposed to be on his body. He felt each of them, cupping his hands under the smooth flesh, squeezing them gently. They were soft like a woman’s, small and pointed with bright pink nipples. Oliver touched one out of curiosity and was surprised by how sensitive they were.

  “Mine were like that,” Eliza told him. “Years ago, when they started growing. They were small, and then they grew. Maybe it’s happening later for you.” She stood and brushed herself off, checking to make sure that the dog roses remained in her pocket, along with the coins that Father had given her. “I should head back. He’ll be wondering where I’ve gone. I’ll be along this road tomorrow. A trip to the store. Will you be here?”

  Oliver nodded.

  He saw her again the next day along the road, right before the hill. He had searched the woods and waited long before he ever saw the girl approaching, but still the orc women hadn’t come. It didn’t make any sense to him. They always came, everyday when he passed by. It wasn’t like them to be gone.

  He looked the part of a young farm boy, but the changes had accelerated overnight. Under the clothes, his skin was soft like a girl’s, like Eliza’s. Even what little hair he had before had just vanished, like someone had taken a pencil eraser and scrubbed it over his arms and legs and everywhere else except his privates and head. His chin was softer than he could ever remember.

  But that wasn’t the worst of it. Those mounds on his chest had grown too. Oliver knew they were a young girl’s budding breasts. They started out small, just like Eliza had told him, and grew over a few years. Girls went through puberty just like boys. It happened to everyone. But Oliver was a boy and shouldn’t have been experiencing what happens to a girl. Just like that opening between his legs, it wasn’t normal, not one bit.

  Still, he couldn’t help but squeeze them every now and then. They were fun to touch, and they had a little bounce to them. Luckily his shirt was thick and large, or else they wouldn’t have been hidden.

  When Eliza arrived, they went back to the same grove, just beyond where the dog roses grew, out of sight from the road and far enough away in case they were a little noisy. They were kissing before they ever stopped, and Oliver reached down underneath her frock and squeezed her breast. The nipple was hard against his thumb, and he flicked it back and forth. She seemed to like that. He did the same to the other, pinching it lightly. She returned the favor by pushing her hand between his legs. Oliver had been aroused since morning, but resisted touching himself. Eliza’s fingers almost made him fall.

  “Oh, that’s good,” he said. “Really good. I like that.”

  Eliza seemed to be looking at him more, though several minutes passed before she said a word. In that time, Oliver had removed her frock and leaned in to lick her young breasts, teasing her rosy nipples with his tongue. They were far enough from the road that it wouldn’t matter if they took their clothes off. He reached below and felt her warm mound. The middle of it was slightly wet.

  “Oliver,” she said, soft as a whisper. He didn’t hear her at first. “Oliver, just wait.”


  She waved a bunch of red curls away from her eyes. It was such a beautiful sight that he instantly forgot what she just said.

  “Oliver, don’t you see? You’re becoming a girl. She’s coming to the surface. I don’t understand it, but I believe what I see.”

  Oliver knew as much, but he never convinced himself that. He was just Oliver, the overworked farm boy who was whipped by his father if he didn’t finish his duties on time. What he saw his body becoming wasn’t going to change anything. Boy or girl, he’d still work the farm, still haul carts of potatoes to the market to be sold, and still receive the painful sting of a belt if he disobeyed.

  But to hear someone else say it flipped a switch inside of him. Eliza was right; he was turning into a girl. He didn’t know the how or the why of it, but it was happening. His cock had disappeared two nights ago, and now everything else was changing to match. He was already slimmer in the waist, and his rear had swelled a bit. Girls were all shaped like that. And his chest—

  “Show me,” Eliza said, looking him hard in the eye.

  He couldn’t walk around without a shirt on and not draw some attention. They were larger than yesterday, fuller, rounder. They had all the appearances of breasts, and Oliver knew they were. They couldn’t have been anything else. Eliza squeezed the left one, and once again he was reminded of how sensitive they were, the nipples especially. His loins suddenly burned. She put her other hand to his womanhood and penetrated him again. He never became tired of that, of having something inside him, deep in his body where his cock used to be. Now, accompanied with the hand on his chest, Oliver couldn’t stay silent. He moaned like a girl, his body writhing without his consent. Eliza knew exactly what to do.

  He found her green eyes again, and they kissed. He loved the taste of her lips, the scent of her body. It surrounded him, and he forgot all about the farm and everything else. It was just them in the forest, alone in the world. Eliza and her hands were all he craved for in that instant, the one upon his breast and the other between his legs. Nothing else was important.

  A moment later they were both naked, and Oliver felt her body against his, her youthful breasts so firm and full, rubbing against his own. His were a little smaller, but he had a feeling that would change come tomorrow morning. The heat between his legs became unbearable, and the two of them rolled together, fingering each other. Eliza bucked underneath him as her own orgasm hit. Oliver’s wasn’t long behind. After, they held each other, not saying a word. He didn’t want to ruin the moment, for her naked body was so perfect to look at and touch. He must’ve traced the swell of her smooth hip a dozen times before she stopped him.

  “Dear Oliver, we can run away together,” she said. “We’ll be a couple of girls. No one will know you. You won’t have to haul your carts anymore.”

  Oliver sighed. “The farm is all I know. I
don’t know much else.”

  She asked him again, but he refused. Despite how he felt about sweet Eliza and her wonderful body, the farm was his job. He was Oliver and not much more. The orc women couldn’t change that. Eliza couldn’t change that. The farm was his place for now and for the future. His father wouldn’t be around forever, though. Then, he pushed that thought out of his mind for the fear that someone else who know it. His thoughts betrayed him more often than not these days.

  With little more than a glance at the naked girl, Oliver grabbed his things, redressed, and went back towards the farm. Surely there were tasks that needed to be done. His father would welcome the help.

  “Pretty boy!”

  Oliver was out in the rain when he heard the voice. Father had negotiated to trade with a neighbor, exchanging tools for a small tract of land. The potatoes were bringing in less and less money each month, and he needed more land to grow more of them. Oliver dug with his hands until they were mud-covered and blistered, preparing a hole for a new fence post. Father wanted it all sectioned off, surrounded with fencing to keep the animals out. Those were Father’s orders. Oliver always listened to him. Father depended on him.

  A flash of lightning lit up the northern sky, beyond the trees, and the rains came harder all of a sudden. Oliver knew she was behind him. He didn’t turn to look. He had work to do. He couldn’t be bothered by the orc women, not now.

  As his hands worked into deepening the hole, scooping out mud and small rocks, she grabbed his trousers and yanked them down. He felt her face between his legs, her tongue against his privates. She said nothing about his lack of a cock and went on licking his new parts, the new slit that looked identical to a girl’s. He ignored her and focused on digging the hole. Father would want it done or he’d get another whipping. That was the rule of the farm.


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