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A Gender Swap Mega Bundle 6

Page 61

by Gregor Daniels

  The orc girl with the long hair came up to him. “Pretty girl no longer worries about him. She no longer gets hurt.”

  “But, if he tells—”

  She smiled. “He won’t. He’s weak. We stay with pretty girl here. He sells potatoes for us.”

  Oliver gazed at the house. He knew every corner of it, every rotten log and drafty room. It groaned when the winds came, and the roof leaked during the rains. The walls echoed with the cracks of a belt and the cries of a boy. He looked at the rows and rows of potato plants, the unfinished fence, the tracks leading towards town.

  He hated every part of it.

  Oliver shook his head. “No. Take me to your place.”

  “My place?” The orc woman smiled. “We live in the forest. Forest our place.”

  “Then we go there,” he said.

  From now on, Oliver the farm boy was no more. The orc women led him into the trees, far beyond Father’s land and well out of sight from the road, so far that he didn’t know where they were. The forest went on and on, farther than he thought possible. The orc women explained that they had no place in particular. They roamed with the food, escaped the cold winds, took shelter in caves when the winters came. They avoided human settlements.

  Oliver didn’t mind all that. He remembered Eliza from the road, the beautiful redhead that had suggested they take off together, run far away. Oliver the farm boy had wanted her. She was everything of the old world, the desire for another, a fragment of a memory with so many cracks that he couldn’t even see her face anymore. Oliver didn’t wish to. He only wanted to be with the orcs, to service them however they pleased, to suck them dry and have them fuck him everyday. That’s what Oliver the pretty girl wanted.

  Right then, with a contentment that he had never felt in his entire life, Oliver stopped, and the two orc women turned, their cocks completely erect. He lowered himself to his knees when they told him to. He knew what they wanted. He knew them well by now. He wrapped his lips around the closest cock, and his hand around the other. Their green bodies towered over him, and on their faces he only saw pleasure. His belly yearned for that sweet release, that tasty cum that came from their incredible bodies. Oliver wouldn’t stop until he had it all, until it was stretching his stomach and bubbling from his lips because he couldn’t swallow any more of it. That was his duty. He needed their voices, their cocks. He needed their cum.

  Eliza drifted from one vendor to the other, searching hopelessly for something to spend her coins on. They had been in her pocket for the last week, ever since Father had told her to go buy some flowers for Mother. But that was silly, because flowers grew naturally in the wild. Oliver had showed her where to find some. Mother loved the dog roses. Eliza loved them too, and she was glad that Mother had been so happy.

  She worried about Oliver. With the market bustling with dozens of faceless shapes and the air echoing with sharp voices all trying to shout over each other, she remembered the boy on the road, in the grove, in her arms, the strangeness of him and his changing body. He had told her he was a boy, but he was beginning to look like a girl. Eliza would glance around at the other girls, hoping to see him. She didn’t know if she’d recognize him. His body had changed, and maybe his face had too. He might’ve been a completely different person now for all she knew, invisible to her eyes.

  As Eliza browsed through a selection of fine imported fabrics and thought of a new dress she could make, there was a roar of laughter in the market square. Everyone was turning to look. They all crowded around her, wanting to see the source of the amusement. Eliza had to stand on her tippy toes to see over their shoulders.

  A man had entered the market, and he wasn’t wearing a single piece of clothing. The cart behind him came to a stop, bumping into him, almost knocking him over. He was sweating from head to toe, looking as if he had run across the entire countryside without stopping.

  “Potatoes!” he shouted, once he had caught his breath. “I have potatoes to sell! Fine potatoes!”

  The crowd was silent, stunned like they couldn’t believe him. It was the oddest thing Eliza had ever seen. She didn’t wish to see a man without his clothes on, but she couldn’t help herself. It was a fascinating sight, one that drew the attention of everyone around her.

  Then, they all pointed and laughed.



  It arrived just after two o’clock in the afternoon.

  Audrey raced out to retrieve it, her rain boots splashing through one puddle after another. It had been coming down hard since the morning, never letting up. It wasn’t supposed to quit anytime soon either, even when temperatures dipped below freezing later.

  Jason opened the door upon her return. Just ten seconds out in the rain had left her soaking wet.

  “Oh it’s so cold!” said Audrey. “Why does rain have to be so cold?”

  “Would you rather it snow?” Jason asked.

  “Yes! Wouldn’t you? Cold rain is the worst. Just looking at it makes me miserable.”

  Audrey removed her jacket, taking extra care to make sure the wet exterior of it didn’t touch her skin. Each of her red curls had survived the dangerous trip unscathed.

  She hauled the trunk to the bedroom and placed it on the edge of the mattress.

  “Gosh, I didn’t know underwear could be so freakin’ heavy!” she said.

  Jason arrived just in time to see her catching her breath.

  “You did all that just for some panties?”

  “It was a good deal actually,” she explained, flipping the two metal latches next to the handle. “You get a hundred pairs for a hundred bucks! They’re almost never that cheap. These will last me several years.”

  Jason shrugged. “Better than a shoe obsession, I guess.”

  “Hey, I love shoes too! But stocking up on panties is much easier on my wallet.”

  Jason supposed she was right. Still, it was hard to imagine himself with such a compulsion to purchase so many clothes. Eighteen or twenty wearable shirts, that was enough. Same for underwear. And a handful of shoes to go with them. He didn’t need an entire closet of outfits.

  The advantages of being a dude …

  His girlfriend hadn’t been lying; she opened the trunk, and there they were. Panties of many colors and styles were neatly folded inside, two dozen or so on the top layer, and many more underneath that he couldn’t see. At first glance, they ranged from the simple to the skimpy, briefs mixed with revealing thongs.

  It looked like someone had rummaged through the lingerie section at a department store and snuck out with all the underwear on the racks.

  “So pretty!” said Audrey, pulling one from the top and stretching it out—a purple and white lace brief that was designed to ride low on the waist.

  Jason imagined she’d look really sexy in it. Audrey was slightly pear-shaped to begin with. She blamed her figure on the long line of women in her family, all wide in the hips and thighs.

  But, if this was an excuse for her to try on a hundred pairs of panties in front of him, then he was all for it!

  “How do you know they’re all the same size?”

  “You pick the size when ordering,” she explained, tossing the first pair aside and picking out a yellow thong. It clearly covered much less than the previous one. “And then they send you a trunk full of underwear all in your size.”

  “From where?”

  “Pantyland website,” she said. “It’s a really neat idea. I hate trying to shop because there’s so many different styles and stuff. This makes it way easier.”

  “But, don’t you want to like … see what you’re going to buy before you buy it?”

  She grinned. “The surprise is part of the fun!”

  It would take forever to go through them all. Audrey was a neat freak. Jason had seen the contents of her underwear drawer many times—all of her panties were separated based on style, and then layered together based on their color. Jason didn’t see the point. Regardless, the drawer was al
ready almost full. A hundred more panties would require some more space.

  A sudden gust of wind caused rain to patter the window.

  Audrey sighed. “This weather makes me just want to sleep in all day. Thank God Vicki and Brody are grabbing a cab. I don’t feel like driving to the airport.”

  Vicki and Brody were two of Audrey’s friends from down south. Jason had only seen pictures of Vicki, and apparently she was really serious with her new boyfriend. This weekend was the only time of the year where everyone was free. Of course the weather had to go to shit. The rain was bad enough, but it was supposedly going to ice over later tonight, or so Jason had heard. No one knew what to expect come sunrise.

  Audrey had laid out seven pairs of panties before glancing at the clock. “Damn. I’ll have to save the sorting for later.” She reached into the trunk and grabbed the eighth. “You think I should wear one of these right now?”

  Jason shrugged. “Go for it. As long as I get to see you in it.”


  It was a black bikini-style brief, Jason saw, nothing too mischievous, but certainly revealing enough to get him excited. Audrey sauntered toward the bathroom, swinging her hips and unsnapping her jeans along the way. Jason heard the metal teeth of the zipper being pulled apart as she disappeared out of sight.

  “I think I’ll have to get rid of some of my older pairs,” she said, her voice echoing. “Charity places take clothes, right?”

  “Panties?” said Jason. “I don’t think they take underwear of any kind. Pants and shirts yeah, but not those.”

  “Oh, yeah you’re probably right. Silly me.”

  Jason patiently waited by the bed. Whistling to himself, he glanced over into the trunk, eyeing the seemingly endless variety of colorful underwear. Women had so many options! Comparatively, the selection for men was rather boring. Yeah, there were some different briefs—and some thongs if you really went searching—but that was about it. It was all about function. For women, style was an important part.

  He casually wondered how the world would be different if men's underwear were just as diverse, hanging on racks at department stores instead of coming in sets inside clear packaging. Shopping would be a lot more interesting!

  Suddenly, he heard a shriek from down the hall.

  “Jason! Oh my God!”

  “Audrey? What’s the matter?”

  It didn’t sound like her voice.

  “It’s … uh … well, you’ll have to see for yourself. I can’t really explain it to you.”

  When she appeared a few seconds later, Jason’s jaw dropped. He only knew it was actually his girlfriend because of her clothing, but otherwise she had changed entirely. What was once pale skin was now the shade of chocolate, and her hair was as dark as could be. The black panties still fit her perfectly, and it was the only article of clothing she was wearing below the waist. Above, her breasts had tripled in size, and were spilling out over the neckline of her tank top.

  Jason didn’t even recognize her face. She was a different person from head to toe!

  “Audrey, is that really you?” He couldn’t stop staring at her body.

  “Yeah, it’s me! Look at me!”

  He nodded slowly. “I am.”

  She looked down at herself. “My skin! I’ve turned into a black girl!”

  Jason couldn’t think of anything to say. The thought of running her to the doctor came to mind. Oh yeah Doc, here’s my girlfriend. She used to be white! No, that’d only cause even more confusion.

  Meanwhile, Audrey was still inspecting her body. She ran her dark-colored hands up over her thighs and hips—those hadn’t changed much. Up top, she pulled the neckline of her tank top away from her body. Her eyes widened.

  “I’m stacked! Like, I have to be at least a C, maybe a small D! I’ve never been this big!” She squeezed them. “Wow, they’re heavy.”

  Jason blinked, realizing he was staring. “You have any idea what caused this?”

  The changed face of his girlfriend looked back. “Well, I was trying on the panties, and—”

  “Audrey, that’s probably it,” said Jason.

  “The panties? There’s no way. That’s not possible!”

  “Then take them off.”

  Audrey hooked her thumbs under the soft material and wiggled her plump bottom out of them. While the panties were on the way down her legs, she immediately began to revert to normal. The dark skin disappeared, and so did the large breasts. A shocked, redheaded Audrey stared back at Jason, the panties wrapped around her ankles.

  “Oh my God! The panties changed my body!”

  It didn’t make any sense, but Jason couldn’t come up with any other explanation. With the panties on, she was a totally different person. With the panties off, she was back to normal again.

  “Try them on again.”

  “What? Are you crazy? I just changed back to normal and you—”

  “And you can change back anytime!” he was quick to point out.

  Appearing to be convinced, Audrey tugged the panties back up her legs, inch by inch. Nothing happened right away. Jason thought it must’ve been a one-time thing, use them once and they’re done.

  However, above the knee, her skin started to darken again.

  “Hey, it’s happening!” she stated, as if it wasn’t obvious. “It looks like I’m getting a tan.”

  The process was gradual, Jason saw. His girlfriend’s skin darkened so much that it looked like she had been shoved into an oven and burnt to a crisp. All evidence of her pale epidermis faded away uniformly, and so did her freckles and red hair. Meanwhile, a pair of orbs inflated on her chest again, squishing together inside her undersized bra and appearing above the neckline of her tank top.

  Audrey situated the panties over her privates again, and she was back to being a black girl.

  Neither one of them said anything for a full minute. They were both too stunned at what had just happened.

  “Neat,” Audrey finally said. “That’s pretty neat.”

  “Yeah, neat,” Jason agreed, ogling her chest. “Panties that change your body. Yeah, that’s not weird.”

  “Don’t you know what this means?” She came toward him, her chest bouncing erratically. “What if the panties all change you differently? Like, what if each one makes me a different girl? A hundred pairs, a hundred different women!”

  It was odd to look into her eyes. Jason didn’t recognize a single part of her face. Her eyes were dark, and her brow had flattened. Her nose was broader too, and her lips were plumper than he ever remembered them being. There was no sign of his girlfriend anywhere.

  “Jason,” she started softly, “I know I should be getting ready, but I’m kinda … turned on.”

  He gulped.

  “We still have time before my friends arrive. You know me. I always want to get ready as early as possible.”

  “Yeah,” said Jason, eyes turning down toward her bosom. He couldn’t will them away.

  “Just something quick.”

  She was stripping before he could even reply. Her dark-colored skin wasn’t some trick; she was the same hue all over, from the deepest part of her cleavage to all of her flat tummy.

  When she removed her tank top, Jason saw just how ill-suited her bra was. For as long as he had known her, Audrey had never been able to increase her bust size. She floated anywhere between a large A to a small B. Any extra weight went straight to her hips and thighs.

  Now, the poor thing was about to rip with the mountains of flesh it was trying to contain. Audrey grimaced as she reached around back to unlatch it. The two halves of the band shot apart when the last of the hooks was undone.

  “That’s so much better! I felt like I was being suffocated.”

  I can see why, Jason thought.

  Audrey’s estimation of her new cup size wasn’t an exaggeration. Her once-perky breasts were now round and full, topped with the darkest, largest nipples Jason had ever set his eyes on, both an enticing shade of mocha
. Without the support, they sagged more than usual, but that was to be expected with their size.

  She held them in her hands, squeezing them gently. A moan broke through her lips as her fingers discovered the nipples. They stiffened instantly, becoming more than thick enough to easily grasp.

  Then, she began peeling off her panties.

  She stopped. “Oh, right. Can’t touch those.”

  Regardless that the girl standing across from him bared no resemblance to his girlfriend, Jason still felt his manhood stirring. Audrey’s new body was still attractive, no matter the shade of her skin—or the size of her new breasts. Jason found himself staring at those more than anything else.

  “Don’t be shy,” she told him. “You can hold them.”

  Jason did. They seemed twice as large with his fingers on them. Before, he could easily cover her breasts with his palms and fingers outstretched. Now, there was just no possible way.

  Meanwhile, Audrey pushed a hand between his legs, caressing his maleness. It was mostly hard already, but her touch sent it to full erection. He continued to play with her new nipples as she reached underneath his pants and fondled him. Her slender fingers were quick to wrap around the shaft and squeeze.

  “Oh!” she moaned. “I think this body is more sensitive than my usual one.”

  Jason tested the theory by bringing a nipple to his mouth and sucking. That got her squealing! It was hard already, but enough coaxing with his tongue got it to the size of a thimble, large enough to pinch his lips around.

  Before long, they were on the bed. Audrey had removed every piece of clothing except for the panties, and Jason’s pants were crumpled down on the floor, along with his underwear. She continued to work her hand around the shaft of his cock while he reached between her legs. The panties had to stay in place for her to remain as she was, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t receive any pleasure. Jason rubbed her female mound through the soft, silky material, tracing his fingers along her increasingly-damp outer lips, and finding the hard little nub that was her clit.


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