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A Gender Swap Mega Bundle 6

Page 71

by Gregor Daniels

  “Yeah, but that’d be because I wasn’t confident. It’s all about the confidence. If you don’t believe in yourself, then it just won’t work! Remember me rotating in the air? Well, you can’t do that without—”

  Kaylee went on, but Ashley barely listened to her. During her long monologues about controlling her power, she sounded more like a duck quacking, spewing out nonsense. It irritated the ears.

  With the boastful words filling the room and no one to hear them, Ashley focused on the beverage table. She couldn’t lift anything heavy with her witch powers—certainly not a carafe or even a mug full of coffee. But, Ashley wasn’t completely untrained in the delicate art of telekinesis. With Kaylee rambling on about the processes of controlling powers, a mind over matter struggle, several packets of salt zoomed across the room, stopping just above the fresh mug of coffee. One by one, they each ripped open, spilling their contents into the hot, dark liquid.

  Ashley counted eight of them before Kaylee finally turned around, finishing her short speech. The others in the air shot back to the table.

  “Well, don’t you agree?”

  Ashley grinned. “Yeah, sure. Being a witch takes lots and lots of practice.”

  Kaylee snapped her fingers. “Yep. And that’s the only way you’re catching up to me.” She reached for the coffee mug and turned the edge toward her lips.

  Not even a full second passed before the girl realized something to be wrong. With a burst of giggles breaking through Ashley’s tight lips, Kaylee fell right to the ground, so shocked by the foul taste of the coffee that the concentration to remain levitating had been lost. Simultaneously, the commands on the computer screen stopped, the cursor blinking at the end of the latest entered mathematical equation, waiting for more inputs.

  “Oh, gross!” she shrieked, before turning her eyes on Ashley. “You did that!”

  Ashley suppressed her fit of laughter. “Hey! Witchcraft isn’t everything. You didn’t even see me—”

  Suddenly, Ashley could say nothing else. Kaylee’s powers were in full effect again. She could tell by the way the girl’s eyes shrunk under her brow, and how her cheeks went rigid, squeezing her mouth into a tiny line. At the same exact time, Ashley felt something around her hips, like hundreds of tiny caterpillar legs scuttling across her skin. The odd sensation made her rigid in the chair, locking her spine in a twisted arc that made her abdomen stick out.

  “Yeah, let’s see how you like it,” Kaylee said.

  “Hey!” Ashley shouted, finding her voice again. “You know the agreement … about no … revenge.”

  It felt like her clothes were crawling—particularly her underwear. Ashley pushed herself up in the seat as the fabric went diving between her butt cheeks, squeezing hard against her privates. Elsewhere, it continued to shrink, pulling tight against her waist and cutting off circulation, threatening to rip at any moment. Yet, it never did.

  Before long, Ashley had a wedgie in the back, and in the front. The bottom of the panties had become nothing more than a thin strip, separating the outer lips of her womanhood and digging in deep into her ass.

  “Hey, that’s … that’s enough!”

  Surprisingly, Kaylee stopped.

  “Wait. That’s not a bad idea,” she said, jerking back to her desk and jotting something down—with her fingers grabbing an actual pencil. “I hate always shopping for clothes and getting the size just right. It might take hours! And doing all that online is impossible. And what if you gain weight? Your entire wardrobe is ruined!”

  Ashley breathed a sigh of relief, though the elastic vise around her groin hadn’t ceased.

  “An app to change the style and size of clothes,” she finished. “It’ll be a huge hit!”

  “Yeah, wonderful. Maybe we can start on that after the other apps leave the beta phase. Now, can you get rid of this damn micro thong I have on?”

  Kaylee smiled. “As long as you promise not to sabotage my coffee, because that’s also revenge.”

  “Yeah, sure. I was just testing your attention,” Ashley explained.


  Ashley relaxed as her underwear enlarged again, stretching to fit around her hips and privates without the tiniest bit of constriction.

  However, it remained as a thong.

  Tina yanked a tissue to her face, sniffling. “He’s such a huge asshole!”

  “Yeah, but a really handsome asshole,” said Naomi. “He was too much hunk for you.”

  Tina cried harder. “No, don’t say that! It was good. It was all good, and then … then … fuck.”

  Naomi comforted her friend, bringing a finger across her bare upper arm, but it did no good. Tina was really upset, and understandably so. The tears had been flowing for six to eight minutes, something like that. Naomi showed her a little more affection by kissing her shoulder, but Tina continued to bawl.

  “He’s such a prick! I can’t believe him!” She blew her nose. “We were great and everything … and … and it was so perfect. He was committed at the start. Oh, I can’t believe it!”

  “Should’ve made him wear a condom,” Naomi suggested. “You know how it is, one splat might lead to a little brat.”

  “No … no, I wanted a child. He said he wanted one, too! It was going to work.”

  An abortion was an option. Naomi thought about mentioning it, but at a later time perhaps. Tina was emotional in her current state—probably from all those hormones. Pregnancy did all sorts of strange things to a woman’s body, including amping up the sex drive and making the boobs grow. Naomi didn’t think those two things were all that bad. Though, if her sex drive kicked into another gear, she’d be downright insatiable.

  It wasn’t really noticeable. Tina had showed her the belly numerous times, even letting her touch it. There was a subtle curve to her belly, but nothing that couldn’t be hidden under a set of clothes. The firmness of it was the most intriguing of all. It wasn’t flabby like a fat gut, but it wasn’t totally rigid like muscle. Naomi could poke her finger into it and watch it spring back to its normal shape. It was kind of addicting.

  Tina had told her to stop for fear of injuring the baby. But, the baby wasn’t that big yet, right? It was like the size of a mouse, or something.

  “Oh, men,” Tina said, the topic changing now to encompass the entirety of the opposite sex. “I hate them so much!”

  “Well, they do have dicks,” said Naomi. “They have that going for them.”

  The rage built. “All they want to do is fuck! That’s it. Fuck it and leave it. They don’t see any consequences! I just have a hole between my legs, but oh I better not be wanting a kid unless he does too. And even if they say they do, it might be a total lie!”

  “But some do fuck you really good.”

  In a flash of anger, Tina threw a pillow across the room. It thwacked the wall and fell to the floor. Then, realizing that she now had no pillow to rest her head on, she rubbed her eyes and slammed her head back to the mattress, wiping the lingering tears away.

  Naomi combed Tina’s dark hair with her fingers. “Hey now, it isn’t so bad. We still have each other.”

  “Yeah, whatever,” Tina sighed.

  “Remember? We don’t need guys.”

  Not one to waste even the tiniest of opportunities, Naomi pushed a hand between the girl’s legs. The two of them had been close for several years, way back to college. Naomi’s taste for girls had come with puberty, but Tina was still a relative amateur to same-sex intimacy. As of late, they were both admittedly bisexual, though Tina had wanted to settle down with a man and have a family.

  Yeah, that worked out real well.

  “Now’s not the time,” Tina said softly, her lips and chin wet.

  “I’m just trying to comfort you,” Naomi said. “And I really know only one way to make you feel better.”

  As to be expected, Tina wasn’t the least bit wet down there, but Naomi was willing to improvise. She returned the fingers to her lips, sucked on them all the way down to
the knuckles, and then pushed them between the girl’s legs again. Her thumb stopped on the girl’s clit, while the others went lower, penetrating her entrance. She pushed all four of them in, the outer lips spreading around the lubricated digits.

  Naomi watched her friend’s face. “Yeah?”

  Tina said nothing.

  Right then, with Tina’s snatch lunching on a foursome of slender fingers, Naomi heard a buzzing sound. Across the room, she saw her friend’s phone on the floor, the face down. In the violent aftermath of learning about her boyfriend leaving, that too had gotten thrown across the room.

  “Text message?” Naomi asked.

  Tina raised her head a little, removing the hands from her face. “Don’t bother. It’s probably Captain Asshole himself.”

  “Maybe he’s apologizing.”

  Tina snorted. “Yeah, in a million years from now. I’m through with him.”

  The phone buzzed again.

  “Well, I’m going to see who it is,” Naomi said.

  “Hey, wait—”

  Too late. Naomi bounced off the bed and ran for the phone, right as it buzzed a third time. She grabbed it, turned it over, and stared at the screen, expecting a notification about a message from Brock himself saying how sorry he was—just so he could fuck Tina again. Naomi knew how all those men thought.

  Instead, it wasn’t a text message at all. On the screen was a small window explaining that the Preg App had been installed, and that Tina was a selected recipient of the trial version. Naomi pressed the OK button, causing the app to open.

  Tina rolled to her side. “What did he say?”

  “It’s not Brock. It’s some kinda spam, or something.”

  “What?” Tina was fully attentive now, her eyes open.

  “Well, it said that the Preg App was installed, whatever that thing is.”

  “Oh, yeah. I think I bought it whenever Brock was over, before he broke up with me. Just delete it or whatever. It was only ninety-nine cents.”

  Deleting an app was far beyond Naomi’s capabilities with modern technology. Her own phone was proof of this. When she had clogged up all the memory, leaving only a few kilobytes free, she had to go get it all erased by some tech-savvy computer wiz. What she hadn’t expected was for him to find the hundreds of nude photos in her phone’s memory. That was her private collection! Red-faced and fuming, Naomi had stormed out of the store, regretting ever leaving her house in the first place.

  But, she did look pretty good in most of those photos. That was the important thing.

  Naomi’s first reaction to the Preg App was that it didn’t seem like much at all. Most of the options were grayed out, leaving only one available at the very top—TAKE PHOTO.

  At the bottom was some basic copyright information: © 2015 WITCHSOFT CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

  “This seems like a waste. It takes photos? Don’t all phones do that anyway?”

  Tina eyed her. “You still messing with that app? Apparently, you can take photos with it, and it’ll predict how big you’ll get, or something. I didn’t read much on it. That was about the time Brock decided he wanted no part in this relationship anymore. Fucking asswipe.”

  Naomi was kind of excited to see how big Tina would get. Pregnancy itself was pretty fascinating, though she could do without the kid popping out in the end. Some girls got really huge in the belly at the ninth month, especially if they were carrying twins or triplets, or even more. Naomi had heard about one woman delivering eight at once. She couldn’t even begin to imagine that!

  With her thumb hovering over the screen, Naomi pressed TAKE PHOTO. Instantly, the app minimized, launching the camera feature of the phone. Apparently the two were connected in some way. She turned it sideways, finding Tina in the frame before pressing the shutter button. The phone gave out an audible click, and the new photo was automatically cropped and placed in the top-right corner of the Preg App’s main screen.

  Now, all sorts of new options were available, along with statistics about Tina’s weight and waist size just underneath the profile picture.

  WEIGHT: 119 LBS. WAIST: 29.1 IN.

  “Neato,” Naomi remarked. She didn’t know if the measurements were accurate or not, but they sure seemed so. And all that from a single photo! Tina’s entire body wasn’t even in the frame. “Phones are so advanced now that I think they work from magic.”

  “Why do you say that?” Tina asked.

  Naomi came back to the bed and showed her the phone’s screen. “It got all that information from the picture. Oh, and it says you’re on the seventh week of pregnancy.”

  Tina propped herself up. “It knew that just from a picture? Are you sure?”

  “Positive! I couldn’t click on anything, and then the information just appeared when I snapped the photo. It happened automatically.”

  “So, it just gives out my measurements? That’s not all that special. I was hoping for more.”

  “Well, let’s see,” Naomi said, sticking her tongue out of the corner of her mouth. It was a sign of heavy concentration.

  There weren’t many options, but the few listed seemed obvious for what their purpose was. WEEK OF PREGNANCY was near the top. Under that was RATE OF PREGNANCY, which was currently set to “1x.” Other options included NUMBER OF BABIES, SUBJECT AWARENESS, and WORLD AWARENESS. Naomi ignored the bottom two for now, for she had no idea what those meant.

  Wanting to test just what the app could do, Naomi focused on WEEK OF PREGNANCY. As she had explained to Tina just a minute ago, it was currently set to 7. One click resulted in a drop-down menu, showing a list of numbers all the way from 1 to 40. Doing some quick math in her head, Naomi figured that forty weeks must’ve been in the neighborhood of nine months long—or, in other words, a full-length pregnancy.

  She clicked it.

  “Hey, did you mess with something?” Tina asked.

  “Just playing with some of the settings,” Naomi said. “I want to see it say how big you’re going to get.”

  “At nine months?”

  “Well, it’s in weeks, but forty weeks, yeah. It hasn’t done anything yet. Are you sure this thing works? All the stats are still the same as before.”


  Naomi glanced up. Tina had been lying in bed for the better part of an hour, with a whole mess of used tissues circling her body. She had been preparing to go out before the text from Brock came in, interrupting her from the routine. She was dressed in only a t-shirt and panties. The jeans to be worn were neatly folded on the back of a chair nearby.

  Oddly, the t-shirt seemed tighter than before, especially around her midsection. Naomi couldn’t say why exactly her eyes went there. The constrictive appearance could’ve been due to any number of reasons. On top of that, Tina was an attractive woman, and Naomi wasn’t shy about sneaking in a few glances of her friend in some cute panties.

  Then, Tina clutched her abdomen. “Wait … something’s wrong. Naomi, what’s happening?”

  “Me?” Naomi was taken aback. “What are you looking at me for? I’m just playing with the stupid app.”

  Tina gritted her teeth. “I’m getting bigger! I can feel it.”

  Naomi was about to laugh her off, but her abdomen did look a little bigger, more swollen, more distended from the rest of her body. Then, she figured that maybe Tina was just playing a joke, twisting her body in such a way to make her belly look more prominent, but that wasn’t the case. Her friend was perfectly still, her attention locked on the growing mound just under the bottom of her shirt, pushing upward as her jaw steadily dropped.


  “Yeah, I see it. Oh, that’s so cool.”

  “No! Definitely not cool!”

  Tina’s pregnancy was no longer barely noticeable. Within a few seconds, the girl looked like she was about to pop at any moment! Naomi followed the curve of the massive belly with her eyes, looking for some fault in the illusion. It all looked entirely real, and Tina was acting like it was. She had scooted b
ack toward the headboard, sitting more upright. Her legs were spread too, and the shirt no longer covered as much of her abdomen. In fact, Tina appeared to be having some discomfort with the garment, until she was able to pull it up over the gargantuan swell, exposing all of her belly.

  Naomi’s eyes bulged wide.

  Tina shot her a look. “You made me nine months pregnant!”

  “Me? I … that wasn’t me. I wasn’t anywhere near you,” Naomi said, trying to look her friend in the eyes, but constantly having her gaze pulled back to the humongous mountain of tight flesh sticking out from her once flat tummy. “I didn’t even touch you.”

  “It was that app! You changed something, and it really happened!”

  Naomi giggled. “An app made your belly grow? Please. Now that’s crazy talk.”

  Tina poked her pregnant belly. “Does this look fake to you?”

  No, it didn’t. It looked real, and that’s what fascinated Naomi the most, even though she tried to hide it. It wasn’t a coincidence; the changes had happened right after she had adjusted the settings in the Preg App, setting the WEEK OF PREGNANCY up to 40. And, as a result, Tina’s belly was no longer just a subtle curve. She was carrying a beachball!

  Naomi glanced at the statistics under Tina’s profile photo.

  WEIGHT: 151 LBS. WAIST: 42.6 IN.

  “Damn,” Naomi muttered. “Girl, you gained some weight.”

  “Yeah, you think?” Tina pointed to her belly. “You needed an app to tell you that?” Then, she grabbed her large belly, wincing as if in slight pain. “Oh, I think it just kicked. And it’s, like, right on my bladder.”

  “The baby?”

  “Yeah, the baby. I can feel it moving around.”

  Naomi was entranced by the scene now more than ever. It was wild to think that the app had accelerated her friend’s pregnancy to the end of the third trimester, and the baby inside her belly had grown, too! Curious, she stepped to the bed and eased herself down next to Tina, her eyes focusing on the massive swell that seemed to dominate her friend’s torso. Naomi knew women got huge in their final month, but it really stuck out there!


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