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A Gender Swap Mega Bundle 6

Page 91

by Gregor Daniels

  Listening to the soft slurping sounds of her mouth around his member, Carter turned his head. He hadn’t seen the empty beer cans scattered all over the floor until now. They sure explained the dizziness and the slight headache. There must’ve been a dozen of them. But whether they were all his or if Jada had partaken or not, he wasn’t sure. Carter knew he drank a lot. It was the same ritual every week. Once classes were over—assuming he didn’t skip any of them—he went out partying on the weekends, scoped out the scenes for some cute freshman girls, and brought one back to the apartment to fuck. Honesty, he was more reliable at bringing a girl back and having sex with her than participating in homework.

  His head was beginning to hurt. No doubt the soon-to-be headache was a part of this morning’s hangover.

  Jada had taken half of his cock into her mouth now, sealing her lips around it. He could hear her sucking the air out of her mouth, swallowing the saliva, causing her throat to bulge briefly. Jada wasn’t a freshman, and she definitely wasn’t new to pleasing guys. Carter wondered how many blowjobs she had given to Jason, but the thought of her lips around his roommate’s cock only distracted him.

  Jason’s cock was probably bigger, too.

  Jada looked up at him with her deep brown eyes and those plump pink lips enclosed around the head of his cock. She was sprawled out in such a way that Carter could still see that beautiful backside of hers, and the thin strip of pink disappearing deep into the crack. He recalled the scent of her, and the taste of her pussy and ass. Faint images came to mind of him ramming his cock into that same hole, and then there were noises—voices that sounded very much like cries of pleasure. Maybe he had fucked her. Maybe he had taken her from behind and leaned up against her round posterior as his cock went deep into her asshole. He just wished he could remember it clearly.

  When Jada began to stroke the bottom half of his cock and squeeze his nuts, Carter knew he was close. Him trying to imagine the wild fucking from last night had quickly brought him to the edge. He warned her as the top two-thirds of his erect manhood went deep into her mouth and back towards her throat, but she paid him no mind. With a forceful release that nearly caused him to lunge right up off the mattress, Carter’s cock unleashed its thick, gooey load right into the back of her mouth. She held her mouth there, sucking it all up, looking him right in the eye. Several more spurts shot out until the orgasm subsided, leaving him breathless and completely sweat-covered. His head fell back to the pillow.

  Jada pulled back and wiped her lips. There wasn’t a drop left. “Thanks Carter. I still have some time to hop into the shower before my friend shows up. Maybe we can do this again?”

  “Yeah, maybe,” he mumbled, still panting after the climax.

  He felt the bed bounce and looked across the room to see Jada grabbing her clothes. She squeezed herself into some skintight jeans—showing him her ass the whole time. It had to be intentional. There didn’t seem to be any way to get them on once she had pulled them up to the fullest apex of her round bottom, but she jumped and yanked and performed maneuvers not unlike some dancer during the amateur’s night at the local strip club. Finally she was able to snap them over her hips. She threw her shirt on and disappeared from the room. Carter heard the front door opening and closing a moment later.

  Goddamn, he thought to himself, reliving the blowjob in his head and what had to be fragments of the fuck-festival the night before. Jada’s ass was one to die for. Guys always talked about that, but it was true with her. He’d jump in front of moving traffic if there was even a slim hope to stick his dick into that tight little hole again and ride her like Eddie Dean on White Cloud. His dad had always watched those old westerns.

  Carter just hoped the little affair would remain a secret. The last thing he wanted was Jason confronting him. If it came down to that, he hoped his health insurance would cover brain bashings.

  Ten minutes later, Carter forced himself to his feet. It was lunchtime, and he was absolutely famished. On his way to grabbing some old clothes, he took a can of air freshener and gave the room a few sprays just to be safe. He had been around women long enough to know that each one had a certain detectable scent—a combination of perfumes and natural body odor and whatever the hell else they put on their bodies. He didn’t want Jason following the trail back to his bedroom. The less evidence of this morning’s encounter the better. He threw on a t-shirt and swapped his underwear for some boxers.

  There was a knock on the front door.

  Carter ignored it and made a beeline for the kitchen to shut up those hunger groans in his belly, but the knocks persisted. Finally, after tossing a frozen meal into the microwave he went for the front door. There was a woman outside.

  “Yeah?” he asked, leaning his shoulder against the doorjamb. She wasn’t bad-looking. She was a little shorter than him and skinnier than Jada, but definitely older. Right away he assumed she wasn’t a college student.

  “Carter, we need to have a little chat about last night,” she said.

  His heart skipped a beat. “What? What happened last night? I’ve never seen you before.” Unless she frequented the frat parties, he thought to himself.

  She pointed back to the curb. “You see my car? It’s the red Honda right there.”

  Carter shrugged. “Sure. Why? Is there a problem with it? I’m not too—”

  “You slammed into it last night. It was all the way up on the driveway. That’s an impressive feat, Carter. I can only imagine how much you had to drink.”

  He glanced at the car. The rear fender just behind the tire was caved in, and the bumper was pushed in towards the frame. But clearly she was mistaken! Carter would’ve remembered something like that—though all of last night was still a bit foggy. He didn’t even remember bringing Jada into his bedroom for instance. But still, a car crash was a pretty big deal!

  “You got the wrong guy,” he said, shutting the door in her face. She pushed it back towards him.

  “Definitely not. It was you, Carter. I have video evidence of the accident. You can’t disprove that.”


  She pulled out her phone and brought up a video. It was a dark neighborhood street. It was astonishingly clear too. Usually nighttime videos taken with phones were all fuzzy and such, but he could clearly make out the trees and all the cars. One such car with its headlights on was swerving left and right down the road. It looked like a madman was behind the wheel, aiming for every parked car and missing them by only inches.

  Carter swallowed hard as the car suddenly veered left and jumped a curb, crashing into a red Honda. The camera honest-to-God zoomed in on the crash scene, showing the two occupants inside. He couldn’t believe it. The guy in the driver’s seat looked a hell of a lot like him, and the girl on the other side must’ve been Jada.

  With a car alarm blaring throughout the neighborhood, the car reversed back to the road, skidded to a stop, and peeled out as it accelerated down the street. The camera turned and tracked it until it was out of sight.

  The woman put her phone away.

  “That doesn’t prove anything,” Carter said. “Wasn’t me. Guy behind the wheel looked nothing like me.” He raised his chin. “I’m appalled by this accusation. I’m a good driver, lady.”

  “When not under the influence of alcohol, I am inclined to agree. But last night it was you who slammed into my car.”

  He shook his head. “Wasn’t me.”

  “Have you even looked at your car lately?”

  Oh shit. Carter peered out from the doorway, looking towards the driveway. His car was there all right, only it was parked at a forty-five degree angle with the front tires in the grass. And there on the front—near the passenger-side headlight—was a bit of damage, including a bent front bumper and a buckled hood. There was even a spot of red paint on the bodywork.

  He glanced at the woman’s Honda again. It was the same shade! Quickly he blurted the first thing that came to mind.

  “A fire hydrant.”

  The woman raised an eyebrow. “What?”

  “A fire hydrant,” he repeated, sticking with it. “I ran into one. I mean, if you really must know where I got that damage from, lady. I was going for a parking spot and there it was. They keep putting those fuckers closer and closer to the road.”

  She took a step forward.

  “You can continue to lie if you want,” she said, staring him down. “I’m not upset about that, or the car. Those your age often make foolish mistakes. However, I will not tolerate the drinking.”

  “What are you, my mother?”

  She continued. “Drinking and driving only puts innocent people at risk, along with yourself. I detest your juvenile actions, and you are lucky that I don’t give the proper authorities this video. It astounds me that you continued to deny it even after your license plate was in full view of the camera.”

  Carter shrugged. “Videos can be faked these days.”

  “Carter, I bet that you will cease drinking alcohol from this moment forward. I don’t want to see another beer bottle in your hands, or smell it on your breath. The only thing you hurt last night was sheet metal, but that may not be the case in the future.”

  “A bet?” He chuckled. “Are you throwing in money if I do as you say?”

  “Not money,” she said.

  He rolled his eyes. “Okay. And what if I lose that bet?”

  “There will be consequences.”

  He had to hold back a laugh. “Yeah, lady. Sure, I’ll keep that in mind. I guess I’ll be polite and refuse while every other dude on campus drinks.”

  “No more from here on out.”

  “Yep, no more.”

  Carter shut the door in her face. This time she didn’t try to stop him.

  He had fabricated everything, of course. The car in the video was obviously his, and the guy in the driver’s seat was him too. The camera showed it all clearly. In fact, gazing into that deep fog that clouded everything from the night before left him feeling a sudden jolt, like the impact from a mild car accident. His body had lunged forward, and the seatbelt had dug into his chest. He remembered feeling relieved that the airbag hadn’t deployed into his face. It allowed him to drive away from the scene and hope that no one would know what happened.

  The microwave beeped. Carter had nearly forgotten that the woman had interrupted him from preparing food. His stomach suddenly growled as if to remind him of how empty it was. Hopefully that was the first and last time he’d ever see that woman. She hadn’t said what her name was.

  It’s probably some stupid name, he thought to himself, reaching for the refrigerator to grab a beer. Take that, lady.

  Carter had to have her. He had known it since laying his eyes on her at the party. Dani was one of those freshman girls, shy about the college lifestyle and going out on her own for the first time, easy to manipulate, a sexy piece of ass who didn’t realize that most of the guys at the party had wanted to fuck her. Carter was lucky he had been the first to make a move.

  They stumbled into his bedroom as he fumbled for the light. They had been kissing since exiting the car. He felt her up, holding her tight to find the curve of her small waist and the swell of her womanly ass. It reminded him of Jada’s. Carter had been hoping to fuck that girl again, but she wasn’t responding to his text messages. In any case, Dani would have to do for now.

  “Careful,” she said as they nearly tripped over each other’s feet. “I don’t want you falling on me.”

  “Hey, if I fall on you and my dick happens to slide in, it’s not my fault,” he said, grinning.

  Once again Carter was wasted. Friday night or Saturday night or Sunday night—it made no difference. Hell, he’d go after the booze during the week too if there were no important classes on the following day. He stared into the girl’s green eyes and fell into a stupor, just admiring, not even making a move. He wasn’t even aware that she had started taking her clothes off until the shirt went to the floor.

  He glanced down and said the first thing that came to his mind. “Those boobies are nice.”


  “I really like boobies.”

  Of course that wasn’t the entire truth. Boobs were great, but what Carter really loved was ass. He couldn’t just tell her that though. It was a deep secret, and every time she looked at him he felt her eyes searching through his mind to find it, so he had to lead her astray with other compliments, saying how beautiful her hair was, or how smooth her skin felt. He even called her fingernails “splendid.”

  “Oh enough of my nails, Carter. When are we going to fuck?” She pressed herself up against him. “We are going to fuck, aren’t we?”

  “Sure!” he confessed, following it with a hiccup.

  Suddenly, Carter felt timid. He had fucked dozens of girls and seen plenty of amazing asses to frame them all in a mansion and have no room to spare. Yet, he was nervous again. It was like when he was younger and every Christmas morning he’d rush into the living room to see what Santa had left for him. You see, unveiling a woman’s ass was like opening a present, never knowing what you were going to get. You could only infer so much from shaking it around and running your fingers across it, and sometimes a guess didn’t turn out to be accurate.

  He was that kid again, and Dani’s ass was a present delivered on Santa Claus’s overnight express sleigh. The yoga pants weren’t enough to keep his fingers at bay. He peeled the fabric off, exposing inch after inch of creamy ass-flesh. It seemed to spring out, as if the girl’s ass had been tightly packed into her clothes. Once the waistband was down around her thighs, he pulled her in close, squeezing his hands into her round ass, pushing his fingers deep into her dark, warm crack.

  She lunged forward as one such finger found her asshole.

  “Whoa, back there? I’ve never had a guy go back there first.”

  Carter barely heard her. He was a cocaine addict preparing to snort another line. He held her firm and brought her to her tippy toes, kissing her pink nipples. She moaned a bit, but it was her ass that he wanted the most. He spun her around and pushed her over on the bed. She was bent over in that perfect position, her rump sticking high in the air, unguarded and ready for the taking. He knelt down immediately and pressed his face to it, forcing his tongue in deep. She squirmed as it circled around her butthole.

  “Oh, hey! That tickles a little.”

  He grabbed her hips and pulled her back until he was suffocating himself with her marvelous ass. He pried her open with his nose, wiggling himself in deep until each cheek pressed against his face. Then, once he had satisfied himself with her fantastic scent, he hooked a finger inside her anus and pushed it in deep. She squirmed some more, but she didn’t say anything against it. Farther down she was already wet, and Carter pressed his mouth against her lower lips, catching the bit of juice on his tongue before bringing it across her swelling clit. Her knees trembled.

  “Oh, oh! That feels wonderful! Oh yeah my pussy needs that!”

  The drunken haze made hand-eye coordination a real struggle, but Carter persisted until he got her moaning good and consistent. It took some time for her asshole to open up, but eventually he was able to stick a second finger inside her. At the same time he went on munching on her little slit, lapping up the juice and occasionally penetrating her moist entrance with his tongue. She wasn’t shaved like Jada; rather she had a full bush of hair down there, but Carter didn’t mind. The hair itself was soft and pleasant to run his fingers through.

  “Oh my God. Carter, to tell you the truth, I … oh! … I play with my ass a lot. I really like it when a guy fingers my ass! Please keep doing that!”

  It was a dream come true—a girl who liked anal right off the bat. Those were a rare breed. Most of the freshman girls had to be convinced that a finger in their butthole actually felt good. Of course, Carter was happy to show them. There was nothing like having a finger or two inside a girl’s tight asshole and feeling it clench. It got him harder than diamond. Two was the most he could us
ually manage, maybe three if the girl was more than willing and able to relax herself. Two years ago he had fucked a girl who loved having her asshole fisted. That had been a fun time.

  He buried his face into Dani’s cunt, until all he could see were pink folds and glistening wetness. Juice dribbled out to his outstretched tongue. Then, he pulled back and licked his lips clean, savoring the flavor of her prolific honeypot and thrusting a pair of fingers into her sopping hole—two in the pink and two in the stink. He fingered her for another minute, starting off slow and rapidly increasing the pace until she was damn near screaming.

  “Oh fuck! That’s it! My pussy feels so good! Oh Carter!”

  When her knees gave out, he pounced on top of her, pressing his pelvis into her plump backside and digging his fingers into her back. The bulge in his underwear pushed into her ass, and he felt it enlarging more as she looked back at him, staring with those amazing green eyes. He breathed in, inhaling her abundant, sweet scent. He had died and gone to heaven.

  Suddenly, Carter remembered that woman who had knocked on his door, the one whose car he had ran into last night. He didn’t know what had triggered the flashback. He pictured her right there in the room with him, taking one long look at him fucking this freshman girl and smelling the alcohol breath that hung around his face like a thick cloud. She wouldn’t be too pleased with that. Fuck her, he thought, forcing her out of his thoughts. That woman was the least of his worries right now.

  He fumbled with his underwear, the fingers struggling clumsily with the waistband. He couldn’t wait anymore. Dani was presenting to him, sticking her ass in the air, winking with her glistening asshole. He couldn’t even bear to look at her pussy. The dark hole between her ass cheeks was like a target, and Carter’s cock was the arrow aiming for the bull's-eye. He gathered a bit of sweet-smelling moisture from her womanhood and rubbed it along his cock—as well as some spit—and clutched her hips. She was tight like all the others, never having been properly fucked in the ass. Carter pressed forward until he completely filled her, with her ass touching his lower abdomen.


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