Change of Heart

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Change of Heart Page 8

by Tina Marie Noel

  He watched the way Elizabeth conversed and laughed easily with the other man and an uncontrollable wave of jealousy consumed him. How could he be so jealous just because the woman he loved smiled at another man?

  When the dance was over, Elizabeth made her way over to Darcy sensing something was upsetting him. “Mr. Darcy, are you enjoying the ball?”

  “No, I am certainly not enjoying myself at the present time.” His reply was moody and sullen, “What was Robert Lucas saying to you that you found so humorous?” His anger flared instantly.

  “I cannot remember. Is it important?” She searched his eyes for a reason to his sudden burst of anger, “Why do you ask?”

  “I do not like it.” He whispered furiously in her ear, “You are supposed to be mine so why are you behaving in that manner with another man?”

  He regretted the words the instance they tumbled from his lips. He hated to see the hurt permeate Elizabeth’s eyes and to know he was the cause. She excused herself politely and exited the room.

  When Elizabeth had not returned within a few minutes, Darcy followed her in an attempt to apologize. He knew where to look and was not surprised when he found her in the library.

  “Are you hiding from me again?” He asked with a smirk.


  “I am sorry. I should not have said what I did. I have no excuse for my behaviour, except my irrational fear of losing you.” He moved within inches of her and tilted her face up to look at him. “You did not deserve my irrational jealousy.”

  “Mr. Darcy,” Elizabeth eyes locked onto his, “Why did you say it?”

  “I just told you…”

  Elizabeth interrupted, “No, not tonight but at the Meryton assembly, you said, ‘She is tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me.’”

  His heart plummeted when he realized the source of her question. He was horrified she had heard everything he had said to Bingley that night.

  “I am sorry. I was in a foul mood that night.” He admitted sheepishly, “You have since seen me in social situations with new people. I despise being in those situations. I would have said anything about anyone to stop Bingley from bothering me that night.” She waited for more, “I barely glanced in the direction where he pointed and most certainly did not really see you as a real person. When I did look at you, I regretted the words I had spoken more than anything you could imagine.”

  “I accept your apology.”

  “Thank you,” He pulled her into a close embrace, “You are incredibly beautiful tonight.” He bent to kiss her and sought her lips with his. He tasted her while he deepened the kiss with a sigh. Her body moved against his as she responded and tasted the maleness of him.

  When he released her lips, she kissed the base of his neck and ran her hands up his back as she pulled him tight against her.

  With a moan, he lifted her into his arms and kissed her while he moved toward the settee. He laid her down and pressed his body into hers. She made little noises of pleasure as he feathered kisses down her throat to the V of her breasts. Her body shuddered with excitement.

  “Fitzwilliam.” Her voice was shaky as the words left her mouth. “We have to stop now. If someone were to find us in this manner...”

  He tried to calm his breathing as he stood and pulled her to him. “You are correct. Nonetheless, I cannot help feeling it should not matter if someone were to find us.”

  “You know our situation is not that simple.” She ran her fingers down the side of his face, “It is not that I do not feel the same way.” She sighed with a shake of her head. “However, we are talking about my reputation. I know you would not be happy if someone were to catch your sister in this kind of compromising position.”

  “You are right of course.” His disappointment was obvious to Elizabeth.


  “I love the way you say my name.” He growled in her ear.

  “You do not have to be jealous of anyone because,” She looked into his eyes as her emotions bubbled to the surface, “I love you.”

  With a cry of joy, he picked her up, swung her around and kissed her. “I want to call on Longbourn tomorrow and speak to your father about making our courtship official.”

  “I agree without reservation.”

  “Does that mean I may have another dance?” He asked with a wide grin.

  “That’s means you may even have two more dances.” She looked up into his laughing eyes and met his joy with her own. “My mother will be excited and do not forget I warned you about her reaction.”

  Darcy and Elizabeth made their way back to ballroom unnoticed. When Mr. Darcy claimed Elizabeth Bennet for the supper dance everyone was gossiping about the unusual pairing.

  The people of Hertfordshire were quite shocked at the difference in the manners of the proud and disagreeable Mr. Darcy. He was charming, smiled and even spoke cordially to everyone. He talked a great deal about his home in Derbyshire and of his sister. They also realized he could not take his eyes off Elizabeth Bennet, which showed his exceptional taste in women. Suddenly Mr. Darcy was everything an amiable gentleman should be, and they accepted him into their midst.

  The only person who did not see the change in the great man was Mrs. Bennet. She was entirely focused on her elder daughter Jane and Mr. Bingley. She never even noticed her other daughter had caught the eye of Mr. Darcy.

  Chapter 10

  Elizabeth had a dreadful morning and needed this walk to relieve her stress. First, that obnoxious boor Mr. Collins had asked for her hand in marriage, which she had naturally refused. Afterwards, Jane had received a letter from Caroline Bingley saying the Netherfield party was leaving the county. Miss Bingley’s note indicated none of them would be returning. She stated that Mr. Darcy was eager to see his sister. Miss Bingley and her brother were no less enthusiastic to see Miss Darcy again as plans to unite the two families were about to come true.

  Mrs Bennet had been in a rage due to Elizabeth’s refusal of Mr. Collins. However, that was nothing compared to the horrified expression on her mother’s face when she learned Mr. Bingley would not be returning to Netherfield. The gentleman’s departure spoiled all of Mrs. Bennet’s plans for Jane and would have amused Elizabeth if not for the pain the news caused Jane.

  In the early afternoon, when Mrs. Bennet had taken to bed complaining of nerves, Elizabeth slipped out of the house unnoticed.

  Elizabeth could not believe Darcy would leave suddenly without even telling her. Last night their communication with each had been a beacon for the future. In fact, the more she thought about Darcy’s departure, the more she realized he would not have left her without a good reason. She began to worry that something may have happened to Georgiana.

  She was deep in thought and did not see the man approaching on horseback until he called her name. “Elizabeth.”

  “Fitzwilliam,” She breathed his name in shock, “I thought you had gone back to town, Jane received a letter from Miss Bingley.”

  “Miss Bingley and the Hursts left for town this morning that is true.” There was a smile on Darcy’s face as though he were hiding a delightful secret.

  “I do not understand, the letter wrote you were all following Mr. Bingley back to town.” She tried to read the answer in his eyes but was unsuccessful.

  “It is all quite simple.” Darcy explained, “Last night after the ball and our obvious preference for each other’s company, Miss Bingley was in a rage. She was vociferous in her complaints about your family, your low connections, Miss Bennet and especially you.”

  “She never has anything nice to say about me but am I to understand this was worse than usual?”

  “Yes, I suppose she realized without a doubt the depth of my affection for you. Miss Bingley has come to the conclusion that with you in the picture she will never be Mistress of Pemberley.” Darcy shook his head and smiled, “There was never any chance that I would make an offer off marriage to her. However, our spectacle last night galvanized her into ac

  “Please continue,” Elizabeth leaned forward slightly, “I am eager to hear the rest.”

  “After the others went to bed, I had a discussion with Mr. Bingley and we devised a plan.” His eyes twinkled with mischievous glee.

  “Please, do not torture me,” Elizabeth begged, “tell me what happened next.”

  “Charles had to ride into town early this morning. We agreed I would convince Miss Bingley we were quitting Netherfield. I had to make sure she and the Hursts packed up the carriage and left.” He laughed, “I gave them the impression I was going to ride ahead on horseback. However, in keeping with our plan, I doubled back and watched as the carriage left Meryton. When I verified they were gone. I could not wait and came to find you immediately.”

  “What about Mr. Bingley?” Elizabeth was still confused, “Besides, Miss Bingley wrote you were anxious to see Georgiana.”

  “Mr. Bingley will have left town for Meryton before Miss Bingley and the Hursts arrive.” He smiled displaying his dimples at a great advantage, “I am eager to see Georgiana, which is why I sent an express to Colonel Fitzwilliam asking him to bring her to Netherfield at once. I cannot wait for her to meet you.”

  “In one move, you have sent Mr. Bingley’s family away and made Netherfield a far happier place.” Elizabeth chewed on her lip as she thought, “However, Miss Bingley may just return to Meryton once she discovers you have deceived her and have not quit the place?”

  “You will find that is the beauty of the plan.” Darcy was enjoying himself immensely, “In the course of her ranting, Miss Bingley was insistent she had to return to town and remain there for the holidays. Mrs. Hurst agreed they could not possibly remain at Netherfield for the duration.” His smile was huge, “In convincing us to leave Netherfield, they have locked themselves into remaining in London. Miss Bingley and the Hursts cannot return without losing face.”

  “Brilliant.” She slid into his arms, “Your devious nature is why I fell in love with you.”

  Darcy held her to him and kissed her passionately. “Are you ready to return to Longbourn? It is time for us to speak to your mother and father.”

  Elizabeth sighed, “There is something you should know. Mr. Collins proposed to me this morning.”

  “He did what?” Darcy sputtered, “But we… I… How dare he?”

  “Yes,” Elizabeth smiled at his reaction, “His behaviour certainly defies description. There is one other thing which you need to be aware. My mother is extremely angry with me because I refused his proposal.” She shook her head with incredulity, “In an inconceivable turn of events, it appears my mother is the only person in Hertfordshire who did not notice your attentions to me last night.”

  “She did not notice.” Darcy was astounded by the news.

  “She was busy watching Mr. Bingley and Jane last night. She did not notice the spectacle we made of ourselves at the ball.”

  “Who would have suspected your mother would not notice an eligible, wealthy man with a marked interest in her daughter.” The corners of Darcy’s mouth twitched, “Did Mr. Collins actually believe you would marry him?”

  “Yes, and he did not take my refusal seriously.”

  “Well, let us go face them down, together.” He picked up the bridle and led his horse while he walked with Elizabeth to Longbourn.

  The couple walked through the door with her hand in his. The first person they saw upon entering was Mr. Collins whose shock at seeing them together registered on his face. “Mr. Darcy, this is highly improper for you to be taking such liberties with my intended.”

  “Mr. Collins.” Darcy’s voice was hard as granite, “Elizabeth is not your intended. She has refused your offer of marriage, and last night she agreed to a courtship with me.”

  “But, you are engaged to Miss de Bourgh.” Mr. Collins stammered.

  “I am not now, nor have I ever been engaged to my cousin, Anne.” Darcy was forceful in his statement, “I would appreciate it if you would stop spreading rumours about me. You are not to bother my intended, Miss Bennet again, do you understand?”

  Mr. Collins looked like he was going to be sick and excused himself from the room.

  Mrs. Bennet who had overheard the exchange between the two men fussed about Darcy, “Mr. Darcy, you are a dear, wonderful man who never once gave any indication that you were interested in my Lizzy.”

  “Mrs. Bennet, I would like to speak to your husband.”

  “He is in his study. Let me take you to him.”

  When Darcy entered his study Mr. Bennet eyed the younger man speculatively, “After your actions last night, I was expecting you earlier this morning.”

  “I had some business to attend to this morning.”

  Mr. Bennet narrowed his eyes, and Darcy got straight to the point, “I have come to ask for your permission to court your daughter.”

  “Are you attempting to convince me that you have not been courting her before this morning?” Mr. Bennet looked at him with an unrelenting stare.

  “No, it was not my intention to deceive you, sir. Your daughter and I have been meeting in private to ascertain our feelings for one another. Miss Bennet also had concerns of her mother’s reactions if I were to call on her openly.”

  “I am certain it was my Lizzy’s idea not to seek my permission prior to this time.” Mr. Bennet’s eyes saw his answer in Darcy’s demeanour, “I had suspected as much myself. We all know my wife is highly exuberant when it comes to our daughters futures. I am also aware my daughter likes to keep her private affairs to herself.” Mr. Bennet appeared pensive for a moment before he looked at Darcy, “Of course, you have my blessing. Now go and tell Lizzy, I shall be out to tell the family shortly.”

  While Darcy was talking to Mr. Bennet, Elizabeth found Jane and told her Mr. Bingley would be back to Netherfield later that day.

  Jane was astounded when Elizabeth told her about Caroline Bingley’s actions. “I guess I was truly mistaken in her character.”

  “Jane, you always see the best in people.” Elizabeth comforted her, “This is one of your most wonderful qualities.”

  Darcy’s strolled back into the room and walked straight to Elizabeth, “Your father will be out in a moment to tell the family.”

  After Mr. Bennet announced the official courtship of Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy to his family, Mrs. Bennet was all-aflutter.

  “My dear girl, to think you almost married Mr. Collins when Mr. Darcy was in love with you all the time.” It seemed Mrs. Bennet did not even breathe at times, “We have an enormous amount wedding arrangements to make. The wedding will have to take place in June. Oh my, I need to go to Meryton and tell my sister Phillips, Mrs. Long, Mrs. Lucas and everyone in Hertfordshire must be informed.”

  Mrs. Bennet readied herself to go to town and left the couple to their own devices.

  “Would you like to take a walk in the garden?” Elizabeth suggested.

  “Yes, I would do anything to be alone with you for a few minutes.” Darcy breathed a sigh of relief.

  When they were getting into their outerwear for a walk in the garden, Mr. Bennet stopped them. “I advise you to remember, there will be no displays of affection or liberties allowed. I shall be keeping an eye on both of you.”

  “Yes, Mr. Bennet.” Darcy answered Elizabeth’s father with a sigh.

  During their walk, Darcy admitted, “You were correct. There was a definite advantage to having a secret courtship, and we were not under such constant scrutiny.”

  “Yes, there was because right now all I want is for you to kiss me.” Elizabeth blushed and a red colour rose in her cheeks.

  “You do owe me a belly rub.” Darcy looked at her and made her smile. “Do you think you could get away for a walk later today so we can find some privacy?”

  “I will manage it somehow.” Elizabeth agreed quickly.

  Darcy took his leave of Longbourn a little while later. Elizabeth walked him out, and he whispered, “I will meet you at our usual place.” He kissed h
er gloved hand quickly, mounted his horse and rode away.

  When Elizabeth was finally able to slip away for a walk, Darcy was already waiting for her. His eyes lit up when he saw her. She threw herself into his arms.

  The two found one of their secluded locations. Darcy spread out a blanket he brought from Netherfield on the ground for them.

  He helped Elizabeth to sit and took his place beside her. He gazed at her beautiful face and asked, “Can you take your hair down for me?”

  She was surprised by his request but agreed. She pulled the pins from her hair. Her dark curls tumbled down her shoulders as she shook her head.

  He reached out, pulled her to him, buried his face in her hair and breathed in her sweet smell. He laid her back against the blanket, and her hair tumbled around her as he drank in the beautiful sight. He had fantasized a moment like this for so long that he could not believe she was actually here with him in this very intimate situation.

  She reached up, pulled him down to her and with deft fingers removed his cravat.

  “You have become very proficient at untying my neckwear.” His voice was husky with desire.

  “This just takes a tremendous amount of practice. As you may have realized, I have achieved a certain level of expertise in that area.” She grinned and leaned towards him as she placed kisses along the exposed skin of his chest. “I do have a promise to fulfil.” She agreed as her hands worked at the buttons of his waistcoat. Once the buttons were undone, he shrugged the garment off and removed his shirt over his head.

  She gloried at the sight of his bare torso. With a quick movement, she pushed him onto his back and straddled his waist. Elizabeth began a slow and sensuous journey across his chest with her hands. She bent to kiss the warm skin, and he moaned with satisfaction. He worked frantically at the buttons on her dress until he could push the fabric down enough to expose the creamy skin at the top of her breasts. He kissed the skin as his hands moved lower. He heard the intake of her breath as he found her hard nipple and began to move his fingers across the tip. He felt the shiver move through her body as she made soft noises.


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