Change of Heart

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Change of Heart Page 9

by Tina Marie Noel

  She felt the hardness of his arousal under her body and was thrilled by his reaction. A moment of clarity brought her back to her senses. She lifted herself off his body and pulled her dress back over her shoulders. Darcy sat up and buttoned her dress. She pulled her hair up and hastily placed the pins to tame her wild curls.

  He tugged his shirt back on and redressed. Neither of them spoke for a few minutes until Darcy broke the silence, “Are you well?” His voice was anxious.

  “Yes…no… I do not know.” She forced herself to look him in the eye, “I did not know I was capable of such behaviour. However, when we are together, you make me feel incredible. I never want the pleasure to stop.”

  “Elizabeth, you know we are going to marry, do you not?” The earnest look on his face made her smile, “The feelings we have for each other are not commonplace.”

  She laughed, “Well, I hope you intend to marry me because I never expected to compromise myself with any man who was not my husband.” With a smirk, she added, “We may need to plan to wed soon. Although I am no expert, I am sure we were extremely close to anticipating our wedding vows today.”

  “Elizabeth Bennet,” He placed a gentle kiss on her lips, “You are the most amazing woman I have ever known and you keep your promises very delightfully.”

  Elizabeth laughed, “Mr. Darcy, must you remind me of my wanton conduct.”

  “For me it is imperative to remind of all of the joy you have given me.” They lingered a few minutes longer before he walked her back to the avenue leading to Longbourn. “I will see you tomorrow.”

  “That is a promise.” She agreed and turned for home.

  Chapter 11

  The next morning, Darcy met Elizabeth for their usual walk.

  She was excited to see the tall, blonde young woman whom accompanied him.

  Upon seeing Elizabeth, the girl threw her arms around the other young lady and embraced her tightly, “I am glad to meet you at last.”

  “I have wanted to meet you as well.” Elizabeth told her, “Miss Bingley thinks very highly of you.”

  “Miss Bingley does not know me, and I have no interest in getting to know her,” Georgiana scowled, “I have lived in constant fear that my brother would actually marry her one day.” She smiled at Elizabeth, “I was never so happy, as when I found out he met you.” Georgiana looked at her brother, “I knew I wanted to meet you from the moment William first wrote to me about you.”

  “Do you honestly think your brother could love an impertinent woman who challenges every word he says?” Elizabeth asked with a grin and a sly look at Darcy.

  “Oh yes, I think he loves you dearly,” Georgiana rushed to answer, worry filled her eyes.

  “My dear, Georgiana do not concern yourself needlessly.” Darcy explained, “Elizabeth is only teasing me. She knows very well I love her without reservation.”

  “All this affection is going to my head,” Elizabeth laughed, “Perhaps we should walk for a while.”

  Darcy offered an arm to each lady and once taken, they walked along at a leisurely pace when Georgiana informed her, “You shall love our Cousin Fitz. He is exceptionally entertaining.”

  “Since you think so highly of him, I am sure I will adore him.” Elizabeth grinned at the young girl before she asked, “Has Mr. Bingley returned from London?”

  “Yes.” Darcy answered, “He arrived late last night and I believe he is going to pay a call on Miss Bennet this afternoon.” He glanced over at Elizabeth and cocked his head to the side, “I am hoping you will allow me to call on you, as well.”

  “If you are exceedingly good today, I shall consider your request.” Elizabeth quipped.

  “Miss Elizabeth, I would like to pay a call on Longbourn, as well.” Georgiana told her, “I have been excited to meet your family ever since you wrote to me of them.”

  Darcy leaned in close to Elizabeth and whispered, “I promise, I shall be exceptionally good, just as you like me.” His voice was soft and silky as she looked into his expressive eyes.

  “I shall hold you to your promise.” She teased smoothly.

  Georgiana was thrilled to witness the obvious affection shown between her brother and Elizabeth. She had never seen William behave in this manner in the past, and found she liked this side of her brother.

  When they completed their walk, Georgiana and Darcy walked Elizabeth back to Longbourn. Darcy clarified, “We shall return when Mr. Bingley calls on Jane. My Cousin Richard, Colonel Fitzwilliam may wish to join us, as well.”

  “Mother shall be thrilled to have another single gentleman in the neighbourhood, especially an officer.” Elizabeth quipped, “Kitty and Lydia adore officers, so I am positive he shall be made to feel especially welcome.”

  Darcy smiled wickedly at Elizabeth’s words before he and his sister took their leave.

  When Georgiana and Darcy arrived at Netherfield, Fitzwilliam and Bingley were waiting.

  “Where is the famous Miss Bennet?” Fitzwilliam asked his cousins.

  “We shall be calling on Longbourn later this afternoon to visit both of the lovely Miss Bennets.” Darcy informed him.

  “It was my hope to finally meet the woman who caught the heart of Fitzwilliam Darcy. I am incredibly disappointed I am obligated to wait for an official call to meet this paragon of a young lady.” He turned to Bingley with a conspiratorial wink, “I had hoped Darcy have some heartbreak along the path to true love. Everything has always come much too easy for my cousin.”

  Darcy’s eyes flashed, “My courtship of Miss Elizabeth Bennet has been anything but easy. You have no idea what I have gone through in pursuit of my one true love. In the beginning, I would not allow myself to consider marriage to Elizabeth because of her background. I endured many sleepless nights, longing for her and believing I could never have her as my wife.” Darcy’s voice broke from raw emotion as he relived that period in his life, “When I finally decided I could allow myself to pursue her and was ready to profess my undying love. I found out she despised me. I almost died of pain when I grasped the truth of the situation. The only woman I had ever wanted would not have me if I were the last man in the world.” The pain of his near loss showed in Darcy’s eyes, and he wished the woman he loved were here beside him, “In point of fact, when Elizabeth was staying here at Netherfield, taking care of her sister Jane. Unbeknownst to me at the time, she was actively avoiding me. My Elizabeth never has, nor will she ever make securing her love easy for me. She is unpredictable, competitive and defiant. These are only a few of the many reasons I love her with all of my heart”

  “This is unfathomable. You are completely and utterly enamoured of Miss Elizabeth Bennet.” Colonel Fitzwilliam cocked his head with curiosity, “I never truly thought I would see this day. I am excited to meet the woman who has managed to bring Fitzwilliam Darcy to his knees.”

  “She is wonderful,” Georgiana joined the conversation, “You shall love her.”

  “I am looking forward to finding out for myself.” Fitzwilliam was enthusiastic at the prospect of the forthcoming meeting and glanced at his cousin. He could see Darcy was visibly upset by the turn the conversation had taken.

  When the party from Netherfield arrived at Longbourn, it was mid-afternoon. Mrs. Bennet was in all her glory as there was a new single gentleman in their midst, and an officer made it that much better.

  “It is a pleasure to meet you at last, Miss Bennet.” Colonel Fitzwilliam slid his eyes over Elizabeth, “If my dear cousin had not met you first, I would have liked to have given him a bit of competition for your affections.”

  “Cousin Richard,” Darcy warned, “please refrain from provoking me in this manner.”

  “You obviously cannot tolerate the idea of a little competition, Darcy.” Fitzwilliam joked, “With this lovely lady on your arm, you should get used to rivalry.”

  “Cousin Fitz,” Georgiana warned, “It is not a good idea to tease William about Elizabeth.”

  “Who said I was teasing?” Fitzwil
liam countered with an attempt at seriousness.

  Georgiana was introduced to Mary Bennet and the two quickly became involved in a discussion of music.

  Darcy was looking out the window, when he spotted the youngest of Elizabeth’s sisters walking toward the house. He grinned wickedly. With their enthusiasm for officers, this should be delightful fun.

  True to their nature, Kitty and Lydia were immediately taken with the Colonel and would not leave him alone for a moment. They each prattled on about nothing in the midst of the excitement.

  “It was awfully naughty of Mr. Darcy not to tell us he had such a charming cousin.” Lydia simpered at Colonel Fitzwilliam.

  “You must go to the next assembly at Meryton, and I shall dance with you,” Kitty was full of keen energy, “I adore nothing better than dancing.”

  “I saw him first,” Lydia pouted at her sister, “You have no right to steal my officer.”

  “You are always taking what does not belong to you,” Kitty argued, “I am older and should have first claim. In addition, the Colonel has not indicated which one of us he likes best. You have no claim on his attentions.”

  Their argument continued until they were actually pulling Colonel Fitzwilliam back and forth between them. Darcy stood back and enjoyed the spectacle.

  Once Fitzwilliam was able to extricate himself from their grip, Lydia remembered her news, “You will not believe what we found out this morning.” Lydia did not stop to breathe before the words tumbled from her mouth, “Mr. Collins is engaged to Charlotte Lucas.”

  Elizabeth was stunned at the news and appalled for her friend, “No, this cannot be true. Why would Charlotte have aligned herself with such an idiot of a man?”

  “It is true.” Kitty verified, “We spoke to Charlotte and she seemed pleased with the situation.”

  “The good news is that none of us shall have to marry that loathsome man.” Lydia chimed in with her opinion.

  Observing the rest of the room engaged in conversation about Charlotte Lucas and Mr. Collins. Mr. Bingley took advantage of the distraction and slipped off to find Mr. Bennet.

  Elizabeth saw as Bingley re-entered the room, and she noticed him as he joined Jane. When the gentleman whispered to her sister, Elizabeth noticed the atmosphere of happiness which radiated from the pair.

  Mr. Bennet joined the party and announced the formal courtship of Mr. Bingley and Jane. Mrs. Bennet was beside herself with joy as she expounded on the soon-to-be marriages of two of her daughters and their wealthy, well-respected men.

  Darcy approached Bingley about the possibility of the four of them taking a walk, and Bingley agreed at once. It is the perfect plan to get Elizabeth off by herself. With the inattentiveness of Bingley and Jane, he and Elizabeth could simply slip away to find a little privacy for a while. He was determined to secure a moment when he could enjoy Elizabeth’s kisses. If a little bit of privacy led to other pleasurable activities, he would have no objection.

  To Darcy’s horror, Fitzwilliam decided to accompany the two sets of lovers on their walk. In view of the fact that the Colonel was walking, Kitty and Lydia were resolved to accompany the two couples, as well. The only persons not joining them were Georgiana and Mary. The two musically inclined girls were more interested in playing the pianoforte than taking a walk.

  Mrs. Bennet made plans to walk into Meryton to see her sister Phillips. She would provide her with the latest news. Mr. Bennet watched all of the ensuing chaos with real enjoyment. His mood was only enhanced when he noticed the look of dismay cross Mr. Darcy’s face when the gentleman’s plans were changed. Mr. Bennet returned to his study, and he passed Darcy whistling a cheery little tune.

  For a reason he did not understand, Darcy could have sworn Mr. Bennet had engineered this debacle in order to foil Darcy’s plans to be alone with his daughter.

  Darcy thought of something and asked Bingley, “I noticed you received an express this morning, was it from Miss Bingley?”

  “Yes.” Bingley chuckled, “She had some choice words for all of us, including you. She was truly angry by your little deception.” Bingley laughed again, “Although she attributed your actions to the ‘country little nobody’ who has obviously clouded your reason and distorted your thinking with her wiles.” Charles Bingley was encouraged to continue, “It was really quite funny. It is a pleasure to know we are well rid of her and the Hursts.”

  Elizabeth was beside herself with amusement. “Did I hear correctly? I have been credited for Mr. Darcy’s brilliant and devious plan.” She glanced at Bingley and Darcy, “I must admit, I am grateful she thought such deception worthy of me.”

  The large party dressed in their outer garments and set out on a walk. Darcy wrapped his arm through Elizabeth’s and walked briskly in an attempt to leave the others behind. Colonel Fitzwilliam was not deterred by the fast pace, and was determined not to be left alone with Lizzy’s sisters. He stayed glued to Darcy’s side, but the resulting outcome was that the two chattering girls sped up to remain at the officer’s side. Darcy slowed his walk as he realized his intimate twosome had become a large group of five while Jane and Bingley blissfully enjoyed their privacy as they lagged behind.

  Darcy’s frustration was growing with every step he took. He became even more determined to have some time in private with Elizabeth.

  He saw a copse of trees just ahead of the party. He was resolved to take advantage of the opportunity, so after a silent prayer he asked with false innocence, “Fitzwilliam, is there something in your eye? It appears to be growing red.” With false innocent concern, Darcy exclaimed, “You should have someone examine your eye.”

  “I will do it.” Lydia pushed her way next to Fitzwilliam. She pulled his head down to see his eye as he struggled to break free.

  “I am older, I should do it.” Kitty countered her sister and shoved the younger girl out of the way.

  With the Colonel between them, Lydia and Kitty fought over who would examine his eye. Taking full advantage of the distraction, Darcy pulled Elizabeth into the trees, where her intimate knowledge of the neighbourhood allowed the pair to disappear across the next rise. Colonel Fitzwilliam was unable to break away from the two single-minded girls to search for Darcy and Elizabeth.

  “Well done, you formulated with a particularly clever ruse in order to extricate us from the crowd.” Elizabeth voiced her admiration as the couple made their escape.

  “It was an act of desperation.” Darcy told her, “I needed to attain some privacy otherwise I may have done something drastic.”

  “Just where do you think you are taking me?”

  “I have no idea.” Darcy admitted sheepishly, “My only thought was to get away.”

  “I happen to know a secret place where we will not be found.” Elizabeth smiled with an arch of her eyebrow, “Shall I share my secret hideaway with you?”

  “Yes, please.” He begged.

  “What do you have to offer in exchange for my secret?” Elizabeth asked with a humorous glint in her eyes.

  “You can have me.” He offered enthusiastically, “I shall provide you with a sample of what I can provide when we are safely isolated.”

  “We are in complete agreement.” Elizabeth acquiesced and pointed him in the appropriate direction.

  A short time later, Elizabeth led him to a large tree. She stepped through a barricade of branches which hung all the way to the ground. Darcy followed Elizabeth into the trees protection. It was dark below the branches, but he was able to perceive a small circular private are within the trees shielding boughs.

  “This is perfect.” He was surprised, “Why have you not shown me this before?”

  “We have never walked in this area before.” Elizabeth laughed, “You may have been too distracted to notice, but we took the group in the opposite direction of our usual walks.”

  Darcy removed his coat, placed it on the ground, and Elizabeth dropped to the floor. He took his place at her side, “I am delighted to have you all to myself again
.” He leaned into her, kissed her softly, and wrapped his hand around her waist in order to pull her toward him.

  “Fitzwilliam, we cannot allow our intimacies to overcome our good sense.” She watched his eyes for his reaction.

  “You are right, my love.” His voice was velvety, “We did allow our desires to compel us too far last time we were alone together.”

  He moved leisurely as he bent toward her and caught her lips lightly. His tongue lingered on her lips, and he tasted them with obvious enjoyment. Elizabeth leaned into Darcy and pressed against his body. Her hands stroked his back with a feathery light touch.

  His mouth moved down to her throat and pressed soft kisses along her neck to her shoulders. Elizabeth’s hands roamed lower on his body, and she was intrigued by his muscular bottom. She moved her hands freely along his anatomy. He moaned with desire as she pulled him toward her hips. She moved against him with a subtle grace he found irresistible.

  With an extreme effort, he pulled back from her. Without breaking eye contact, he sighed, “We must cease our conduct before we allow our passion free reign.” His voice was husky with desire, “You never cease to amaze me.” With a deep breath, he tried to calm his heart and knew he could not delay a moment longer. “Miss Elizabeth Bennet, I cannot imagine my life without you, and I wish to allow no other day to pass where you are not by my side. I love you with all my heart.” His eyes were filled with deep longing, “I yearn to spend all the days and nights of my life with you. Please make me the happiest man in the world. Bestow upon me the enormous honour of consenting to be my wife?”

  Her heart melted, and she smiled. Her eyes glowed with tenderness, “Fitzwilliam Darcy, I love you and I will marry you.”

  His joy knew no bounds as he moved his body against hers. He kissed her with a heretofore unbeknownst passion. Elizabeth returned his kisses with equal ardour until she broke the kiss when she tried to catch her breath.

  His pulse was still racing as she stood. She tugged at his hands before he rose to his feet. “We should return to Longbourn before my father sends a scouting party to find us.”


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