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Change of Heart

Page 10

by Tina Marie Noel

  “Do you think he will be any happier when I ask him for your hand in marriage?”

  “I do not know. However, I think we shall both be in trouble.” Elizabeth laughed, “Nevertheless, every moment with you has been worthwhile.”

  “Those are my sentiments precisely.” He informed her as he picked her up and twirled her around.

  When they arrived at Longbourn, Mr. Bennet was angrier than Elizabeth had ever seen him. “Mr. Darcy, I would like to see you in my study, now.”

  Elizabeth awarded Darcy a look of encouragement and nodded her head toward the study.

  When the two men were alone in the study, Mr. Bennet exploded, “I believe I was perfectly clear in my instructions to you and my daughter. You were not to be alone at any time, and there was not to be one hint of impropriety.” He looked Darcy straight in the eye, with no attempt to conceal his fury. The younger man squirmed a little under the scrutiny, “What do you have to say for yourself?”

  “Mr. Bennet, the reason I needed a few minutes alone with your daughter was to ask for her hand in marriage, and she has agreed.” Mr. Bennet looked stunned, “She has consented to be my wife.” Darcy repeated as he looked her father directly in his eyes, “I would like to ask for your permission to marry your daughter?”

  All of the anger left Mr. Bennet’s body, and he began to laugh, “I suppose you know my daughter’s character well enough to realize Elizabeth is never going to be easy to handle. If you are willing to marry my daughter, then I do believe the two of you deserve each other.”

  “Absolutely sir, her independence is only one of Elizabeth’s many admirable qualities. I love her to a distraction.” Darcy’s voice was respectful, “I wish for nothing more than to have your daughter as my wife.”

  Mr. Bennet closed his eyes and sighed, “I give you my permission to marry her. However, we will need to work out the details of the marriage settlement.”

  “Mr. Bennet, as soon as we have come to an agreement,” Darcy explained, “I shall ride to London and have the marriage settlement papers drawn.”

  Darcy explained the terms of the settlement, and Mr. Bennet was impressed by the young man’s dedication to his daughter. The older man immediately approved the marriage settlement Darcy proposed.

  “One more thing, young man,” Mr. Bennet stopped Darcy, “I require you to treat my daughter with respect and keep her safe and well.”

  “I promise you, sir.” Darcy made his vow with the force of an oath, “Elizabeth will want for neither material possessions, nor for the love of her husband. She shall always have my full protection.”

  The older man could see the love shining from the younger man’s eyes. He knew Elizabeth would be loved and cherished. Mr. Bennet ushered Darcy out of the room. “We must return and share the good news with Elizabeth or she will grow impatient.”

  When Mr. Bennet made his announcement, the excitement for the couple spread throughout the room.

  Georgiana was the first to congratulate her brother and Elizabeth, “I am so happy for both of you.” She looked at Elizabeth with a smile, “I am joyful for myself additionally, for I shall have the sister I always desired.”

  “You shall, in fact, have five sisters,” Lydia announced.

  “I cannot believe you have actually asked her.” Colonel Fitzwilliam patted Darcy on the shoulder, “I only wish I had met her first.”

  “I am too delighted to allow you to distress me today.” Darcy retorted at his cousin’s words, his joy was obvious to everyone in the room.

  Jane and Bingley were the next to offer their good wishes, along with Mary, Kitty and Lydia.

  Mrs. Bennet was bursting with exuberance when she gave her son-to-be an embrace. She gushed at him, “I cannot believe how you had everyone fooled, except me. I knew the truth all along.”

  “Is that so?” Elizabeth knew the facts did not support Mrs. Bennet’s contention, and she was trying not to laugh.

  “Yes, it is.” Her mother insisted, “I only urged Mr. Collins to pursue you so Mr. Darcy would comprehend his true feelings for you. It was all part of my plan. I cannot wait to tell all the ladies in Meryton.”

  The party from Netherfield took their leave after supper. Elizabeth and Jane walked the gentlemen and Georgiana out to the carriage. While Jane was occupied with Mr. Bingley, Darcy whispered to Elizabeth, “Are you happy?” Elizabeth smiled with a nod, and he added, “I am too. I cannot quite believe you are going to be my wife.”

  “You must start believing it.” Elizabeth smiled affectionately, “You cannot escape me now.”

  Darcy turned his attention to explaining his immediate plans, “Elizabeth, I shall ride to London, in the morning, to make arrangements for our marriage settlement agreement.” Darcy explained to his future wife, “I shall be gone for a few days, and afterwards I will never leave you again.”

  “I love you.” Elizabeth’s voice was low and full of emotion, “I shall count every moment until we are together again.”

  Colonel Fitzwilliam helped Georgiana into the carriage and was followed by the two gentlemen. Elizabeth and Jane watched until the conveyance was out of sight before walking back into Longbourn.

  Chapter 12

  Darcy had been gone for a week as he arranged the marriage settlements. Elizabeth was extremely happy when he finally returned, and called for her at Longbourn.

  “Were you able to make all of the arrangements?”

  “Yes, everything is ready for us to be married.” Darcy explained with a smile, “I have also procured a special license.”

  “That is quite an extravagance.” Elizabeth arched her eyebrow, “When do you wish to marry?”

  “Today.” Darcy replied emphatically and longed to take her into his arms, “Our wedding cannot take place soon enough for me. However, I understand there are arrangements to prepare, and I must be content to wait.”

  “I am just as eager to marry as you.” Elizabeth confided, and he saw her face was tinged with pink.

  Darcy looked at his intended and knew the time until the wedding could not pass quickly enough for him.

  The next few weeks passed rapidly. Darcy and Elizabeth were together often. However, they were only allowed to spend a small portion of their time in privacy. This situation was becoming unendurable for both of them.

  Darcy was restless as he attempted to sleep. Nevertheless, he could not keep his mind off his Elizabeth. She would be his wife soon, and he wished with growing agitation that they were already married. His thoughts kept taking him to Elizabeth. His contemplation reflected her being an amazing woman. How can I wait another moment before I take her into my bed and fulfil the sexual promise we have been building toward? He could not believe how aroused he felt just thinking about her hands on his body. His dreams were still filled with visions of her with her dark hair spilled out on his white pillow while he made love to her.

  In the middle of the night, Elizabeth felt her body’s frustration as she thought about Darcy. All she wanted was to spend a little time alone with him. I just want to feel the touch of his mouth on mine. I cannot deny a desperate need to have his hands and mouth explore my body. I also want to touch him in places that I know drive him crazy with desire. Her thoughts took her in a dangerous direction. She impulsively wanted to walk to Netherfield and crawl into bed beside him. How else are we to escape from our families? This same idea kept repeating over and over in her brain.

  Elizabeth walked into Darcy’s bedchamber at Netherfield. In his sleepless state, he watched as she crossed the room and slipped into bed beside him. She shed her clothing until she was in her natural state of naked beauty. His eyes feasted on the beautiful sight of her, and he pulled his nightshirt over his head in one fluid movement.

  Darcy took her in his arms and kissed her ardently. He gently lowered her back onto his pillows, and saw all of his dreams fulfilled. Her soft little moans were an invitation for him to carry on with his ministrations. She responded to the penetration of his tongue with he
r own exploration of his mouth. His hands caressed her from neck to her shoulders, and she began to massage his back with her fingertips. A groan escaped his lips, and her hands moved lower to his bottom. She touched him softly until his breathing was heavy and ragged.

  With a moan, he captured her nipple in his mouth and suckled until she gasped at the intense feeling he provoked in her body. She found the heart of his arousal and stroked him with gentle motions that brought to him to the edge of his control. He tried to delay his gratification, and with his knee he spread her legs. He entered her body with only one thought, she is mine, all mine. With rhythmic movements, he claimed Elizabeth as his own, and she rejoiced in his possession. His body shuddered with his release, and he felt the waves of convulsive pleasure move throughout her body.

  He fell asleep with Elizabeth nestled in his arms and felt deeply content.

  When Darcy awoke, he saw Elizabeth was not there, and his disappointment was plain as he checked his bed for any signs of her. He was devastated when he realized their lovemaking had been just a beautiful dream. He buried his head in the pillow, and almost thought he could smell her distinct rose scent.

  Darcy dressed and went down to breakfast. However, he was not in the best of moods. Bingley and the colonel just looked at each other with a raise of their eyebrows.

  Georgiana was concerned about her brother and asked, “William is something wrong? Have you been given some bad news?”

  “Yes!” He barked at his sister as he took his frustration out on her. When he saw the hurt in her eyes, he felt all of his anger evaporate, “I am sorry, Georgie, and there is nothing wrong, I have received no bad news and should never have taken my irritation out on you.”

  “Why are you so irritable,” Georgiana asked, “Is there something I can do to help?”

  Colonel Fitzwilliam took hold of Georgiana’s arm, “There is nothing that can help your brother but his marriage to the lovely Miss Bennet.”

  The colonel showed a mocking grin to Darcy, and received a glare from his cousin in return as he walked Georgiana out of the room.

  “If I killed him, do you think my aunt and uncle would notice?” Darcy asked Bingley sourly.

  “Yes I do.” Bingley answered, “May I enquire how killing Fitzwilliam would help you, and your privacy issues with Miss Elizabeth?”

  “It would not,” Darcy admitted reluctantly, “However, at this moment, it would make me enormously happy.”

  Darcy and Bingley left the breakfast room, and entered the drawing room just in time for the maid to announce, “Lady Catherine De Bourgh and Miss Anne De Bourgh.”

  The shock showed on Darcy’s face as he saw his aunt march into the room with his cousin following meekly behind.

  “You can be at no loss as to the reason for my journey.” Lady Catherine started with no preamble or niceties.

  “Aunt Catherine,” Darcy stated, “I have no knowledge as to the reason for your visit.”

  A disgusted look appeared on Lady Catherine’s face, “A report of a most alarming nature reached me not two days ago.”

  “I can assure you, I have no knowledge of the report to which you refer.” Darcy answered truthfully.

  “I have heard you are engaged to Miss Elizabeth Bennet, a little country nobody with no money and no connections.” Lady Catherine’s tone was scathing. “I know this must be a scandalous falsehood. However, I must have the report universally contradicted.”

  “I have no intention of contradicting the report.” He told his aunt.

  “Neither do I,” Elizabeth’s voice came from the door of the drawing room.

  Lady Catherine looked on the newcomer with disdain. “Who are you to interfere in such a manner?”

  “Aunt Catherine,” Darcy introduced the ladies, “This is Miss Elizabeth Bennet, my intended.”

  “How dare you refer to this little nobody as your intended?” Lady Catherine sputtered “You are engaged to Anne.”

  “I have never been engaged to Anne and never will be,” Darcy was insistent, “I do not wish to marry Anne, and she does not want to marry me.” He nodded to Anne who raised her eyes in confirmation.

  “Mother, I do not want to marry Fitzwilliam,” Anne agreed, “That wish has been yours and not mine.”

  After she listened to her daughter, Lady Catherine turned angrily to Elizabeth, “You have drawn him in with your arts and allurements.”

  “I have done nothing of the kind.” Elizabeth was in a towering rage, “You do not have the common decency to listen to your own daughter’s wishes. You should be ashamed of yourself.”

  “Are the shades of Pemberley to be thus polluted?” Lady Catherine lamented as she ignored Elizabeth’s criticism, “You are determined to ruin him and make him the contempt of the world.”

  Elizabeth’s eyes narrowed, “I am only resolved to act in the interest of my own happiness.”

  “Aunt,” Darcy’s voice was angry, “It was I who pursued Elizabeth and would brook no refusal.” He smiled at his intended, “She barely tolerated me at first, but I persisted. I am in love with this lady and shall marry no one save her.”

  “You are not competent.” Lady Catherine insisted, “Lord Matlock, my brother, will not condone this behaviour, and I will see that Georgiana shall be taken from your custody.”

  “I would not suggest you attempt to discredit Mr. Darcy, Aunt Catherine.” Colonel Fitzwilliam interrupted from the doorway, “My father already knows of Miss Bennet, and I shall make sure he knows there is no other woman for my normally proper cousin.” Colonel Fitzwilliam glanced at Elizabeth with a smile, “Miss Elizabeth brings out the best in Darcy. She is the dawn to his dusk, she is the light to his dark, and her liveliness brings out the playfulness in him. They belong together since no one else would make either of them happy.”

  “I shall never support this match.” Lady Catherine’s face was red as she stalked toward Elizabeth, “Nor will I endorse a marriage to this little country nobody.” As the older woman spoke, Elizabeth was hit on the face with a slap so hard it was accompanied by a sound that echoed throughout the room.

  Georgiana, who heard the slap, ran into the room and crossed to Elizabeth where the red handprint was still in evidence on her cheek. Georgiana’s fear of her aunt vanished when she saw what the older woman had done to Elizabeth, “Aunt Catherine, you shall move away from Elizabeth, and you will never touch her again.” Georgiana’s face was flushed, “She is my friend. Elizabeth is one of the best people I have ever known, and you shall not threaten her for a second time.”

  “You see what an appalling influence this woman has been on your own sister.” Lady Catherine was so incensed she did not notice that everybody was standing in unity against her, even her own daughter. “This woman is obviously not respectable enough to be a sister to Georgiana. I shall take charge of the girl myself, and she will become a well brought up young woman.”

  “Mother, you shall do nothing of the sort.” Anne stood up to her mother for the first time in her life, “I would not wish you, as a parental influence, on any other young woman.” Lady Catherine was astounded by her daughter’s reaction, “You constantly surround yourself with people who are subservient to your every wish.” Anne’s eye’s flashed with temper, “I shall no longer live with your condescension, and I will not allow you to harm Georgiana or Miss Bennet.”

  “If you attempt to harm her, you shall have to contend with all of us.” Darcy declared, “Fitzwilliam, walk Elizabeth out to the carriage, and have her taken home. I will converse with our aunt.” His words held a hint of threat as he turned to Lady Catherine, “You shall leave this home, immediately. However, Anne will be staying here away from your damaging influence.”

  Colonel Fitzwilliam placed his hand on Elizabeth’s arm and guided her out of the room and to the front of Netherfield where her transportation waited for her. Fitzwilliam handed her into the carriage. He walked around front to tell the man to take her home. However, when he checked, he realized the dri
ver of the conveyance was nowhere to be found. Fitzwilliam left Elizabeth safely in the compartment while he searched for the man.

  Elizabeth heard the front of the carriage creak, and she heard someone board. She sighed with relief, I cannot wait to get away from that horrific woman.

  The door of the carriage opened, and a person stepped inside. The conveyance began to move before Elizabeth glanced over and saw Lady Catherine De Bourgh.

  “What are you doing here?” Elizabeth asked, “You can have nothing more you can say to me. You have insulted me in every way possible way.”

  “You should have married Mr. Collins, he is your equal.” Lady Catherine narrowed her eyes, “I shall never allow my nephew to marry a girl like you.”

  “I would never have married Mr. Collins, even if I were not in love with Fitzwilliam,” Elizabeth insisted forcefully, “The man is an idiotic imbecile who is not worthy of my time.”

  “You truly believe yourself so far above your station.” Lady Catherine’s voice was insulting.

  In Netherfield, Colonel Fitzwilliam ran into the drawing room. “Where is Elizabeth’s carriage?”

  “The carriage left a few minutes ago.” Mr. Bingley answered.

  “The driver is still here.” Fitzwilliam reported with panic creating a hard edge to his voice, “He was knocked out and tied up in the barn.”

  “What!” Darcy was incensed, “Who has Elizabeth?”

  “I do not know.” Fitzwilliam drew a deep tortured breath.

  “We shall have to find her.” Darcy insisted, “Bingley get the horses saddled up, and we will go look for her.”

  When the carriage stopped, Elizabeth looked out the window and asked, “Where are we? This is not my home.”

  “You have a very good question.” A masculine voice answered as the door opened. George Wickam peered into the interior of the carriage, “My lovely Elizabeth, I am looking forward to having you...” His voice was suggestive, and he raised his eyebrows, “as my guest.”


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