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Change of Heart

Page 16

by Tina Marie Noel

“Yes, Maggie.”

  “Lady Catherine and Anne de Bourgh and Anne have arrived.” She glanced at Mr. Bennet, “They are in the sitting room with the other guests.”

  “Thank you, Maggie.” He hooked his arm through his wife’s arm, “Shall we go and find out if she has reverted to her prior self.”

  As the Darcys walked into the sitting room to greet Aunt Catherine, the older lady crossed the room. She ignored her nephew and went straight to Elizabeth, “My dear, Elizabeth how are you?”

  “I have never been happier.” She glanced up at her husband through her dark lashes, “Fitzwilliam has made me truly happy.”

  “I am extremely pleased to hear it.” Her ladyship snapped, “If you have any complaints, express them to me, and I shall have a talk with my nephew about how to treat a wife.”

  “Aunt Catherine,” Darcy could not help the grin that spread across his face. He indicated, “I am positive if I do something Elizabeth does not appreciate, I shall be the first to know about it.” He pulled his wife closer to him, “She is very vocal in her opinions.”

  “I am delighted to hear it.” Catherine agreed with pride, “I have always thought girls should be brought up to think for themselves.”

  “That is a highly enlightened idea, Lady de Bourgh.” Mr. Bennet nodded with approval, “Lizzy has always been a favourite of mine because she has a mind of her own. She is not at all silly, like the other girls.”

  Lady Catherine was completely charmed by Mr. Bennet as they talked about Elizabeth, Mr. Darcy and all of his other daughters.

  “What are you going to be wearing to the ball, my dear?” Mrs. Bennet asked Elizabeth, “It must be something very special as this is your matrimonial ball.”

  “Mrs. Bennet you have no need to be concerned.” Darcy gestured toward Jane, “With the help of your eldest daughter, I have ordered Elizabeth the most beautiful gown ever made.” He looked at his wife with a mischievous smile, “My dearest Elizabeth will look enchanting at our ball.”

  “When shall we get to view the gown?” Mrs. Bennet hopped up and down on the balls of her feet and was practically beside herself with excitement, “I cannot wait to see my daughter in something so extravagant.” She closed her eyes, with the pleasing thought that her daughter’s husband was incredibly wealthy.

  Darcy caught Jane’s eye, and her nod was almost imperceptive. Elizabeth watched the exchange with a slight curl to her lips, “I also have another surprise for you other ladies. With the help of Jane and my sister Georgiana, I have arranged to have ball gowns made for all of your daughters and you, Mrs. Bennet, from the top modiste in London. All of the gowns will be ready for pick up tomorrow.”

  “My nerves… my nerves...” Mrs. Bennet looked like she was going swoon, “Get me my smelling salts, I am going to faint.”

  Jane quickly retrieved the smelling salts, but before she could reach her mother, Mrs. Bennet was dancing around the room with pure giddiness. “What a wonderful man, my darling Elizabeth has married. I told you long ago Mr. Darcy was the best man in this world.”

  “Of course, my nephew is the best of men.” Lady Catherine joined in with the conversation before she turned to Mary, “I understand you are quite proficient on the pianoforte.” Her tone was clipped, “I would like you play for me. There is no one in this world who has more appreciation for music more than myself and my daughter Anne.”

  Mary curtsied happily and ran to the instrument enthusiastically. She put all of her training and heart into playing for the woman.

  “Excellent.” Aunt Catherine remarked as she turned to Lydia, “I understand you have quite a way with decorating a bonnet.” She looked down at Lydia who seemed to be surprised at being addressed by Lady Catherine.

  “I take great pleasure in making beautiful things.” Lydia smiled with satisfaction.

  Lady Catherine glanced at Kitty, “You, of course, are my namesake, and because of that you should emulate your older sisters. You need to learn to behave in an appropriate manner, so you may find a man of good standing, like my nephew, to be your husband.”

  Kitty was speechless and just looked at the older woman with large eyes. She finally stuttered, “Yes, Ma’am.”

  “You, madam,” The lady turned her attention to Mrs. Bennet, “let your emotions control your life. Now that you will be travelling in better circles, you need to be in command of your emotions as you will be looked upon as a leader of the community.”

  “You are quite right.” Mrs. Bennet agreed with humble deference, “I shall endeavour to do my best.”

  “Fitzwilliam, Elizabeth, walk Anne and I to the door as we take our leave.”

  “Of course.” Darcy glanced around the room. He saw the shock on the faces of the Bennet women. Mr. Bennet had a smile on his face as he looked back at Darcy.

  “Elizabeth, I am proud of you.” Lady Catherine disclosed as she stared Elizabeth directly in the eyes before she turned to her nephew, “You have married a woman you should be proud to have as your wife.”

  “I am Aunt Catherine.” His eyes shone with love for his wife, “I love Elizabeth more than words can say.”

  “Very well, I shall take my leave of you.” Lady Catherine’s departure was as abrupt as her appearance at their door had been.

  This left Darcy and Elizabeth in the foyer. They looked at each other and laughed until they fell into each other’s arms.

  After they let the laughter run its course, the couple made their way back to the sitting room. Elizabeth’s parents excused themselves and left for the Gardiners.

  With Mrs. Nelson’s help, Elizabeth helped her sisters get settled into their rooms before she went to meet her husband in their bedroom.

  She changed quickly and climbed into bed with Fitzwilliam. “You did extraordinarily well today, and I am proud of you. I know how much you need your privacy, and I appreciate your willingness to have my family stay here with us.”

  “It is my pleasure,” Darcy said sincerely, “If this is what I need to do to keep you happy, I am more than willing.”

  He moved close to his Elizabeth and watched as she took down her hair. She lay back against the pillow, and he was enthralled with the woman who had captured his heart so utterly. He could not imagine a time when he had been satisfied to only dream about this woman being in his life.

  He took in the vision of her with her hair against his pillows. He slid next to her and ran his hands along the curves of her body. He captured her lips with his. He pressed his tongue through her lips and tasted the sweetness of her. He fondled her breast as he continued his exploration of his wife’s body much to her delight, and she moaned with desire.

  Without a thought as to who was sharing the house with them. Darcy and Elizabeth loved each others bodies completely and long into the night.

  Chapter 19

  Fitzwilliam Darcy stood at the bottom of the staircase waiting for his bride to appear. He was impatient to see her in the gown he had chosen for her.

  As she walked down the stairs, he inhaled his breath at the sight of his Elizabeth. The jade green dress looked beautiful against her creamy complexion and dark hair. He kept the style simple and elegant. The gown clung along her curvy body to perfection and accentuated her ample breasts.

  He moved up the stairs and took her gloved hand to escort her to the foyer. He wished she did not have to wear such accessories as he wanted to feel her bare hand under his own.

  As Darcy and Elizabeth stood waiting for the others, he observed with delight Bingley’s reaction to Miss Bennet. Darcy also noted how Mr. Bennet kept his eyes on his son-in-law to be thus ensuring there would be no opportunity for liberties to be taken by the young couple.

  Darcy glanced at his bride, and knew boundless joy that he and Elizabeth were now married. They were no longer curtailed by the strict adherence to proprieties that restricted the engaged couple.

  He slipped his arm around Elizabeth’s waist, and she looked at him in surprise. She saw the flare of desire light his
eyes. Elizabeth smiled while she took his hand with hers. “I have no idea how I am going to make it through the night when you look so lovely.” He breathed softly as he kissed her cheek and lingered over the contact.

  The other girls made their way downstairs. This group included Georgiana who had been granted special permission to attend the ball.

  Darcy thought they all looked beautiful. However, none of the ladies could compare to his wife. He ran his fingers down Elizabeth’s back and felt her shiver.

  “It is time for us to depart.” Elizabeth reminded him before she whispered, “We can finish this later when we have some privacy.”

  “I shall count every moment until that time.” He whispered. He slid his hands up her hips, and he stopped reluctantly. He allowed Elizabeth to lead him through the front door and down the steps to where the carriages were waiting for the party.

  Darcy had arranged for him, and Elizabeth to have the privacy in their carriage. After he helped her into her seat, he climbed in next to her and the carriage set forth for Lord and Lady Matlock’s house.

  He took her face in her in his hands and pressed his lips gently against hers. She ran her hands through his hair and pulled him down closer to her. He slid his arms around her waist and moulded his body against hers.

  She slipped her tongue between his lips, and he responded by kissing her back with the passionate intensity she loved.

  They held each other with the wonder of their love until the carriage stopped in front of his aunt and uncle’s home.

  When they arrived, there were great many people in attendance, and Elizabeth felt her husband tense. She squeezed his hand with a grin, “If things become too difficult for you, we could always find our way to the library.”

  “I would be intrigued by that idea.” Darcy took her into his arms, “Was there anything in particular you have in mind.”

  “I shall tell you later while we are dancing.” She brushed her lips against his ear.

  “I will look forward to that.” Darcy smiled as he exited the carriage and helped his wife down.

  He fastened his arm around Elizabeth’s waist and walked her into the ball. However, she saw he still had a scowl on his face, so she ran her hand up and down his rear end.

  Darcy smiled down at his wife as she grinned up at him, “Now that is the expression I want to see for the rest of the evening.” She declared saucily and her hands lingered for a moment in a completely indecent place.

  The first people they encountered were Lord and Lady Matlock who both had observed the interaction between Darcy and Elizabeth.

  “She certainly knows how to induce a smile from him.” The lady remarked to her husband.

  “I would be smiling just as broadly if you were to touch me in such a manner.” Lord Matlock’s voice was envious as he winked at his wife.

  Lady Matlock just stared at her husband, but there was a hint of a smile on her lips before she looked back at her nephew and his wife, “Come you two, there are people waiting for you.” She insisted with a touch of humour.

  Darcy leaned down and whispered to his aunt, who responded, “That is a very good idea. I shall inform Richard.”

  After Darcy and Elizabeth watched Lady Matlock disappear into the crowd, they turned to each other and grinned.

  Lady Matlock found her second son, “Richard, I need you to do me a favour this evening.”

  “Anything for you, Mother.”

  “Darcy has informed me that Mrs. Bennet and the younger Bennet girls can be a trifle unruly at times. I need your assurance you will stop any of their foolish behaviour in front of our guests as it would threaten the social standing of your cousin and Elizabeth.”

  “Mother,” Fitzwilliam protested, “You cannot expect me to devote the evening to…”

  “Please do not refuse me this paltry request,” His mother’s back stiffened, and he knew she would brook no arguments, “This is of the utmost importance. Darcy has informed me you have established a rapport with these young ladies, and so I need you to adhere to my wishes.”

  Fitzwilliam sighed, “Yes, Mother.”

  “Thank you, son.” After she had received the promise she wanted, Fitzwilliam watched as his mother disappeared among the crowd and knew his cousin was to blame for this assignment.

  Elizabeth was introduced to more of London Society than she ever knew existed. Darcy was forced to interact with the very people he had never wanted to see again. Nonetheless, he would do his duty for his family.

  The newly married couple were determined never to leave each other’s sides. Whenever Elizabeth would see the stony look of Mr. Darcy’s return, she would take his mind off the crowd for a few minutes by making him smile.

  Elizabeth was grinning when she saw Mr. Bingley and Jane in a quiet corner not aware of anything around them. Elizabeth pointed this out to her husband who just smiled and pulled her closer to him.

  “I am so glad we do not have to steal moments alone anymore.” He looked down into her eyes and kissed her.

  “I still like to steal moments to be alone with you.” Elizabeth revealed with a smile.

  “I do too,” his voice was silky smooth, “I am just extremely thankful we do not only get those stolen moments. I love going to sleep with you in my arms and waking up the same way.”

  “Oh, I understand.” Elizabeth smiled brightly at her husband.

  “Oh no,” Darcy groaned as he pulled Elizabeth close to him.

  “What is it?” Elizabeth asked.

  “Save me from them.” He pointed to Caroline Bingley and Samantha Miller who were bearing down on their position.

  Caroline Bingley’s voice was shrill as she called, “Mr. Darcy what a lovely surprise seeing you here.”

  “You are of the opinion it is a surprise to see me at my own matrimonial ball,” Darcy looked at her with disgust, “Now I am surprised at that.”

  “My dear husband,” Elizabeth interrupted, “The first sets of dances are beginning and those belong to you.”

  “I would claim every dance if I were allowed.” Darcy asserted with a backward glance at the glowering women.

  “Is she not just awful,” Caroline Bingley grumbled loudly with a shudder, “Horrible little country nobody, with no connections and as to her appearance, she has absolutely nothing to recommend her.”

  “Her gown is just appalling.” Samantha Miller’s voice was filled with hateful malice, “Nobody, in our circle, would wear a horrible gown like that.”

  “That is because you cannot afford such a well-made and expensive dress.” A voice behind them interrupted, and the two women turned to see Lady Catherine de Bourgh whose eyes were glaring, “The gown you are disparaging was made by the most sought after modiste in London, and you will never be able to buy something of such excellent quality.” Lady Catherine was just getting started as she chastised the women, “As to your remarks, Miss Bingley, you are wrong. She has the best possible connections. She is a member of my family. Our family is of the highest lineage, and Mrs. Elizabeth Darcy is worthy of all of them. I handpicked her myself to be the wife of my nephew.” She glanced between the two ladies as she looked down her nose, “I understand your families are in trade. However, you two obviously have ambitions of marrying higher than your own station.” Lady Catherine was at her haughty best, “I would suggest you should not aspire to marry outside of your lower circle as you shall not be well-received.”

  The two women just watched with open-mouthed disbelief as Lady Catherine left them to greet Mr. Bennet with apparent enthusiasm.

  Elizabeth watched the exchange between the two women and Aunt Catherine. She wondered what the lady said to them to exact such a sour expression on both of their faces.

  As the couple danced, it seemed as if they held each other’s hands just a little longer than necessary. The smiles and laughter they shared during the dance depicted the epitome of happiness.

  Colonel Fitzwilliam heard Mrs. Bennet’s voice as it rose over the noise of t
he crowd. He hurried to her side as she began to speak to a well-respected lady of the ton.

  “My oldest Jane is to marry Mr. Bingley. This is a very good match as he has…”

  “Mrs. Bennet,” The colonel interrupted smoothly, “I hoped I might persuade you to honour me with this dance.”

  “Why, of course,” Mrs. Bennet answered with a curtsey, “I shall be delighted.”

  As they took their place in the dance line, Fitzwilliam closed his eyes briefly and prayed for a quick end to this evening.

  While Darcy was enjoying his own dances with his lovely wife, Darcy caught sight of Fitzwilliam dancing with Mrs. Bennet. He could not help the wicked grin that formed on his lips. He observed the pained expression on his cousin’s face as Mrs. Bennet prattled away about what he expected was pure nonsense. Elizabeth followed her husband’s gaze and understood the wicked grin when she saw her mother and the colonel.

  As their sets ended, Elizabeth told her husband, “Mr. Bingley is my partner for the next two dances. I also understand your aunt has arranged for me to partner one or two society gentlemen with whom she requires me to make a good impression. However, I have saved the supper dance for you and also the last sets of the evening.”

  Darcy grumbled, “I was not kidding when I said I wanted you to dance only with me.”

  “I know, my dear. I would dance with no one save you. Nevertheless, we did promise your aunt we would do everything in our power to make a good impression on the people of the ton.”

  “I know, I know.” He sighed, and his shoulders sagged, “Bingley is approaching to claim his dances.”

  “We shall have some time after the supper set. I was hoping I could get lost with you and maybe find our way to the library. Do you remember the ball at Netherfield?”

  “Of course I do, my love.” His eyes alighted on her face, “That was one of the happiest days of my life.”

  “I am here to claim my partner.” Mr. Bingley shot a look at Darcy, “Jane is waiting for you over there.”

  Colonel Fitzwilliam claimed his obligation dances with Lydia Bennet yet had very little enthusiasm. He was just going through the motions when he was startled out of his own thoughts. He had felt a hand slide slowly down his rear end.


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