Book Read Free

I'll Be There

Page 11

by E. L. Todd

  “I’m having baby!” I raised my arms into the air. “Trinity and I did it. We’re having a baby.”

  Ward clearly didn’t know how to react. “Uh…that’s great. I thought there was something wrong since you came in here.”

  “Nope. Just wanted to tell you the news.” I turned to the man sitting across from him. “I got my wife pregnant.”

  “Congratulations…” He looked uncomfortable by the whole exchange.

  “Well, I’m off to tell Sean and Mike.” I waved then walked off.

  “Well, congratulations,” Ward said. “I’m very happy for you.”

  “I’m awesome. I know.” I winked then headed to my next destination. I walked down the hall then entered the executive part of the building where all the infamous Prestons worked. Assistants and secretaries walked around as they got their work done. I walked into Sean’s office because his was first. “Yo, Uncle Sean.”

  He was talking on the phone when I walked in. “John, can I call you back?” He hung up and stood up. “Slade, everything alright?” He put his hands in his pockets.

  Of course he would assume there was something wrong. “Not at all. I have great news.”

  “You care to share?”

  “Yep. I knocked up my wife.”

  Sean didn’t react for a moment. Then his face changed and formed a surprised smile.

  “I got my wife pregnant. I’m a badass like that.”

  “That’s awesome, Slade. I didn’t realize you were trying.”

  “Shit, we were trying like crazy. Ever since Skye got pregnant we’ve been working on it.”

  “That’s great,” he said. “Congratulations.” He came around the desk and hugged me in a fatherly way. “That’s the best news I’ve heard in a long time. Very happy for both of you.”

  “I’m pretty excited. Trinity is happy. I like making her happy…”

  Sean smiled. “I know the feeling. I remember the way Scarlet cried when she found out we were having Skye…and the way she cried again when she knew we were having Roland. It’s a great feeling.” He gripped my shoulder before he dropped it. “When you get married you live your life for one person. And when the kids come, you can’t split that love between them. You have to amplify it so they can all have the same amount.”

  “Thanks for the advice.”

  He shrugged in acknowledgement. “Mike was excited?”

  “I haven’t told him yet. He’s next on my list.”

  “You told me first?” he asked in surprise.

  “I’m making my rounds. I hit up Ward and now I’ll hit up Mike and Cortland.”

  “Oh, I see. Well, Mike will be very happy. Since Conrad isn’t close to having grandchildren…this is the next best thing.”

  “It’s nice knowing I can tell him I got his daughter pregnant without getting a punch in the face.”

  Sean chuckled. “You love her so it’s okay.”

  “Alright. I’m going to tell him.” I saluted him and walked out.

  “Good luck.”

  I walked to Mike’s office then barged inside without knocking. Mike was hitting a golf ball across the small green in his office. He was lining his shot when I burst through the door. “Hey, listen up.”

  Mike messed up the shot and the ball went rolling off the course. He turned to me with an irritated look on his face. “You couldn’t wait a second?”

  “If you want to golf all day just retire.”

  “I don’t have that luxury right now.” He returned his driver to the bag. “What’s up?”

  I held myself straight and couldn’t stop grinning.

  Mike raised an eyebrow. “You’re going to Clown University?”

  “Nope. Trinity and I are having a baby.”

  His joking demeanor disappeared instantly. His body tightened in a noticeable way, and he looked speechless, like there was too much to say for him to get out. “A baby?”

  “Yep. Just found out the other day.”

  “Trinity is having a baby?” He repeated the sentence like he couldn’t believe it.

  “Yeah. Nine months from now there will be a mini Slade running around. Or a mini Trinity.”

  He took a deep breath before he blinked his eyes several times. Then he rested his fingers on his lips and looked down. Seconds of silence passed, and he seemed to be having a moment of some kind. He finally looked up again and regarded me with emotional eyes. “I’m gonna be a grandfather.”

  “Yep. Congratulations.”

  Mike pulled me into his arms and hugged me. He patted me hard on the back and held me close just the way he did with Conrad. “I’m so happy. I can’t wait to tell Cassandra. She’ll cry her eyes out.”

  “It’s supposed to be good news…”

  “The best news always makes her cry.” He pulled away and released a deep sigh. “This is great…really great.” He cleared his throat.

  “I’m excited. I did it on my own. We didn’t need artificial insemination.”

  “Well, that’s good.”

  “And Trinity is so happy. She’s wanted this for a long time.”

  “I know she has.”

  “So…I’m gonna be a dad. I’ll be asking you for pointers so be prepared for it.”

  “Ask me anything,” he said. “I’m more than happy to help.”

  “I’m gonna name him something cool, like Tiger.”

  “What if it’s a girl?” Mike asked.

  “Jaguar?” That’d be pretty cool. “But I really hope we don’t have a girl. That sounds like a nightmare…”

  Mike chuckled. “I’ve gotten a few headaches over Trinity.” He gave me a knowing look.

  The intercom on the desk went off. “Sir, your daughter is here.”

  “Great,” Mike said. “Send her in.” He turned back to me. “My own daughter doesn’t just barge in here.”

  “She’s a wuss. That’s why.”

  Trinity walked inside, glowing like a thousand Christmas lights. “Hey, Dad—” She flinched when she saw me, clearly not expecting me to be there. “Slade?”

  “He just told me the news,” Mike said. “Congrats, honey.” He pulled her into his arms and hugged her. “So happy for both of you. You’re going to be such a cute mother.”

  “Thanks…” She gave me an accusatory look. “You told him?”’

  “Yeah.” Why wouldn’t I? “I’ve been telling anyone who will listen. I told my dad, Ward, Sean…”

  Trinity’s eyes flashed. “And you decided to tell my dad?”

  “What?” What did I do?

  Mike stepped back and tried to stay out of the argument.

  “I wanted to tell him,” she said in a hurt voice. “And you went and blabbed?”

  “Sorry…I didn’t know.” I really didn’t.

  “We at least could have did it together,” she argued.

  “I didn’t know…I was just so excited. Sorry, I wasn’t thinking.” Did I fuck this up? We were finally having a baby but I ruined it. I overshadowed her great moment when I opened my big mouth. “Baby, I’m sorry…”

  Her anger faded when she saw the sincere look on my face. “It’s okay…I know you meant well.”

  When she stopped glaring at me I knew I was in the clear. “Well, we can tell him again…”

  Mike stepped toward us when the fight was over. “You have no idea how excited I am.” He eyed her stomach like he expected to see a baby bump. “Your mom will flip when I tell her.”

  “We’re excited too.” Trinity came close to my side. “We’ve been trying to make this happen for a long time.”

  “And now it finally has,” Mike said. “Skye’s son and your child won’t be too far apart.”

  “Yeah.” Trinity felt her stomach. “I hope we have twins.”

  “I don’t,” I said. “That would be way too much for you to handle.”

  “Shows how much you know,” she challenged. “Since we’re having four kids it’ll speed things along if we have two at a time.”

  My h
ead snapped in her direction. “Whoa…what?”

  “What?” Her face hadn’t changed.

  “Four kids?” I didn’t agree to that.

  “Yeah.” She said it like we’d just agreed on it.

  “Hold on…I didn’t agree to four kids. That’s way too many.”

  “I want a big family,” she said.

  “Well, I want to be able to sleep and stuff.” Was she crazy? Four kids? That was insane.

  “We’ll hire a nanny when it becomes too much.”

  “I’m not letting some stranger raise my kids.” Hell no.

  “I’m available.” Mike raised his hand. “Cassandra and I would love the job.”

  I watched him hesitantly. “He’s not much better…our kids will be psycho.”

  Mike smiled like he took my words as a joke.

  But I wasn’t joking.

  “Anyway…” Trinity clearly didn’t want to have two fights in the span of five minutes. “Let’s focus on this little guy.”

  “You think it’s a boy?” I asked. I put my hand across her stomach like that would tell me something.

  “I don’t know…but I hope it’s a girl.”

  I cringed. “God, I hope not.”

  “What?” Trinity asked with a heartbroken face. “What’s wrong with an adorable little girl?”

  “Boys. That’s what’s wrong.”

  She rolled her eyes.

  “Come on, Trinity. If they look anything like you we’re going to have some problems.”

  “You’re jumping eighteen years into the future,” Trinity said. “Just focus on now.”

  “Eighteen years?” I asked. “You were smoking hot when we were fourteen.” I glanced at her dad when I realized what I said. “Sorry…I’m just saying.”

  “Just get over it, Slade. You would love a girl if you had one.”

  “Yeah…I’d love her a little too much.” My life would be a nightmare. If any guy even glanced at her I’d bust out my Krav Maga and tear them apart. They wouldn’t have any teeth or arms when I was finished with them.

  Trinity turned to her father and rolled her eyes like I couldn’t see.

  Mike chuckled. “I understand his pain. I raised a very beautiful daughter and it was a pain in the ass.”

  “I was not a pain in the ass,” Trinity argued.

  “Not you specifically,” he said. “But the whole thing was a lot of work…but it was worth it in the end. Now you’re married to a great guy and have a baby on the way. I can sleep at night now.”

  “So, I’m not gonna get a good night’s sleep until all my daughters are married?” That sounded terrible.

  Mike shrugged in response.

  My voice was full of sarcasm. “Great…”

  “Now go tell your brother,” Mike said. “Maybe some true joy will snap him out of this…whatever the hell he’s going through.” He crossed his arms over his chest and his eyes turned angry.

  “What did he do now?” Trinity blurted.

  “You mean who did he do?” I corrected.

  “You know Georgia Price?” Mike asked.

  She was a model in Maxim but I didn’t act like I knew that. I used to check out her photos before Trinity walked into my life and knocked the wind out of me.

  “The model?” Trinity asked. It wasn’t surprising that she knew who she was. She was pretty famous, and models were Trinity’s forte.

  “Yep.” Mike groaned in irritation. “The married model.”

  “No way,” I said. “Conrad is screwing her?”

  “Repeatedly.” Mike rubbed his temple.

  “Isn’t she married to that famous agent?” Trinity asked.

  “Yep,” Mike said. “But he doesn’t care…at all.”

  “Wow…” Trinity’s eyes trailed to the ground. “He really hit rock bottom, huh?”

  “Six feet under, actually,” Mike said.

  “Maybe I can talk to him,” I offered. “I used to be a playboy.”

  “I already tried,” Mike said. “Roland has tried…Sean has tried…we’ll just have to ride this out and hope it passes.”

  “What about Lexie?” I asked. “Anyone heard from her?”

  Trinity blew up like a bomb. “That stupid fucking bitch better not show that ugly ass face of hers around here otherwise I’ll rip that pretty blonde hair from her scalp and shove it up her—”

  “Whoa, baby.” I held up my hand to silence her.

  Steam was still blowing out of her nose and her cheeks were red. “Point being, she better not bother him ever again. You don’t pull a stunt like that then act like nothing ever happened.”

  Mike’s eyes were wide like he never heard Trinity talk that way before.

  “I doubt she’ll come around,” I said. “It’s been months and we haven’t heard a peep from her.” Well, there was that letter that Roland had…that no one read. Now I wondered if we should give it to him. Or was it better to leave it alone? “Have you heard anything from her, Mike?”

  “No,” he answered. “I hope I don’t run into her. I wouldn’t know what to say.”

  Trinity’s eyes flared again. “You could tell her to—”

  “Baby, you’re going to be a mom.” I interrupted her before she could drop a million F bombs.

  She pressed her lips tightly together.

  “Let’s go tell Conrad.” We needed to change the subject before Trinity decided to chase her down and make good on all her threats.

  “Good idea.” Mike patted Trinity on the shoulder in an attempt to calm her down.

  We left the office then entered Conrad’s. He had his feet on the desk and he was typing on his phone.

  “Interrupting anything?” I asked.

  “Playing Scramble online with Theo.” He didn’t look up from his phone. “Give me a two letter word with an X in it.”

  Trinity shrugged. “X…ray?”

  “Ox,” I said.

  “What’s an ox?” Conrad asked.

  “It’s another name for a cow,” I said.

  Conrad typed it in. “Sweet. It worked. You’re a lot smarter than you look, Slade.”

  “I know.” I got that all the time.

  “So, what’s up?” Conrad put his phone on the desk. “What brings you two here? Lunch?”

  “No, we have something we’d like to tell you.” I put my arm around Trinity and pulled her into my side. I’d let her tell her brother since I ruined her surprise to her father.

  Trinity wasn’t angry over Lexie anymore. She was squirming in excitement. “We’re having a baby!”

  “Seriously?” Conrad pulled his feet down and stood up. “I’m gonna be an uncle?”

  “Yep.” I grinned and couldn’t stop.

  “This is awesome.” Conrad fist-pumped the air. “So sick.” He came around the desk and hugged Trinity. “Congrats, sis. I’m happy for you.”

  “Thanks, Con.” She returned the embrace and rested her head on his shoulder.

  He patted her back. “I know you’ve been trying to make this happen for a while. I knew this day would come for you.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered. “You’re going to be a great uncle.”

  “Yeah, I know,” he said with a chuckle.” When he pulled away he turned to me.

  I extended my hand to shake his. “We’re both very excited.”

  He eyed my hand like it was a snake. Then he pulled me in for a hug. “Thanks for being the man my sister deserves. I doubted you before but I was clearly wrong. And I know you’ll be a great father.”

  I wasn’t expecting such kind words from my brother-in-law. The fact they were sincere meant a lot to me. “Thanks…” I tried not to get choked up like a girl but it was difficult. “I always do my best.”

  He clapped my shoulder before he stepped away. “I’ve got to get planning…”

  “For what?” Trinity asked.

  “I’ve got to spoil him before he even gets here,” Conrad said. “Or her.”

  “It’s a girl,” Trinity blurted.

  “How would you know?” Conrad asked. “You’ve been pregnant for like a day.”

  “I just know,” Trinity said. “And I would love to have a little girl.”

  I shook my head while looking at Conrad.

  Conrad chuckled. “That sounds like a headache.”

  “I’m pretty jealous Cayson is having a boy,” I said. “That’ll be so easy.”

  “You never know,” Trinity said. “Look at you. You were a nightmare to raise.”

  I couldn’t deny that. “True…”

  The door opened and Skye stepped inside. “Dad just told me you were here.”

  “We just told Conrad the news,” I explained.

  “Oh.” Skye hugged him. “Congratulations, Conrad. You’ll make a great uncle.”

  “You already knew?” Conrad asked.

  “Well…” She looked a little uncomfortable. “I was there when she checked the pregnancy test.” She lied quickly on her feet and didn’t throw us under the bus.

  Trinity and I were both grateful.

  “Oh okay.” Conrad immediately calmed down. “It’s pretty exciting. I love kids.”

  “And you’ll be a great uncle to mine.” Skye rested her hand on her swollen stomach. She was getting enormous.

  “Now we have three babies in the family,” Conrad said. “Pretty crazy.”

  Skye turned to me. “Can I talk to you for a second when you’re done?”

  I assumed this had something to do with Cayson and the fact he was being a huge pain in the ass. “Yeah, sure. We’re done here.”

  “Are you sure?” she asked. “I don’t want to interrupt anything…”

  “No, really,” Trinity said. “You’re fine.”

  Skye smiled like she couldn’t keep her secret inside. “Cayson came over the other night—”

  “Did you sleep with him?” That would fix everything.

  Skye continued. “No, we—”

  “He took you back?” Trinity asked.

  Skye turned to her. “Actually, we—”

  “He moved back in?” Conrad asked.

  Skye stomped her foot. “Let me talk.”

  “Sorry…” I zipped my lips.

  “He came over at, like, one in the morning and we talked for a while,” Skye said. “Basically, he said he’s still really angry at me but he can’t stop loving me and he doesn’t want us to go our separate ways…and he’s not a fan of Rhett.”


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