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Owning Victoria (Devils Riot MC: Originals Book 2)

Page 4

by E. C. Land

  “Vicky, it needed to happen. Trust me, this is a good thing,” she’d said. I’d wanted to jump through the phone and strangle the woman.

  I haven’t spoken to her since. Juvenile as it might be, you don’t just let someone in to take over your life the way Tracker did.

  Oh, and he didn’t just move me into his house— the insufferable man moved me into his bed, where he held me while we slept. From the way Tracker holds me throughout the night, it's completely polar opposite to the way he acts toward me in the light of day, when the jerk is in asshole mode.

  This being after I have to endure seeing him flirt and everything else except fuck Dixie and Gia in front of me. I swear he’s doing it to get a reaction from me. Which I do my best not to give to him or those hateful witches.

  Worse of all, he hasn’t even tried anything else with me. Maybe I should be grateful for that fact, what with him being surrounded by skanks every day. Then again, it makes me feel as if every one of those skanks are right and I’m not good enough. Not thin enough or beautiful enough for him.

  On top of everything he’s done to me, Tracker set a meeting between Stoney, him and myself to go over things to do with the club. Which of the women are having to work harder than others. Who are missing shifts when they're scheduled to work. And my favorite of them all, who’s taking side pieces when and doing drugs.

  Evidently, the man doesn’t seem to think I can do the job right. Hence the meeting. Stoney however being on my side about this said from what he could tell I was doing a great job. Less of the girls are coming in high or with drugs in their systems. And hardly any of them have tried to find a side hook up. I will say that I have no problem letting someone go for not following the rules the club has set in place.

  It’s one thing to screw the customers in the brothel because everyone is vetted and tested. It’s another to go behind the club’s back and screw someone and then come in here and possibly spread an STD or something. It’s a hazard I won’t take. The club depends on these girls to follow the rules they have in place and trusted me enough to make sure everything goes smoothly.

  Maybe that’s why I ended up getting on stage again that night. Because I wanted everything to run as it was supposed to. To show the club I’d do whatever it takes to keep havoc from happening. Even if some of these women I’d love nothing more than to throat punch for the way they talk about me. The others I personally envy for their confidence in themselves.

  Especially the ones who work solely in the brothel part of the club. They hold their heads high and have this don’t bullshit me attitude. I’d never judge a woman for what they do, or I should say I wouldn’t long as they don’t go at me first. Judging someone harshly makes me feel too much like the people I escaped.

  God knows, I don’t even want to think of any of them. It was bad enough they controlled every little thing in my life all the way to my food intake. But they’d also make sure I went to the doctor every two weeks to show that I was still a virgin, as if it were anyone’s business.

  When I’d stated that in an argument, I ended up on the floor after my father backhanded me. I can still hear my father’s words from that day— “You are my business. Everything about you is my business. Until the day I marry you off and have gained what I want, you are my property. My gem that will grant me everything that I want. How that bitch of a woman could give everything to you and leave your mother and I nothing is beyond me.”

  Shaking my head, I sigh in resolve. For the past two years, I’ve done everything I could to stay hidden. To never allow anyone to know my real name. Now the entire club does. It was another part of the meeting between Stoney, Tracker, and me. They demanded to know why I didn’t tell them any of this.

  Now, standing in the shadows at the club, I glare at Tracker as he sits in his usual seat with Dixie in his lap. If not for him, everything would be perfect. Well, as perfect as it could be. With him taking over my life the way he has, I have no control over anything. Not anymore.

  “What am I still doing here?” I mutter to myself as I turn away from the sight of Tracker and Dixie. The sight of them makes me sick. “Maybe I just need to get the hell out of here.”

  That’s exactly what I need to do. It’s what I should have done weeks ago. I just didn’t have the balls to do it. It’s not like I don’t have the money to leave. To go somewhere else.

  As I walk down the hallway toward my office, I keep moving past it to the back door. Placing my hand on the handle, I take a deep breath. If I do this, it means my life will change again. I’ll end up giving Parker and my father the chance to find me. But at the same time, I won’t belong to anyone.

  Nodding my head, I turn the handle, peeking over my shoulder one last time, longing for something that will never be for me.

  Tracker will never be mine. To him I’m nothing but, as he calls me, an ice princess.

  Stepping through the door, I make my way to my car. The very same car I haven’t been able to drive since the night Tracker moved me in with him. He’s brought me to work every night since. Thankfully, I always keep a key to the car in a hidden spot underneath in a magnetic box that sits on the front drive shaft. Not easy to find to the unknowing eye if they are looking for the spare key considering you have to climb halfway underneath to grab it.

  Once I have the key in hand, I climb into my car and start her up. Quickly backing out of the spot, I turn east to head for the interstate. Time to head for the airport and then go somewhere no one can find me.

  Maybe I should go to Brazil or maybe Greece. I have the money to get me there. I’ll just need to hit a few banks on the way to where I’m going to pull out as much cash as I can. Because after I get on the plane, I won’t be able to use my card.

  Not unless I want anyone to know where I’m at. Yeah, that’s not going to happen.

  Screw everyone who thinks they can possess me. And fuck Tracker for not only thinking he could possess me but for breaking me.



  “Tracker, why won’t you fuck me or Gia?” Dixie whines as she straddles my lap. I clench my teeth to keep from snapping at the bitch. She’s here for a reason— to make Victoria jealous. I want to see her act on the jealousy that I’ve seen in her gaze.

  Since that first night in the office, I haven’t fucked her or even stuck my cock in any other bitch to get my rocks off. Doesn’t mean I haven’t groped or let another woman rub herself on me. Asshole move, I know, but I don’t have an ol’ lady and can sure as fuck do as I please. Yet why haven’t I fucked anyone?

  Groaning, I squeeze Dixie’s ass to stop her from grinding against me further. “Told you weeks ago, babe, not happening,” I grunt.

  “If that were the case, baby, you wouldn’t let me, Gia, or any of the other girls rub all over you,” Dixie purrs while running her hands along my shirt.

  “Just because I allow you all to do as you have been doesn’t mean I’m going to fuck any of you, Dixie. Remember your place when it comes to me. You’re a club slut, nothing more. You, Gia, and I have had lots of fun. I’m done though, so get the fuck over it,” I grind out.

  “You don’t seem to be over it, baby. Come on, let me take care of that hard-on for you,” she says, pressing herself into my body.

  Fuckin’ hell, she’s not getting what I’m saying, and I’ve been too damn nice by allowing myself to give them the same attention I’ve been. Maybe I should let her get me off one more time. It’s not like I’ll be getting the ice princess under me anytime soon.

  Glancing over Dixie’s shoulder toward the hallway for the offices, I don’t see Victoria standing there as she has in the past. My brow furrows as I wonder where she’s at. Maybe I should go check on her.

  Nope, don’t even do it. She’s working and you shouldn’t even care.

  Fuck this shit. I’m going to take Dixie up on her offer and let her suck my cock. Mind made up, I tap Dixie’s thigh to move as I stand. “Come on, babe, you can get me off one last time,
” I say to which she giggles.

  Which I find irritating as hell.

  As I walk to one of the private rooms, Coyote calls my name. Turning to see him heading my way, the expression on his face tells me he’s pissed about something.

  “What’s up, brother?” I ask with my arm still around Dixie.

  Coyote glances between the two of us, narrowing his eyes briefly before glaring at me. “You seen Amethyst tonight?” he demands.

  “Not since we got here. Why?” My gut begins to twist. Victoria should be here. Thoughts of her family or that ass Parker finding her start to swirl around in my head. Releasing Dixie, I step away from her. “Go back to doing your job,” I command, not leaving any room for argument. Huffing, Dixie storms away from Coyote and me.

  “You’re a fuckin’ dick, VP” Coyote mutters.

  “So fuckin’ what. Now, why did you ask about Amethyst? You want your dick in her?” I snap.

  “No, I don’t want my dick in her, but I’m fucking sick of seeing her hurt. You’re the only one in the club who is a complete ass toward the woman. She’s worked her ass off here and something you might not have noticed since you constantly seem to be with Dixie or Gia, but Amethyst has lost weight. And anytime someone has offered something to eat, she turns it down,” Coyote says.

  With each word that comes out of Coyote’s mouth, I realize he’s right. Victoria hasn’t been eating at home either.


  Not saying a word, I storm passed him, heading the way I came to go toward the hallway where the offices are held. Opening the door to hers, I walk in to find her not there. “Where the fuck is she?” I growl, turning to face my brother.

  “I don’t fuckin’ know. That’s why I came to find you,” Coyote seethes.

  “Damnit,” I say as I move further down the hall to my own office, one I barely use unless I’ve got to, the one that’s used when I need to use my skills. They don’t call me Tracker for nothing. I can hunt down anyone who’s trying to hide.

  Unlocking the door, I move quickly toward the wall of monitors. Pressing a few keys on the keyboard, I rewind them to where I need them to be. On the first monitor, I notice her standing in the shadows, looking out in the main room. Victoria seems to stand there for a while, and a look of hurt and pain crosses her face before she turns to leave.

  Turning to the next monitor, I find her walking down the hall toward her office but instead of stepping in there she walks past it to the back entrance. She stops briefly as if she were contemplating before glancing over her shoulder, tears shining on her cheeks.

  What the hell is she doing?

  It’s not like she can leave in her car. I have the only key which was confirmed when Mikey checked her car for a spare.

  Fuckin’ hell.

  Moving to another screen, I watch in bewilderment as she lays down on the ground next to her car and scoots underneath the damn thing. A minute later, she slides back out and stands with a look of triumph.

  Damn, I wonder where she hid the fuckin’ key. ThenI’m going to ream the fuckin’ prospect’s neck for not finding the damn key.

  Narrowing my eyes, I continue to stare at the screen as Victoria climbs in and starts the car. My blood boils as she backs up and pulls out of the parking lot. I catch her turn east rather than the opposite direction toward the house she shared with Raven.

  This means one thing.

  Victoria is running.

  Motherfuckin’ hell. I’m going to strangle the damn woman when I find her.

  “What are you going to do, VP?” Coyote asks.

  “I’m going to catch up with her,” I snap as I sit at my desk and start pulling up programs as I pull my phone out of my pocket to text Nerd.

  “You sure about that? I mean no disrespect to you as my VP and all, but you treat her like trash instead of a woman you claim is yours. Or as you say, own. You know I’m all for the free pussy and getting my dick wet, but if I were in your shoes, I wouldn’t be pulling the shit you are. I’d be fighting for the woman my dick really wants. ‘Cause as my pain in the ass sister will put it, the heart and body know before the mind does and will make you do stupid shit. So, man the fuck up and accept she’s yours or fuckin’ let her go,” Coyote states.

  Grinding my teeth, I clench my fist ready to pummel my brother, but I know he’s right. If I want her, I need to stop this shit I’ve been doing. Everything I’ve done over the last several weeks has been fucked up. I’m sure I should let her go, but I can’t. Like he said, the heart and body knows what it wants. My head just needs to get on board with it all.

  But for any of that to happen, I’ll need to find her before anyone else does.



  Four weeks ago, I left my life yet again. All because I couldn’t handle the sight of the one man who’s ever caused my heart to jump with other women. I thought it was the best decision at the time. Tracker hurt me so much and I don’t even think he knows.

  The night I left the club, I’d stopped at enough banks to grab enough money to get on the first plane I could. When I landed in Dallas, I’d been a nervous wreck. Renting a car, I started to drive to my next destination. I stopped at a bank while it was open and withdrew a good amount out of my trust fund. I knew this was a big risk which is why after checking my phone I threw it down a sewer drain. I was smart to write down all my contacts I needed, though.

  After driving from Dallas to the first airport I could in New Mexico, at which point I got on the first flight to Australia, where I landed in Melbourne, drove into South Australia, and rented a villa right on the beach.

  And for the last three weeks and some change since I’ve been here, I’ve done nothing but sit here and watch the water. Somedays, I sit outside the villa I’d rented while others I sit on the beach.

  Today is no different than the other days except this time I’m staring at a stick instead of the water.


  How the hell could I be pregnant after only having sex once?

  Now, instead of having to keep myself hidden, I need to protect my child, a child who should be able to grow up with both its mother and father. Maybe I should contact Tracker just to let him know.

  Don’t be an idiot. He doesn’t want you. He definitely won’t want you when your body is ruined by having a baby. No one will.

  It doesn’t matter though if he will want me or not. This isn’t just about me anymore. He doesn’t have to want me. But he deserves to know about his child.

  I could wait until the baby’s born, though. That might be the best way to do this.

  Shaking my head, I throw the stick away. I have time to decide what to do. First things first, make an appointment with a doctor. Well, find a doctor here first.

  Washing my hands, I make my way into the kitchen to grab some water and head outside. Today, I’m going to sit on the beach and leave my worries behind.

  As I open the door, I gather my things and make my way down to my usual spot. The sounds of a motorcycle revving causes my heart to jump as I think about Tracker.

  Nope, don’t go there and start letting that shit up into your head.

  Shaking my head, I lay my blanket down and set my bag on the edge of it before sitting in the middle.

  Staring at the water, I become enthralled by the sounds. It’s soothing in a way I never expected. When I’m out here or even just sitting outside on the porch of the villa, it’s as if all my stress is gone. There’s nothing to worry about here unlike everywhere else.

  I’m so consumed watching the waves, I don’t notice anyone around until he’s sitting behind me, pulling me into his arms. Neither of us says anything for the longest time.

  “You’re a hard woman to find when you don’t want to be found. Never expected to find you in fuckin’ Australia,” Tracker finally whispers.

  “If I’m so hard to find, then how did you find me?” I murmur, not taking my eyes off the water.

  “You used my last name to rent your p
lace, Princess,” he says gruffly. “As pissed as I want to be with you right now, I can’t be. I’m just fuckin’ grateful as hell to have finally found you.” The feel of his lips against my shoulder sends a shiver down my spine.

  “Why bother with me? It’s not like you don’t have enough women around you constantly to keep you company,” I say on the verge of tears. I don’t think I’ve ever been this emotional, not even with the way my parents treated me.

  Tracker remains silent for a long moment before he moves from behind me to lay across the towel and draw me down into his arms so we’re facing each other. “Due to you being missing, I’ve had a lot of time over the last month to think. And I want to first apologize to you, sweetheart. I’m sorry for treating you the way I did. I acted like a complete fuckin’ ass toward you by allowing those bitches to touch me and lettin’ them kiss me,” he murmurs. With both of us wearing sunglasses, I can’t see his eyes, but I know he’s being genuine.

  As I go to speak, Tracker places a finger over my lips. “Let me finish, Victoria,” he says.

  Nodding, I wait for him to begin again.

  “When I first realized you left, I was so fuckin’ pissed, but at the same time, I was worried that Parker would find you.” I gasp at the mention of Parker's name. How does he know about him? “Yeah, Princess, I know about him and we can get back to that later. But back to what I was saying. After the first week of searching for you, panic started setting in, but I refused to give up. I don’t think I’ve slept. The last place I was able to track you to was New Mexico. If not for going through your shit, I would never have found you.

  “What I’m trying to get at, Princess, is after this past month, I never want to feel that again. I want to prove to you that you’re the only one I want. And I know you probably won’t believe me, but I haven’t fucked anyone since you. As for the other shit, that was me being a dumb fuck,” he says, his fingers stroking my bottom lip.


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