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Owning Victoria (Devils Riot MC: Originals Book 2)

Page 6

by E. C. Land

  “You still don’t get it, do you, Vi?” I growl, laying her on the bed.

  “What’s there to get? You saying something doesn’t prove anything’s changed. Actions speak louder than words. What’s to say if I go back home with you, you’ll stay faithful to me? I don’t want to have to be worrying about whether or not I come out of the office and see you with a bitch in your lap. That is if I still have a job,” she mutters bitterly.

  Staring down at this woman, I try my hardest not to lash out in anger. She doesn’t deserve it, not when she’s simply speaking her fears. At least she’s vocalizing them rather than keeping them balled up until we have a shit ton of problems later on with trust issues.

  “Look, Vi, I can’t promise I’ll change overnight on a lot of things, but when I said I own you as much as you do me, I meant every last word. I wouldn’t joke around about something that involves a relationship. Hell, I don’t think I’ve ever had one in my thirty-seven years of life,” I say, taking a deep breath.

  “You’re thirty-seven?” she asks in astonishment.

  “Yeah, Sweetness, I am,” I murmur. “What of it?”

  “Sixteen,” she whispers.

  “Sixteen what,” I ask.

  “You're sixteen years older than me.” She seems to have zoned out as she answers.

  Sighing, I lay on the bed next to her and draw her into my arms. Cupping her cheek, I make sure her attention is on me for this next part. “I know I’m older than you. Age is nothing but a number as long as you’re over the age of eighteen. So, I could care less if you’re fuckin’ two years or sixteen years younger,” I say. Leaning forward, planning on kissing her, I’m stopped by her placing a hand over her mouth. “What the hell, baby?”

  “I’m not about to let you kiss me with the taste of puke still in my mouth,” she says behind her hand.

  Shit, I should have thought about that. Then again, I wasn’t worried about it in the least. “I’ll let you up in a minute to get the taste out of your mouth, Sweetness. I just want to make sure you understand what I’ve said about where you and I are concerned. We’re happening and all the bullshit that’s happened already is gonna stay behind us,” I say.

  Victoria seems to search my face for a hint of a lie before finally nodding her head. “Okay, Tracker, but one fuck up and I’m gone. I won’t be made a fool of,” she says sternly as she removes her hand from her mouth to point at my chest.

  “Vi, if anything, I’d be making a fool of myself, and that shit ain’t happenin’. Now go brush your teeth while I go figure out breakfast. Then after we can go down to the beach or do something else of your choice, Sweetness,” I murmur as I lean into her to brush my mouth against hers. When I pull away, I give her a smile. “Can’t stay here forever baby. We need to head back tomorrow.”

  “I don’t want to go back. It’s nice here in this little bubble. I’m not ready for it to be popped yet,” she mutters.

  “I know, Sweetness, but we gotta get back. Bills don’t pay themselves and the boys are bitchin’ about you not bein’ at the club runnin’ shit.” I chuckle at the reminder from Ranger, Coyote, and Neo bitching about the fact all the cunts who work at DP have been slacking since Victoria left.

  Goes to show most of the bitches for who they really are. Only reason they did like they were supposed to is because of Vi making sure they did their jobs. They might have talked shit behind her back and all that drama bullshit they do, but they’d done their jobs.

  “Ugh, fine, I want to go soak up the sun some more before having to get back to working with hateful people who think they're better than me,” she sighs.

  “Vi, none of them are better than you and for that matter they’ll do it too. ‘Cause from now on, when you go to Dolly’s Playhouse, you’ll be wearing something that says just that,” I declare.

  “What’s that?” she asks, furrowing her brow.

  “Your property cut,” I state.

  “I’ve already told you, I’m not your property,” she snaps.

  “Sweetness, you're funny, you know that. The cut means you’re my ol’ lady, Vi. Means you're protected and better than all those other bitches,” I say.

  “Oh,” she murmurs as she seems to be thinking it over.

  “Oh is right, baby. You’re mine and I want every fucker to know it. Maybe then I won’t feel the need to stab them in the face,” I mutter.

  “You wouldn’t have.” The shock on her face is priceless.

  “Damn right, I would have. You don’t know how many times I’ve had to hold myself back from beating the hell out of most of the customers who saw you dancing. Their only saving grace was the fact they never saw everything,” I growl.

  “That’s no reason to hurt someone,” she states.

  “Victoria, you are more than enough reason,” I say firmly. “Now, enough talking. I need to feed you and then I need to fuck you.” Standing, I pull her with me, letting her feel the stiffness of my cock as I hold her to me.

  “Hmm, you could just fuck me first,” she says breathlessly as she runs her hands along my chest.

  “Sounds like a plan, but you’ll need your energy for what I have planned.” I chuckle as I release her to do her thing while I go fix her breakfast.

  By the time we leave here, she’ll be feeling me for days on end.



  I swear, by the end of this pregnancy, I’m going to pull my hair out if Tracker doesn’t quit with this overprotective bullshit. Since getting back from Australia a month ago, he’s barely let me out of his sight. When I’m at DP, he’s my shadow. At home, he’s constantly bugging me about food, telling me to eat this or that.

  It’s as if he knows about me not eating. But things are different now. I know I need to eat for given reasons. If I weren’t sure, I probably wouldn’t be.

  Things with the women at the club haven’t really changed other than Tracker ignoring them all. He seems to really want what we have to be real. Dixie and Gia are still skanky bitches who hate me, even more so since I got back. Maybe it’s because of the cut I wear each day, but I know it's most likely from the tongue-lashing Tracker gave them when they both tried kissing and rubbing up on him.

  I laughed my ass off seeing the expressions on their faces. They do their jobs and leave me alone for the most part— well, besides the death glares. I dare not ask Gia for a glass of water or juice from the bar. But I wouldn’t even need to, thanks to Tracker. He made sure there was a supply of cranberry grape juice in the office.

  My cravings have been getting nuts, from the cranberry grape juice to pickles dipped in chocolate, all of which Tracker indulges me without a peep. Well, maybe a lifted brow and shake of his head.

  The only times he hasn’t been around me is when he has to go on a run. When that happens, he leaves Cane or Neo with me.

  Such as today.

  I have my first ultrasound and I’m not even sure he’ll be able to be with me. Some of the guys had to head out to their Tennessee Charter to help with a situation. I’d tried to ask but learned quick that club business isn’t something Tracker and I will ever talk about. Hence, the fight we had before he left which turned into explosive mind-blowing sex. Tracker explained to me his reasons, and while I may find them ridiculous, I’ll respect them.

  With my appointment not being until later in the day, I decided to go to my office to get caught up on some paperwork. Whoever was doing my job while I was gone made a mess of things and I could strangle them. No one will answer when I ask them who was doing my job, not wanting to own up to the clusterfuck they’d made.

  After I get ready for the day, I head out to my car that, thanks to Raven giving Tracker my spare key, had gotten back from the airport. God, Raven, she’s still pissed at me for doing something foolish, as she put it. Yet at the same time, she’d been more pissed at Tracker for being a dumbass.

  I can’t help but think of the night we got home and found Raven sitting on the couch, patiently waiting in the dar
k. It was laughable the way Tracker pulled his gun out when he realized someone was in the house. Raven had simply stated, “Put your fuckin’ toy away and get out of the way so I can see my pain in the ass of a best friend.”

  You’d have thought Tracker had an aneurysm with the way he looked at Raven. I’d barely been able to hold my laughter in as he demanded she tell him how the hell she bypassed his security on the house.

  Raven still hasn’t told him and it’s the funniest part of it all because she’d told me— she’d seduced one of his brothers to tell her the damn code.

  Shaking my head, I start my car and head to DP. I glance out the back windshield to make sure Neo or Cane are behind me. I never know which one is with me until I see them. It may seem annoying as hell having them follow me everywhere, but it also eases my mind to have someone with me if needed.

  It doesn’t take me long to get to the club and inside the building. As I walk through the main bar area, I make my way toward the hallway where the offices are. Just as I’m about to step into my office, I hear voices from farther down the hall. On silent feet, I make my way toward them. My stomach knots up as I realize who the voices belong to along with which room they’re coming from.

  Tracker’s office.

  “Come on, baby, you know you want us to fuck you.” My heart stops at Dixie’s words.

  “I’m sure she doesn’t give it to you as good as we do.” Gia’s voice follows.

  “She’ll never know. I mean, it’s not like she knows you’re here or anything. I mean, seriously, baby, our pussies miss your dick,” Dixie whines.

  “I’ve told you both, we’re done. As tempting as it is to sink my cock between your lips while watching Gia eat your pussy, I’m not doing it,” Tracker growls.

  “But baby,” Gia murmurs huskily.

  “Stop callin’ me that shit,” Tracker snaps.

  Peeking around the doorway, I spot both those skanks on either side of Tracker with their hands running along his chest.

  “You know we’re better than that stuck-up bitch you’ve been fuckin’. Let me make you feel better,” Dixie says as she begins to kneel in front of him.

  Tracker immediately reacts and grips the hateful bitch by her hair. “I told you, we’re done,” he snarls, pulling Dixie to her feet.

  “But you just said you’d like to have your cock in my mouth. I can make it happen, baby. I want nothing more than to swallow your cum down my throat.” I have to cover my mouth to keep from making a noise. I need to see what he does.

  “I fuckin’ said it was tempting, not that I wanted it. It’s the fuckin’ same as havin’ a hard dick at a strip club— you see it, but you don’t have to do shit. I fuckin’ love my ol’ lady and the fact she has to put up with you bitches flaunting your shit about already havin’ had my cock is startin’ to piss me the fuck off. This is your final warning,” Tracker declares and my heart soars.

  “More like, they can get their shit and get out VP. They know the rules. Don’t fuck with the men with ol’ ladies,” Stoney sneers from behind me, causing me to jump as he moves around me to enter the office, touching my back as he does.

  “Even better,” Tracker says. “This shit has to stop.”

  “But you can’t do that. We did nothing wrong,” Dixie protests.

  “Did nothing wrong, my ass. Told your ass several times over the past month that I didn’t want your asses anymore,” Tracker snarls.

  “Get your shit and get out before his ol’ lady beats your asses,” Stoney orders as Tracker’s gaze snaps to the doorway, where I’d finally moved so he could see me standing there.

  “Sweetness?” He calls my name in question.

  “That bitch is the reason for all this. Everything was perfect until she came here,” Gia snaps.

  “Don’t even try that shit. I’ve done nothing to your ass even when I should have. Now, be a good skanky slut and get your shit like Stoney said. I should have fired your asses months ago,” I sneer at them as I make my way toward Tracker.

  After hearing this shit, I know I don’t have to worry anymore. Stepping into his hold, I look up to him. “So glad to have you home. We’ll be discussing this later, but right now, I want to get out of here. I’d intended to get some paperwork done, but now I just want to leave and enjoy some time with you before the ultrasound appointment,” I say, hugging him.

  “You got it, Vi. Since these bitches ruined the surprise I had for you, I’ll just have to figure a way to make this shit up to you,” Tracker murmurs, placing a kiss to the top of my head as I turn just enough to see the two horrible women.

  “Wait a minute, did she just say ultrasound appointment?” Dixie demands as Neo drags her and Gia from the room.

  “You two are expecting?” Stoney asks in confirmation.

  “Yep, Vi and I are having a kid together,” Tracker says. Glancing up at him, I notice the largest grin on his face.

  “Congrats, you two. Get out of here. Spend the day together doing whatever the fuck it is you do. I’ll get Neo and Cane to make sure these two cunts are removed from the bar,” Stoney declares. Turning my attention to him, to find him looking smug.

  “Thanks, Prez, though I gotta admit that grin is scary as shit,” Tracker chuckles.

  “What? I can’t grin about something that’s good news,” Stoney laughs.

  “Not normally. I’d swear Rach has scrambled that head of yours to make you be nice when you’re normally a dick,” Tracker says and both men burst out laughing.

  “You two are starting to scare me. Why wouldn’t Stoney be smiling? I mean he’s always been nice to me,” I say in confusion. I know Stoney can be a ruthless hard ass, but I’ve always felt I could trust him.

  “Only you would think Stoney was nice, baby. The only one he’s nice to are his kids and ol’ lady,” Tracker says, pressing a kiss to the side of my head.

  “Well, until he does something to hurt me, I’ll still say he’s nice to me. Now, let’s let the man do what he’s gonna do and the two of us head out. I honestly could go for a chicken BLT with a vanilla malt shake from Omar’s,” I state.

  “Damn, she’s wanting that shit too? What’s up with pregnant women and sweets?” Stoney mutters.

  “I don’t know, but I’ll take that over watching Vi eat a pickle in choco— wait a minute. What do you mean pregnant women and sweets?” Tracker demands.

  “Rachel’s pregnant too,” Stoney shrugs with a grin marring his face.

  “Well, damn. Congrats to you as well,” Tracker chuckles.

  “Yep, now you two get out of here,” Stoney commands jokingly.

  As Tracker and I head down the hall, I stop him. “What surprise are you talking about?” I ask.

  Grinning, he takes me into my office and pushes me against the door when it closes. “I’d intended to surprise you by meeting you at the doctor’s office. I came by here to check on something in my office, but then all that bullshit happened.” He sighs.

  “Oh, well, damn them for ruining my surprise, but then, this is better,” I say, wrapping my arms around his neck. “I missed you.” Gripping the back of his head, I pull his mouth to mine, giving him a kiss that I hope put any and all other kisses he’s had to shame.

  I want this man to remember only my mouth on him and no other.



  Sitting next to Victoria in the waiting room, I can’t help but feel relief at how shit went down earlier. I swear those two cunts were out to fuck up what I have with Vi. All because they want me to fuck them.

  That shit’s not gonna fly with me. They’re lucky I was willing to let them still have a job. I’d really wanted to put a bullet in their heads. If I were a lesser man, I’m sure I would have. The bitches would have deserved no less. I mean fuck, is it so hard to hear a man say no more we’re done.

  Fuck, if I’d pulled the shit they had, and they’d said no they’d be screaming at the top of their lungs about being violated.

  I’m just glad Stoney h
ad done what I wanted to but if I’d done it without a club vote shit could have gone sideways. By Stoney doing it if questioned it would be a different story. I may be VP but I’m not the top dog in the club. Respect is respect and I wasn’t gonna do shit without my brothers knowing. Though I’m sure they wouldn’t have had a problem with it. They’d all seen how Dixie and Gia are.

  “Victoria.” The nurse calling my woman’s name draws me out of my head.

  “Come on, Sweetness. Let’s go see our baby,” I murmur as I take Victoria’s hand.

  As we approach the nurse, I can already tell I’m not going to like her with the way she’s eye fuckin’ me in front of Vi.

  Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with bitches? Have some self-respect and respect others. Fuck, if it were another time when I hadn’t come to terms with what I feel for Victoria, I might have tried to get in her pussy. Not anymore though. I meant what I said earlier about lovin’ Vi.

  Since getting back with her, I’ve fallen for her even more.

  “Go ahead and use the bathroom. There’re cups in there. Grab one and give us a sample. When you're finished, put it through the small door,” Nurse Slut says to Victoria but keeps her eyes focused on me.

  Releasing my hand, she goes to do what she needs to.

  The moment the door closes, Nurse Slut steps up to me. “If you want to get together later, give me a call. I’ll make it worth your while,” she says, sliding a torn piece of paper into my pocket as she runs her other hand along my cheek.

  “No thanks, bitch. I highly suggest you go find another nurse. I’m not putting up with the bullshit of being felt up,” I growl as I pull the paper out of my pocket and shove it in her face.

  “But . . .”

  “I suggest you not try to defend yourself. I’ll be reporting you for inappropriate behavior and I’ll also make sure they ask you to leave,” Victoria snaps from the bathroom entrance.


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