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All My Loving: Butler, Vermont Series, Book 5

Page 11

by Force, Marie

  “You aren’t going to come back to reality at some point and hate me for this, are you?”

  “I could never hate you.”

  He thought about Chrissy and Jessica and other women who’d wanted to be the ones to change him, and the doubts intensified. “Yes, you could, and I’d never want that.”

  “I don’t want to think about the future or the past or anything other than what’s happening right in this moment.” She ran her hands over his back and down to cup his ass, giving a gentle tug that told him exactly what she wanted from him. “And I like what’s happening in this moment.”

  Was it possible she was maybe taking advantage of him rather than the other way around? Yes, it was, but he could live with that. He’d wanted her for weeks, and with her offering herself to him, he wasn’t about to say no. Maybe the fact that she’d had such a scare was causing her to be less cautious than she would’ve been before, but it was also a good reminder to him that he needed to seize the moment right along with her.

  He had no way to know if he was starting something lasting with Amanda or serving as her second-chance fling. Did it matter?

  Well, yeah, kinda… Other women had used him for sex, and he hadn’t thought a thing of it. If this woman was using him to feed her adrenaline high, that’d be a huge bummer. However, as long as she was living in his house and sleeping in his bed, he had the chance to show her he could be much more than a fling.

  Despite his concerns, he kissed her and touched her and lost himself in her.

  “Now, Landon,” she said, sounding breathless.

  He’d done that to her… He’d made her breathless, and he was going to make her scream—again. As he pushed into her, he focused on one thing—lasting long enough to make it as good for her as it could possibly be. But that wasn’t easy. He’d been wanting her for weeks, and now that it was finally happening, he struggled to maintain control, to keep it from ending too soon.

  So he went slow. Giving her a taste before retreating. Rinse and repeat until she was clinging to him and moving with him and so caught up in the heat they created together that it didn’t matter if he lost control during the best sex he’d ever had. As it was happening, he already knew that. And when he reached down to where they were joined to send her over the finish line, he was more than ready to go with her.

  He came down on top of her as his heart raced while his body thrummed with satisfaction and pleasure. He’d wondered how his brothers could possibly settle for one woman in their beds for the rest of their lives. If this was what they had with their partners, then it was no wonder why they’d gone all in with the women in their lives. If it was always this way with Amanda, it would be more than enough for him to be happy forever.

  But the nagging doubt remained. Did she feel the same way, or was he going to be a passing fling as she sought to fully live out her second chance? He wasn’t sure, and the not knowing would surely drive him mad.

  Much later, Landon drove Amanda up a winding hill to Tyler and Charley’s mountaintop retreat.

  “This place is incredible,” she said when the big house came into view.

  “Tyler is a day trader. He’s loaded, and he built this place before he met Charley, hoping he’d someday have a family to fill it with. Except, Charley has always said she doesn’t want to get married or have kids.”

  “And he doesn’t mind?”

  “He’s crazy about her. From what I’ve heard, he said he’d rather have her than a dozen kids with someone else.”

  “That’s very sweet.”

  “He’s a nice guy, and we like her a whole lot better since she’s been with him. We call him the Charley Tamer.”

  “Does she know that?”

  “Oh God, no. She’d beat the shit out of us if she heard that.”

  Amanda laughed at the look of pure fright on his face. “And she’s capable of beating the shit out of you?”

  “She fights really dirty.”

  “I suppose she’d have to with seven brothers.”

  He scoffed. “She’s lucky to have us.”

  “I’m sure she feels very lucky.”

  He pulled up to the house and got out to help her, lifting her from the truck and settling her on the blacktop as he eyed the house with trepidation. “Don’t let them say or do anything to give you second thoughts about me.”

  “They wouldn’t do that.”

  He huffed out a laugh. “Yes, they would.”

  “Don’t worry. I’m not easily scared off.”

  “I hope not.” He looked down at her, impossibly handsome and adorably sincere. “Today was fucking awesome.”

  “Yes, it was.”

  “I wish I didn’t have to work the next few nights.”

  “How come?”

  He gave her a withering look. “You know why. I have much better things to do than work.”

  “I’ll still be there in the morning.”

  “You promise?”

  She smiled up at him as she nodded. “Have a good night at work.”

  “Have fun with the vipers known as my sisters.”

  “Be nice. They’re not vipers.”

  “I’ll kill them if they do anything to turn you off of me.”

  “You helped me achieve one of my major life goals today—five times over. It’s going to take an awful lot to turn me off you.”

  His face lit up with the smug, arrogant grin she was growing to love. “Is that right?”

  “That’s right. Now go to work and don’t worry about me.” She went up on tiptoes to kiss him. “All is well.”

  “Landon!” Charley called from the door inside the garage. “Put it on ice, and let her come in!”

  Glaring in the direction of his sister’s voice, he offered an arm to Amanda to escort her inside. “Make sure someone walks you to the car. I don’t want you to fall.”

  “Yes, dear.”

  “I mean it.”

  “I’ll be careful. Don’t worry. I have no desire to extend my recovery. I’ve got things I want to do that require a working ankle.”

  Charley met them at the door and opened it. “Say goodbye, Landon. You’re not invited to this party.”

  “I’ll call you later.” He kissed Amanda’s cheek. “Have fun, and don’t make eye contact with Charley. She’s feral.”

  “Haha.” Charley extended her arm to Amanda to help her up the small flight of stairs. “Now go away.” Once Amanda cleared the doorway, Charley shut the inside door. “What’ve you done to him? He’s like a lovesick puppy.”

  “Is he?”

  “For real. Never seen him like that.”

  Amanda was secretly pleased to hear that, but mindful of Landon’s warnings about his sisters, she just shrugged. “Not sure.” She handed over her coat to Charley, who held Amanda’s arm while Amanda removed her shoes. “Sorry to come empty-handed.”

  “Don’t worry about it. The others brought enough for an army. Come in.” Charley led the way through her spacious, modern kitchen into a family room where a roaring fire had been lit in the massive fireplace.

  Amanda eyed the fire warily, but before she could fixate on it, Dani came over to hug her.

  “Glad you could come,” Dani said. “I’ve been instructed to drive you home whenever you want to go.”

  “Instructed by who?”

  “Landon called Lucas and asked if I’d bring you home.”

  “Ah, I see. That must’ve happened while I was in the shower.” She thought it was sweet of him to make sure she had a ride home. “Where’s Savannah?”

  “With Lucas. He insisted he felt well enough to sit at home with a sleeping baby.”

  “I’m so thankful he’s doing better.”

  “We’re thankful you both are.”

  Hannah, Ella, Cameron, Lucy and Megan came over to say hello, each of them hugging her and making her feel welcome.

  She was helped into a chair and told to put her foot up on the ottoman. “I feel like Cinderella after the ball.”
  “Only around here, the magic slipper is a boot,” Cameron said. Her long blond hair was captured in a messy bun, her hand flat against her pregnant belly. She looked ready to pop at any time.

  The women settled around a table laden with snacks and desserts. Charley filled a plate for Amanda and brought it to her.

  “Thank you.”

  “What can I get you to drink?” Charley asked, her eyes warm and friendly, making Amanda think Landon exaggerated about her ferociousness.

  “Some white wine if you have it would be great.”

  “Do we have white wine, ladies?”

  “Hell yes,” Hannah said. “And there’s plenty to go around since most of us are preggo.”

  “We were wondering when you were going to fess up, Han,” Ella said. With dark shiny hair and brown eyes, Ella resembled her older sister, Hannah.

  “Guilty as charged and couldn’t be happier about it, although Nolan and I wanted to keep it a secret for now until the dreaded first trimester is over.”

  “We’re thrilled for you and Nolan,” Ella said as the others extended congratulations to Hannah on news they’d figured out for themselves some time ago. “And we won’t say anything. Don’t worry.”

  “Did you guys hear we might get more snow this weekend?” Lucy asked as she captured her red hair into a ponytail.

  “Ugh,” Megan said. “Enough already.”

  “We start getting stir crazy around this time,” Hannah said for Amanda’s benefit. “Winter in Vermont goes on forever some years.”

  “Sorry I’m late,” Emma said as she came in. “Grayson gave me perfect directions, and I still managed to get lost.”

  “You haven’t missed anything,” Charley said. “Amanda just got here, and we haven’t even grilled her about Landon yet.”

  “Oh good. I want to hear that.” Emma smiled at Amanda. “We’ve all had our turn in the hot seat. Looks like it’s yours now.”

  “Lovely,” Amanda said, amused by them.

  “Soooo,” Cameron said, batting her eyelashes, “how’s Landon?”

  “He’s fine.” Why should she make it easy for them?

  Lucy tag-teamed off to Cameron. “And you guys are…” Lucy rolled her hand, hoping Amanda would fill in the blanks for them.

  Amanda knitted her eyebrows, hoping she was conveying that she didn’t understand the question.

  “They want to know if you’re doing it or not,” Charley said.

  Ella pounced. “Charley! Don’t ask her that!”

  “Why not? Everyone was asking me when I was staying with Tyler after I fell off the mountain.”

  “What was it like to fall off a mountain?” Amanda asked.

  “Painful. He challenged me to run during a snowstorm, and I ended up at the bottom of a steep drop. I screwed up my knee, had to have surgery, and since my parents were away at the time, Tyler insisted on nursing me back to health.”

  “Because he had the only one-story house,” Hannah added, rolling her eyes.

  “You have to give him credit for overruling the entire Abbott family to get his way,” Charley said.

  “He was very determined, as I recall,” Lucy said.

  “He was,” Charley said, her smile fading.

  “What’s wrong, Charl?” Hannah asked.

  “I think he’s going to ask me to marry him. Like, for real ask me.”

  “Oh damn,” Ella said. “Why do you say that?”

  “Just a vibe I’m picking up on.”

  “You don’t want to marry him?” Dani asked.

  Charley glanced at Ella, seeming pained.

  “Charley has always said she doesn’t want to get married or have kids,” Ella said. “She was very honest from the beginning about that with Tyler.”

  Charley moaned. “I love him so much. More than anything. But I still have no desire to be married. Why can’t we continue as we are, both of us here by choice, not because a piece of paper says we have to be?”

  “You should tell him that,” Amanda said, hoping she wasn’t overstepping as the new girl. “Remind him again that you still feel the same way you always did and say what you just did to us, about how it’s more important for both of you to be there because you want to be, not because you’re legally required to be.”

  “I don’t want to hurt him,” Charley said softly. “He’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

  “Tell him that, too,” Dani said. “That’ll matter to him.”

  Charley wiped away a tear. “The new girls are pretty smart.” She waved her hand. “Let’s go back to grilling Amanda. That was better than me spilling my guts. She never did tell us if they’re doing it.”

  “And she doesn’t have to,” Ella said with a pointed look for her sister.

  “We’re… enjoying each other’s company.” Amanda chose her words carefully out of respect for Landon’s privacy in the hornet’s nest that was his family.

  “Landon doesn’t do serious,” Charley said tentatively. “You know that, right?”

  “He might be changing his mind on that,” Hannah said as she dipped a carrot into ranch dip and popped it into her mouth.

  Again, Ella pounced. “What do you know?”

  “Nothing,” Hannah said, her gaze shifting to the left. “I’m just saying—”

  “You did that thing you do with your eyes when you’re lying,” Ella said. “Did you see it, Charl?”

  “I did, so spill it, Hannah, and don’t leave anything out.”

  “Ugh, I hate having sisters,” Hannah said.

  “You love us,” Ella said. “Now tell us what you know, because I’d hate to have to beat it out of you.”

  “As if you could,” Hannah said disdainfully.

  “Um, do I need to remind you of all the times we beat you up back in the day?” Charley asked.

  “You did not beat me up.”

  “Uh, El, want to help me out here?”

  “We absolutely did beat you up every time Mom put you in charge of us.”

  Hannah rolled her eyes. “I let you.”

  “Whatever!” Charley howled with laughter. “Now tell us what you know about Landon right now.”

  Hannah gave a tentative glance in Amanda’s direction.

  “Speak freely,” Amanda said. “I’m dying to know, too.”

  “I’ll only say that I happen to know, for a fact, he’s not messing around with you. He really likes you.”

  “I already knew that,” Amanda said, smiling. “What else have you got?”

  “That’s it.”

  “So you guys are, like, together?” Megan asked.

  “We’re taking it a day at a time for now and not putting labels on it.”

  “He came by the diner and asked if Hunter would give you piano lessons.”

  That news surprised Amanda and touched her deeply. “He did? He didn’t tell me that.”

  “He said you’re all about trying new things now that you’ve got a second chance at life, and you’ve always wanted to learn to play the piano.”

  Amanda was moved nearly to tears by his sweetness “That’s true. I did say that. It’s very nice of him to arrange that for me.”

  “Come to our house for dinner one night this week. You can sit with Hunter for a bit.”

  “Thank you, but Landon is working the next few nights.”

  “I’ll drive you. No worries. Let me talk to Hunter, and I’ll let you guys know what night works.”

  “Thank you.”

  “What other new things are you looking to do besides learn the piano, Amanda?” Cameron asked.

  “I’d like to learn to ski, drive a stick, zip-line, travel to Europe and figure out a real career for myself, among other things.”

  “You don’t have a real career now?” Lucy asked.

  “It’s more of a job than an actual career. I dropped out of college after two years of majoring in marketing, and when I couldn’t find a job, my mom offered me a temporary job working on her sales team. Eigh
t years later, I’m still doing that.”

  “What do you think you might like to do?” Hannah asked.

  “I don’t want to dominate the conversation,” Amanda said.

  “Don’t worry about that,” Charley said. “We thrive on fresh meat.”

  “I take it I’m the fresh meat?” Amanda asked, amused.

  “We’ve all been through it.” Emma affected a comically grave expression. “It’s best to just give the hungry beasts what they want and get it over with.”

  The others lost it laughing.

  “I’d be offended if she wasn’t absolutely right,” Ella said.

  “The Abbotts and Colemans can be a tough crowd, but I’ve found them to be worth the effort,” Megan said.

  “Same,” Cameron said.

  “Yep,” Lucy said.

  “Agreed,” Emma said.

  “That’s certainly been my experience so far,” Dani added.

  “I don’t really know what I want to do,” Amanda said, “but it might be something to do with writing and telling stories. I’m fascinated by people and what makes them tick. For instance, I could write for days about what’s gone on in this living room since I arrived.” While the others laughed, she continued. “I’ve met so many interesting people through my work, and I always want to know more about them, but there never seems to be enough time to dig into their stories the way I’d like to. That interests me.”

  Lucy glanced at Cameron. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

  “I’m thinking exactly what you’re thinking.”

  “Can one of you clue in the rest of us?” Hannah asked.

  “We’ve been talking about how we might personalize the catalog with more stories about the people who work for the company, like Mildred Olsen and Elmer, to start with,” Cameron said. For Amanda’s benefit, she said, “As you know, Elmer’s parents started the business, and Mildred is in her nineties and is the company’s longest-tenured employee.”

  “I’d love to write those stories, but I’ve never really done anything like that before, although I have written catalog copy—tons of it, actually.”

  “Tell you what,” Lucy said. “How about you give it a whirl with those two, and if we don’t think they add quality to the catalog, we reserve the right to say so?”


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