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All My Loving: Butler, Vermont Series, Book 5

Page 22

by Force, Marie

“It’s quite an accomplishment.”

  “Indeed it is, but that’s what our business is all about. Family first. One of my greatest pleasures in life is that many of my grandchildren are involved with running the business my parents started. They’re fourth-generation proprietors, which is a huge source of pride to me. Imagine, the little general store my parents started way back when now employs so many of their descendants.”

  “How do you think they’d feel about that?”

  “They’d be tickled pink. No doubt about it. They used to tell me there’s nothing more important than family. We’ve tried to instill that atmosphere in the company. Do you know that many of our employees are the second, third and even fourth generation of their families to work for us?”

  “I’ve heard that.”

  “What I love the most is how the kids have found their own niches within the business. We’ve got Hunter doing the books, Colton and Max making the maple syrup, Hannah’s jewelry, Wade with the health and wellness, Lucas’s woodwork, Landon running the Christmas tree farm, Will with the Vermont Made line, Ella and Charley overseeing the store and the sales force and inventory, and Grayson handling all the legal work. It’s truly a family affair with new family members being added to the team all the time.”

  Amanda took notes as he talked. “How do you think the arrival of the catalog will change the business?”

  “I predict it’s going to grow in leaps and bounds. Ever since Linc pitched the idea to me, I’ve been eager to see how it would work out.”

  “Does Linc still consult you on business decisions?”

  “We talk about most of the big stuff, but then again, we talk about most everything. He’s like a son to me.”

  “I’ve heard rumblings about a side project you two have been involved in having to do with some matchmaking, perhaps?”

  “Not sure where you would’ve heard something like that.”

  She smiled at him. “I hear you and Linc are determined to see all your grandchildren settled down.”

  “Nothing but rumors,” he said, his eyes twinkling devilishly. “Speaking of that, how are things with Landon?”

  Amanda loved the not-so-subtle segue. “Things are good.”

  “Just good? It’s seemed a little better than good to the casual observer.”

  “Are you fishing for information?”


  Amanda cracked up. “I’ll only tell you that your grandson is a wonderful guy, and things are really good between us.”

  “That’s what I want to hear. I have a confession to make.”

  “What’s that?”

  “From the first time I saw you with Landon, I had a feeling about you two.”

  “Even though Lucas was there, too?”

  “Even though. I can’t explain why, but the thought popped into my head that you’d be great for our Landon. Maybe because I saw the way he looked at you.”

  “How did he look at me?”

  “Like a man who’d just stared directly into the sun. A little gobsmacked after having seen the light.”

  “You saw all that in the span of a few minutes?”

  “I pay attention, sweetheart. I don’t miss much.”

  “I’m glad Landon has someone like you looking out for him. I never knew any of my grandparents.”

  “I’m sorry you missed out on that. I love being a grandfather—and a great-grandfather. It’s the best job I ever had.”

  Amanda wrote furiously to capture that quote.

  “Linc tells me you’re going to be sticking around to oversee the catalog going forward.”

  “That’s the plan.”

  “I think you’ll make a fine addition to our company.”

  “I’m glad you think so.”

  “I do. We all do. You fit right in around here.”

  “That’s so nice of you to say. I feel more at home in this little town than I have anywhere I’ve ever been.”

  “Butler does that to people. It rolls out the red carpet and makes you feel welcome. Not everyone can handle the long winters and the other hardships of living in the mountains. But those of us who love it wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.”

  “I can understand why. It’s a beautiful place to live.”

  “That it is, and it’s a wonderful place to raise a family.”

  Amanda smiled, because how could she not smile around this delightful man? “I guess that means you’ve heard my daughter will be coming to live with me at some point.”

  “I did hear that. It’s an amazing thing you’re doing for her and her mother. You’re giving them peace of mind at a time when they need it badly.”

  “That’s a nice way of looking at it. I have all these mixed emotions about it. On the one hand, I’m so happy to have Stella in my life. But on the other, I’m heartbroken for her mother and for her.”

  “Which is totally understandable.”

  “Having her in my life is a dream come true, but I hate that it’s happening this way.”

  “I’m a big believer in things happening for a reason, sweetheart. Years from now, when you look back at this time in your life, you’re going to see that everything that happened, from your work sending you to us, to the fire, to meeting Landon, to reconnecting with your daughter… It’s all part of a bigger plan.”

  “I do love a good plan,” Amanda said, smiling. “For all the good they’ve done me lately.”

  “Ah, that’s the thing about plans. They’ll make a fool out of you every time.”

  “That’s what Landon said, too, and he gave you credit for that pearl of wisdom. I’m certainly finding it to be true lately. Anyway, enough about me. This story is supposed to be about you.”

  “This story, my story, is about all of us. If you take away nothing else from our meeting, take that.”

  “I will. Thank you for making me part of your family’s story.”

  “It’s a pleasure to have you, honey.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  “A man doesn’t plant a tree for himself.

  He plants it for posterity.”

  —Alexander Smith

  On Thursday, Amanda and Landon had breakfast at the diner before meeting his cousin Izzy at the Grange for their ten o’clock photo shoot. They’d heard a few stories from his siblings about the shoot but were about to find out for themselves what it was like to be models. By all accounts, modeling was boring and tedious, but Izzy made it fun.

  Amanda, who’d been up late working on her profiles of Mildred and Elmer, was looking forward to meeting the renowned photographer who was Landon’s cousin. She’d FaceTimed with Stella the night before, which had been amazing. She already felt like they’d known each other much longer than a few days and could only hope her daughter felt the same way. She wanted Stella to be comfortable with her by the time Stella came to live with her.

  “I can’t believe I have to spend an entire workday doing this,” Landon said as they walked down the street, past Nolan’s garage, on the way to the Grange.

  When he saw them, Nolan and his assistant, Skeeter, came out to say hello.

  “Skeeter, this is Amanda,” Nolan said. “Do not shake his hand. He’s filthy.”

  Amanda smiled at the smaller man. “Nice to meet you, Skeeter.”

  “You, too, ma’am.”

  “Are you two the models of the hour?” Nolan asked.

  “Ugh, yes,” Landon said. “My dad is out of his mind using us as models.”

  “I don’t think he is,” Nolan said.

  “My girlfriend, Dude, says the ladies will be coming from all over looking for the Abbott boys,” Skeeter said, giggling.

  “That’s great,” Landon said, his tone dripping with sarcasm. “Just what we need.”

  “Your girlfriend’s name is Dude?” Amanda asked.

  “It’s short for Gertrude, and speaking of my sweet, here she comes now.”

  Amanda followed his glance and did a double take when she saw that Dude was at le
ast six feet tall and nearly as broad. Wearing denim overalls and a straw hat, she smiled widely when she saw Skeeter. She had to be a foot taller than him.

  The two of them embraced like they hadn’t seen each other in years.

  “It’s better if you don’t look,” Nolan said, forcing Amanda to suppress a desperate need to laugh.

  “You’re the sex-toy lady,” Dude said.

  “I suppose I am. I’m Amanda. Nice to meet you.”

  Dude’s handshake nearly crushed Amanda’s hand. “Likewise. You ready for a dog yet, Landon?”

  “Not quite, Dude. I still work too many crazy hours to have a dog.”

  “You let me know when you’re ready. I’ll hook you up.”

  “Will do.” He put his arm around Amanda. “We’d better get going. Izzy is expecting us.”

  “Have fun,” Nolan said, grinning.

  “Don’t tell me you’re getting out of this,” Landon said to his brother-in-law.

  “Nope. The three of us are up tomorrow. Can hardly wait.”

  “Don’t let him fool ya,” Skeeter said. “He’s excited to be a model.”

  “Shut it, Skeeter,” Nolan said. “I am not.”

  “Are too.”


  Landon and Amanda left them to fight it out as they headed for the Grange.

  “This town is the most entertaining place I’ve ever been,” Amanda said.

  “That can’t possibly be true.”

  “It is! You don’t meet people like Skeeter and Dude in the city.”

  “They’re unique. I’ll give you that.”

  “I wonder what it’s like when they—”

  Using the hand on the arm he had around her, he covered her mouth. “If you finish that thought, I’ll never forgive you.”

  Amanda dissolved into helpless giggles that she’d barely contained by the time they reached the Grange.

  “Are you going to be okay?” he asked.

  “I think so. Now, about that dog…”

  “What about it?”

  “If you’re living with someone who works mostly from home, you’d be able to have one, right?”

  “I suppose so. Why? Do you want a dog?”

  “I’ve always wanted one, but not having a home makes that somewhat difficult.”

  “Huh, well. We should talk to Dude, then. We call her Snow White because all the animals follow her around.”

  “Really? We can get a dog?”

  “Sure. I’d love to have one, but my hours are so crazy that it didn’t seem fair to the dog.”

  “I suppose I should make sure Stella’s not allergic or anything.” When he would’ve opened the main door to the Grange, Amanda stopped him. “I just want you to know that all this, everything that’s happened since the fire…”

  “What, honey?”

  “It’s so good. It’s all so good that I worry it can’t possibly be real.”

  “It’s real, and it’s your life now, if you want it to be.”

  “I do. I want it. I want you. I want it all.”

  Landon dropped his forehead to rest against hers. “I want it all, too. Everything about this with you feels so good.”

  Amanda looped her hand around his neck and kissed him.

  A throat clearing behind them had them pulling apart a few minutes later. Had they really engaged in a full-on make-out session out in the open where anyone might see them? Apparently so.

  “Sorry to interrupt.” A tall, smiling woman with long, curly blonde hair held a takeout coffee and had a camera bag hanging from her shoulder.

  “Hey, Iz.” Landon kissed his cousin’s cheek. “Good to see you.”

  “You, too. This must be Amanda.”

  Amanda shook her hand. “It’s so great to meet you. I’m a huge fan of your work.”

  “Thank you. I’ve heard great things about your work, too.” Izzy punctuated the statement with a wink. “You’ve got the whole town buzzing.”

  Amanda laughed. “That’d be me.”

  Izzy gestured to the door. “Shall we?”

  “Let’s get this over with,” Landon said.

  “Oh, come on!” Izzy gave him a push through the door. “This’ll be the most fun you’ve ever had.”

  “Somehow, I doubt that.”

  “Have some faith, cousin! When have we ever not had fun together?”


  “Sorry we’re late,” Cameron said as she came in with Lucy a minute later.

  “We just got here, too,” Izzy said.

  “Right this way, Landon and Amanda,” Cameron said. “We’ve got you all set up in the restrooms.”

  They showed Landon to the men’s room and Amanda to the ladies’ room, where clothing had been hung for them. Amanda changed into a denim dress that wasn’t something she would’ve chosen for herself, but she liked the way it looked in the full-length mirror that had been brought in for the occasion.

  “I knew that would be perfect on you,” Ella said from the doorway.

  “Where’d you come from?”

  “I was running late thanks to morning sickness. It blows. Literally.”

  “That’s miserable. I had it bad when I was expecting my daughter.” It was still new to say the words my daughter out loud, after years of pretending like Stella had never happened.

  “How long did it last?”

  “I’m afraid to tell you.”

  “Ugh, the whole time, then.”

  “Just about.”

  “Gavin will never be able to handle that. Every time I’m sick, he’s heartbroken.”

  “Poor you!”

  “Poor both of us.”

  “It’ll be worth it when your little one arrives.”

  “Absolutely. I’ve got your accessories out here when you’re ready.”

  “I just need to touch up my makeup. I’ll be right out.” Amanda brushed her teeth, reapplied mascara and lipstick and ran a brush through her hair, deciding she was as ready as she’d ever be to model.

  She came out of the ladies’ room and nearly collided with Landon, who was wearing a brown plaid flannel rolled up over his forearms. “That color is perfect on you.”

  “Glad you like it.” He hooked an arm around her waist and drew her into his embrace.

  “Don’t mess up my lipstick.”

  “Come on, you two,” Ella said. “We’re on a tight schedule.”

  “Don’t be a cock-blocker, El,” Landon replied.

  Amanda had gotten to see his grumpy side as he prepared to do something he had no interest in doing. “You’re cute when you’re grumpy.”

  “You’re cute all the time.”

  “I can’t take all this cuteness,” Ella said as she adorned Amanda with earrings, a necklace and bracelet from Hannah’s jewelry line and topped off the ensemble with a brown velvet hat that Amanda wondered if she could keep.

  “You look hot, babe,” Landon said. “Mountain chic works on you.”

  “Is that a thing?” Izzy asked. “Mountain chic?”

  “If it isn’t, it should be.” Amanda smiled at Landon. “We can use that in the catalog.”

  “Where do you want us, Iz?” Landon asked. “I’ve got grass that ain’t gonna cut itself.”

  “We’ll do you first.” Izzy positioned him where she wanted him and went through the various poses she wanted him to do.

  As Amanda stood off to the side and watched, she experienced a sinking feeling when she realized that once those photos went live, he’d be even more popular with women than he already was. They’d probably come from all over to lay their eyes—and other parts—on him. The thought made her want to claw the eyes out of those imaginary women.

  “He’s too cute, isn’t he?” Ella said.

  Amanda glanced at her. “Funny, I was just thinking that and wondering if I’m going to need a stick to beat off the fans who’ll come from all over to try to meet him.”

  “A stick might not be a bad idea.”

  “They’ll be lo
oking for Gavin, too.”

  “Let them try,” Ella said with a shocking amount of venom that was in marked contrast to her usual sweetness.

  “They’ll make it another kind of scavenger hunt to find all the hot guys in the catalog.”

  “Maybe we can do something with that from a marketing perspective.”

  “Sure, let’s start with Gavin.”

  Ella laughed. “Touché.”

  Izzy put Landon through the various poses before declaring herself satisfied.

  “Your next item is hanging in the men’s room,” Ella said.

  “There’s more?” Landon asked, clearly not pleased to hear that.

  “Much more,” Ella said. “We’re each doing twelve items.”

  “Oh my God! You’ve got to be kidding me!”

  “Do I look like I’m kidding? If you don’t like it, take it up with Dad. This was his bright idea.”

  Landon scowled at her and took off for the men’s room to change.

  “You’re up, Amanda,” Izzy said.

  Three hours later, they emerged from the Grange into bright sunshine.

  “That was the most excruciating thing I’ve ever had to do,” Landon said.

  “You’re not built to be stuck inside all day mugging for the camera.”

  “You know it.”

  “I’m going to need a stick to keep the ladies away from you after that catalog drops.”

  “What? No way.”

  “Yes way. They’re going to come from far and wide to meet the hot models.”

  “They are not. Don’t be silly.”

  “Not being silly,” Amanda said. “It’s going to happen. In fact, Ella is thinking about making a scavenger hunt out of it called ‘Come to Butler and Find the Hot Guys in Our Catalog.’”

  “She is not doing that!”

  “She won’t have to. They’ll do it on their own. I hope you guys are ready for what’s going to happen when that catalog lands in mailboxes.”

  “Nothing will happen.”


  He stopped walking and turned to her. “You aren’t actually still worried about other women, are you? Because you have to know there’s no one but you. Tell me you know that.”

  “I do.”

  “Why don’t you sound convinced?”

  “I have some concerns.”


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