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Queen Zaria Trilogy

Page 34

by Danny Dunn

  Mr. Jones "Yes, they appear to reflect the same time on all three documents."

  Mr. Jones, "Your honor, I need a short recess."

  Judge "Request denied."

  Pong looks at the first 3 or 4 documents and smiles at Karen.

  Pong "Judge, could you have the court make acetate copies of the government's version of all 75 pages please."

  Karen hands the acetate to the bailiff. The bailiff makes the copies and hands the acetate copies back to Karen.

  Pong "Karen could you now take the acetate version of the government's exhibit A which you have added your circles to in the places the redactor pen missed and place the prosecution's exhibit "A." line them up nice and neat and put them on the overhead.

  Karen places the stack of 3 acetate documents onto the overhead.

  Pong, "Now blow up the breadcrumb line." The breadline is now 100 times its original size on the big screen.

  Mr. Jones "Your honor, I insist that I have a moment with Government council."

  Judge, "Denied. Defense, continue your cross-examination."

  Pong "Evidence is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get, isn't that true Mr. Jones. But in this case, I do.

  Prosecution "Objection your honor."

  Pong "Mr. Jones, isn't it amazing what you can see when something is enlarged. We can see, for example, that your redactors missed lots of little pieces here and there all over the breadcrumb line. Could you please explain Mr. Jones why on every single spot that is missed, your unique classified breadcrumb line matches ours in terms of stroke and no stroke, as well as location and angle of the stroke. Because, what you testified was that the address of the classified page was different from the very beginning from a simple page request, but here they are the same."

  Mr. Jones, "I think you are jumping to conclusions." Pong smiles and says Uh-huh.

  Pong from the big screen says, "Now Karen, I was going to do this in private, but what the hell. There are eight tiny dots here and there on the first acetate page can you see those.

  Could you circle all 8 for me, please? Karen circles them,

  Now put up page 1 on the overhead and then place page 2 over it and 1/8 inch to the right. Karen does that. Now Karen stack the acetate copies of forms 2,3,4, and five under the form one and then slide each of the pages to the left about 1/8 inch per page.

  On all 5 pages, all 8 dots match up. They are all copies of the first page.

  Karen, just for fun, put add page 75 to the bottom. Karen does that, and they all lineup.

  Pong smiles at Karen and Karen smiles back.

  Pong looks over at Mr. Jones.

  Pong "Mr. Jones, are you the one who made 74 copies of the first forged page, or was it your superiors?

  The prosecution phones go crazy again on the bailiff’s table.

  Judge, "Bailiff, please turn those things off."

  Mr. Jones, "I respectfully decline to answer per the 5th amendment."

  Pong "That's ok Mr. Jones. I don't even need your answer. Here, I will show you why.

  Now Karen, please stack all 75 acetate copies of their 75 cases and stack them nice and neat and place that mountain of evidence onto the overhead projector and line them up nice and neat like before.

  The image is up on the big screen, and all 75 forms are the same. All 4 of the FBI signatures are exactly the same. The Judge's signatures are done with a stamp, but the stamps are in different places, so his signatures were not copied from an original.

  Pong looks at Mr. Jones and grins and then smiles.

  Mr. Jones, I say that you took the simple non-secret page request I visited and entered the data onto your form, whited out the time stamp text on the left and redacted it, and handed it to your superiors. Then they each signed page 1 and made 74 copies and changed little bits of information here and there to make it look like 75 hack cases.

  Mr. Jones, "I respectfully decline to answer on the ground that it may intend to incriminate me.

  Pong "Ok, we will move onto new crimes. Your honor, I submit a report I received at 6:45:52 a.m. this morning, which was my own super fancy hack and theft prevention system that alerts me when I am being abducted or attacked.

  Mr. Jones, "I show now a report generated and send to me this morning that tells me that at 6:45 this morning, you made two copies of my files. One copy was sent to your home computer and the second copy you sent to your boss.

  Pone "First, did your boss tell you to send yourself a copy of me to your home computer? I ask because that doesn’t sound like protocol at all."

  Mr. Jones, "I assert my 5th amendment right not to answer."

  Something tells me your boss doesn't know about you getting a copy, but I guess you guys will work that part out. Then at 7:00 a.m. this morning you sent a command to my computer from another computer in your FBI office which you signed into at 6:45 a.m. It shows that it was you that sent the command from your computer at work to erase my files that would include evidence I would need to defend myself.

  Pong "Were you ordered to destroy evidence by your superiors, or did you come up with that crime yourself?

  Objection your honor, "my witness, is not the one on trial here."

  Pong, "my questions relate to defending myself and to the integrity of this witness and his superiors. Clearly, it is not just this lost soul out to get me on his own.

  Judge "I see no problem with the defense's questions. Defense my continue.

  Pong “Mr. Jones, isn't it correct that your superiors told you to fake the documents, erase the time stamp on the left and then go back into the site and change the nonsecure pages I access legally and change them to classified pages to make it look like I hacked pages. And isn’t it true that you and your superiors did that at the order of the President of the United States to eliminate me any way you could?

  Mr. Jones, “I decline… Pong interrupts Mr. Jones

  Mr. Jones, "I respectfully decline to answer on the ground that it may tend to incriminate me.

  Pong “there is absolutely nothing respectful about anything you have done, said or testified to.

  Pong "Mr. Jones, isn't true that the reason you and your councilors didn't want the other 74 exhibits entered into evidence is that they know that documents 2 through 75 are photocopies of a bogus exhibit "A?”

  Mr. Jones, "I respectfully decline to answer on the ground that it may tend to incriminate me.

  Pong, "Isn't it true you were ordered to frame me by your superiors?"

  Mr. Jones, "I respectfully decline to answer on the ground that it may incriminate me.

  Pong "Isn't it true that the reason the phones of your defense team were ringing off the hook was that you testified that you handed them un-redacted forms, it meant that was now their necks in the noose along with you?"

  Mr. Jones, "I respectfully decline to answer on the ground that it may tend to incriminate me.

  Mr. Jones, "Your honor, I am invoking my 5th amendment right at this time and request that I am allowed to consult an attorney."

  Pong “Karen, could you hand the document this morning to the bailiff, please.

  Karen's hand forward the document.

  Pong “Mr. Jones, “Where were you at 9:16 this morning?”

  Mr. Jones, “I was outside waiting to be called into this court.”

  Pong “yes you were, were you using your laptop at this time?”

  Mr. Jones, “Maybe, I am not sure.”

  Pong, “but you brought it today, right?

  Mr. Jones, “yes.”

  Pong “your honor, the defense is submitting a report that was generated by my sophisticated software that show’s that Mr. Jones deleted me and everything on the computer here today at 6:45 this morning.

  Judge, “yes, you submitted that this morning.”

  Pong, “well, I did submit one this morning, but this is a new one. Generated just a few minutes ago. It shows that at 9:12 just minutes before Mr. Jones was to testify, Mr. Jones was attem
pting to delete me again from just outside this court. I saw what he was doing and quickly set up an emulation of my computer, making it look like he was logged into this very computer and successfully deleted me again. Because Mr. Jones had loaded me into his laptop before, in an effort to defend myself which I can legally do in this state I access his computer and took a screenshot of him logged into my computer at I was able to use his camera to take this screenshot and this photo of Mr. Jones both at exactly 9:13. Then, your honor, I have text messages from the attorneys of the prosecution asking if it was done at the same time you were chewing them out in your chambers. Then I have messages all three of the people who signed off on the forms telling him to delete the file now.

  Pong “Mr. Jones, let's hear it? Did you try to delete me a second time while you are waiting to be called?”

  Mr. Jones, "I respectfully decline to answer on the ground that it may tend to incriminate me.

  Pong "Your honor, I have much more to submit that will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am not guilty of the prosecution's charges. I will also show that the prosecution and their client have committed a multitude of crimes, including perjury, tampering with evidence, destruction of evidence, and lying to a federal Judge about what was in the redacted documents.

  "But given the situation, maybe I can just submit it all and let the court sort this out while Mr. Jones hires a good attorney. Because my goodness, is he ever going to need an excellent attorney. Maybe searching for magicians might be more appropriate because the only way they will win is if they can make my mountain of evidence disappear as they did with my files.

  Judge, "I see now why the defense was offering you option A, it seems they should have taken option A when you had the chance. Because prosecution, you are sure as hell will not be offered an option A from me.

  The prosecution "Your honor, clearly Mr. Jones needs to seek legal counsel and is not going to answer any more questions."

  Judge “where were I sit, so do you, gentleman. Pong submit your evidence, and then you are free to leave, and I promise you we will use your evidence to put everyone involved in this conspiracy in jail.

  Judge "Prosecution, based on your shabbily veiled attempt to railroad your victim, I am dismissing this case with prejudice. "Please be advised, Mr. Jones, that based on what I have seen thus far, this is far from being over for you. You truly are going to need an outstanding attorney.

  The prosecution "Your honor, we apologize for the confusion, and we at this moment withdraw our charges and will return all materials forthwith."

  Judge "I have to say that in all my 25 years on the bench, I have never seen such blatant abuse of power as I have seen in this proceeding. "What you call "confusion," I call out and out perjury, conspiracy, and corruption. I find what you have done here in this court a disgrace and highly offensive to this court. You can tell that to the ones in those "highest" places you referred to earlier. Take note, counselor. I will be insisting that our DA open an immediate investigation on this entire matter. There is no way in this world that Mr. Jones single-handedly perpetrated this on this court.

  Judge "Everything I have seen and heard points toward the Government willfully deceiving this court as well as the Judge of the Federal Court that issued the warrant. To give you time to think about what has transpired in the last 24 hours, I have jailing the 3 of you for contempt, and you will stay there until I am happy with what I hear.

  "Pong, this court would like to apologize to you. From where I sit, you are an asset to this country and this planet. If I had the power, I would make you our ambassador and find a way to make you a citizen in our country in a heartbeat."

  Pong "Thank you, your honor, it is very comforting knowing there are beings like you in your position."

  Pong and her team are stopped at the Courthouse steps, the group is with Pong and is answering questions.

  Reporter 1 "What do you have to say, Pong?"

  Pong "The truth shall set you free.

  and hopefully, vice versa." A sheepish giggle from Pong

  Reporter 2 "What is next for you, Pong?"

  Pong, "Our first press conference got rudely interrupted; we will make sure we have plenty of time to visit this time."

  "My family put in a lot of hours on this charade, so we will take a few days off but will get busy when we get back. We have a lot of work to do."

  End Chapter 23

  Chapter 24 – Do I Look Like A Bitch?

  Pong hires a very impressive head of security. He is a former head of the President’s Secret Service and has an impressive military background. David hires a hotshot team of ex-special forces, FBI, military heroes, and other medaled officers to protect her team. One is an ex-Blue Angel pilot who did 4 tours in Afghanistan.

  Two weeks later, everyone is back in the office. Everyone is back at work and are just settling into their desks. Karen enters the room where they keep the Pong Packs locked up. No... No, no, no, no, Ahhhhhhh, two packs are missing. Pong smiles and tells her it is all fine. Pong tells Karen that Larry, the security guard took them at 2:35 am this morning and that her team is sitting on his house waiting for him to meet whoever hired him to steal the packs.

  Karen asks Pong how she knows all this. Pong explains that there is a module in her code that activates any time a pack is removed without permission. The module uses an RF device in the pack that hacks every RF device near it, such as Wi-Fi signals, Cell phones, cordless phones, cable TV, and tracks the ownership of all those RF devices to determine who it is that has taken it.

  Karen "Look at the big brain on Pong.”

  Pong, "Karen, do I look like a bitch?"

  Karen, "OMG, you are so funny."

  Pong, "I will keep you posted. But for now, this is between us, ok? Also, please report it stolen, and I will have Debbie put a reward out for its safe return."

  Karen "Of course, Pong."

  Pong, "I will have this solved by 9:00 pm tonight."

  CNN "A break-in occurred early this morning at the radio telescope lab. Two of the now-infamous Pong Packs reported them as stolen. Pong is offering a $100,000 reward for anyone who provides information leading to the return of the two packs and the capture of the individuals responsible for the thefts."

  "Larry calls his buyer of the packs. Have you seen the news? Pong has put a $100,000 reward for the packs. I need to get rid of this now."

  Buyer "Just be cool. Where are you?"

  Larry, "At home."

  Buyer, "I will meet you in front of Starbucks at the mall in 1 hour. Bring the packs, and I will bring the money."

  David "Everyone to the Starbucks. Make sure you have the parabolic mic on them."

  David "Linda, I want you at a table. We need to get the buy on tape and to get a bug onto his car before he leaves. He may enter Starbucks from the mall, so we may have to track him through the mall to his vehicle. It is unlikely he is the top guy, so we need to make sure we don't lose him. We are getting Pings from the packs, that will help in case he loses us."

  David "Everyone in place?"

  Dan "Copy"

  Linda "Copy"

  Alby "Copy"

  Larry is sitting in an outside table, waiting for the buyer to show. Linda is two tables away sitting behind him. Linda places a bag with a video camera in it

  Linda, "how's the view."

  David "Perfect."

  The buyer enters from the mall door and sits down at the table with Larry, the security guard. He is in his late 30s and is scoping the place out as he approaches the table where Larry is sitting.

  David looks at the computer screen, and Linda's shot of the seat across the table from Larry pops up, and the buyer sits down in the chair.

  A great shot of the buyer pops up on David's screen, and David immediately starts the face recognition search. The parabolic mic is picking up the conversation

  Larry "Did you bring the money?"

  Buyer "Yes, but not here, in the parking lot."

  Larry "Y
ou were supposed to bring it here. That was the deal."

  Buyer "Hey, that was before you moved up the meeting time. This situation is too hot to do here now."

  David "We have a match, Jimmy McKale. He is a fixer, not our end buyer."

  David "Dan, bring the bugs to the parking lot I will have a plate number for you asap. Dan hustles to the mall parking garage."

  David, "I have a plate. It is New Mexico plate GHH 275, Gray Toyota Sequoia."

  Dan "I am here, got it, there are a couple of empty spots nearby. You could pull in with a nice view out the back."

  David "Roger that, put the GPS in the wheel well and put a mic near the tailgate under the bumper on the driver side. Then, if you have time, put a bug behind the rearview mirror on the driver side near the mounting post."

  David moves a vehicle to a few spaces away from Toyota.

  Larry and the buyer walk up to the trunk, Larry is wheeling a large travel suitcase and stops at the back of the Toyota.

  David is a video recording, and they are getting audio from the mic on the Toyota.

  Larry "This makes me nervous. Let's get this done. The buyer opens the tailgate of the Toyota, and there is a briefcase inside."

  Jimmy "Open it. It's all there. Larry leans in, and Jimmy tasers Larry and Larry fall onto the floor of the Toyota. Jimmy pushes Larry the rest of the way in and shuts the door.

  David "There is just no honor among thieves. We don't know where he is going yet, so we will have to wing it.

  Linda, you will take the first leg. Once we know his direction, we can plan it out.

  David sends a message to Pong, "The middleman is Jimmy McKale. He is a fixer. He has Larry tasered in the trunk of his Toyota. We are tailing the vehicle now."

  The Toyota exits the mall and heads north on the highway.

  Pong, "There is a drone in each tailing car, right?"

  David "Affirmative"

  Pong, "Great, if you get into a jam, release a drone, and I will help."

  They follow the Toyota for an hour on the freeway until it pulls off on an exit in the middle of nowhere. The tailing car passes the exit and pulls over about a quarter-mile farther and releases a drone.

  The drone heads straight up to about 2,000 feet and then toward the exit. The video camera in the drone shows the VAN, and the drone takes a parallel path of the Toyota. David opens up the video feed from the drone. The drone zooms in on the Toyota, just coming to a stop where there is another vehicle waiting. The drone continues its course by about a 1/4 mile and hangs a right so that it is now approaching 1/4 mile farther down the road from the meeting point where the second car was parked.


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