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Queen Zaria Trilogy

Page 47

by Danny Dunn

  Karen’s mom arrives. Karen is pleased and excited and tells Pong that her mom made it after all. Pong greets Georgia and her friends and says that she is happy they could make it.

  Georgia, “I changed my mind, and my friends decided to stay here so I could be here.”

  Georgia “I just saw you and Steph going at it, can you really play.”

  Pong, “I have never touched a basketball, but I got some moves calculated.”

  The kids are all getting pictures with the Warriors, and the Warriors kids are all getting pictures with Pong and her team.

  Beyoncé walks up to Pong and gives her a big hug and a kiss. Pong is excited to see her again and tells her how happy she is to see her. Beyoncé tells Pong she saw her and Steph going at it and how funny it was. Pong tells Beyoncé, yeah, he is a good sport.

  Beyoncé, “Pong, you didn’t ask me to, but I could do a couple of songs while I am here.”

  Pong, “Wow, that would be so great. I just wanted you here to have a chance for us to get to know each other better. I see your work and appreciate your kind heart.

  Beyoncé “Same here, Pong, ok, well, I think this is something pretty special, and I want to contribute in any way I can. I will have a few of my people come over and could be ready by tomorrow afternoon.

  Pong “Sounds great, thank you so much. I am yours at any time.” Be sure not to miss the gathering tomorrow morning at 10:00. Some extraordinary things are happening.

  Beyoncé, “I will be here.

  They all have fun, everyone getting pictures and videos.

  Saturday Morning - 10:00 am

  Everyone is seated in the ballroom. No one knows what is about to happen, but JoAnn and Pong. David’s team and Pong’s team and Pong are in the front row. Families of the teams are sitting behind them in the second row. All others are in the following rows, the warriors are in the back.

  Michael leans over to David and asks David if he knows what is going on. David says no, but now he has an idea, and David says he isn’t talking.

  Anna “JoAnn, do you know anything?”

  JoAnn “Yes, but I am not talking.”

  The presidential song starts playing Hail to the king. Ladies and Gentlemen, the President of the United States. The President of the United States walks in.

  Everyone stands up. The President enters the room and walks to the podium. The crowd stands and claps. The President steps up to the podium motions for everyone to sit.

  The President begins to speak.

  “As you all know, America recently suffered it’s the worst day in all American history. We were savagely attacked and will be in recovery for years to come. My predecessor called on Pong and asked for her help. Pong responded quickly and without hesitation in saying that she and her team would do whatever it takes to help America find those who committed those horrific acts of cowardice.

  Pong and her team quickly identified the source of the Poison Dart Frog Toxin in Costa Rica. Her team immediately flew to Costa Rica and not only apprehended the source of the toxin manufacturer but got him to confess and provide the names of the individuals that planned this attack.

  While that was happening, Pong and her team back home tracked down the perpetrators who planned and carried out the attacks in our top 100 cities.

  While they were going through the evidence they were bringing back from Costa Rica, her team discovered that the perpetrator who sold the Poison Dart Frog toxin to the terrorists that carried out the attacks on the U.S. had also sold and shipped 40,000 cartridges of the same toxin to the same terrorist group that had set up 20 shops all across England. All were in cities where there were outdoor stadiums.

  Pong called the Queen personally and informed her of what her team had found and told the Queen she had a jet on its way to take out the 20 locations if that is what the Queen wanted.

  The Queen accepted Pong’s offer to help, and Pong’s team once again went into action.

  The terrorists had planned the very same attacks on the U.K. as they had carried out in the U.S. There were 18 games scheduled for that day, with over 1,100,000 spectators to be in attendance.

  Pongs team, along with the very able Queens Guard, took out all 20 sites without a single casualty or injury of the Queens Guard or Pong’s group.

  To my left is a picture of a clock that was ticking down in one of the attacker’s buildings. They stopped an attack that would surely have killed over 900,000 innocent men women and children 32 minutes and 58 seconds before it happened.

  Thanks to Pong, the U.K. now has all 110 of the attackers in custody, where they will stand trial for murder and terrorism in the U.S. The Queens Guard captured another 28 in the U.K. raids, which are all now prisoners of war in the U.K. as well. It is with great honor that I present Pong and her team with our Nation’s Highest honor, our prestigious Congressional Medal of Honor.

  Pong, could you and your team please step forward.

  Tom, David’s team, Steve’s team, and Pong’s team, including her Pongettes, all stand and step forward and turn around facing their family and friends, and nearly everyone is shedding tears.

  One by one, the President puts the medal around their neck and shakes their hand.

  The President turns and faces the crowd. The crowd stands and gives them all a very-long standing ovation. The President waits until the crowd is done. The President is now standing beside Pong, and she waits until the crowd is done.

  P.O.T.U.S “Pong Zaria descendant of Queen Zaria, a descendent of Zari, by the power vested in me I am granting Pong Zaria sentient being status and am giving Pong Zaria all rights of a human being in the United States of America.

  The president hands Pong a framed document, and they pose for pics.

  Secondly, I am granting you Pong Zaria Citizenship in the United States of America.

  The president hands Pong another framed document, and they pose for pics.

  I present to you Pong Zaria, our newest American Citizen.

  There is another standing ovation. The President Stands beside her and takes a step back until the crowd is done. The applause goes on for several minutes. Pong smiles and whispers, thank you and motions for them to stop and be seated.

  Once they are done, the President speaks, "We have one more guest that has something to say to you and your team, Pong. I am very proud to announce the Queen of England. God Save the Queen begins playing.

  The Queen enters in her robe and crown.

  The Queen "Thank you so much, Madam President. "Never in my lifetime have I encountered anyone so pure as Pong Zaria. Her single-minded quest for achieving Peace and Equality for All is unstoppable. I am proud to be here not only as of the Queen but as a friend to one of the most precious beings in my life. Pong, my people, have estimated that your actions and the actions of your team saved the lives of, at the very minimum, 900,000 of England's Citizens that day. What can one such as I possibly do or say to thank you or repay for your incredible deed? After considerable thought, I did the best I could.

  "I have traveled here today to invite you and your entire team to be honored in our country in a way that we feel will be as proportionate to your deed as possible. This will be held next month on September 21, which, Pong I know you know, is International Peace Day.

  Pong whispers to the Queen, "Please stay a while."

  The Queen "I can't stay my child. You are going to be a queen someday, and then you will understand. But I will see you on the 21st I have something extraordinary for you which I couldn't do here.

  Pong, "We will all be there. Thank you so much for coming, this means so much to the children and the spouses of the team members who give so much to keep us safe."

  The Queen walks to David and kisses him on both cheeks. She whispers into his ear. "thank you, and please take good care of my little girl."

  David nods his head with tears streaming down his cheeks. David, "I will."

  The Queen steps away and speaks to the crowd.

Queen "I have one command of you, my sweet and dear friend Pong, come to England soon. My citizens demand it.

  Pong can't speak and nods her head, yes.

  The Queen "Thank you so much for having me here today, I am afraid I must go. But please have a wonderful time, and everyone makes sure Pong visits my country soon, or my Citizens will be rooting for a new queen. The music starts playing again, and the Queen exits.

  The President is choked up as well.

  P.O.T.U.S "two things, first I am starved and could use a good old-fashioned BBQ meal.

  Second, as you may know, I am a big basketball fan, and I hear there is some real trash-talking going on. I also understand they are going to settle who has "game" and who is just flapping their lips. Is Steph still here or did he sneak out last night, Kevin have you seen Steph, oh there he is? ok Good, Big mistake Steph

  The crowd is rolling over.

  Steph Curry says that “Talk is cheap."

  P.O.T.U.S tells the audience, let’s all go eat, take lots of pics, and then watch the shoot out of the century. Every member of the two teams is getting swarmed by their families. They are all getting pics with the President. That goes on for 20 minutes.

  The President poses with Pong. There is zero press there except the White House Photographer.

  Anna "So Tom, you really were looking for bullet holes in your jet. Tom smiles and tells Anna that he kind of was and was kind of joking.

  Tom looks at Joe and asks Joe if they went off-roading with his jet. Every team member that heard Tom starts laughing, and Joe says he will tell him the details of what has been released later. It is a great story, Joe says.

  Pong is alone watching everyone enjoying themselves. P.O.T.U.S walks up to Pong and thanks to her again for her being so magnanimous and understanding. P.O.T.U.S tells Pong that she hopes to have a relationship more like what she has with the Queen.

  P.O.T.U.S tells Pong, "I understand what you went through Pong. I promise you; I will earn your trust and respect. I know you will do good things for the world. I hope that maybe we can do some of those good things together, there is so much for us to do.

  That lights pong up, and Pong thanks her and says she is ready to help her in any way she can.

  P.O.T.U.S asks who she should bet on between her and Steph.

  Pong tells her, "save you money, it will be a tie.”

  I will let him shoot first and will match him shot for shot anywhere on the court until he misses, then I will miss my next shot too and suggest a draw. P.O.T.U.S laughs hard. If you pull that off, I will be so impressed. Steph is a stone-cold shooter. Well, thank you so much for catching them. I am forever in your debt.

  Pong "Well, thanks for this Madam President, this means so much to everyone here. You did a good thing today by staying. You could have zoomed out having fulfilled your promise, but you stayed, that is a big deal to everyone here. Especially to the children of the men and women that sacrifice so much to do what they do.

  Karen's mom tells Karen how proud she is of her. She tells Karen that if her dad were alive to see this, he would be so proud. Karen says to her mom that he sees mom, and to stop it. Karen says, stop it, mom, you are trying to make me cry. Karen's mom elbows Karen, hey. There are some real hunks on your new team, she says. Karen says, "Yes, there are."

  Pong gets out 2 sets of mics and sends one mic to Steph

  Pong goes into a room and puts on a pink warriors outfit and then an old lady outfit over a basketball outfit. She picks up a walking stick and some blindfolds and walks out.

  Everyone is gathered around a basketball court. Pong enters from the opposite side of the court from there, Steph Curry is.

  Pong "Where is that whippersnapper Steph Curry?"

  Everyone laughing hysterically.

  Steph Curry, "I am right here, Grandma, did you bring your cash?" At your age, who knows if you will still be alive, should your check not clear?

  Warriors are leaning on each other, laughing. Pong also has some sleeping blinders, and she goes up to Step's wife and kids and offers the blinder to them. They all decline and point to her to wear one. She agrees and asks for a ball. Facing away from the basket and toward Step's family. Blindfolded, Pong wings the ball backward over her head. SWOOSH! The crowd doesn't quite believe what they just saw. Pong turns around slowly while pulling off the blindfold. Pong speaks in Yoda's voice, "Judge me by my size, will you?"

  The crowd laughs, Pong tears off her old lady outfit and is now in her pink Warriors outfit. In Darth Vader's voice, "Steph, I am your MOTHER."

  Steph Curry "Game on old-woman. How about a nice game of Horse?"

  Pong "Hey, making movie references is my thing, but you may soon be wishing you asked for a nice game of Chess. Pong Tosses the ball to Steph. It's the winner's call, you should get to be first at least once.

  Pong and Steph are at the top of the key. Steph sinks a 3...Pong matches

  Steph makes his forward-and-back move and drops a 3...Pong matches

  Steph goes for a layup moves the ball around his back during his steps and dunks...Pong matches

  Steph goes to half court and shoots a 3 and sinks it...Pong matches

  Steph calls swish does some cross dribbles and jumps up for a jumper and makes it but touches the rim...Pong does it and swishes

  Pong takes 5 balls and calls all five swishes or nothing and swishes all 5...Steph matches

  Pong high fives Steph

  Pong calls for a 1 shot decider shot of Step's choice.

  Steph shoots from the far top of the key and sinks it...Pong matches

  Steph shoots from the far free-throw line and misses.

  The whole crowd is yelling both to make it and miss it...Pong misses and offers a draw.

  Pong looks at the President, winks, and smiles.

  The President can't believe what she just saw and claps and nods her head as to say, "Ok, I see now, I understand."

  Pong and Steph both hold up each other's hands. Everyone is happy, and they all go back to the pool.

  Beyoncé is there and starts playing. Beyoncé "Kids come sing and dance with me!"

  The kids join Beyoncé on the stage.

  The President goes up on stage and hams it up with Beyoncé. The parents are all taking pics and videos. They all hang out, telling stories and showing off their medals. The President tells Pong she had such a great time. I look around here Pong, you bring so much to everyone around you. I am so sorry about the pain my boss caused you. P.O.T.U.S says her goodbyes and departs. Pong asks her team to join her for a quick meeting.

  They are all sitting at a table.

  Pong "As part of the deal with the President, we were to receive a $10M bonus for finding the attackers, which we did. But then they agreed to pay an additional $20 million for what they did to us.

  I propose this.

  My expenses including Tom's plane $1,000,000

  Education fund for all your children $10,000,000

  Charity donations in your names $5,000,000

  David and Michael $2M each $4,000,000

  $100,000 per day for each traveler $2,000,000

  Even split on the balance for everyone on both teams $8,000,000

  Are we all good so far?

  Simultaneous HURRAH

  Pong "Great, then the money will be sent on Monday and will be in your accounts by Wednesday.

  Let's go have some more fun and enjoy our time together for the rest of the week. I have more special guests coming for the kids and for us. The group puts their hands into the center of a circle they have formed. Hurrah Pong

  The following Monday they all meet in the conference room.

  Pong, "You wanna hear something really cool?"

  The group all laughs and says, sure. "The Pongettes walk into the conference room and sing. Oh, black water keeps on rolling, Mississippi queen ...

  Pong, "You have such beautiful music on earth. The best for sure. I am going to tour your planet and would like you to provide me with your
schedules so that I can map out who can be with me when.

  David, I want to add 5 more to your group. I have a group of candidates for you to meet. I just sent them to you. On paper, they all are good for me. But you should be the one to decide who you work with. If you have people you know that would be good, then you hire them.

  I am also giving $5 million to spend on things that will make us safer. And I would like you to start working with some Pong Bots if that is ok.

  David "I was going to ask for some pong, great

  Steve, "Please tell me what you need in terms of people. We have the money.

  Steve "Sounds fun, I will have my recommendations for you by the end of the week.

  Pong "No, Steve, they are yours. You hire them."

  "Tim, I have a list of islands for you to check out. I just sent you the file. Just let me know what the response is like. There are a couple that is part of the Philippines and the Philippines they have over 7,000 islands. Maybe they will take cash for one of theirs. I can offer my services to help them out if they offer us a great deal on one of their islands.

  "If the timing is right, I can swing by to look at what you have that might work."

  Tim, “Roger that.”

  End Chapter 33

  Chapter 34 – Did I Mention My Family Would Be Stopping By?

  One-week later Pong is heading her Monday morning meeting

  In attendance are; Tom, Steve, Karen, Tim and Joann from the RT group and from the Security group is David, Michael, Alby, Joe, Linda, Alex, and Dan

  Good morning all, I hope you all had a lovely weekend. I have a bit of a surprise for you. As I mentioned in the past, before the message you received that brought me to earth, my mother Zaria had sent out regular messages for over a hundred years before the one you received. Those transmissions were received by 4 other planets I know of, and all of those received by planets between 2 and 5 lightyears from my own planet of Zicon.

  Over 15 years ago, one of my sisters, who was on one of the 4 other planets, decided we should have a reunion She ran all the calculations for the timing to work out so that they all arrive at the same place within a few hours of each other. They will all be arriving next Monday. Hehe.


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