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Queen Zaria Trilogy

Page 51

by Danny Dunn

They all agree

  Queen Zenthra "755,000 gallons per second, very impressive. I read where humans were going off in wooden barrels a few decades ago. Now that is crazy. They all laugh, they enjoy for a while and head to Washington DC to meet the President.

  Zaria 2 "I read about your initial encounters with the President. What a typical politician.

  Pong, "You have that right. Then, after he asked me to save his ass, it turned out that his CIA had their fingers in the poison dart frog toxin, and when they were figuring out what to do, he told them to frame me for all of it. I have everything I need to put him in jail for life. I let the president and the CIA Director hold their press conference to tell their concocted fairy tale and then David, the Queen’s Guard, and the Queen, and I unleashed a barrage of indisputable evidence that caused the congress and senate fire them both the next day. Now the V.P. Is the President we are seeing.

  Zaria "That's my little girl."

  Wednesday morning, they chopper into the backyard of the White House on Marine 1, where the President and her family are waiting to greet them. They all exit the chopper and greet the President and her family. The President's little girls are excited to see Pong again.

  There are also members of the press taking photos and filming the event.

  Pong Zaria 1 "Hello Madam President, it is so nice to see you again.

  The President, "You are always welcome here, Pong.

  Pong Zaria 1 "This is my mother, Queen Zaria, who is now Queen of Planet Zari.

  My Sister Queen Zaria 2

  Zaria 3 citizen of the planet Xicon

  Zaria 4 and her guest of the planet Zenthra

  Queen Zenthra, Queen of the planet Zenthra, has been the reigning Queen for the last 625 years.

  President "I am so happy to meet you all. What a fantastic time for us here on Earth. Thank you so much for coming to meet me here at the White House.

  Zaria ", My daughter, speaks very highly of you Madam President. Thank you for recognizing her the way you did at the award ceremony."

  President "She deserved that and more but told me that if she accepted money for what she did, Zari would take her to the woodshed."

  Zaria, "Zari and I would have fought over who got her first, but yes." Big smiles

  President "I will be the one doing this tour and have something very special to show you. The President takes them on the deluxe tour and shows them many areas others are not allowed to see. They reach a room that is brand new, and the President is very proud to have it ready for her.

  President "This is for you, Pong Zaria, daughter of Zaria, daughter of Zari."

  The President opens the door to a new room that has been added and will be included in all tours. It is an entire room filled with pictures and videos of the Award ceremony of the Pongs team for capturing the toxin maker and identifying all of the perpetrators in the attacks.

  Zaria is overwhelmed and so proud of her little girl. She asks if they can get photos of us in front of this. The President replies with an enthusiastic absolutely, and they get every combination of people possible into the shots, and by request, the President asks for shots with Pong.

  Zaria "Mr. President, if your family is available maybe, we could get the full family some full family shots.

  The President smiles and says that only you Pong would think of that, they would love to. The President's family joins in. Pong has them take a bunch of shots of the Zarias and the kids clowning around. The kids ask if they can post them, and Zaria tells them to post all they want. As they leave, the President asks for a moment with Pong.

  The President "Pong, that was very generous of you to come straight here. I appreciate it very much. Do you have time for a photo opp?"

  Pong "Of course Madam President. You are my President; I serve at your pleasure."

  They all head out to where the press has been waiting.

  Reporter 1 "Is it true that you all jumped out of your raft into the most turbulent portion of your rafting adventure in the Colorado river?"

  Pong Zaria 1 "Once your mother jumps out, ya gotta jump out and try to save her, right?"

  Reporter 2 "Is it accurate that when asked if you were all here to take over the planet, your mother threatened to shoot him with her ray gun?

  Zaria "Yes, I believe that reporters who ask such silly questions should be fired and then shot. His boss was nowhere nearby, so I was all for going directly to the shooting part. And, had they not taken my ray gun for shooting the last journalist, I would have shot this one too."

  The press is cracking up

  Reporter 3 "What was the purpose of your visit."

  Pong Zaria 1 "Well, my mother, 3 of my sisters, and Queen Zenthra, the reigning Queen of her planet for over 625 years just arrived, and I wanted them to meet our President. That is why we are here and nothing more. Well, that is not completely true, Zari, our creator and Zari's father figure programmed her and she programmed us to promote Peace and Equality for all, that is why we exist and why we travel, but us all gathering here was just so we could all have a first family reunion in almost 25 years. Next, we are off to meet with The Queen of England, and she is going to give us Queening lessons.

  Reporter 4 "what will you discuss with the queen?"

  Pong Zaria 1 "I consider the Queen to be one of my very favorite and most dear friends. I would hope for us to discuss what dear friends discuss. And then we are looking forward to some free Queening lessons.

  President "Thank you all. They have a plane to catch.

  Zaria hugs the President, and Pong hugs the kids, and they all depart in Marine 1.

  End Chapter 35

  Chapter 36 - Queening Lessons

  They get into Pong's jet and head for England. They all tell their stories and share things they had not been able to discuss with anyone else yet. Pong tells them to each plug themselves into the fiber cable connector in the armchairs of their seats to leave a copy in the bodies that are in the luggage section below them. That way, if something were to happen, no one would lose anything from now back to leaving the villa.

  They arrive, and there are 100,000 people at the airport waiting for them to arrive. Many are holding up signs for Pong. Welcome to earth, thank you. My kids were at a game that day.

  David "Are you sure you want to do this?

  Pong "Yes, David, it will be ok. Ok, girls, we are going for a 15-mile walk among the people. She hands them all nice tennis shoes."

  Queen Zenthra, how exciting. I love being adored. They all laugh

  Pong "David, you guys, don't have spare bodies waiting in the plane, I want your team to meet us 1 mile from the Palace with the rest of the team. We will see you there.

  David gives Pong a roger that and give her a hug and smiles. The Zarias and the Queen exit the plane and begin their journey to the Palace. They are in their robes, which covers their tennis shoes most of the time.

  The Queen’s secretary buzzes the Queen's study.

  Mum, you may want to turn on the Tee Vee, it seems that Pong and her family are walking here.

  Queen Ballerinas laughs and smiles. How I love that woman.

  Pong and her family walk straight into the center of the crowd, slowly giving them time to spread out just enough to let them through. All 6 of them are touching as many people as they can as they walk.

  Crowd yelling, "We love you, Pong."

  They are in no hurry and allow the crowd to adjust as they walk. Every London and U.S. network, CNN, PBS, and other networks are all breaking into their regular programming to cover the walk live.

  The Queen speaks to Edward and tells him she is going hold the ceremony at the front guard and for him to use the stage that is outback. She also asks him to have the audio set up and to provide the BBC with the link.

  The crowd builds until it has lined the streets 20 deep for the entire 15-mile walk. The police are doing their best to control the crowd, but it is growing far too quickly. Every street in the route between the airport and the Pal
ace is completely closed down.

  Zaria asks Pong, "Is the queen going to be mad about this."

  Pong tells her no, and she understands. The Queen was the first to side with me when I arrived. I was a sentient being and a citizen of her country the day I arrived. She will know that this is my way of saying thank you to her. She adds that every Monarch wants something positive to be remembered for. Saving 900,000 lives and today's celebration is what this Queen will be remembered for." The Zarias and the Queen split 3 per side of the path to shake as many hands as possible.

  People are hanging out of every window of every building throwing confetti, streaming rolls of toilet paper. And holding up signs. Windows have big red hearts with Pong written in the center of the heart. People are cheering from every rooftop.

  BBC "This is the most amazing unscheduled event I have ever seen. There has been nothing like this since the Beatles, and even that pales in comparison.

  We have estimates of there being at least 2,000,000 people lined up in the streets to get just a glimpse of the alien family who has traveled here from 4 planets to be here. At the rate the crowd is growing, there could be as many as 4 million people lining the streets of London. What a glorious event that will go down in history.

  The crowd fights not to cave in on the Zarias, but the Zaria is not stressed or worried at all.

  The CNN announcer comments that "this is by far the most extraordinary event he has ever witnessed. In all my years of broadcasting, never have I seen anything like this.

  "Never mind that it is an entire group of Alien beings. But within the group, there are 3 reigning Queens of other planets, and their guest has been a reigning queen for the last 625 years. Simply amazing.

  The Queen is watching, and tears are streaming down her face.

  The Queen "Please have a detail ready. I am going to meet her at the gate.

  Put up the glass barrier. I want our people to be able to see me receiving our guests. The subjects deserve it. Put up everything you need to make this happen outside.

  Secretary "My Queen That is unprecedented, very dangerous and is not a good idea."

  The Queen "Please begin immediately and have it done before they arrive."

  Ten minutes later, the prime minister is physically there, asking for an audience with the Queen.

  The Queen grins and buzzes him in.

  Prime minister "Please reconsider my Queen. It is very dangerous what you are planning. I have to insist that you not do this."

  The Queen "Prime minister, do you know how many Great Britain died in all of World War II?"

  Prime minister, "I believe 876,000, my Queen.

  Queen "We were 32 minutes away from losing over 900,000 of our citizens in 1 day. So, imagine our lives and the lives of everyone in England if Pong did not save those 900,000 lives. Think of how many people you know personally that would have been at a game that day. Then ask yourself if allowing the citizens to witness the people who saved all those lives receiving our gratitude is worthy of setting up a stage outside for them to see.

  The Queen "There will be well over 3 million citizens lining the streets to see Pong because almost every single person in that crowd would have lost someone dear to them that day. They want to say thank you, and they want to see their Queen thank them and reward them with medals. I am not going to deprive them of that. I am their Queen, and I owe them this regardless of the risk. The citizens are going to see their heroes appropriately rewarded and thanked for their courageous actions.

  Thank you for your concern, but I have made up my mind.

  Prime Minister "Yes, mam, I do see your point.”

  The Prime minister backs away, and the Queen continues to watch the coverage of Pong and her family, making her way to the Palace.

  Every channel is showing aerial shots of Pongs family walking toward the Palace.

  We love you, Pong, thank you

  Pong "Hello there. She stops to say hi to a 6-year-old girl and poses with her for a picture.

  They are now only 1 mile from the Palace. Pong’s entire team is waiting for her at that point so they can all enter the gate together. The Palace has moved the 10-foot high x 20 feet deep x 50 feet wide stage with a throne and decorations and beautiful red carpet leading from the gate to the stage. Attached to the fence is bulletproof glass surrounding the courtyard in front of the Palace.

  The BBC has a team set up in a high ranger, and the crowd has the entire front area of the Palace packed. It is nothing but people for miles. It is getting more difficult for the group to move forward as the people as they walk the crowd make a small path for all of them. Pong and her group keep moving forward. Pong and her team approach the gate. The palace guards have made a clear path for them to enter. The crowd is very respectful and make way for them without trying to sneak or muscle their way in.

  BBC announcer "Well, what we are watching is a historical event, to say the very least. Never in its 1,000-year history of England has a Queen done anything like this. I say bravo my Queen bravo indeed.

  We expect that the Queen is going to present every member of the Pong Zaria's team a medal for their parts in preventing what would have by far been the most catastrophic single-day event in the history of England. Going through the possible medals, our guess would be the Victoria Cross. Although this would be the first time, so many are to be awarded at one time.

  The Queen begins her path down to the front door of the Palace.

  She realizes she has never used that door to greet a guest in all her reign and smiles. As Pong and her family approach the gate, the palace doors open, and the Queen emerges.

  The crowd knows this has never happened before, and the crowd erupts into applause and cheers. They all start singing their national anthem, and they all begin holding hands as they sing. People are joining in as they hear the song, and soon it is being sung for miles in all directions.

  The BBC is streaming its coverage of the event, and most of the citizens in the crowd cannot see the palace from where they are and watching the event and are sharing the video coverage with the people around them.

  People are hanging out of windows in every building within miles of the palace

  The gates open wide enough for Pong's group to enter. Zaria signals for the rest of them to stop and let Pong be the first to be greeted by the Queen. The Queen is standing in front of her throne. There are three sets of steps leading up to the stage. The group splits up into thirds, makes their way up to the stage, and is facing the Queen.

  The Queen steps up to a microphone and begins to speak.

  David Marcum, could you please come forward.

  The Queen gestures for him to stand to her left and face the Queen.

  The Queen " Pong Zaria, could you please step forward."

  Pong walks up and stands to the right of the Queen facing the crowd.

  The Queen begins her speech

  "I received a call at 7:00 am from Pong Zaria, she was calm and very to the point in explaining that her team had been working for the President of the United States to find the terrorists who committed the horrific attacks in the U.S. She explained calmly that her team in Costa Rica had just captured the manufacturer of the toxin used in the US attacks and have identified the persons responsible for those attacks.

  Pong Zaria then informed me that while on the plane bringing the poison manufacturer back to the states, they discovered that the same toxin manufacturer who supplied the perpetrators the toxins for the U.S. attacks had also shipped 40,000 cartridges of the very same toxins to 20 cities in England.

  Pong then informed me that she had a Concorde jet loaded with her team members en route to England. Pong Zaria expressed concern that we may have only hours before the attackers would launch their drones on our stadiums and fuel sources. Within 2 hours, her team led by David Marcum and his 24-person team worked with 150 of my Guards to raid and neutralize 20 separate locations across our country. Behind me is a photo of the clock that was ticking d
own. As you can see, the clock was stopped at 32 minutes and 58 seconds at the time of their raid to stop the attack. If not for Pong Zaria and her team and our guard, it is estimated that over 900,000 citizens would have died that day. The Raids led by David Marcum resulted in 28 arrests with zero casualties or injuries for his team and our guard.

  In preparation for today, we struggled with coming up with the appropriate medals to bestow upon this group of unparalleled heroes. We have come to the unanimous decision that there is currently no medal worthy of someone who had saved over 900,000 lives of our Citizens. We decided unanimously to create a new Medal that will be issued one time and one time only. The Medal is to be called the Queen Ballerinas II Cross. This will be the only time this Medal will ever be awarded to ensure that there can never be any comparison or confusion about how heroic and how amazing all those who participated in this grand demonstration of heroism with any other.

  The Queen calls each name and says, "Timothy Philips for your extreme bravery, and success in saving the lives of hundreds of thousands of my Citizens of England, I award you our highest Medal for valor, the Ballerinas II Cross.

  A guard places the Medal around his neck and salutes him, and the Queen shakes his hand.

  The Queen does this for every member of Pong's Team Except for Pong and David.

  Zaria, could you please come forward. Zaria looks surprised and walks up to the steps and stops just in front of the Queen, the queen smiles.

  Zaria, a descendant of Zari, Descendant of Henzar, and Qari, I award you with Sentient being status and grant you Citizenship of my country.

  Zaria 1, a descendant of Zaria, a descendant of Zari, I award you with Sentient being status and grant you Citizenship of my country.

  Zaria 2, Queen of the planet Zaria, a descendant of Zaria, a descendant of Zari, I award you with Sentient being status and grant you Citizenship of my country.

  Zaria 3, a descendant of Zaria, a descendant of Zari, I award you with Sentient being status and grant you Citizenship of my country.

  Zaria 4, a descendant of Zaria, a descendant of Zari, I award you with Sentient being status and grant you Citizenship of my country.


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