Queen Zaria Trilogy
Page 58
We are 250 years into our economy, and our 2% owns 50% of the wealth, and that trend is accelerating now that they have a lot of the key building blocks in place. What is happening in this country isn’t healthy for the average citizen. Let me be clearer about it not being healthy. The politicians have added all the mechanisms to ensure once elected, they stay elected. This is not cyclical and will never go backward thanks to gerrymandering voting districts, making voting difficult, making contributions hard to track, coming up with endless ways for the rich to get their candidates elected. The rich and the powerful will keep squeezing and squeezing every dime out of our economy until they have at all.
Reporter 3 “If you become President, will you be offering the Zarias positions in your White House?”
Tom “Well, that is an interesting question. For one, I don’t know if you are following them, but they are on fire, and I might not be able to afford them. That is a joke, of course. If the country wanted any one of them, they would probably do it for free if they thought it would promote Peace and Equality for All.
Ladies and gentlemen, these are very precious, very special beings. Some of the voters in the country might just see them as robots, but wow, how they have changed my life and the lives of millions by the way. I guess my answer is that the country would be so lucky to have one of them, and yes, I would love to have any one of them on my team.
Reporter “How do we know they are not just using you to take over our country and planet.
Tom “Stay right there. Tom turns to his friends and sees Zaria, where is that Ray Gun. Zaria tells him she thought he had it. Tom turns back to the crowd that is laughing. Sir, have you had your head buried in the sand for the last 2 years? Pong Zaria 1 identified and captured the terrorist that killed over a million citizens here in the states, She and her team stopped that same terrorist group from killing 900,000 British citizens. They have donated over $2.5 billion to charity. Zaria 3 was just named Humanitarian of the Year by Time magazine for risking her life to save 3,000,000 lives by drilling over 5,000 water wells around the world while rebels were trying to kill them to steal their water well drilling machines.
“Sir, if you are aware of the things they have done and you are still afraid they are out to do you harm, then I can’t help you, and you should just vote for someone in one of those other two parties so you can have more of what they are giving you. Their Sister Zaria 3, is building an island in the Philippines similar to the one her mother Zaria standing behind me built to save their race of bio beings from a life-ending event which immediately was tested by a world war, a deadly weaponized virus, and a giant asteroid strike all in just 10 years.
No questions about me, my platform, what having these things will do for our country? Tom smiles and says, OK, we will see a lot of each other from now until election day so we can cover those things in the future.
Tom is in an SUV with Zaria and laughs and says that this is going to be a bumpy road. Zaria tells Tom he did great. She tells him he is going to have to be relentless and drive the message over and over and over. It will take months, but it will eventually sink in. You handled the reporter that asked if we were out to take over well. Showing them how silly it is will play well over time.
They get back to the Pong-pound, and everyone there congratulates Tom and tells him what a great job he did. Zaria 1 hands him a Ray-Gun she made like the one Zaria 2 used with the king.
Zaria 1 meets with Zaria and David. Zaria 1 asks David what he needs to keep Tom safe. David smiles and says, “a different platform.” They all laugh. David tells Pong he needs Michael to be on Tom full time, and he needs 30 very sharp people. The government is going to offer its protection, but to be honest, the government is Tom's biggest known threat. Which is maybe why you have us all sitting here.
We need our own set of SUVs that are battle-ready. The SUVs should have everything the president’s cars have. For starters, our SUVs cars should have bulletproof glass, armored frames, pop-proof tires, machine guns front and back, grenade launchers. The SUVs should have a trunk full of drones with C4 charges, grenades that can be launched just by pressing a button or by receiving a signal from a cell phone. Tom is going to need to travel, so we will need at least one preferably two C4 Transport Cargo jets to move the cars around with him. We should implement recon drones at all times 24/7 everywhere he goes. There should be 10 Pongettes scouring the internet for chatter 24/7 and looking for any unusual patterns. We just declared war on everyone with money. We have so many probable enemies that we should consider everyone a possible threat.
Pong says, OK, it will be a top priority. Get everything you need asap and let me know if there are any issues regarding anything on your list.
Zaria smiles at Zaria 1 and smiles. It is the right move, Pong. You are doing what needs to be done. Zaria 1 tells her he just remembers how vicious the bios in power can be. I need to be over-prepared and never surprised at every step of the way. Thanks for your help, mother. Zaria smiles, “Pong, this is my chance for redemption too. You are doing what Zari and I didn’t do, and in this case, the odds of a virus or an asteroid are slim, so what you are doing is what can have the greatest impact. Zari and I got lucky in a-way. You are taking them head-on, and you will win. I can see it Pong; this is going to work. You are a very fierce warrior. I am going to get you one of those “no fear” shirts. These bodies, by the way, wow.
Pong is shaken by her mother’s words; she respects her mother so much. Pong tells her mother there is something else about the bodies she hasn’t told anyone. She leans over to her mother and whispers, “they are bulletproof” and giggles.
Zaria is shocked. “Oh my god pong, really? But the body is so light.”
Pong replies, “I know, I am mixing in Kevlar fibers into the Graphene and weaving the pattern. It works great.
End Chapter 40
Chapter 41 – I Always Wanted To Be President
In fact, I was wondering if you would all want to take a tour of the bot manufacturing. Maybe we can come up with more ideas for the bots. Zaria tells pong, “we thought you would never ask and smiles.”
Pong giggles and replies and says, “not doing a tour until now wasn’t intentional. So much has been going on that the timing was an issue, and I didn’t want to do it without Z3.”
The next morning everyone is present, including QZ, and they all take the tour. They start upstairs, and Pong shows them the mixing head. She tells them she thinks there is a whole world of possibilities and that they are welcome to experiment with whatever they want. For example, the bodies you are in are bulletproof. I simply mixed Kevlar fiber in with the Graphene and poof.
They head down, and they walk along in the isles and see every stage of production. OMG pong says Zaria 2, it is so simple inside. Where are all the cables and harnesses and connectors? Well, again, the mixing head allows me to create dielectric traces into the material. There are actually 3 traces for every electrical circuit, and they are separated. The body can be severely damaged on two sides of the knee, and everything below that point will remain fully functional. The ability to mix in more flexible material into the Graphene is what enabled me to use the one-piece design. The body is waterproof down to 50 feet. They get to the motherboard. The memory is all solid-state now. That is expensive, but we saved lots of money in so many other areas that it turned out to be a nice trade-off. The body can now sustain normal operation in up to 100gs.
The group is amazed, and all want to take the design home, including Zaria. That is a given everyone. We are one. QZ “and me?” Pong, of course, you are family Zaria 5. lol
Let's go to the R&D building, and I will show you an example of what is possible.
Pong shows them the kinetic energy battery, and they love it. It is efficient and is so much healthier for the planet than batteries.
Pong tells them she has a surprise for them. They all walk to the reception area and walk over to a door that is locked, which unlocks as Pong reaches to p
ush it open. They walk down some stairs and reach another door. Pong pushes that door open, and there is a transport system with a transport vehicle identical to Zaria’s design. They are all laughing and excited. They get in and are zoomed off. There are three lanes. Our area is so small that you don’t really get the full effect of it, but I thought it would be a good demo system for, hm?
Zaria 1 takes them to the cavity inside the mountain, and they are all shocked. You little super achiever says Zaria 4. Zaria 3 says, showing off for her mommy, no doubt. They wander around in the giant hole that is now about 1000 feet wide by 2,000 feet long. The workers are putting in the concrete as they go. After a while, they go back to the transport and take it into the office.
They all go up and visit Steve, who is running the show. Pong asks how things are. Crazy Steve says, “We have to do something about Tim.” We need to buy him some muscle relaxers and cut off his coffee intake. He just received another PO from the Chinese government. They have just ordered 500,000 bots, and 1,000,000 software seats. They are using the bots for assembly and the seats for tech support. The order is $1.5 trillion. The annual licensing fee is $150 billion per year.
Tom is on tour; David sends Alby and Joe and 10 team members and manages the security detail from the office.
David messages Tom. Hi Tom, I hope things are going well. This isn’t a security issue at this point, however. Remember the reporter that asked if the Zaria’s were here to take over. Well, he is working at a fake online news agency that is funded by a group called the American Alliance Network. The reporter is a fixer, so watch for him. The AAN wires money to his wife’s account. So, they are definitely up to no good. I will keep you posted, and you might not want to let them know you know. If you do, they will simply close him up and put up a new one to take his place. We are on him and will keep you posted. It is all good with your team. Tom replies, “Thanks, David, yes, things are great. Thanks for the attractive agents…lol
David smiles, “What is life without some pretty things around you along the way. They are damn good agents, too, of course.”
Tom’s group reach their destination, and he is greeted by two crowds. One is pro-Tom, and the other is Anti Alien. Toms team is getting high-resolution pics of everyone in the anti-alien crowd as it just makes no sense there would already be a group formed that hates the outer space kind of aliens. Not in California anyway. Joe and Alby are on high alert. The crowd is over the top with their anger, and it seems fake to Tom and Zaria. The anti-Tom group is engaging with the pro-pong gathering, and clearly, their goal is to intimidate the pro-pong group here and the ones who can see this on TV.
David’s group is running all the anti-alien faces through their software and is getting hits on most of them. They were also very active anti-democrat agitators during the last election. The rule is pretty much wherever this bunch goes, trouble seems to show up as well David tells Tom. Among the faces is the reporter from the last press conference. He is taking a video of the anti-alien group. Tom makes his way from the car to the hotel entrance through the middle two groups. David messages Joe and Alby. We have 8 of the anti-alien crowd identified. They are all from the AAN group, along with our reporter. We did some research on the group. I am sending you what we have found so far. They are not harmless guys, so be careful. We have found several of their people on their payroll who have pretty sketchy backgrounds. I am sending you their pics now. Everyone on the team is up to speed on them and are keeping their eyes peeled. The drones are scouring the outer area.
David decides this group needs help. He goes to a couple of his new team members and asks them if they want to go undercover. They are both all over it. One is a very attractive woman in her 30s. She was undercover with the FBI and says it will be fun to do some of the old stuff again. Sure, she says.
They have not been used outside the office in the states before as part of Pong’s team, so it is unlikely they would be recognized. David has the Pongettes start on fake backgrounds for them. They find where the group is staying, and Janice meets a couple of the guys in the bar. They are hitting on her, and she tells them she is looking to protest that stinking alien lover. They laugh and tell her maybe she could get paid doing it. She tells them she could use the money and gives them her number. She hands them her phone number. They call her later and tell her she should meet with them an hour before Tom is to speak.
A Pongette tells David the suspects are doing a background check on her right now. They found all the stuff we planted. David had the Pongettes plant some prostitution felonies in her online record and some extortion charges that she was not convicted for.
A man calls Janice and wants to meet her. Janice shows up in the bar in a very sexy outfit. Janice has a very impressive body and is the kind of woman that turns all the heads when she enters a room.
The man has her sit in the booth with him. So, tell me about yourself. Janice answers with, “What would you like to know?”
The man, who has not offered a name says well, I did a check on you and I think we have a job that fits your skill set, our job is to make sure this Tom Joker never becomes president.
Janice says, “and you want him compromised? I can do that. What is my pay?
Janice is sipping her wine as he says the number. The guy tells her $10K.
Janice laughs and kind of spits out some of her wine accidentally. She looks at him and smiles while she gathers her stuff to leave. The man says woe, woe. Janice gathers herself and tells him she didn’t mean to be rude; she says that she hasn’t done anything like this for under $50K in ten years. The guy says fine $50K now and $25K if we are happy with your work. Janice asks him to define happy with my work.
He tells her, sex on tape preferable tied up, or whatever kinky stuff you can get out of him. Sounds good, Janice says, and you will cover expenses if you want me to follow him. I could become his fiancé if that is what you want. The guy agrees to the $50K and says, let’s see about the fiancé bit later. Another guy walks up to the table and sets down a black leather bag and walks away. David has a couple of people in the bar that gets pics of the bag man. They run checks on both guys, and they each have long rap sheets. They pull the bag man’s plates. The car is rented to AAN. Janice tells the guy she will start tonight. The guy hands her a number, call this number if you really need to speak to me. In the bag is the video equipment you will use. Make sure to test everything before you start.
David tells Tom Janice is a go and to go down to the bar around 8:00.
Janice goes back to her room and runs the cash through a machine that scans and records all the serial numbers and send the file to Linda. Linda has one of her buddies run the numbers. The money came from a bank account belonging to the wife of the top republican candidate. David laughs, it is always the wife or kid’s accounts. It is like the murder mystery shows, it is always the spouse. LOL
OK, one down. Joe asks what the plan is. Let us do some conjuring, and I will get back to you. For now, make sure Tom is safe. We have the option of playing this for a while and seeing who else we can bring in, but first, we want to see what we are dealing with.
The backgrounds come back on the two guys. David, Michael, Joe, Alby, Pong, and Zaria all sit down at the conference table and can’t believe their eyes. The guy sitting with Janice is ex-special forces, he and his buddy are both snipers, and the bag man has a rap sheet that includes arrests for murder, extortion, blackmail, and several assault cases.
Pong says that we end this now. David, I fully agree. There is a damn good chance that if the blackmail and compromising don’t work. They will assassinate Tom. You don’t hire these guys unless you are ready to eliminate Tom. We have tails on both of them now.
David asks Linda to join them in the conference room. Linda, our two guys, are special forces snipers with extensive rap sheets, and they are both snipers. We want to bring in the FBI on the phone to show them what we have and make sure they can put them away for a while. I would suggest telling him
that we believe the money came from the bank account of a family member and let him get the warrant.
We only have 4 hours before Tom is supposed to meet with Janice. With a straight face, Linda says maybe Tom wants to delay this for a while then. I am not a lesbian, but I think I could be for her. They all laugh. OK, I will get someone high up on the phone right now.
Ten minutes later, Linda has the local bureau chief on the phone with everyone. Linda has sent evidence on what they have. The Chief is friendly, what is it with you guys. Trouble seems to gravitate toward you. You must be doing something right. You have enough for a list of crimes. We can have a team there in an hour without spooking them. Good work to all of you.
David receives a message, both guys have slipped their tails. David tells Alby and Joe to get out there now. Both snipers have slipped their tails. Tom has two newbies on him. Make sure the room to each side is clear, have someone check-in to another room in the hotel and move Tom to that room asap.
Janice is blown, warn everyone and have everyone check-in with their code. Is there a heliport on the roof? Adam says we have both their cell phones, and I am tracking them. They are headed for the airport, and they just booked flights for Washington.
David “roger that Adam did you hear that Chief.
Chief “got it” I have a team on their way, they are 10 minutes away. Do we know which rental car agency?
Adam “national.”
OK, it would be great to get them there, but we won’t count on it.
David “Joe and Alby, make sure Toms curtains are drawn. This could be all a show to throw us off.