by Danny Dunn
Tom speaking, “a digitized voice starts speaking, and Tom hangs up on the call and smiles at Zaria. The phone rings again, and Tom answers again, “when you have the balls to speak in a real voice, you call me.” Tom hangs up again. The caller messages Tom “Ernie Buyers” Tom tells Zaria he needs to take a personal call, and then he messages Zaria and shows Zaria the name Ernie Buyers, who he supposedly killed.
The caller calls back, and Tom Answers. In the digitized voice, “We have your box.” All we want is for you to drop out of the race.” Then we will send this back to you. Tom tells the caller to tell your democrat loser of a candidate to stick it.
The caller says, “wrong guess asshole “if you show up to the debate, my client will present what they have to the world, and then you will have way bigger problems than just not becoming president. Up to you.” And the caller hangs up. Tom calls Zaria’s room and tells her he doesn’t feel well and that he is going to get some sleep.
Everyone on Tom’s floor closes their curtains. Everyone on Tom’s team makes a call to the front desk, notifying them they are checking out early. Tom makes a couple of calls as well and calls Zaria into his room and tells her he has decided not to run. Zaria is quiet and tells him that she understands and tells him he did well.
Two hours before the debate is to start, they all get into the elevator, and all are somber. They stop one floor down, and there is another bot dressed like Zaria and a bot made to look like Tom, who enters the elevator and hands Zaria the key to their room as Tom and Zaria get out and go to the room. The exit the elevator as a group and head straight for the cars. The team crowds around the two and get them into the car, and then they climb into the other cars.
Tom and Zaria wait until they know they have just enough time to get to the university. They go out the back door where they have a plain rental car waiting for them, and they hop in and smile at each other and at their driver. The word is out that Tom is dropping out, but no one has released why. It is much to the advantage to keep that quiet at this point. The press is all over the story that Tom is dropping out. The two of them must push their way to the door. They enter with a loud ruckus, and Tom makes his way to the front. The president walks over and shakes his hand and tells him to announce he is dropping out, or she will bury him. Tom tells her she doesn’t have the balls to do it. That pisses her off, and she walks away.
The lights dim, and the moderator asks everyone to quiet down, please.
The room goes quiet, and the moderator lays out the rules and tells tom that before he arrived, they drew straws and that he will be the last to make an opening statement.
The democratic candidate goes on about several things but slams Tom for almost backing out. Is this the kind of president we want. Will Tom quit when things get tough. The Democrat announced he is unveiling his new platform and welcomes Tom’s voters and candidates, and together they can all move forward when Tom is apparently leaving off.
The president is next. It recently came to my attention that Tom is not at all the knight in shining armor he has portrayed himself to be. I have evidence in my possession that Tom Wilson was driving drunk when hit and killed a man 8 years ago in New Mexico. I also have evidence that Tom Michaels, hid over $5 billion in US funds to avoid paying taxes on that $5 billion. Tom blurts out that all that is nothing but unsubstantiated lies, and there is no proof of it. The president reaches for her podium and holds up the stack of documents she says its proof that Tom is a murderer, and tax cheat, and a fraud. Liar Tom says.
Tom asks the president, “another mountain of evidence, Madam president? Are you going to submit this one or pull the same old tricks as the last president tried to do with Pong?
The moderator asks to see the evidence Tom says no, and that single objection by Tom causes the president to think “ah we got him,” and it causes the President to hand the documents to an usher who walks the documents to the moderator. Cameras are clicking and flashing, the room is electric, and the president looks over at tom and smiles, and Tom looks down and takes a big breath.
The president adds that she has one more piece of evidence that was sent to her just yesterday by an anonymous source. She plays the recording of Tom talking to an unknown person on the other side of the phone. Tom can pull all the Tom Foolery he wants, but this is his voice.
The President is going on and on about honesty and trust and honor as the Moderator reads the documents. The president has used up her allotted time for her opening remarks.
The moderator looks up and says, Mr. Wilson. This is very damaging evidence, but I guess it is your time to make your opening remarks. Tom says that since the president got to present materials and has been allowed 6 and ½ minutes, I will do so as well. Tom hands and usher a set of papers with holes punches in them, and Zaria brings up an electronic easel.
The usher brings the documents with lots of holes punched in them, and each one has the first few words that match the first words of the document it fits over. The first words on each overlay match the first words of the document it lays over. When you place the punched document over the document president handed forth the words that show through specify that on the day of 4 days ago, this document was created to catch the spies that were wiretapping Toms hotel rooms.
Tom begins his opening statement.
Two days ago, as our team checked into our rooms, one of our very astute agents saw a tiny laser dot on the window of my hotel room. She is an ex FBI, and at first, she thought it was a gun laser. She reported it to David, who is the one who ran the US and UK forces, which you may recall, and he rented 4 rooms in the four corners of our hotel facing the other hotel across from us. We found this man (a pic goes up of him in a room), He was shooting a laser at my room, and that laser was picking up our voices in my room bouncing it over to the other room where these two men were staying with a large parabolic mic.
Tom shows an infrared pic and video that includes the laser beam in full. Here is a picture of it at night from my room (a very cool looking pic comes up of the laser hitting the glass and bouncing off to the other room. And then this man (a pic of the other room with the large parabolic reflector comes up on the easel)
So, we rented the two rooms next to their two rooms and started recording them. While that was happening, David’s team came up with our plan, which was to make up two stories, which were the hit and run and the Tax evasion stories. David’s team planned all the backup support to each story, and we manufactured the box, which has a transmitter built into it, and they gave me the GPS coordinates for me to say over the phone for them to hear. Then Tom plays the tape again of him talking to someone on the other side of the phone.
While we are on this, to be sure that everyone understands we intended for them to hear that call David’s group embedded what sounds like noise. However, if you slow it down to 1/100th of actual time and then play it backward, and you get this. As Tom turns to the screen, he comments that yes, David’s team members are Beatles fans.
The easel plays a digital video analyzer, and it slows down the recording and then reverses it, and he turns up the audio. You can hear the Pongettes singing gotcha, gotcha, gotcha in the background while the others sing, we All work no play makes jack a dull boy.
Tom says, sorry, Jack, they like to have fun at this stuff and laughs.
Then in response to this message, this is what we heard their room.
George “We hit the motherload Lewis, we are flying to Albuquerque and will have our hands on some box this idiot has buried in the desert. You can tell the president this guy is toast. We can make him bow out, or he goes to jail.
Tom plays the tape of them talking to the boss. Lewis runs a Republican PAC in Washington, DC. We captured his phone number with a drone that was flying over the top of them. Tom shows their car, and guess what, Lewis called a number at the White House. From there, that person called another white house number, but unfortunately, we were not able to link that directly to the president, but w
e are working on it.
What I do know is that the president has the originals that were in the box that we planted just 3 hours ago. So, the President can now stand over there and pretend all she wants that she knows nothing about any of this other than an anonymous source, but anyone with a brain can see that it is just business as usual over there. But the fact is that this is the same bullshit the last president was doing. I guess she was paying close attention.
We received calls last night by a digitized voice, and Tom looks over at the president who was telling us to drop out or else. To protect our people, we had everyone else leave, and Zaria and I got here by car without my detail. Everything I have just stated is now on our website. By the way, the drunk driver was found years ago, we wrote the letters just days ago, and if you hold the punched papers over each document, you will see that they reference things that have just happened. We also fabricated the Swiss bank account statements. I have paid over $4.5 billion in taxes by the way and have paid every penny that was due.
So, since I couldn’t link the president directly to this. I must say that words like Honesty, Trustworthiness, and honor. Those are some big words for someone mixed up in these kinds of behaviors. Madam President, you best stick words you are familiar with like wiretapping, blackmail, corruption. So, since the president has plausible deniability, I guess it is going to remain a 3-person debate, so let's have fun with it. Let the games begin. Oh, I have just concluded my opening statement.
End Chapter 43
Chapter 44 – The Debate
With the president out of the way, Tom focuses on the Democrat, who only hopes is to try to convince the voters that because he is with an established party, they should vote for him because he is going to offer what Tom is offering.
Sure enough the first question to be asked of the Democrat was to turn it into his new platform which cherry-picks Tom’s plan and is filled with all the usual phrases that are designed to make you believe that all of the sudden both parties are going to have big kumbaya sessions and put my platform right to work. Tom has a big smile on his face as the democrat speaks.
The moderator turns to the president and asks her the same question, which had to do with climate change. The president does the same thing as the Democrat and goes on and on about the new platform, changing the balance to favor the voters but mentions nothing specific. Tom Smiles.
The moderator turns to Tom. Tom turns to the democrat and says, “I appreciate that you like parts of my plan, and I am flattered, I really am. But my platform is all or nothing, and I would appreciate it if you would not steal just the pieces that are convenient for you. And madam president both of you just ducked a very important question to announce you are going to steal parts of my platform.
To answer your question, madam moderator. Thinking that having an industrial economy and being nice to the planet is one or the other proposition is just wrong. Trashing our planet in the name of progress is just plain ignorant. Trashing the planet that your kids, your grandkids, and your great-grandkids will live in so that you can have more profits today is just so selfish.
What makes changing our ways difficult is that we set the wrong course decades ago, and now it is a challenge to right our course. We can do it, but we just need the right leadership to decide to change course.
The fact is that our planet is sick, and we need to treat it better than we are, or we may reach a point where our planet’s illness is terminal. That is how I see it and how I would address the issue.
The college crowd in the auditorium goes nuts. They stand up and applause and won’t shut up when they are shushed. Tom smiles and nods his head yes and claps for them.
Moderator “Tom, you have been at the center of a lot of controversy with having aliens as part of your family. How will you address the concerns that you will be taking their advice if you are elected president?
Moderator, have you read the poles? Before this debate, I was 25 points ahead of these two who’s big strategies seem to be to copy my ideas and to have me assassinated and bug my rooms to blackmail me into leaving the race. I am surprised that is really your question, but ok, let me give it a go. Tom looks into the camera. Ladies and gentlemen in a very short time since the telescope I personally funded found Pong, she has captured the terrorist of the worst attack in our history and saved over 900,000 lives in the UK, and her thank you was to attempt to frame her.
Her sister Zaria 3 just drilled over 5,000 wells in the Sudan, where tens of thousands were dying due to a drought. They captured over 1,000 rebels who were attacking Zaria 3’s team. Their goal was to kill the villagers, steal the drilling machines, and steal their land.
Pong’s other Sister Zaria 2 is building an island where the sole purpose of that island is to support a civilization of people from our race that will survive any event that may inflict our planet.
Zaria 4 has come up with a new kind of battery that is so planet-friendly.
This brings us to my manager Zaria, who is the Zaria in the movie that just broke box office records. Zaria single-handedly built an Island that saved 700,000 of their biological beings, single-handedly saved the lives of the 55,000 beings that survived their war, virus, and asteroid strike.
So, anyone who questions me taking advice from 5 beings who are telling you who they are with their actions then… well, I would say that you need to re-evaluate your thinking.
If it were not for her mother’s help in catching the first pair of assassins, I would probably be dead so that these two could stick with their empty promises. If it were not for Zaria, the president’s PAC would have bugged my rooms freely for our entire stay. So, to answer your question, I say to the American people that as long as Pong, Zaria, and her family are my family, I will listen to them, and I promise to the American voters that I am the one running. If I look or act like a puppet tonight, don’t vote for me.
But if what you see is an intelligent, thoughtful, articulate candidate with good ideas for fixing our very corrupt and lopsided government, vote for me and know that I will take us in the right direction starting with voting. And I will end with this.
If you are thinking that they had input on fixing the election laws, the answer is yes. If you want to know if they had input about making it illegal for our politicians to benefit from using the information, they learn at their job to profit from that information. The answer is yes. Think about that for a second. A senator or congressman can not only buy stocks of a company they know will soon benefit from a vote they are voting on, but they can actually sway their buddies to vote their way for exchange for future votes of their buddies. I have the financials of every congressman and senator in our government. Folks, this one clause, is why they are willing to borrow billions to be elected.
Ask yourself, why is that fair for them and not us? Did you vote for that? If you got to vote would you have said sure, that sounds good to me and voted yes?
Do the Zarias support my ideas for reducing campaign contributions and shutting down the PAC, yes.
If you vote for me, I will fix voting. I will make it easy to vote, the long lines will disappear, the cockeyed district gerrymandering of the districts will be fixed, and whoever gets 51% of the vote wins. And by the way, their claim of voter fraud is fraudulent. It is nonsense. When someone shows an ID, gets retina scanned, and thumb printed, it is them. When they try to claim voter fraud is a problem, have them show you the data. They can find it on my website. The much bigger problem is what they are doing to our voting process. What good is any of this if the politicians determine who votes, who the votes count for, and spend their time finding ways to make voting impossible for the poor and less fortunate.
Moderator “this Question comes from a student in from tonight’s audience. And Tom, it is your turn to go first. With the rising costs of education, many students are forced to take out high-interest loans to attend better colleges. How would you address this overwhelming problem?
There was the S&L sca
m, then there was the Mortgage scam, and now the same players have all gotten together to work the latest scam.
Here is how it happened. The banks hired lobbyists to go to the politicians and say, hey, we have a great idea. We want to make huge loans to students who have no collateral, so what we need is for you to make college loans not dischargeable in the case of bankruptcy.
Tom names off the list of debts that are not dischargeable in bankruptcy
Debts that you left off your bankruptcy petition unless the creditor actually knew of your filing;
Many types of taxes
Child support or alimony;
Fines or penalties owed to government agencies;
Student loans;
Personal injury debts arising out of a drunk driving accident;
Debts arising out of tax-advantaged retirement plans;
Condo or cooperative housing fee debts;
Attorneys’ fees for child custody or support; and
Criminal restitution and other court fines or penalties.
Note that there are only two debts in that very short list that are not dischargeable, and they are both debts to banks. The others are taxes, child support, and lying. What? Really.
On my website, you can see a chart that shows student loans and the cost of tuition the moment the law was put into place. If it were a stock, you would love it because it more than doubles in ten years.
Now the banking lobby is pushing for the government to lower how much they will loan so that the student will have to go to a nonfederal bank to borrow what they need to get their undergraduate degrees.
Once the colleges caught wind that there is more money to be spent and had, they started to increase their prices.
So, what needs to happen is for those laws to be reversed. Then the federal government needs to offer low-interest loans. This is not so easy to fix when our government is spending as much money, we are spending on everything else. So, I have to be honest, this isn’t going to get fixed until a lot of areas are fixed. Personally, my goal would be for all education to be free or very low cost and not a luxury for the rich. But again, how our politicians have spent our money is a train wreck, and a lot has to happen before low-cost education can become a reality.