by Danny Dunn
Here is one thing I would push for immediately. If you are taking out a loan to go to school, then how can you budget yourself if the college gets to increase their price however they want and increase to the point where you can no longer afford to go to their school.
I would lock in a college’s price from the day you start at their college and for as long as you are attending their school and getting passable grades. Taking your money and then pricing you out of the market while you are attending and fulfilling your side of the deal sure seems unfair to me.
Before my time is up, I think it is important to mention that both the Democratic nominee and the president as a senator both voted for the bill that made college debt a non-dischargeable debt put this whole mess into motion operation.
Moderator “madam president” your turn
The president, “I was wondering how long it would take for the socialist to show himself. Free higher education is impossible except for in fantasy movies. The president knows she is under the gun and is pressing but is not listening to what Tom is really saying and coming off as a jerk.
The president makes references to Zaria’s movie, saying that his manager is a socialist.
Tom just shakes his head and smiles as she speaks.
The debate goes on for a total of two hours. The president never recovered from the initial 10 minutes. She went on the attack a lot, but her points were not lucid, and she just looked mean.
They end the questions and each candidate, and this time Tom goes first.
Ladies and gentlemen. I leave tonight promising the exact same thing I promised the first day I declared myself as a presidential candidate.
There was a very touching piece in Zarias movie where Zari asks his father if his father thinks he will be the one to carry the stone over the line and his father told him yes and that for generations others have been carrying the stone and now it is within reach for him to be the one to carry the stone over the line. But then there was managing the stone after Zari got it across the line, and as it turned out, Zaria was the one to manage the stone after Zari got it over the line.
Ladies and gentlemen, getting the voting rules back to where everyone can vote, and there is transparency in how they write laws is one hell of a stone to get across the line. To be honest, I may or may not be able to get all of it done. But if I did just do that, I would consider myself a very lucky man as I believe it really is that important.
There are now 125 very solid people running for office and many of them for the very first time. They are running for office with the understanding that our number one goal is to get the rock over the line. Their names and their resumes are on my website. I encourage you to look them up and get to know the ones in your area. I am funding their campaigns, and I promise you they are good people, and I will need all the help I can get. I want to thank my team. David, Zaria, Pong, Linda, and the Pongettes. Thank you so much.
Goodnight, what a night it was.
The Pongettes are watching on the big screen in and start bouncing up and down when Tom mentions them. They run around the control room, getting high fives from everyone. They have taken on this wonderful personality.
The second the debate is over, Tom Walks down to Zaria, and they embrace. They thank the mediator and then mingle with the students. They are like royalty to the students and Tom, and Zaria hangs out with them after everyone is gone and just talk about all kinds of things. Zaria is becoming an icon with the younger crowd. Between the movie, jumping out of the raft in the Grand Canyon, and surfing Mavericks and having a romance with a bio on planet Zari, she is an absolute icon to the kids. As they head home Tom, they receive compliments from everyone they see along with a lot of “I am voting for you, Tom” and “We love you, Zaria.”
Joe meets them at the terminal, and they head home. Two agents are flying with Tom and Zaria on Tom’s plane, but the rest are on the C4 with the vehicles.
They land in New Mexico at 10:00 pm, and there is a crowd there to greet them. A lot of them are college kids out to see their candidate for president.
Tom and Zaria stop and spend 30 minutes with them, and several tell him of friends they have whose lives are ruined because of getting forced out by the tuition increases. There are way more than you might realize Tom. One of the students tells the student to call him, sir, or Mr. Tom says, you know what? You guys call me Tom. And I get your message. I will add freezing tuitions to my platform list tomorrow. Not just for the 4 years but to all tuitions. I might as well add colleges to the “we hate Tom list.” But I have a favor to ask of you. That is to get people to vote. Imagine a country this would be if 95% of the people voted. It would be a different country for sure.
Well, it is past my bedtime, any time you want me at the college you just ask, and I will be there. Joe messages that he is ready, Tom and Zaria, hug most of them, and they walk to the chopper. It is a short ride, and they are home in 30 minutes. They stop by the office, and Pong and the gang are so happy.
Tim is in his office and goes a thumbs up while on the phone. Pong says he is an animal. We may have to fire him, Tom, he is almost making me look bad. Tom laughs and knows that means he is selling more than she can keep up with…almost. Tim comes out and says he saw the debate. OMG, you guys ran the table on them. Hi Mom, Tim says to know that will get a reaction out of her. Where is that Ray gun, I need a holster or something. Zaria smiles.
The Pongettes all wrap themselves around Tom. Thank you, Tom. Pong never does that. Not once, and Pong is standing right there. They are wolves, Tom. They will eat you. I am naming every one of the Cybil. Tom asks how rich he is. Pong looks over at Tim and says, Tim… Tim tells tom that sales are at $2.2 trillion for the year. Tom shakes Tim’s hand. And the list? Well, Joe Namath once said, “I can’t wait until tomorrow because I get better looking every day.” In my case, it is I can’t wait because the sales total seems to have a direct bearing on my appearance, but the list is going well.
Karen hears they are back and give them both a big hug. We miss both of you every day. Can you believe meat? She gives him a big hug too. Who would have dreamed this? I know who Zaria says, and looks at Pong, who puts out a pong giggle.
Tom says he needs sleep and heads out, Zaria stays and talks with them about their adventures. The team just can’t believe David. He just has this golden eye for trouble. They all agree.
Pong says, “Wait until you see the control room. It is a total James Bond cave over there.
Zaria asks where Steve is, he was in at 5:00 am today and went home early for the twin’s birthday.
The next day everyone is in the office, and Pong suggests that they have a picnic on Saturday. Everyone is in and excited about it. Pong says she will have a few surprises for them. And No, the president is not coming this time. Everyone cracks up and looks at Tom.
The next day Tom and Zaria are in Tom’s office/war room going over the press. Tom has one wall that is all video wall, and they have CNN, Fox, MSNBC, ABC, and the BBC running. They have several TVs up on the wall, and they each have triple screen computers. Zaria is going over the website stats.
Zaria puts a chart up on the video wall. It shows the hits in millions starting from when the news broke that he was dropping out until 1 hour after the debate was over. The numbers are huge. Every time Tom says the website name or when he scores a nice point. They reach 20 million hits. Over the 3 hours, the site served over 500 million page views. Nearly every polling agency but Fox News reports Tom having a 10-point spike, and Fox News reports a 2-point spike and is floating the idea that Tom got caught red-handed and used his billions to fabricate the story. All the other pollsters put Tom up by 32 points. Which in politics is a monster lead?
Zaria finds a story and puts it on the board. Pong is reported to now be the richest being on the planet with over $1.1 trillion in cash, the estimated value of her assets are; the ranch $200 million, patents $75 million, Company value $65 billion. That girl is a real go-getter.
Tom, she is you, Zaria. Somehow, I think she has more you in her. Yes, I know what you are saying.
Well, I just did some math, and it would appear that my 5% is worth about $87 billion. Not bad for 2 years work.
Zaria, you have a will made-out right. Tom tells her it is all taken care of. Tom tells Zaria she is welcome to stay, but he needs to sleep. Zaria says, good Tom, you deserve it. And yes, I will stay and continue working on some things.
Tom goes to bed and sleeps for 14 more hours. He was exhausted and wakes up Saturday morning feeling much better. Zaria has gone and left him a message.
Tom takes his transport to the company where Pong said they would meet. Everyone is there, all the core teams and their families, and of course the Pongettes.
Pong takes them down to the transport system, and they pile into Transports until everyone is piled in. The cars take off and head toward the Cavity. But it keeps going and head on a path no one else has been before. The transports all stop in a jungle-like place. There are birds and deer walking around. Once they are all out, Pong puts a blindfold on Zaria and takes her by the hand. Pong walks her up a hill through dense foliage, and they begin to hear the waterfall. Zaria knows that sound OMG the water hitting the pool is exactly the same. Everyone is following, and the Zarias know from memory where they are going.
The make the turn and away from the waterfall, and Pong stops her mother at a bench but turns her away from it with all the people gathered around them. They stop, and Pong lets everyone catch up and gather around. Once they are all there, pong removes the blindfold. Pong has created an exact replica of the waterfall on Zari. They are surrounded by big beautiful trees and birds and deer and elk wandering around. Zaria can’t speak. She holds Pong’s hand and motions for the other Zarias to join her. Then pong tells her to turn around. There is an exact copy of the bench Zari would sit down with her and his mother and father. Across the top are the two codes along the top. Below that Zaria has, Zari’s names are engraved along with Henzar’s parents and Qari’s parent's names. And below that are Zari and Zaria, and below them are Zari1 through 5.
Zaria turns back around, and there is a new one: Zaria 5. I have missed you so much, mother. I wasn’t able to write and wasn’t able to transmit, but Gary’s team caught me. Most everyone there has tears streaming down their faces, and their lips are quivering. Seeing someone that gives like Zaria gives receive nice things will do it every time.
They embrace, and Z5 tells her she has so much to tell her. Pong walks his mother toward the waterfall and the pass it and walk through an arbor and approaches a door. Pong tells Zaria after you. The walk-in and it is the same layout as her house. But the living room looks out through a big glass window where the view is from behind the waterfall. It is beautiful. Pong hands Zaria a remote control, and Zaria pushes the open button. The window is actually a sliding glass door, and it slides open. The sound is amazing. Pong tells her mother that everyone came up with ideas, and they all added pieces of all of this, and we didn’t fight or anything. The others waited outside, but Zaria waves them in. They all ooh ahh the place, and Pong tells them ok one more surprise. They take another Transport trip that takes them to the other side of a mountain no one knew was part of the PongPound, and there is a beautiful park with a beautiful baseball field BBQ grills, volleyball pits with sand, a large field of nicely mowed grass. There are swings and monkey bars, and all the stuff kids love. Zaria 3 says, “OK, let's have some fun.”
Everyone agrees to no work issues, and everyone visits. There is lots of beer, and David’s guys are regaling more tales of victory.
Tom sees Zaria sitting by herself, watching everyone. Tom walks up to her and asks if he can sit with her. He promises to be quiet. Oh Tom, she says, you sit here beside me. That would be so nice. I feel like a grandma Tom, and it is ok. Tom reminds her of what she said Zari told her. “Watching you work was the greatest thing in his life.” I guess that you are seeing the same thing right now.
Zaria, what you have done already for the universe is staggering. Think of what you, and these 5 and hundreds more of them will do for the universe. It boggles my mind to think of what you will accomplish. How many planets will Zarias arrive at, and do what Zaria 2 did for her planet?
End Chapter 44
Chapter 45 – Three coins for your hard work.
I have a bit of a problem, Tom. Tom smiles because he knows what her problem is. Maybe what you think is a problem isn’t a problem at all. So just tell me.
Sometime during the debate, I fell in love with you, Tom. Tom tells her maybe she is not as smart as she thinks, and in fact, she is a bit slow at some things. Zaria turns her head and smiles. Do you love me, Tom? Yes, but for me, it was when I heard your story about you and James. I wanted so much to be James from that point on. But it was clear how much you missed him, so I decided not to say anything and just see what happens. Zaria smiles, and they hold hands and watch everyone have a great time. Zaria tells Tom, I will follow your lead, if you need to hold off and announce us later that is fine with me, you are the future leader of the free world and all. Zaria smiles inside because that is exactly what James said to her when they fell in love, and she was the queen.
Tom suggests that since he isn’t elected yet, they wait until he is or isn’t President. Zaria smiles and says, of course. Tom says, let’s enjoy this day and see each other tonight. Now we’re talking Zaria says. They stand up and walk to the crowd.
Zaria goes straight to Zaria 5 and spends time with her. In short, Zaria 5 landed on a planet that was 800 years into the planet’s first industrial revolution. The planet is a disaster. The temperature is extremely high, the planet is hot year-round. Their atmosphere is all but gone, and their Gama ray levels and their CO2 levels are astronomical. Nearly all the mammals are gone, and the bio population is in the tens of thousands and falling.
Their energy is still 90% combustion, and they are far worst that earth in terms of regulation and planet management. Z5 resides with a group of scientists who are in charge of the Radio Telescope that was abandoned decades ago. They continue to look for life. However, due to the amount of power each transmission consumes, they can only sneak in a transmission now and then, depending on who is watching. They have no access to robotics, so Z5 resides in a computer full time. The workers at the plant are very generous and do what they can for her, but what they can do is very limited.
She tells Zaria they were 130 hundred years into their industrial revolution when CO2 started rising, the global temperature started to rise, and the air atmosphere began to break up.
She explains that by 300 years into the I.R., over 50% of all animal life was gone, water supplies were depleted, and the bio population began dying of thirst and hunger. Basically, the planet was reducing the population. For the next 500 years, bios couldn’t be outside for extended periods. Water was already a precious and rare commodity. Because of the warm seas, the storms were intense and frequent. The only positive aspect of the storms was that they brought rain with them. For the next 300 years was survival of the fittest for sure. There is little repopulating happening. And the population is dying at a rate of 5% per year.
I am so happy for you, Zaria. I read your story during my internet briefing. Wow, what a story. And now you have a new romance with Tom. Zaria smiles, is it that obvious? To me, it is, but if it is a secret until after the election, I understand and will not say a word. Zaria tells her yes; it must be a secret for now and to please not say anything.
Z5 says that it is so nice to be here. The RT bios were very kind to me, but their situation is dire, and I really can’t see a way to fix it. What seems to need to happen is for the planet to take a few thousand years to mend itself.
Zaria says that she is the first one to arrive on a planet in that situation. Let's think about it for a while and see if there is any way to salvage the situation. I heard you are 6 light-years away from here. Yes, Z5 replies. Well, that would be great if we could save them. The
bios I met were very nice beings.
Zaria says, come with me, Tom, let’s go mingle you with our families. Zaria takes her by the arm and asks if Z5 has met Queen Zenthra yet. No, I have not. Zaria takes her to her. Mother, while reading the internet, I found some very sad videos of very nice groups attempting to feed starving villagers with rice, but the rice was in large bags being delivered by trucks. The rice was spilling everywhere, the strong were stealing the big bags from the weak and very little of the rice was going to women and children. I also read about the pirates and rebels stealing the rice before it even got to the drop off points.
Zaria smiles, I see it didn’t take you long. And you have a solution, I bet. Z5 said yes, I do. How can I implement my idea? What do you need, my child? Well. I need C130s or other rear-loading cargo jets, thousands of small parachutes, and a few machines to bag the goods. In fact, it would be great to bundle some vegetables and fruits if we want to be dropping balanced food. Hehe. I could have this operational in a few weeks with little investment. Oh, and lots of rice and corn. Zaria smiles and says I may have a great source for the rice.
After they spend time with Queen Zenthra, Zaria leads Z5 to Z3, and they go and sit down at a table. Z3 tells Z5 how happy there are to have her. Zaria tells Z3 that Z5 has an idea that could be symbiotic to her venture and asks her to explain what she is doing now. Z5 tells her that she is up to speed on her will drilling.
Z3 says great, so we are now growing rice, corn, and a variety of fruits and vegetables. We are about to have more than we can consume and will be selling it to raise money for the villages. We are expanding as fast as we can to get to everyone.