Queen Zaria Trilogy
Page 71
The drone reaches a hotel with several network vans with their telescopic microwave antennas. The droids fly a couple of drones to the front door and wait for a person to open the door. When some walk through the door, the drones fly in. They fly up to the registration desk and tell them they have an urgent message from pong and would like to speak to as many reporters as possible. The clerks say cool and start calling the reporter’s rooms.
In DC, Michael has positioned his team in the flight path, looking for more RPGs. In the distance, Alby sees a group of droned heading toward Airforce One. Holy shit, Alby is looking through the binoculars and sees that it is a group of drones with a carbon fiber cloth. Get the drones up now, he says. Michael is talking to the Pongettes, and the drones make a beeline for the attacking drones. The video is streaming back to pong and to the drones at the hotel with the press. Joe tells the Pongettes to hit as many as you can on one side, the plane can fly on one engine.
They get all but a couple on the close side and none on the other side. The left engine fails immediately. The other engine seems to have made it. The plane immediately veers left and to circle around. Inside the plane, the secret service is preparing the president for evacuation via ejection in his ejection pod. There is a special module in the plane design specifically for this situation. The pilot is holding altitude, and the left engine is running.
The speaker is on his way to the House and on his way when an RPG hits the Speaker’s SUV, and everyone inside is killed.
Michael stays focused on the shooter and sees them piling back into a van. He tells the Pongettes to follow the van and to anticipate them splitting up and to put multiple drones on each guy.
Airforce one is lining up with the runway when the only running engine fails. Airforce 1 is gliding and will make the runway. The wheels are down, and all is looking good
The reporters are watching the news, but figure pong has something to say about it, and they head down. Once there are several reporters, Pong asks them to prepare to transmit. The video techs head to the trucks, they turn on the generators, send up the antennas, and give the go signal.
Michael Joe and Alby, and four Pongettes are in the van at full speed toward the van. The Pongettes are telling Michael when to turn, and they are closing in the on the can that is trying to keep a low profile. The van pulls up to a black car, and two guys get out and put some things into the truck. The Van pulls away, and Michael confirms that they are on it. As soon as the van is out of site, Michael gasses it and comes to a screeching halt next to the attackers with three guns aimed at them. They put their hands up. Michael tells them to Alby and the four drones to handle this, taser ‘em, bag ‘em in the trunk and drive toward the airport slowly.
Michael and Joe catch up to the van, and they wait until there is a stoplight. Michael pulls up alongside them, and Michael and Joe aim their guns at them, and the assassins speed away. Michael tells the Pongettes to pop their tires. The Pongettes pop the two front tires. Then the back two.
The car comes to a halt. The two men come out blasting, and the Pongettes taser all four of them.
Michael and Joe toss them into the trunk. Michael locks up the van, and they head back to the airport.
The reporters have the cameramen get shots that include the drones. They each do their intro and then aim the mic at the drone. Pong's voice comes on and tells them she will answer questions after the message.
The drones transmit the files to the reporters over Wi-Fi, and then they play the recorded call with the president.
After the recorded message and the phone call end Pong adds that what the president didn’t see was that the General and the speaker has decided to cut the general out. As Pong is speaking, they hear several massive explosions. The military has begun their attack on us, she says from inside the cavity. They just blew up our control room, Tom’s residence, Wills residence. Oh my, she says, they just hit my mother’s house. But actually, pong detonated the bomb 500 feet over the control room.
There is silence for a moment.
Every network is playing the call between the president and pong, and it is clear that the General and the Speaker fooled the president. A C130 flies over and releases 60,000 killer bee drones out the back door. One tower raises up and starts killing the bees at 10 per second. They attack the tower, but their explosive is not strong enough to kill the tower, the tower is killing them as they attack it. Within a couple of minutes, the killer bee drones are all killed. Another plane comes by with a new laser cannon and is about to fire on Pong’s laser canon that is killing the bees when a second tower raises up and kills their cannon. Pong raises up a second tower and knocks out their laser cannon that killed the first tower and lowers back down. The general is on a plane and is most of the way to the compound.
One of the drone pilots messages the general that the target seems to have a laser cannon. It just killed our 60,000 drones and our laser cannon. Drop a couple of neutron bombs on them then. Two fighter jets hang a right and start their attack pattern. They are flying at 10,000 feet. Pong tells David she hates to kill American soldiers, and if they stay at 10,000 feet, she can ignite the bombs once the fighters are away safely.
The two jets release their bombs at 10,000 feet. Pong waits 3 seconds so that the bomb won’t kill the pilots. The crowd of reporters watching from the hotel sees two massive explosions in the sky. And the two pilots eject from their planes.
Pong announces that Tom and Will are both dead and that they surrender.
The General wants pong dead and doesn’t accept their surrender. How the hell are they still transmitting? And where the hell is Pong? Drop everything we have in the area and then send in the ground troops to kill Pong and every Alien you can find.
Two bombers fly over, and each drops 20 high explosive bombs. We said we surrender, but you order more bombs general. OK then.
The same tower is up and hits the bottom bombs, which set off nearly all of them. The tower picks off what is left.
Then 6 F18s coming in at 3000 feet and pong hit their engines while they are on their approach every pilot has to bail and their planes crash.
Zaria gets on, General, you heard my daughter surrender, you have attacked us without provocation, and your continued attack after we have surrendered is nothing short of murder, sir.
Michael, Joe, and Alby enter the private terminal, and Joe gets the plane ready.
A sheriff’s car pulls up to the plane. The sheriff gets out and says that he was asked to help out with the president being attacked and all. Michael says that yeah, that was scary. The sheriff grins and wants to make sure Betty and Wilma don’t come jumping out. They would never attack a sheriff, sir, and smile. Well, everything looks good here. I don’t think I need to see the trunk, do I? No, sir, Michael says. As the sheriff is walking away, there is thumping in the trunk. The sheriff turns and tells Michael that maybe he is using cheap gas. Michael smiles and says, yes, sir. The sheriff leaves. Alby opens the trunk and tasers them all again. They toss them in the plane and taxi out to the runway and take off.
God, I hope we don’t get shot down. This plane must be on the most wanted list by now. I am running out of caves, Michael says.
The General ordered his men to send in a red team and kill the aliens. I am going there myself.
A platoon of vehicles crashes through the gates and drive the half-mile to the company. Everything is still intact, and there is no one there. The Platoon leader tells everyone to keep an eye out. They are here somewhere he says.
In the underground transport, both ends of the control center terminal are closed off. There are three steel doors between the control center and the cavity tunnel. It will take a while for the military to figure it out and to dig down to the tunnel or to break down the doors.
Joe tells Michael and Alby that when they reach the Albuquerque airspace, it is going to draw attention. Plus, I wasn’t kidding about getting shot down. We should find a way to lay low and interrogate our prisone
rs and get them on record.
Michael agrees. They decide to call the DC sheriff and ask for help. Howdy sheriff. Well, hello, Michael, something tells me you are smack dab right in the middle of all this. Michael says that yes, sir. Joe, I, Alby, Betty, and Wilma are all on a plane and need a safe place to land near Dallas. The sheriff tells him there is a small county west of Fort Worth. He says his brother is the sheriff there, can you make it to their son. Michael says, yes, sir, as long as we don’t get shot down. The sheriff tells him the name of the airport.
My brother will be there waiting for you. Do you have guests on the plane with you? Michael tells him, yes sir, we have four passengers. We need to hide a few days. OK, then I will set it up. I was really sad to hear that Tom and Will were killed. Tom would have made a great president. I didn’t know that, sir. How did they say he died? Pong said on the TV that he was killed when they bombed his house. Michael tells the Sheriff not to fret too hard then, sir. Copy that the sheriff says. You guys take care, Michael. These desperate people you are dealing with, and they have way too much power. Michael says thanks for everything, sir.
David and pong watch through a multitude of video cameras as the military search the property. The platoon leader reports to the General, Sir, there is no one here. There are no bodies anywhere.
The Generals plane lands on Pong's airstrip. There is a jeep waiting for him, and it takes him to the command center. I thought they bombed this building. We did, sir, but the bomb detonated 500 feet up. The general looks around and walks down to the transport system.
Pong and the whole team are watching. Is anyone thinking what I am thinking?
Yes, David says, “we catch this bastard right now.” There are soldiers everywhere watching for movement.”
Pong says that we can send out a team of bots right to the door, then we send drones over the hill and taser everyone working our way down to the general. We just take the general. And we have our first prisoner.
David says, “that sounds good to me.” Pong sends the transport out slowly, the Pongettes send 500 drones to the backside of the closest hill, and they wait for orders.
The general orders that they blow the door. The cowards are hiding in the tunnel. Let’s smoke ‘em out. The soldier runs out to the truck to get some C4. David sees the soldier is getting C4, we need to go in now. Pong order the drones to attack the drones taser everyone in the truck everyone near the place everyone near the control room and then work their way in the control room. The door is closed, so they shoot a window with a tire popper and 20 or so drones fly in. The drones fly down to the transport room and taser the soldiers and the general. The transport door opens, and the bots run out, grab the general, pull the general to the transport, and close the door. They throw the general into the transport and back it out through the next set of doors, closing the other two doors after backing through each one.
David has the bots show him where the cave is, and Michael is right. No one would ever find it. They take the prisoner out of the cave and move him to a section cave that is closed off, they chain him to the transport track and close the door. They taser the general again and chain the general up like the other two were.
Joe lands at the small airport in West Texas and two sheriff vans are waiting for them.
They load the prisoners into the van and Michael, Joe, and Alby into an SUV.
The sheriffs are all very excited to meet Michael and his team. They give them the royal treatment. They do all the photo combinations. It is surreal, but it is a big deal to the Sheriffs, and they are saving Michael's butt.
After they are all done, Michael asks if they can spend time with the prisoners.
Pong sends more drones to the hotel because the batteries on the other were running low.
Pong sends out an update.
The sheriff tells Michael that pong is doing another update.
End Chapter 51
Chapter 52 – I Can See A Day
Michael, Joe, and Alby gather around the TV, and Michael records the message with his phone.
After we announced our surrender two times today, the General continued bombing and firing on my property today. Then less than an hour ago, the general and his men landed a plane on my property. The General and his men were searching through my office when we surprised them, tasered them all, and we placed the general under citizen’s arrest for trespassing, destruction of private property, attempted murder, Terrorism, attempted murder of the president of the united states and attempting a coo on the country. Here are some photos to prove we have him.
The sheriffs are clapping and cheering, and Michael and the guys are looking at each other, smiling. To the general's soldiers, I ask you to stand down. I have solid proof that your general was attempting a coo with the VP and the Speaker. They tried to steal my money, and they specifically bombed Toms and Will houses. Pong puts up more photos. Those photos are of our houses and are the only houses bombed.
No one has died yet on either side and implore the general's soldiers to just sit tight while we sort this all out. Michael, you know what I need.
Michael, Alby, and Joe head to the cell. Michael plays the video from this morning and then Pong's recent update. Just say you were acting under orders, and we are all good here.
The four prisoners talk. No betty and Wilma interrogations, right?
No, Tom will be president, and you will be treated very fairly.
OK, we have a videotape of the general telling us what to do and why, and he threatened us with a court Marshall if we didn’t do it. Michael asks where it is. In our bag.
Michael has Joe bring the bag out. The thumb drive is inside the zipper lock.
Michael pulls it off and sticks it on his laptop. We are happy
Michael sends the video to the website as a text message.
One of the guys asks Michael if the president is ok. Michael tells him he is alive and will be going to jail for a long time with the General.
Michael, Joe, and Alby go out front. Do you guys want to be on TV?
Let's do it the sheriff’s brother says.
30 minutes later, they hold a press conference and play the video of the General, basically blackmailing the 4 soldiers. The soldiers pack up and leave Pong's place. Michael asks if any of them know the sheriff in Albuquerque. The sheriff says yes, and he is a good ole boy you will love.
Michael talks to the sheriff and promises him the victory. Joe flies them to pongs. The sheriff picks up the four prisoners, and the General and Pong thanks them all and promises a BBQ soon.
Betty and Wilma walk up to the General, one makes a hand gesture to the face, and the general puts his hand up, and boom in the groin and down goes the general.
Mess with my mom, will you? Ha
All of the evidence makes the way to the front. The General, the Lobbyist company, and the assassins are all exposed and in jail.
Tom makes a dramatic and emotional speech at the compound about bravery, selflessness. Tom flies to the two sheriff departments and gives them medals for bravery. Tom puts David and his team up on stage for working day and night to defend freedom. Tom brings Zaria and Pong and Will up, and they all hold their hands up.
On election day, the country is electric. Voting is up in every county in the country. There are tailgate parties, sparklers, fireworks at sunset. College voters are more than doubled. Most of the democrats and republicans just stopped running during the last month of campaigning. The big contributors saw the end coming and stopped wasting their money. Voters bring coolers to sit on in the lines. But no one was complaining. News teams are in front of hundreds of voting locations interviewing voters, and they are ecstatic about the possibility of getting their country back.
Tom makes a dramatic and emotional speech at the compound about bravery and selflessness. He flies to the two sheriff departments and recognizes them and awards them for their bravery. Tom has David and his team up on stage for working day and night to defend freedom. Tom bring
s up Betty and Wilma up who have hit rock star status. Tom jokes about them, keeping their distance. Tom brings Zaria and Pong and Will up, and they all hold their hands up. All of the Zarias and the Queen Zenthra have flown home to celebrate Tom’s victory and join Tom on the stage.
Tom holds his election night at Zari University. There are 200,000 in attendance. The Fireworks start at 7:00 pm mountain time and continue through the night. The election numbers are overwhelming. Tom wins 85% of the popular vote. His party wins 75 of the 100 Senate seats and 90% of the house seats.
GNN Election night coverage
This is beyond historical. It is not hard to envision president George Washington being unhappy about what is happening on this historic day. Tom was relentless in his single-mindedness in making sure no one detoured him away from his platform for even a single minute. Even when bullets were flying, politicians and lobbyists were attempting to frame him and steal their money, his team was scrambling for their lives day and night to keep him from being assassinated, Tom and his running mate continued on with their message.
The president-elect. is about to make his acceptance speech, let's listen in.
At 9:00 pm mountain time, Tom makes his victory speech with Will and Zaria at his side. Tom thanks the American voters for supporting him and promises a new way of doing business.
On January 20, 2020, Will and I and the officials you have voted into office will start from day one, carrying the rock of freedom closer and closer to a new day.
I can see a new election day when candidates no longer enter office having already sold their souls and their allegiance to the wealthy in exchange for the millions the wealthy spent to get them elected.
I see a new day when voters can sit down at any computer and vote without having to wait hours in line.
I see a new day when a vote is a vote, and the precinct, region, or state is not configured, contorted, stretched, or chopped up to benefit the candidates or political parties.